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Found 6 results

  1. Hope this is posted in the correct section. We own a property which we rent out, there is a problem with the next door gable end as the rendering has been falling off and has been crashing down onto the kitchen roof of our property causing broken tiles. We have repaired this in the past but the problem has got much worse and now our tenants are suffering with water seepage. We have managed to contact the landlord of the next door property and even though he accepts (on telephone) that it needs addressing he has done nothing but offer excuses as to why he hasn't had it newly rendered. Our insurance say it is a civil matter which is fine, we would take him to court for any more expenses to repair the damage caused. We are good landlords and don't like our tenants having to live in a property that continually needs repairing because of the next door landlords refusal to accept his responsibility to maintain his property even though he has tenants living in it. The problem we think we may have is that he lives in the Isle of man, does anybody know if we can issue a claim in the county court or is there another procedure we must follow, one that hopefully doesn't involve costs that would outweigh the cost of repair? Of course we would expect him to also be liable for the cost of repair to our roof. thank you for reading
  2. Hi all, Just a bit of advice required my mother is getting letters and calls, most recent from PRA over my sons debt but he has not lived in the UK for over 2 years and lives in Riga, she has ignored the calls and returned the letters back to the collectors but some are failing to stop harrasing her. Even his credit report shows his address in Riga but they are still bugging a 75 year old woman who has none of the debts to her name. Any advice greatly appreciated
  3. I have been incredible stupid and continued to claim tax credits as a single parent when my partner has lived with me for several years. I am really ashamed and can't believe why I allowed myself to be so greedy and stupid. I have two kids from previous relationship and one with current partner . Current partner is on the mortgage and council tax as would not have got the house otherwise. I think it will be virtually impossible for me to prove he hasn't lived here all the time. The bills are in my name, but we have the mortgage and council tax in joint names. they have sent a letter saying they are looking at April 2014-2015 and the current year. I am beyond terrified that they will look at previous years and the overpayment will be massive as well as the fraud meaning will go to prison. I have an appointment at the CAB tomorrow. I want to fully admit that I was not entitled to claim for the time they have stated in their lette r and will offer to pay back in full if they will let me _ bank loan maybe? Should I come clean about previous years? I am making myself sick with worry - my partner had no idea I was doing this. Can anyone tell my what happened to them? I can't look my children in the eye and I am convinced I will be sent to prison.
  4. Hello Me and my partner are trying to gain control of our credit files we have a few debts that are now quite old but even after researching and looking through the site i'm still confused as to where to start. Any help would be much appreciated. I will post the alleged debts below Me DCA Orig Debtor Balance Date of Default Natwest 683 Dec 2012 Lowel Unknown 283 May 2011 Lowel Jd Williams 229 Oct 2011 Partner DCA Orig Debtor Balance Date of Default Hoist Portfolio Holiding Jd Williams 231 June 2011 Lowell Unknown 199 July 2011 Lowell Shop Direct 578 July 2011 I Just dont know where to start Thanks
  5. Thank for taking the time to read. The story below involves a serious case of Builder Breach of Contract/Fraud and Malcicious Damage. The location is East Cheshire. In May 2012 we employed the services of an Architect to design major extension plans for an existing bungalow. These were approved by the LPA in July 2012. By this time we had also employed a Structural Eng and Building control surveyor, all were local to the build. We were recommended a builder by our Architect firm after meeting numerous other builders and we decided to go with the Architects recommend. A contract of fixed price quote was agreed/drafted outling the works/plans/specifications/work programmed/payment schedules etc.... the build time was 26 weeks at a total cost of £193,000. The building works commenced early December 2012. Fast forwarding to April 2013. The builder without reason had walked off site, became uncontactable, left personal possession's on site. Now behind schedule and overpayments made for incomplete works (long story). He had left the property only 30% complete has been paid £85,000, £55,000 remaining, the balance to be paid to window company and personal allowance toward fixtures and fittings. May 2013, the builder was sighted working on his own property with the sub contractor's that were working on our site, still failing to make contact with us. Architect was not paid to oversee the works but as they were associated (recommended and proven business associates) with the builder we felt it their duty to liase, they washed their hands of the situation. With the builder now being away from site for inexcess of 21 days we eventually received an email stating he would not be returning to complete the works. Early one morning he removed his personal possessions, our paid for materials and left the property looking like a war zone. We have agreed to his termination and now hold him in repudiation (breach of contract). Unfortunately he hides behind a Limited company with NIL assest's. Further to this, we have since gained reports from the building surveyor who has written a report condemning the works undertaken by the builder. Also noted that the builder made nil contact with the surveyor for the past 3 months whilst major building works had taken place. To top it off we have now had a visit from an LPA Enforcement Officer suggesting "development in its entirety is unauthorised and in breach of planning control. Due to the builder having deviated from the approved plans without consent. I shan't go into detail of the deviations, but they are of massive consequence, both materially and financially. The builder has not only commited Fraud by taking monies for not completing works and suppling materials for which were agreed, but he is also in breach of contract by terminating the fixed price quote and agreement/contract of his own will. Along with now leaving the property in an unauthorised state by the LPA. The property was left unsafe, unsecure and parts of the roof are exposed to the elements thus causing major water ingress. It's now totally unihabitable, unsellable and unmortgageable. As mentioned, because the builder (Director) hides behind a worthless Limited Company I have been advised suing the company could be a waste of money. Right now, our lives are in tatter's, we are probably inexcess of £100,000 out of pocket (amount necessary to make right the wrong's and complete the extra to complete the project with another builder) and have a "cease work order" over the property by the LPA. We are not chasing sympathy just want to make people aware to be very very careful when it comes to major building works even if it's a builder from a recommend. As it stands we have all but lost strength to carry on let alone the retribution I want with the builder. If anybody with similar severe case of builder fraud/breach of contract has any input it would be greatly appreciated. Various documents/paperwork/reports/photographs/proof of payments, emails/text dialogue etc... is all available as proof against the builder. Oh, the builder under a different company name is currently seeking planning permission to open a Children's Play Centre and this is in association with the same Architects, the Electrician he used on our site, the builder's wife and their Accountant. The Accountant for whom we have since found out was the owner of a property which the builder showed us his previous work before we agreed a contract for him to work on ours. This was not divulged to us at the time. It has also come to light that the same builder commited similar offences back in 2006 under a different company name (Directors - builders wife and same Accountant) which has since been struck off/dissolved. As it stands, as of this date we are in a massive mess and are not sure how we are going to get out of it. To me the law is an "ass". Trader's can hide behind a worthless Limited Company and the innocent client/customer has zero recourse with regard justice against these criminal's. We do not have thousand's of £££ available to sue as whatever we have left need's to be put back into making this "war zone" of a property hopefully one day habitable. Thank you for taking the time to read.
  6. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2222220/Drug-firms-risking-lives-hiding-bad-trials-effects-medicines.html
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