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  1. I am a divorced man who has met a new lovely lady and we get on superbly. I own my house outright and I live on my private occupational pension. My new lady lives on benefits and lives in a rented flat. I understand that I cannot stay with her more than two nights per week in order not to affect her benefits claims etc. OK I understand that and have no problem with it. I have only stayed in her flat for one night in seven months. However, I've heard that she cannot spend more then two nights per week with me in my private house without it affecting her benefit entitlements. Is that correct? Any advice would be much appreciated.
  2. Hi everyone, firstl, apologies if ive posted this in the wrong place. Im in desperate need of some advice/help, I lost my mum, brother and dad in the last 3yrs, last year I found my fiancé of 23yrs was having an affair, he left and said I could keep the house ( joint mortgage). I had a breakdown after he announced earlier this year he now wants me to buy him out. I paid the mortgage and utilities over the last ten years and I have sought advice to be told theres absoloutely nothing I can do. Im struggling to remortgage to pay him what he wants and now have been told he can get a court order to make me sell. Does anyone have anything that I can look into please.
  3. Hi please please can someone help. I am at the moment feeling like I’m having a heart attack with actual panick attacks. I am in the wrong from what I can tell and I have read. Let me point out that 25 years ago I pleaded guilty to false representation for income support when I opened a business and didn’t go down the employments support start up route (dont know the correct name) but two dates and I pleaded guilty. Since then I have always stuck to the rules!! I claimed previously with my useless ex husband and then removed him when we separated. I then had my business and claimed single everything was fine! I took in a lodger he claimed housing benefits that was above board then he moved in above my business again above board. We did see each other on and off! I had to go bankrupt In 201 1due to ex and could not get bank account so the lodger/tenant got me a business account (registered at my address) as my business and he opened a savings account for me to use as I wasn’t allowed one my TC and CTC went into it. Then we started seeing each other and opened a joint account in 2014 (he was still in my flat) but account registered at my home address. Mainly as he had lodged there and had not changed post and also as I was using it. We split up again in 2015 and he was still at my flat till June (have bills and council tax letters confirming he was there till then) when I got rid of the flat and business. He then moved into my caravan and I used the rent to help me through university to change my life. In 2016 we started a proper go at things and I changed my name by deed poll to his before qualifying from my degree as didn’t want it in ex name. In jan 17 I declared in writing to TC that he had moved in provided his last 3 months wage slips and his NI and dob and he signed as well. I didn’t think anything more of it as money went down the same as it went down when I notified them of my first full time employment after uni. It further went down when I changed jobs again everytime I wrote to them. I wrote to them 31 May 18’and told them son had left full time education expecting it to stop. Last week I got a compliance letter asking if I knew my partner which of course I do. I then started to panic. I am terrible with the renewal notices I just don’t bother opening them (stupid I know) I just check what’s gone into my account to see if changes have been made. They have asked for information for 3 months 6/4/17 to 6/7/17 which I have and shows him with me as you would expect. I then rang them as I noticed money for ct was still being paid. I mentioned the letter they said they had not received it yet had seen the online notification (child benefit) I did on the day I got the compliance letter from them. Even so not actioned that either as I had been paid. I asked about all the other letters I sent and she said hadn’t received any!!! Now I know what it sounds like but I sent them! I don’t know what to do. I am scared they will accuse me of fraud when that has never been my intentions. I don’t know what to do. Do I send them the copy letter which I have about jan 17 - we finally decided to move in properly as I had my first full time job after uni and had completed my 3 months probation period. I am frightened they will send me to prison. I am happy to pay any backdated money. I haven’t signed this years declaration as when I finally opened it I saw they did have my income correct which again I had notified them of but they didn’t have partner listed. What do I do. I want to be honest but frightened if I send the copy letter they will go back further and not believe the complicated on off relationship and friendship we have had. Will they only look at the 3 months they have asked for. If I am prosecuted I will lose my job and will never be able to work in the field. I can’t talk to my boss or my family. it’s taken me years to turn my life around. Sorry for long post but I’m at the end of my tether. Please help I’m in such a bad way
  4. HI, Wondered if anyone could help - I'm posting this for a friend of mine: Female with 3 kids under 18 lives in home previously shared with ex partner, who left 3.5 yrs ago. He has left BG bill in his name for all 3.5 yrs and and said he'd been paying it all along. BG have NEVER written to the female partner. On Saturday ex partner decided to try and take his own life and was sectioned. BG letter arrives on doorstep next day and my friend opens it to find its chasing £1700 bill (all still in ex partners name, not addressed to my friend (the female)) She's called BG and explained, and only after she explained he'd been sectioned would they even speak to her. They have as a result told her she is responsible for the full amount and have almost forced her (wouldn't allow any other options and basically said take it or leave or we';ll send debt collectors after you) onto a 50 month repayment plan for the £1700. She lives int he house and she uses the utilities. She has not has a bill in her name from BG in the entire time she's lived there. it's always been in ex-partners name. Is there any legal route out of paying this money due to BG being threatening (They were on the phone) and the fact is his debt not hers? Many thanks in advance.
  5. Hello everyone, I'm currently a single mum of 2 and claim working tax credit and child tax credit. My boyfriend and I are thinking of moving in together (him moving into my home). I said I will inform Tax Credits accordingly and make a joint claim once he moves in. The problem is, he has made it very clear that he will not provide proof of his wages etc (it's his privacy). He said that he wants to provide and we won't be eligible for anything so I should just call them and close my claim. My question is: Can I just call to say I wish to end my tax credit claim as my boyfriend will be living with me?. Will they not ask for his employer, salary details etc? I don't want to end up with an overpayment. Also, is there a best time to close tax credit claims because my friend said that I should wait till end of tax year April or July? Really confused so any advice would be appreciated. Thank you.
  6. Good Morning. Please could anyone offer advice or shed light on my situation. Hubby and i split 2016 after i discovered he was having an affair, never thought to finacially seperate as lots of things were going on and i was dealing with heartache. Fast forward to June 2017 and we decided to give our relationship another go, i failed to inform tax credits as wanted to make sure that the relationship was going to stick...mistake or not i was stupid. Recieved a letter of compliance asking In Nov 2017 asking for information to be sent as they have links that x was linked to address, called them and told them that i fact i was back with hubby and i was sorry i didnt call earlier, lady told me that as i hadnt finacially seperated and i had no proof he wasnt staying at the property earlier my claim would have to be cancelled from April 2017 and now if things like this happened again i had to make sure i finacially seperate from hubby and that i would be able to make agreed payment amounts to pay back overpayment. Recieved a letter the following week from compliance team saying “ thankyou for disclosing that i was living as a couple, my claim has ended and i would recieve a new award for the year. Following week recieved a amended statement saying if nothing changes between now..nov 2017 and april 2018 i would have a overpayment of just over £4000 but this was still to be confirmed. Fast forward to present day and i still havent received this final overpayment letter stating what i owe. Is this normal? 7 months is such a long time and i am panicking they are looking into other things that could lead to me being prosecuted and being sent to prison. Before our split we had never had to claim tax credits as we were above the threshold. No other benefits we claimed during our split just tax credits. I dont know if i am being silly and worrying over nothing. Shall i call HMRC and enquire when i am likely to hear or just leave it unti they contact me. If anyone can offer even the smallest of advice that would put my mind a rest i would be eternally grateful. Many thanks
  7. Good morning, I have found this site via various google searches and really hope someone can help. I have been claiming ctc & wtc as a single person but have a partner living with me. Stupid I know. It was always a case of I will let them know but never have. I have become totally reliant on the money due to large debt issues, payday loans, doorstep loans etc. No excuse, Im just rubbish with money and an idiot. Yesterday I received a letter from HMRC compliance saying they have reason to believe Mr X is living at my address and wish to check a 6 month period of my current claim. I rang up, told the adviser that my partner indeed lives here since the date they are querying, but volunteered no more info than that and was not asked. He said he would stop the claim and a letter will be sent re overpayments (around £3000 I think). He said I do not need to do anything further. Is this all I have to do? Is it only the 6 months stated in the letter they seem to be concerned about? I am terrified they will check my last 5 years of claims as I no doubt will owe tens of thousands. 30000 + I know have been stupid and everything else. Obviously havent slept worrying about the implications of court, jail and so on. My partner knows not a thing about this. Has anyone else ever been in this situation or similar that could give me some idea of what happens next. I am so ashamed of myself and feel ill at the thought of prosecution and it all being made public. Please please can someone reply as I feel bereft. Thank you for reading.
  8. Barclays have just told me that the contract is terminated and even paying the arrears in full will not stop the car from being repossessed. Today was the last day for surrender... Anyone know how long it will be before they get a court order or any options available... I pleaded with them on Friday, and though the arrears are only £540, they will take the car and put it in auction where I am due to lose about 2k of the value and that will still be owed to them... HELP PLEASE ! Barclays Partner Finance are in the process of repo my dads car. They have terminated the contract - however the 1/3 rule is very close.. . if its 1/3 of the value still owed against interest upto repo then fine, if based on original term then not... HELP. + they say they will probably go to court proceedings to recover car, but hinted they might just sent a recovery company in.. . no idea of timescales however = would be really good to have an idea, days or weeks? My father (80) purchased a car on HP from CarSupermarket. With his wife having poor health, he decided in Aug to suddenly goto India for 3 months for treatment. With cashflow being tight, he missed Aug and Sept payments. I took over paying and on a 220/month contract, I began paying 80/week except for when I paid 220. Barclays Partner Finance (BPF) were told this is what I am doing, but they couldn't confirm if they were happy as I wasn't the named person on the contract. My father, out in India then, in Oct suffered a stroke himself and was unable to speak and was receiving physio out in India. BPF then sent a termination letter and advising that the car needs to be surrendered or court proceedings will begin. I managed to get my father to ring them and agree that I could speak on his behalf. BPF said you are £504 in arrears and the contract is terminated. I said I can borrow that amount and get it restored to the normal T&Cs - but they rejected it, stating its been in arrears since Aug so NOTHING can be done to restore the contract. PROBLEMS: 1) Car Supermarket when doing the original contract with my father, put the car into my name not his...surely some kind of contract breach 2) I was willing to pay all the arrears, but that was not deemed satisfactory. 3) The car is now to be repossessed and according to BPF - they will instruct their solicitors tomorrow to start doing this. 4) I have paid just under 4k so far, finance amount originally was £9,693. There is now £10,185 outstanding, though the true figure accounting for early settlement would be £7,990 - I don't know what figures to use to see if 1/3 has been paid. 5) no consideration given to the fact that my father is ill, and as such will likely have to stay at least a further 3 months in India as he is unfit to travel. I am totally in a tizz... I dare not risk telling dad his car is to be repossessed but don't know what to do. Please if anyone can help, H.
  9. Hi, Some advice to pass on to my daughter, please. She and her partner separated in April 2016 and although they have a daughter together it has been like trying to get blood from a stone to get him to pay maintenance so the bank of mum and dad stepped in and now the CSA are involved. Saying all of this she has now had her renewal pack and HMRC state that because he got a job after they broke up in July 2016 that his income must be taken into account and that she owes them 600 plus pounds. Even when I explained that they were not together at any time between April 2016 and now and that in fact she had notfied them of this change of circumstances and had an ongoing single claim, the HMRC advisor was adamant this was fair and correct yet I do not see how it can be. Has anyone been in a similar situation and if so what would you advise me to do on her behalf.
  10. Hi Could someone tell me what happens when one of two business partners dies? My friend's husband (I'll refer to him as K) died in May and he was in business with his sister, running a café. The partnership was not a formal one - ie no agreements were signed (I know - WHY?!) but K did pay a sum to his sister to "buy in" to the business. K died intestate (again WHY?!). As you might imagine, this is causing a whole host of problems for my friend and I'm trying to help her unpick the knots. My friend believes that her husband's 1/2 share of the business is part of his estate (which is in the hands of solicitors). My friend believes that the business should be valued and sold, with funds being split between the sister and K's estate. The business was put on the market before K died, but overpriced and has not sold. The sister refuses to bring down the asking price. The sister maintains that if a valuation is required, then the probate solicitors should arrange it and pay. The probate solicitors don't seem to be addressing this issue and are being extremely slow. My friend is concerned that the sister is continuing to run the business as though nothing's happened, and is taking all the profit. She could engineer the accounts to appear that it is making a loss and therefore of no value for the purposes of probate. The sister has continued to run the business, and obviously take all the profits. This strikes me as unfair and surely K's estate should have either 1/2 the business value or 1/2 the ongoing income. It could not be both, so the same should apply to the sister, surely? When a partner dies, is there a requirement to sell the business? Any advice would be massively appreciated Thanks
  11. My best friend recently died without making a will. His considerable estate will come to his father. My friend's partner lived with him for two years prior to his death. In that period his house was transformed by her from an undecorated hovel to a swish country house. I would guess that by her efforts and persuasion at a minimum, £75K would have been added to the value of the property. All the costs though were met by my deceased friend. My question: when the house is sold does she have any claim on the "added value" to the property which she was directly responsible for? Thank you.
  12. Hi All Bit of a tricky one but looking for advice on the below. Bought a house in 2005 with ex partner (not married) through NRAM, mortgage in joint names. We spilt and she asked me to take over the house in 2007, which I agreed to. Got round to try to complete a change of parties in 2012 once I knew I would be accepted by NRAM on the change of parties as I had a well paid job at this point. Managed to get my ex into the solicitors to sign the transfer of deeds into my name, thought everything was going smothley and thought the change of parties would go through only to find out that my ex had an outstanding loan which created a equitable charge on the property (£13k) so NRAM declined the transfer after all the paper work had been signed by both parties. After failed attempts of trying to bargain with NRAM they refused to complete the change of parties. At this point my ex was unaware that the transfer had not gone through and would be pointless chasing her asking for her to pay it off as I knew she wouldn't have the money. Fast forward to 2016 and after advice and research I realised that the charge should not have been placed on the property only a restriction K. My solicitor has now dealt with this with NRAM and the charge is getting replaced with a restriction and I'm seeking damages from them. The problem now lies back with my ex as I was required to get back in touch through my solicitor and explain that the transfer did not go through in 2012 and I need her to resign documents when required to. My ex has now turned round and refuses to sign saying she owns half the property and wants money from the sale. Bare in mind that when we split in 2007 we were in arrears and negative equity. 10 years on and I got the house out from arrears and there is £40-£50k equity in the house, my ex has not contributed anything towards the property in over 10 years. I know that she is entitled to 50% of the profit as it stands as she is still on the deeds but would I have a case that she received nothing from the sale of the property if we got as far as court giving the fact that she was willing too and did sign paperwork for the house to be transferred over to me in 2012? The only reason she has refused to sign over now is because she has seen it up for sale and knows how much equity is in the property. Any legal advice on this would be very helpful. My solicitor seems very slow and is trying to put pressure on her but not sure if it will work. Regards Mark
  13. Good afternoon, Any help would really be appreciated. This relates to a loan that was taken out years ago and prior to 2009. I cannot be more precise at this moment. I got into financial difficulty and defaulted on the payments. This has been in the hands of a number of companies. I do not recall getting regular correspondence and I believe the last payment ever made was 2014. This has dropped off my credit file. I did receive a letter I August 2015 to say that I was entitled to redress on my loan as the discovered following changes of CCA (1/8/08) that they sent customers incorrect information about their loan and in some cases did not send information they should have done and as such were not entitled to charge interest and default fees from the initial error of 31/1/2009 until today. I then received a letter March 2017 advising that they did not send some documents that they were required to do and sent notice of sums of arrears we should have sent me. The arrears notice is again dated March 2017 and dates back to November 2014. Well today I have received a Claim Form issued on the 9th Jan 2018 for the sum of £8076.85. The particulars of claim state the debt was legally assigned by Barclays Bank Plc (Ex Barclays) to the claimant and notice was served. The Defendant has failed to make contractual payments under the terms of the Agreement. A default notice has been served upon the Defendant pursuant to s.87(1) CCA. Now I believe that I will need to do the following:- - Acknowledge Service advising I intend to dispute and ask for 28 days to file a defence - Send a request to Howard Cohen & Co for CCA Request with a £1.00 cheque I there anything else I should be doing at this stage? Regards, Colin -
  14. HI. I put on a claim to transfer part of my tax allowance to my husband as I'm not in full time employment and haven't been since having my first child 13 years ago. From what I can gather this will be back dated for three tax years, the current one included and should be for just over £200 per tax year? My husband received a cheque today for tax year 2015/2016 only and for the amount of £122, much less than expected. He's consistently been in full time employment so not sure how they've come to this conclusion, also will the other years be worked out separately, would that be the normal way of doing this? Thanks Lisa
  15. My partner bought a vehicle for £2650 from car dealer with no warranty on 7th March 2017. On 25th March 2017 the bottom end crank shaft went and we had to be towed. The garage said the work is minimum £1500 and we've shopped around and nowhere can do it cheaper. The car dealer said that is an extortionate amount for what needs to be done and has agreed to pay half. Leaving us to find £750 to pay for the rest. My partner is about to agree to it as he feels he's had enough stress with it but we're having our first baby this year and really can't afford it. Is there anything we can do? Do we have the right to fight?
  16. Hi, I don't know where to post this but, my cousin was in a relationship with a guy over 10 years ago. They bought a property together and subsequently split up. Her ex said he would get a mortgage on his own and stay in the property, which he did. My cousin moved to another city and eventually met and married someone and is extremely happy. However, her ex has sold the house with £10,000 negative equity. He took out a personal loan for £10,000 to settle with the mortgage company in his name only. Fast forward a few years and my cousin receives a small claim's court demand from her ex, stating he wants £5,000 (half of HIS personal loan). The court case is in August. Does my cousin have to pay this £5,000? I thought as the debt is in her ex's name only that HE is liable for the debt? How can he take her to court for HIS debt? How have the court allowed this case to proceed? Any advice would be greatly appreciated
  17. I'm seeking some advice... Cutting long story short - a couple of years ago someone else (my partner) was driving my car (with my permission) with me as a passenger. Partner had a fully comp insurance and wrongly thought it contained a third party insurance on my car (i accept it was a very stupid mistake, and we have learnt a lesson to check all details on insurance big time!). Partner was not listed on my policy. My vehicle was involved in a minor collision with another vehicle while being driven by my partner. No visible damage to either of the cars and third party driver and passenger assured they were fine and had no injury. Police were not called. Afterward we called partner's insurers to inform them of this minor collision it transpired partner was not insured on third party vehicles, including my car. Eventually third party made a series of claims including whiplash and damage to vehicle. Admiral sent me form of indemnity which i did not sign. Partner never had any communication about this from any source. Now Admiral are pursuing me for just short of 10k for their "outlay" in this case. Third party was also insured with Admiral. I am concerned they have not investigated this matter at all and as far as i'm aware no medical or other evidence has been presented by third party and this claim has been just paid out by Admiral without any consideration to minimise the costs. My question is: does this mean all claims have now been paid out by Admiral to third party considering they seek "settlement proposal" for their "total outlay"? Also my understanding is Admiral would only be able to act as RTA insurer and pay out to third party IF they obtained either signed form of consent and indemnity or obtained court judgement against the driver (my partner) BEFORE paying out the claims to third party (considering i was not the driver, partner was not a named driver on my policy, and form of consent has not been signed). I have obtained legal advice from solicitor who advised not to sign the consent and indemnity form as it is effectively a blank cheque. He gave me advice as above i'm still confused as to why have Admiral paid out to third party as RTA insurer (which they say they did) without any signed consent form or court judgement? can Admiral now legally pursue me for their outlay? Can they now take legal action and obtain court judgement against my partner (we are still together) considering they have never even sent them any communication (although they were aware of driver's details)? The solicitor seems to suggest they Admiral effectively do not have a legal leg to stand on now as they have paid the claims out without taking the required steps as above, if anyone has any similar experience or knowledge i would be grateful for this. I just don't know where to go from here and how to finally resolve this.
  18. HI ALL Been a while since I have been on here but have always received the most helpful advice an assistance So my issue is that I need to get my name off a mortgage and deeds Purchased a house with my ex partner 11 years ago but didn't work out, I asked to be removed from the mortgage and deeds and that I wanted nothing from the house, this was 10 years ago the ex has paid everything for the last ten years without a problem, I got in touch again and again to ask her to put this through as I was told by the mortgage company she has to do it. In the mean time she has met and married another gent few years back and purchased another property but still has not done anything about getting me off, I have even had the documents sent to her from the mortgage company. Found out she has been renting the property out for years (found through electrol register) which is against the mortgage t+c So basically I still just want off but don't know what the mortgage company will do if I tell them about the renting. Do I need to get a solicitor to send her a letter ? I don't know her new address Many thanks for the help Regards
  19. I have been on income related ESA in the Support Group for about 4 years now. All the time I have been on ESA I have lived with family members and recieved no other benefits such as housing benefit etc. At some point over the next month or so I will be moving in with a partner. My partner earns over the threshold I will lose all benefits once I move in with them. The house my partner has bought earlier this year is currently being renovated and due to my ill health I cannot move in until the work is complete which will hopefully be soon but I have no definate date. As far as I know I need to inform the DWP of my change in circumstances within 30 days of moving in with my partner is this correct? In addition I don't know what to expect when I tell them of my new situation when it happens. Will it trigger a new WCA for example. Do I just need to fill out a form about my change in circumstance or will they investigate i.e. come round to see if I am living in the new house? I am hoping it shouldn't really be an issue as my change or circumstances will mean I am no longer getting any benefits paid except my stamp as opposed to me asking for more money? Could anyone advise me on what to expect?
  20. I've recently found out that my partner of a year has unsecured debts amounting to around £8k. He is, apparently, in the initial stages of negotiating a DMP with stepchange, based on his income alone. As we now live together and are expecting an (unplanned) child, I am concerned about the impact this will have on us as a couple. I have asked that he track down the paperwork in the hope / expectation that we would be better or equally able to manage this ourselves. He is quite adamant that a DMP is the best way to go. From my limited understanding, it seems like it would be hanging over our heads for a long time to come - the duration of the plan + 6 years from its completion. I am new to all this, so any advice / informed opinions on the following questions would be very much appreciated: 1. Have I got that right, that a DMP will make life financially difficult for its duration AND for six years afterwards? 2. It is inevitable that we will need to move from our current home, which is a private rented tenancy in my name, within the year. We would be looking at a joint tenancy, similarly in the private rented sector. Which situation (DMP or self managed payments of all these creditors) would likely be looked on most favourably by landlords? 3. It is possible that within a few years, we would (otherwise) be in a position to apply for a mortgage, with some family help. Same question as above. 4. Given that these debts were accrued before we even knew each other, to what extent does our now being a 'household' impact on the payments creditors can demand? Would that be different with / without the step change DMP? For now, we are not named together on any official documents / bills or similar. This isn't something we've consciously avoided, we are only recently moved in together. I imagine this will become unavoidable once we have a child? Would I be well advised to avoid our becoming linked on paper, what's the legal / moral standpoint on that and what should I (not) be doing? I don't even really know what questions I should be asking at this stage, so if there's something I haven't thought of, information on that would be appreciated too. Thanks in advance to anyone who can help
  21. My partner has a CCJ against her which we found out about when applying for a mortgage recently. The CCJ was created by Vehicle Control Services Ltd. PCN at St Andrews Retail Park because she alledgedly parked incorrectly or for too long. We still don't know which. She changed address a month after the parking occurred in November 2014. She didn't receive a ticket at the time (in fact we think she was in her shop at the time of the 'incident' and not even in the St Andrews retail Car Park), she hasn't had any communication about being taken to court and she hasn't had any notification of losing the case either. We think all correspondence must have gone to her old address. The 'offence' occurred on a Monday at 4.19pm. Her shop is a mile away and doesn't close until at least 6pm. BW legal must have sent the forms to her old address and not bothered to check if the address was still valid even when they took her to court in September 2016. I'd be grateful to hear how to remove this CCJ without paying the £255 to contest it. Surely a person can't be issued with a CCJ without any written information whatsoever? That can't be legal can it? There was no parking ticket issued either.
  22. Hi My partner has been banned from our local Tesco but has done nothing. Let me explain. He started going yellow sticker shopping in Oct/Nov last year as we were pulling our belts in due to a financial issue. He went to purchase something and was told it wasn't reduced, so the woman took it away and he paid for what he had. Next time he went in, his card was banned. The woman told him she thinks she made a mistake banning his card as she did a batch of them and thinks she got the number wrong. They told him to change the card by phoning up and get a new one. He did. He then went back in this week and picked up a bunch of flowers and some bananas on yellow sticker. The bananas wouldn't go through and someone had to do it manually. All was ok. Today he's gone in to buy a birthday cake and his card has been banned again. This time some woman said that not only was his card banned but he was banned. He asked her why and she said someone has been changing the stickers around but she didn't have proof it was him. He hasn't done it, so it's obviously someone else has, but because he bought yellow stickered items the other day she says that it's him. YET she admits she has no proof. Defamation of character?? If he's not done it and they've no CCTV proof, how can they ban him? It's our local store and with me being disabled is the nearest store for me to use but obviously now we can't. What can we do about it if anything?
  23. My friends partner is leaving the matrimonial home tomorrow and she has no idea what she may be able to claim (she has never had to claim benefits before) Her circumstances are: Two children, one child is under seven. She doesn't work. She is on strong medication for depression (due to husband leaving her) The home is rented Where does she start in the benefit maze? Any information will be most grateful. x
  24. Hello, My current situation is my ex partner wants me to come off the house deeds for a 6 thousand pound payment to my mother. we purchased the house together with help from my mother and his family relative. he is saying we get the house valued and any money we would be due to split 50/50 he wants his sisters money, money he invested into doing the house up and will give my mum 6 k and then I will come off the deeds. This seems like I am losing out massively as he will have the whole house for 6k and also all his debt paid off, leaving me with nothing. any help on this is appreciated as it doesn't semi fair and he is trying to rush this through. he is pretty scary to stand up to so trying to know my rights really. thank you
  25. I have been incredible stupid and continued to claim tax credits as a single parent when my partner has lived with me for several years. I am really ashamed and can't believe why I allowed myself to be so greedy and stupid. I have two kids from previous relationship and one with current partner . Current partner is on the mortgage and council tax as would not have got the house otherwise. I think it will be virtually impossible for me to prove he hasn't lived here all the time. The bills are in my name, but we have the mortgage and council tax in joint names. they have sent a letter saying they are looking at April 2014-2015 and the current year. I am beyond terrified that they will look at previous years and the overpayment will be massive as well as the fraud meaning will go to prison. I have an appointment at the CAB tomorrow. I want to fully admit that I was not entitled to claim for the time they have stated in their lette r and will offer to pay back in full if they will let me _ bank loan maybe? Should I come clean about previous years? I am making myself sick with worry - my partner had no idea I was doing this. Can anyone tell my what happened to them? I can't look my children in the eye and I am convinced I will be sent to prison.
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