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Found 22 results

  1. hello to the forum, I'm wanting some advice/help. the story is that me and a sibling was left property in a relatives will, but my sibling is the only name gone on to the land registry as i was told it wasn't an issue if only one name was registered, my concern now is by law were does this leave me if me and my sibling have a fall out, I'm named in the will but could he sell with out my permission thanks in advance.
  2. Hi All I have been with my boyfriend (now Fiance) for 6 months. we are living together and all seems ok - the odd argument but things are relatively ok. We wants me to remortgage the house and put his name on the deeds whilst drawing down 44k worth of extra borrowing in favour of doing some home improvements. Currently there is 80k equity in the property (driven by house process) and he is bringing no money to the table. He has moved in with me and my two daughters (and his teenage son), which means that if I go ahead with the remortgage and the relationship fails I lose my home where I have lived for 15 years. he is pushing me hard to complete, the solicitor has been instructed and the mortgage offer received. whilst my mortgage is in part interest only - he view is that I am living in a house that I cannot afford to pay the mortgage down and would be unlikely to in the future. any advice would be gratefully received.
  3. Hello, My current situation is my ex partner wants me to come off the house deeds for a 6 thousand pound payment to my mother. we purchased the house together with help from my mother and his family relative. he is saying we get the house valued and any money we would be due to split 50/50 he wants his sisters money, money he invested into doing the house up and will give my mum 6 k and then I will come off the deeds. This seems like I am losing out massively as he will have the whole house for 6k and also all his debt paid off, leaving me with nothing. any help on this is appreciated as it doesn't semi fair and he is trying to rush this through. he is pretty scary to stand up to so trying to know my rights really. thank you
  4. Hi Am asking this on behalf of a friend: Barclays Mortgage In joint names of man (friend) and his ex partner (not married; now living with someone else). She left him and the property in 2007. He has continued to make mortgage payments (repayment & Interest / apx 8 years to run). She has made NO payments since 2007. (He has also taken care of 5 kids) He wants to get her name off the deeds and mortgage and he wants to sell. She has disappeared. How can he resolve this? He also doesn't want her to benefit from the increase in property value since 2007 !! Mostly because she left him and has contributed big fat 0 ever since.... Does anyone have any advice please ??
  5. Hello I might share a water supply pipe that enters my house, with a neighbour. I live in Wales. I say might as there is no branch pipe to their house in my cellar, so the branch off would have to be under my dining room. their house unlike most in the street, has no external stopvalve in the pavement, and there is no water supply pipe in their cellar [ a tenant of the house and i investigated] my deeds do not show that we have a shared water supply pipe. i have asked the landlord and the water company to determine if they have their own supply pipe, and if they do not to make arrangement. the landlord has not replied. i first alerted them to the shared-pipe possibility in late spring 2015. i intend to replace my water pipes, and for it to feed only my house [if we are indeed on a shared pipe]. the water company is trying to avoid giving the neighbour a new supply, and is giving me laughable guff that the neighbours water supply is my responsibility lololol [ive never heard such nonsense] --- my question/s: 1. i have read that, if the shared supply is not mentioned on my deeds, that i have no legal duty to supply the neighbour with water thru my pipes. i need to quote the statute, or regulation number. what is this please? 2. when i replace my pipe and feed only my house. can the water company get a court order to force me to reattach the old water supply pipe? 3. more generally, how should i proceed thanks Jon
  6. Hi My partner and I are looking into equity release. He is nearly 65 and I am 52. As I am underage they have said that i would need to take my name off the deeds. My question is how expensive is this and how do you go about it Many thanks
  7. My mother died in May of last year, she has left a property to me and my sister. There was no will. I was living with my mum and have decided to stay in the property, but I needed a mortgage to pay my sister her half. My mum had taken out a homeowner loan (endowment) which matured after 10 years in September 2014, but the Royal Bank of Scotland have not been in contact with Aviva for the money yet. Now my conveyancing solicitor is telling me he needs the deeds to change the property into my name, but my probate solicitor is telling me he shouldn't need the deeds at all. Which makes me wonder if he's taking me for a fool as I'm a 25 year old single girl with no parents to tell me he's wrong!! The conveyancing solicitor is telling me he can't get hold of the deeds and is according to him sending out letters - which is costing me money. When surely its easier to pick up a phone. Me and my sister have done some ringing round and we found out in the same day the RBS do not have these deeds. There is plenty more to my story, but I was just wondering if any body out there knows if he indeed needs these deeds to transfer to me or not? And if the fact my mum had a homeonwer loan has anything to do with it or not? Thank you Hannah:wink:
  8. Hi, I don't do Facebook so I have started a thread on the MoneySavingExpert forum - The Acenden (administered mortgage) Escape Committee in the section called "Mortgage Free Wannabe" (I can't post links here yet). - Acenden have apparently recommenced selling mortgages on behalf of their new owners. Do join me there. I will post more information on that new thread in a while, eg about the danger signs that indicate that Acenden means to repossess. Everyone's case is unique but there are things we can to help each other get clear of these cowboys.
  9. ALL THE PEOPLE SUCH AS BHALL AND THE REST OF THE POSTERS ON THE SITE THAT HELPED AND OFFERED INFORMATION TO DEEDS BEING VOID THREAD PLEASE SEE http://self-realisation.com/equity/banksterbusters/summary-judgment-mortgage-deed-declared-void-in-the-high-court/ :smile:
  10. Hi hopefully this can be placed in the right section, as I could not find the best place for it! My Question is as follows I own a House, and have recently got married, and Iwant to add my wifes name to the deeds of my house,if i go to a solicitor to have this done will the land registry send a letter of confirmation to my property (I live in her house) and as I have people living in my house,I do not want them to know my business, or will all the paper work go directly to the solicitor?
  11. Not filed my defense yet as unsure what to include, will it help or hinder me if disclose all my financial detail? Do I have to use the forms provided? If not are there any templates wich I could use? Should I counterclaim? If so which form's, specified or unspecified amount. Brief history: Made an official offer to mortgage company, no rebuttal therefore deemed accepted, been paying monies without fail to honour my agreement. Mortgage company now saying a/c in arrears! How can this be if I'm honouring my agreement? Can't be any arrears if agreement in place. Mortgage company sent field agent without warning to my home, made official complaint. I have revoked power of attorney over all parties involved and requested info on document excised on my behalf., no response. Asked for deed of assignment, no response, letter threatening to strike out if I attempt to defend their claim. Have official claim with financial ombudsman also regarding non compliance on their behalf to pre action protocol. Is there anything vital I may have missed? Anything I should or shouldn't include in my defense? Help.....time is running out.
  12. My ex husband and I bought a house together in March 2010. The house cost £110,000 with a 10% deposit (£7,500 paid by me and £3,500 paid by my ex). The property needed modernisation, and so we started stripping out the property in preparation for central heating, new windows and doors, re-plastering and new kitchen and bathroom. Prior to and following the purchase, my ex and I lived with my parents and our son at their house. In October 2010, my ex walked out on me. He had taken a lease out on a flat, and told me that he could no longer pay his half of the mortgage repayments, as well as his flat rent and maintenance for our son. I agreed to pay the full mortgage repayments alone, and for him to pay £100 maintenance for our son a month, with him walking away from the house. He agreed to this, and I have paid the mortgage since. I completed the work on the house, paying out everything on it myself. My son and I moved in to the property in October 2012. In 2012, I sought advice from my solicitor in relation to formalising this agreement. My solicitor wrote to my ex and he agreed to sign the deeds to me, following me getting a mortgage on my own for the property. I went to the bank following this, but was told that I had too many debtors (1 credit card, 1 loan and a car lease), to allow them to give me a replacement mortgage, even though they could see my current account was managed, and that I had not missed a repayment on any of my debtors. The situation remained unchanged, while I waited for my loan and car lease to be paid off. Because our arrangement was sorted, we decided to divorce. It was an online divorce to save us both money, as we'd both moved on and had new partners. Ex agreed to pay me half of the fees (not had them to date). During the Summer 2013, my ex asked whether he was still on the mortgage and deeds. I explained that I hadn't been able to get a mortgage as hoped, but was going to try again within a couple of months (once loan and car lease paid off). My partner and I decided that we would like a bigger home together. We decided to put the house on the market. Estate agent required my ex to sign an agreement to this, which he did. We sold the house within a couple of weeks. My solicitor then told me that the previous agreement my ex had signed was that he was allowing me to take the mortgage alone and consequently walk away from the house. She explained that due to the wording, that this didn't include me selling the house. My solicitor wrote to my ex again, requesting that he sign the deeds due to the change of circumstances. My ex claimed to have signed and returned the papers. Solicitor didn't receive anything. My solicitor again sent him appropriate form to sign, but again has not received anything. Whilst picking my son up from him yesterday, we begun arguing over a separate issue. My ex said "Remember I hold the key to your house" referring to the deeds. I now fear that he is going to refuse to sign them, meaning that we lose out on the sale and a property that we'd put an offer in on. I don't think that he is really entitled to anything, especiallIy as he'd agreed to walk away. I feel that he has become greedy, as I have sold the house for £135,000. What can I do to prevent losing the sales?
  13. I have seen numerous cases in recent months of property owners entering into Trust Deeds, I can only assume that this situation is to some extent due to the constant glossy television adverts implying that Trust Deeds are some kind of miracle cure for debt problems. In reality Trust Deeds can be disastrous for home owners in situations where there is equity in the property. To create an example Two partners share a home with equity of £30000, one partner has unsecured debts of £20000 and disposable income of £150.00 per month. Term of Trust Deed 36 months at £150 per month = £5400 over the term. This leaves a shortfall of £14600. Now comes the sting in the tail, the trustee will then insist that the debtors share of the equity is released from the property. This can prove to be very difficult if not impossible as the debtor will be unable to borrow the shortfall due to his /her credit rating and a listing on the register of insolvencies. In many cases the Trustee will suggest that the other partner should try and raise funds to buy out the debtors share of the mortgage. Easier said than done, bearing in mind that the two parties are financially linked as they share a joint mortgage. To cut a long story short the trustee can then apply to the courts to sell the property to release the shortfall. IT IS IMPORTANT TO REMEMBER THAT DESPITE THE SMILEY FACES ON THE TELLY, IT IS THE TRUSTEES ROLE TO ACT IN THE INTEREST OF THE CREDITOR AND NOT THE DEBTOR. THE REASON THAT WE ARE NOW SEEING A DRAMATIC INCREASE IN ADVERTISING IS SIMPLY BECAUSE TRUST DEEDS ARE BECOMING A THING OF THE PAST AS FREE ADVICE AGENCIES ARE PHASING THEM OUT IN FAVOUR OF OTHER OPTIONS SUCH AS DAS WHICH IS DESIGNED TO PROTECT PROPERTY.
  14. A while ago my stepmother died, adn her children never got on with my dad. They had a house together, in which the deeds state that the entire property goes to the surviving partner in the event of death. My dads solicitor at the time clearly stated that the property moves to my dad after having read the deeds. Unfortunately, it appears she left half of the property to her own children, and now we have a letter from their solicitors basically asking which estate agents are being used to sell the property so the kids can have their part of it. Does anyone know where we stand on this please, and what to write back? I do know its a tough task to challenge a will, is this the same with deeds to a property?
  15. Hi there, I wonder if anyone has any experience of this and could offer me some advice? I sold my house end of October and due to a shortfall (long story with halifax) I declared myself br Novemer the 2nd 2012. In December I got a notice B10 and B11 from the Land Registry to say that they had put the deeds on hold due to my br! I rang my OR and she said it was not a problem and just wait till the buyer got in touch! Suffice to say I duly received a letter this morning from my solicitor stating that the buyer are unable to get the deeds, could I confirm my br. What is likely to happen does anyone know? The house it not mine as halifax have paid the mortgage but the house is not the buyers and yet they are paying their mortgage!!!! No idea what happens next; does anyone else have any idea?? N
  16. The situation is me and my partner are looking to take on the mortgage which she at present has with her ex (they are divorced). A court consent order has been signed by him on the 8th July 2010 stating he is not entitled to any equity in the property. He has not contributed to the mortgage payments for 4 1/2 years and my partner can prove this. However his name is still on the mortgage and deeds. He is now asking for money or he wont sign the papers allowing my partner and me to remortgage. The house is not in negative equity and in principle the new mortgage company has accepted our offer. Can we take him to the courts and get a court order or how do we get him off the property as we do not wish to sell. This is a complete nightmare for us as he seems to be holding all the cards.
  17. hi recently moved back in with my mum and we are thinking of adding my name to the house deeds so things might be a bit easier in the future if one of us was to pass away the property is mortgage free so was just wondering if I need a solicitor to sort it or can I deal with land registry direct? thanks
  18. I entered a trust deed 4 years ago in August . I made all of the 36 monthly payments . i then have to but out the equity on my property to finish the trust deed. At the start in 2008 i was informed by my trustee that i could easily remortgage to raise the equity.However, due to the banking collapse this is not possible as no bank will allow a re- mortgage until you have been out the trust deed for one year . Banks will not give me a loan either . I continue to make monthly payments to reduce the equity but by nest august i will have only paid about 5000 of 22 000. To be honest i have no idea what to do now , i could lose my home , but i have made all the payments , i was badly advised and am caught in catch 22. Any advice would be appreciated
  19. Hi, My Father-in-law passed away on 24th May 2012 and is survived by his spouse. He left a will leaving all his estate to his wife and as the value is under IHT we will be applying for probate ourselves. My ex wife and I are the executors of the will. All seems straight forward except that his wife does not appear on the deeds. The house was buit in 1960 and they have lived in it ever since. We have checked on the Land registry website and it comes up no details held. We have the house deeds so what is the next action. I assume we have to wait for probate first ? Many thanks Stevew48
  20. Hi, Wondered if you could help me at all? Two years ago my husband and I split up after 25 years of marriage. All is agreeable and amicable. He agreed I can have the house, I paid him a sum of money, car , bike pension etc. My question is this, can I get his name removed from my deeds without going through a solicitor and encountering a large fee? Also can we get a divorce without people telling us what we have to split? as we are quite happy with things as they are. Your help is much appreciated. Sonja
  21. Hi, don't know if anyone can help me but here we go. My ex wife went bankrupt in 2007, I bought her share of the house and the land registry was transferred solely into my name after it was finalized. Unfortunately after the financial mess she left me in I have had mortgage arrears which I am still paying and therefore couldn't take her name off the mortgage but I was informed by her trustee that it was on paper only and she had no financial claim on the property at all. My ex wife informed me that she is applying for her name to be put back on the deeds and the land registry so she can sell the property from under me, can she do this?? I have all the paperwork from her trustee and she hasn't paid a penny towards the house since 2007, also the house is in negative equity. Would be grateful of any sort of help before I see a solicitor. I was under the assumption that the land registry would have to write for my consent. Thanks in advance
  22. I am really needing some help. I have a house valued at £110,000 and a mortgage of £105,000 which I may need to sell. The only problem is I have a secured loan of £34,000 on my home through Picture (or whoever they are now) which has arreas of £650 and they will only get bigger as I am no longer able to afford the loan. What I am wanting to know is am I allowed to sell my home even though the secured loan won't get paid off. I am intending to rent if I can sell my home. Any advice would be much appreciated. I don't want to sell if I don't have to but will Picture?? take my home even if they won't get any proceeds from the sale.
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