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Found 4 results

  1. Hello, l am wondering if anyone could possibly give me any advice, my partner and l have arrears with our mortgage company, this was caused by my partner having his work hour's cut, (actually he was one of the lucky few who wasn't laid off), the arrears total £1800, we have spoken to Capstone who were supposed to ring us back to make an arrangement to pay our monthly amount plus some off arrears, their phoning us was to work out how much we can pay back comfortably, they never rang but we have had a letter stating that the arrears must be paid or they will go for repossession, we have had this once before and Capstone phoned us 2 weeks later as were continued making payments of our monthly amount plus between £150-£200 pound off arrears, (l panicked and gave them all my carers allowance and my sons disability money for 3 months) they tried to make me state l would pay £800 a month on top of the monthly payment, which l couldn't do! To cut a long story short l am tired of misleading phone calls and from now on will only communicate via mail, am l able to send Capstone a budget sheet l have filled in myself rather than give all my financial details over the phone? They insist it can only be done over the phone! The annoying part is that we will have these arrears more than cleared before it would even get to go to court for a repo, Capstone don't seem interested in this, just in how much they can get out of us now. l shall continue to make payments of at least the minimum monthly payment and whatever we can toward the arrears regardless. lm sorry for the long post, my partner is so depressed and is becoming suicidal, l am determined that these company's will not have such a negative affect on my family. We had many a sleepless night before this notice arrived, we feel like we may as well be talking to a brick wall. Rachel.
  2. In 2012 I went to court to get an eviction stopped, which happily I did. My CMI is £348 p.m. and to make a good offer I said I could pay £500p.m., a round figure, which would clear arrears in about 8 or nine years. There are twenty or so years left on the term. The recent talk of interest rate rises has got me wondering though. When my mortgage company puts my payment up do I just add that difference to my monthly payment or do I pay the same and take longer to clear the arrears? I expect that the company would tell me to pay more but where do I stand legally?
  3. Hi, I don't do Facebook so I have started a thread on the MoneySavingExpert forum - The Acenden (administered mortgage) Escape Committee in the section called "Mortgage Free Wannabe" (I can't post links here yet). - Acenden have apparently recommenced selling mortgages on behalf of their new owners. Do join me there. I will post more information on that new thread in a while, eg about the danger signs that indicate that Acenden means to repossess. Everyone's case is unique but there are things we can to help each other get clear of these cowboys.
  4. Hi All, I need urgent help wiht my case, i'll keep it brief: Last year Lender took to court despite agreeing for us to pay normal monthly payments plus £37 towrads arrears. Judge granted an SPO for these exact terms. This month were not able to pay as no income - applied for E&SA and forwarding an application to the lender for Help with Mortgage Interest. it's an interest only mortgage. Rang the lender to request reduced payment until mortgage support is active so for a period of 13 weeks, told nothing they can do and apply to court. so now completing an N244 to submit to court stating the same reasons as above. Can anyone suggest what is the best way to go about this and what we should include in the supporting statement please? Basically we are hoping the Judge will take on board our reasons and grant the reduced payments rather the lender file for repossession which I know they will starightaway once the payment is missed this week! Having read some of the awful stories on here of other I'm feeling very deflated anout the whole situation. Any help would be great Thanks.
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