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  1. CCA Enforceability Thread I'm sure I've seen it stickied somewhere and cant find it for the life of me.
  2. Morning all. I have an outsanding credit card with Capital One ( well pre 2007). Been paying nominal amount for 10 years with payplan The debt is still with Capital One - not sold off to any DCA whatsoever. Is there anyway to check the default date on it ? Both on Clearscore and and Experian I have clean CRF. All defaults well and truly dropped off. The reason I am asking , is that I am currently in process of CCA'ing everyone. Capital One is the only debt NOT sold on to fleecers. But cannot remember / have not got any paperwork with a default notice. Pretty sure it was defaulted say 8 years ago - just want to make sure 100% - I now have clean CRF and dont want it damaged for another six years - if and when I stop paying them. This is the only card I have NOT CCA'd at this present time , on this basis. Any help much appreciated. Thanks again.
  3. Hi all, I'm currently going through a move (renting) and am being asked to provide my company accounts to letting agents for their credit checks. Now I remember this seriously bugged me the last time I moved, as I run a Limited Company and it's my gut reaction that the company accounts are and should remain private. I'm paid via payroll on a regular basis as any other employee would be. I don't even submit full accounts to Companies House, so why should these nosy parkers get to see them? Is there any legal justification for them asking this or can I politely refuse, offering my personal accounts / payslips only?
  4. 1 - Have we ever seen a case go to court with them? 2 - Am I right in thinking they only use Major Law? 3 - Safe to ignore Threatograms right?
  5. Dementia risk now included as part of NHS Health Check READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/dementia-risk-now-included-as-part-of-nhs-health-check
  6. Batches of Durex condoms recalled: people urged to check their batch numbers READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/batches-of-durex-condoms-recalled-people-urged-to-check-their-batch-numbers
  7. Hi all I'm in such a huge mess and so scared right now! I realised my partners wages were incorrect on my tax credits and rather than doing the sensible thing by ringing them and telling them this I just kept updating my claim each week a little bit higher which also triggers lots of one off payments as I was scared if I told them it was wrong by 11000 I would be fined so I thought a sensible thing to do would be updated weekly untill it was the right amount! Back in August I received a compliance letter asking for various information one being our p60s I haven't received mine as I'm on maternity and we've misplaced my partners they asked for our wage slips obviously I didnt have any again and my partners are all on email I explained those all in the letter and told them the reason I kept updating and his actual yearly wage and said about not being able to find his p60 I asked if there was away to send in his payslips as they're all on email. I'm so scared that I'm going to go to court and be taken away from my 2 babies! What makes it worse is I sent this letter back to them at the beginning of September and I still haven't heard back! I'm barely sleeping and my hairs falling out obviously down to stress. I know I've done wrong I'm just so scared
  8. Hi Came across this recently. For those struggling to obtain a basic Bank account, there is another option supported by Payplan and a number of different organisations. This might be particularly useful for people who have been homeless or are still homeless and need to have an account for any benefits money to be paid into. https://www.thechangeaccount.com/community/
  9. If you are going on Holiday Abroad always check if you need any Immunisation/Medication beforehand for the areas you may be visiting. NHS Choices Travel Vaccinations: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/travel-vaccinations/ Travel Health Pro: https://travelhealthpro.org.uk/countries
  10. Hi Went for my interview today for the installation engineer role passed everything did my medical and passed all that and been told their recruitment recruitment will be in touch soon to do CRB checks and a credit file check. Only thing im worried about is the credit check few years ago after i lost my job i went through a stupid patch with silly loans and an over draft, i paid the loans off, still currently paying the overdraft which is not far off setteled since then things are getting better was recently accepted on a credit card to boost my credit history which ive been using and paying off on the payment due date. I am still worried about this credit check though as my credit history still shows very low on noddle or clear score. I have never had a CCJ or been bankrupt i have set payment plans with the lenders and are paying them all off in full. Why do employers want to do a credit check this role isnt dealing with cash or anything so dont see why its needed. Thanks as for my CRB this will come back clear as ive never been in trouble i was going to ask today but didnt feel it was the best idea
  11. Hi I've just got a letter from HMRC regarding tax credit checks saying that they think my payments maybe wrong. I am on JSA and due to mental health problems applied for PIP taking the advice of my support worker. They want to see all my details,proofs of children living with me and proof of all my job searches since September. There was no change in my circumstances.The only change is my eldest turning 18 in January but continuing non-advanced education. They requested my details from 05/04/17. I have almost all the information they are asking for but receipts of spendings. Should I be worried?Is this a common process?
  12. The round pound £1.00 ceases to be legal tender from October 15, 2017. The New £10.00 note featuring Jane Austen will be released from Thursday, 14 September 2017. The Current/old paper notes will cease to be legal tender some time in the spring of 2018. https://www.theguardian.com/money/2017/sep/12/plastic-10-pound-note-jane-austen-enter-circulation-thursday
  13. I'm sorry if this is in the wrong section. I checked my Credit report today on Noddle and noticed that a Credit Application check has been run on my maiden name of over twelve years ago, and an address which I haven't lived at for the same amount of time. The check was carried out just days ago. This concerns me as I'm worried someone is trying to obtain credit in my name. The company that ran the check are called Shop Direct. Obviously I will need to contact them, but if I could have people's thoughts on why this may have happened I'd be very grateful.
  14. A friend has chosen a business name which someone else claims copyright on: Name Of Business© How can I check if they have the copyright or have just added the © symbol? I Googled it and found a Gov site but that only lets you check TM's.
  15. Hi, Just wondering if anyone can shed any light on this letter i received on Friday. It is from my local job centre. It says: "We regularly conduct benefit health-check reviews to confirm you are receiving your correct entitlement to Income support. You will be aware that changes in your circumstances can affect your claim to Income Support. The purpose of my letter is to explain that if there has recently been a change and you want to report this or declare that you are starting work you can do so by ringing..... If there are no changes, to enable me to confirm that your benefit is correct please read and sign the declaration at the bottom and return to jobcentre. Then it is signed on behalf of the manager. The letter does look like its been photo copied (the signature is deffo photocopied) and my name has just been handwritten at the top next to "Dear...." Is it just a review like the letter does look like it could be sent to numerous people or is there more to it? I had a compliance interview a few month back after some jealous ex partner falsely reported me so it does worry me its happening again. Thankyou!
  16. Low earners risk tax shock on workplace pensions There is apparently an anomaly on some of the auto enrolment schemes. You can read more in the article linked below. https://www.ft.com/content/40af7052-0361-11e7-aa5b-6bb07f5c8e12
  17. I recently put in a CCA request to Santander for an old GE Capital loan that they took over. The loan was taken out in Oct 2008, defaulted a few years later and I have been making reduced repayments of £62 pcm for the last 6 years. My circumstance have now changed and can no longer afford that. Santander returned the attached signed agreement. Please can you check if it is a valid/enforceable agreement. They also sent a signed direct debit form and application data summary sheet with it. If enforceable, will I therefore need to renegotiate reduced payment with Santander to avoid a CCJ. Thanks in advance for any help!
  18. Hi all, This is a speculative question because I'm not on the dole yet, but who knows! Either in the process of claiming benefits or during a compliance check, one may be asked to produce evidence of capital, e. g. bank statements. Is there a rule that determines a minimum or maximum period for which this evidence must be reported? I've searched extensively on Google and I've also read the DM guide about capital but I haven't found anything. Some people have been asked 3 months worth of statements; others 6 months; some other one year. Any clue? Thanks.
  19. People moving house will be able to easily compare broadband speeds at different addresses before buying for the first time under government plans Internet firms will be ordered to hand over data on broadband speeds for individual addresses rather than just geographical areas under changes contained in the Digital Economy Bill. It is hoped the move will encourage price comparison websites to create easy to use searches of broadband speeds at different properties. Currently, if a house-hunters wants to check how quick broadband is at a property of interest they must individually approach every different internet firm. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/09/12/broadband-speeds-for-every-property-to-be-made-easily-available/
  20. Does anyone know anything about these? Just got position number one for a property, after bidding for it last week, went through income and expenditure and I'm shaking and nervous, forgot to tell her about the three things debt wise I pay out only my partners .... didn't tell her about debts were not paying as it was income and expenditure and I'm currently not paying on some of them. Then she say shes going off to do a credit check and will call me back, that was over an hour ago. So I guess that's game over then? I didn't know social did credit checks? How are we supposed to get anywhere to live? Been living at my mums since January now with my partner and 3 children. I feel like I have literally just hit rock bottom ...
  21. I have watched this programme and depending on when they filmed each series certainly the one prior to the latest, maybe even this series will have been filmed after a change in law http://www.landlordlawblog.co.uk/2015/11/17/new-nightmares-for-landlords-using-high-court-sheriffs-to-evict-tenants/ Nicholas v Secretary of State for Defence, High Court, Chancery Division, August 24, 2015 Which they now have to give advanced notice about HCEO's being instructed to carry out evictions CH5 conveniently appears to have omitted this fact Also the methods some of DCBL staff (del & son) used to gain a questionable" peaceful entry" yes door was open but man standing next to it blocking entry further into property yet del's son still enters blocks door from being closed (surely this is illegal)? series 4 episode 11 i hope But this is the sort of thing if I'm correct that misleads people and causes confusion it's time that tv companies /broadcasters et el, were legally bound to report facts based on laws not fudging stuff for entertainment value, many of those featured are very vulnerable as are some who maybe watching these so called documentaries
  22. I have just had a compliance check and really worried. I had a letter stating that they had information that someone else was living here which was true. Its a long story but have been involved with this person on and off for two years. He has been homeless, in hostels etc since March 2015 (he is an alcoholic). I have been trying to support him and he was offered a job not far from where I live and I thought I would ask him to move in so he could get to work. We did try and make a go of it but after a couple of weeks it was quite clear that it wasnt going to work. I called the compliance team and explained this and it was agreed that they would just cancel my Child Tax Credit claim. I have had a letter now from them saying the claim has been cancelled and in their opinion we have been living as husband and wife. I cant be bothered to appeal this as just want to get on with my life. My son is 17 and the payments would have stopped in January anyway. He had an interview at the job centre last week regarding his ESA payment which had stopped at the beginning of October which was OK as he was working anyway. They are now looking into his ESA for last year as he had worked on and off until March this year. He also had a lump sump back payment paid into his account for the time it was stopped this year. He said he told them that he was working but struggling to believe him. He said they told him if there was an overpayment that they would just send a letter and he could agree a payment plan but I think this was for last year. The thing thats really worrying me at the moment is that he did live here from the end of July 2015 to beginning of March 2016. For part of that time we were a couple and I wasnt receiving tax credits but he started drinking heavily again in November and I ended it an claimed child tax credit from then. He did live here until March 2016 but we were not a couple. He did give me sporadic board money. I dont know whether I should just call someone and tell them this as am worried sick they are going to look back on my claim for last year in light of his visit to the job centre. Dont know what to do. Do I voluntarily tell them or wait and see what happens?
  23. The 5p charge on plastic bags to be introduced in October faces accusations that it will confuse customers - and doubtless lead to arguments at the checkout. The charge is being introduced as part of a government policy to reduce waste by cutting bag use by up to 80 per cent in supermarkets and by half on the high street, with the aim of reducing litter and protecting wildlife. The new rules are likely to baffle shoppers and cashiers alike, as till operators will be the ones to decide whether the charge must be paid. But before they charge you, they have to ensure the bag ‘qualifies’ as a bag. The government has issued guidelines defining what a plastic carrier bag is: it must be made of plastic, be unused, have handles and be 70 microns thick or less. Cashiers must then check if the items in your shopping qualify for a free plastic bag. Guidelines issued by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) note that you can receive a free plastic bag if your shopping includes items from a long list of exemptions, including: uncooked fish, meat and poultry products, unwrapped blades and “live aquatic creatures in water”. Also included are flowers, bulbs, potatoes and prescription drugs. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/rules-on-5p-plastic-bags-likely-to-lead-to-arguments-at-the-check-out-10478570.html You won't get charged for plastic bags that are: for uncooked fish and fish products for uncooked meat, poultry and their products for unwrapped food for animal or human consumption - for example, chips, or food sold in containers not secure enough to prevent leakage during normal handling for unwrapped loose seeds, flowers, bulbs, corns, rhizomes (roots, stems and shoots, such as ginger) or goods contaminated by soil (such as potatoes or plants) for unwrapped blades, including axes, knives, and knife and razor blades for prescription medicine for live aquatic creatures in water woven plastic bags for goods in transport, such as at an airport or on a train, plane or ship considered as sealed packaging for mail order and click-and-collect orders (regardless of handles) returnable multiple reuse bags (bags for life) used to give away free promotional material used for a service but there’s no sale of goods, such as dry cleaning or shoe repairs A bag can contain multiple items from this list and not incur a charge. However, if the bag contains other items then you must charge. For example, you wouldn’t charge for a bag containing an unwrapped blade and unwrapped loose seeds, but adding a box of cornflakes means you’d have to charge. https://www.gov.uk/guidance/carrier-bag-charges-retailers-responsibilities
  24. At 11am this morning I had a phone call from someone saying they were calling from Employement and Support Allowance and that it was nothing to worry about but that they are trialling phone benefit reviews rather than sending out forms. She then proceded to ask me questions about others living in the home, if anyone new had move in, if I had savings of more than £5000 , if I had done any paid work or undertaken any course of study, I said no to all which is true. I have had no change in circumstance that I would need to tell them about. They didn't ask any questions at all about my health which is also unchanged. After I had answered all those questions they told me that all was fine that I wouldn't get a change of circumstance form but that any other letters or forms I got from them I should do what they say and that was that. I don't know what to think, I had my last ESA review in March 2013 and then seemed to be one of the lucky ones who had reassessment deferred for two years from January 2014 so I was expecting reassessment early next year. Anyone know about this new trial of phone reviews? Does this mean that I will get a new ESA50 now or was it just them checking that my circmstances were all as they had on file?
  25. To be honest I'm a little unsure on if this issue is beyond the scope of this group by want to ask for advice anyway. I've been working for a security company for a number of months that deal with various events all over the place etc. Done countless jobs for them and never any issues regarding my work, ability or conduct. Only I was supposed to be working a particular event for a few days. Nothing unique or special about the event in the slightest and I've worked a number of similar such events and countless 1 off jobs that's similar. But the company in question, without notice has cancelled this upcoming event work (and ALL upcoming work\jobs into December I had booked with them) citing a failed police PNC check they claim they do for all these events that directly instructs the company not to let me work this event!. The company has now placed me on "special leave" and cancelled this particular event work and all upcoming work. Now working in security and for this particular company I was recruited as an SIA qualified worker I fully understand they would have to carry out extensive legal checks, more so in dealing with events that involves constantly dealing with the general public in various situations. For the interview I had to provide an enhanced CRB certificate (which actually came as part of my SIA training), which was completely clean and clear of anything, my SIA badge\licence (which in itself would require extensive background checks to grant I'd have thought), training & qualification certificates etc. Everything was fine until this week never a problem or any issues working any event or job. Then I get this email putting me on special leave and removing me from all work citing a failed police PNC check that the company did for this event. So I call the company to try and find out what the hell is going on as ive bills to pay and a family to support and I know full well there is no legal issues preventing me working and I have a 100% completely clean record and background. This is where things start to get somewhat deceptive and defensive from the company I start to feel. They tell me for all such events like this the company does police PNC checks on all staff members that work these such events. Really I ask?, I've worked at least 3 other identical\similar events and if they do these PNC checks each time for all staff then clearly I've passed them, at least 3 previous apparent employer requested PNC checks so there must be an error I point out. I ask what's unique about this event that would cause a failed police PNC check?. Nothing unique they tell me except that it's the events project manager who requests these police PNC Checks on all staff working the event and that the Human Resources person I spoke to claims the project manager (in charge of the event) had received an email back from the police in response to the police PNC check instructing the company that I'm not allowed to work at this event. I plead with the company to accept this must be an error and to double check with the events project manager as they done their own checks when they first interviewed me, have a copy of my completly clean enhanced CRB certificate, had made apparent previous police PNC checks, the last (if a genuine claim) would have been less than 2 weeks previous to this claimed failed PNC check and if anything was going to flag up it would have done so a long time ago. The company dont seem to want to know or help much at all leaving me in limbo. Getting nowhere with the company I visit the police and explain it all to them in the hope they can at least check my name on there PNC. But they can't seem to help or offer a solution either. Except to say I'd have to apply for a police PNC check myself which would take several weeks. But they did suggest the only thing, due to a clean enhanched CRB certificate that could cause issues is anything post CRB dated, which there is nothing. Any advice as I'm lost on this and get the feeling the company is lying about something?. As surely they can't make multiple PNC checks if at all without written concent?. And surely a police PNC check would return a list of issues than simply give an instruction not to let me work this event?. Something don't sound right here about all this.
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