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  1. Dear All, I’m looking for some advice please. Some time ago I had a road traffic accident. When cycling a car cut me off. I didn’t have a chance to break and hit the car, went through my handle bars and hit the ground. The driver drove off from the accident scene but the registration plates were known to the Police because one of the witnesses took photo of that car. I had many injuries and was taken to hospital. After sometime Police sent me a letter and informed me that ..."the driver of the other vehicle registration number XXXXXXX was unable to be traced"... and that I can submit a claim to MIB. I have checked DVLA records and the registration plates numbers are registered in the database and the make and color of the car matches the one that cut me off. I don't know why Police having registration plates numbers informed me that the driver is untraceable. This is a mystery to me. 1. Do you think it’s possible to handle untraced driver/personal injury MIB claim yourself or a solicitor is required ? 2. What kind of challenges will I have to face if I’ll go at it myself ? 3. Is it possible that I could receive less compensation if I go at it myself ? Many thanks for any help.
  2. I'm sorry if this is in the wrong section. I checked my Credit report today on Noddle and noticed that a Credit Application check has been run on my maiden name of over twelve years ago, and an address which I haven't lived at for the same amount of time. The check was carried out just days ago. This concerns me as I'm worried someone is trying to obtain credit in my name. The company that ran the check are called Shop Direct. Obviously I will need to contact them, but if I could have people's thoughts on why this may have happened I'd be very grateful.
  3. I received leather sofa from Sofology, financed with an Int. free loan from Barclays (Partner Finance) Hours after delivery, it became obvious that the sofa had manufacturing faults (different cushion front panel heights, and inadequate partly filled cushions to the seating area. Raised a complaint (!) and provided photo/video evidence....asked for correction or collection! Initially fobbed off, told there was nothing wrong. Persisted, and 3 weeks later, I appear to be dealing with a senior colleague, instead of the 11 or so 'Tom, Dick and Harriets' that I had encountered in a sequence of email/call centre 'one-off' contacts. I have informed Sofology that I wish to return the sofa, due to it's failings, and also that it fails to match the quality of the original in-store sofa observed at time of ordering. Q- Might this form a 'breach of contract'? I'm not a legal person and don't want the 'Perry Mason' in me to get completely carried away! FWIW I have complained to Barclays, and they have started a Sect 75 complaint....but I've no idea where that might go. However....after essentially ignoring me for over a fortnight....Sofology have perked up a bit when Barclays presented the complaint. Position I'm now in is: Either.....allow Homserve rep. (supposedly independent....really?) to visit, assess and provide an 'honest' report. Sofolgy's subsequent action, in terms of the 'refund' (to Barclays) and to end the finance agreement will depend on this 'report' OR....as the defects/faults are considered 'un'confirmed, (in spite of Video evidence) they will take back the Sofa, and charge me a 30% (£300+) cancellation fee. Is it correct to consider this as a cancellation.....the item is defective??! Haven't encountered this idea of being charged in order to return a defective item......is that legal? Would appreciate any help from members
  4. Petition Pay £350m per week to NHS or re-run EU Referendum https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/171869?reveal_response=yes
  5. Is it legal, for council run car parks, to lease some of their bays? I have been using a particular car park; 30 years plus. It has six levels. First level has a row of bays painted pink [nice] for 'Handicapped' & 'Parents with children.' All the other bays are painted blue. Rightly or, wrongly, this colour has been considered for the use of all others It is a pay & display. It was busy. I drove up to the fifth level. All the bays were blue. It was 80 per cent full. Saw a bay and reversed in. Bought a ticket - onto windscreen. When I returned, there was a PCN on the window for not displaying a ticket. Found the parking office and entered. Within were 3 parking attendants munching happily. I was angry. A Team leader joined me. Went up to my car. Pointed out my ticket. He then alleged that I had placed it there after I had received the PCN. Got more angry. He said it had been issued by the Team Manager and he would have taken photos. He began to raise him on the radio. Whilst he was doing that, I spotted a 12" by 12" plaque saying one was not allowed to be parked in these bays - even if 'one' had a ticket. [Leased out to : Clinical Commissioning Group [CCG] {NHS} My research reveals they receive from the government i.e. 'us' two thirds of a 73 billion pound budget. Nice, again. Bear in mind - not even the Team Leader knew any of this. Also, other than the plaques being small, their positioning is suspect: The first one was blocked by my near side exterior mirror. The second, on the rear wall, was invisible to me as it was lower than my rear view mirror, and finally, the third one was out of sight as it was on the other side of the car parked next to mine. Of course, I am challenging the PCN. [inadequate signage] Has what has occurred - legal??
  6. Hi many years ago I ran into debt ( £4500 ) on a Halifax credit card. They sold the debt to Arrow Global who tried to take me to court and obtain a CCJ. I wanted all the paperwork before acknowledging the debt but despite many SARs and CCA requests ( I did everything correctly ) I ended up putting in a defence as they wouldnt give me anything . After many weeks and lots od support on here the debt was thrown out of court. My credit file in now better than ever putting me in an ideal position now to move house and start my life over honestly. I never knew if I had ppi on this but I have a feeling I did . I never had any statements from HBOS or Arrow. Would I claim from Halifax the original seller of my credit card, or Arrow Global who took me to court and lost as they owned the debt. Also if I approach either would I end up acknowledging the debt and starting a 6 year negative debt on my credit file all over again ? Id rather not risk ruining my credit file , but if I could reclaim some ppi it would certainly help me move forward financially with house purchase ! many thanks for reading.
  7. My neighbor has a habit of parking too close to my vehicles This coincides with the fact that my car has been picking up mysterious dents and scratches for some time now.. This morning I noticed that my neighbors car was parked nose to nose with mine... Shortly after, he got into his car and backed straight into my rear bumper.. I witnessed the entire incident.. However before I could get outside, he'd sped off I just wanted some advise on how you would deal with this situation I am furious, but want to make sure that I do not overreact. The fact that I have always been very cordial with my neighbor makes the incident the more baffling, because if I had not witnessed the incident, my neighbor would pretend that nothing had happened.. and he would smile and ask how my day/evening was like he usually does..
  8. Hi all Thanks for taking the time to read this.. I have been on ESA Contribution based since 13th October last year...seen their Doctor in January of this year and was placed in WRAG in March of this year.... At the time of applying for ESA I received a reply stating that I was entitled to both Contribution based and Income based but as I have always worked I was entitled to the Contribution based... I know you can only receive this for a year and my question is will I automatically transfer over to income based or should I ring them on Monday? I hate the thoughts of ringing them as I always feel like a beggar when I am having to deal with them and really only want to ring if I really really have to lol (honest to god, I go from a 46 year old fully competent person to a nervous wreck when I have to deal with them) As my contribution based is due to run out next week, if there is something to be reapplied for should they have not sent me a something in the post before this? I have tried googling this but cant seem to find the answer anywhere... I live in Northern Ireland just incase that makes a difference.. Thanks for reading this far.. Cheers Trinity....
  9. I was looking for advice for a friend who worked in france and rented, when coming back they cleared all outstanding rent ect, now are being chased for debt since returning. I dont think they did run this debt up and feel that they are being taken advantage of as a foreigner. Are they liable for these debts?
  10. The letter said he has a lodger(he has never had one) he uses the house for immoral purposes which is really wrong as only we, his family visit him. The council has also been looking through his windows snooping. He is 64 and has heart problems. He goes to court in January but he's done nothing wrong. This is not the first time someome has reported him, last year someone reported him for his hedge. As soon as he came out of hospital after his operation he was reported for the hedge and the grass being too long. Well he couldn't walk without losing his breath, he has COPD and arthritius. He's being reported for *His house being untidy *His garden being untidy(he doesn't have the money for a lawnmower, yet the council will mow the lawn for someone with a family in the same street. *Using his house for immoral purposes *Having a lodger *A washing machine in the front garden which was gone in January *And dog mess near his front garden, he hasn't had a dog since about November when his dog died. Would CAB help him?
  11. My Step-son has been insured with Hastings since passing his driving test at 18 and buying his first car. In 2014 a claim was made against him saying he had run into the back of another car. As my step-son did not have an independent witness he was unable to prove it was not his car and the claim was settled with my step-son losing his 2 years no claims. This was despite Hastings giving my step-son the incorrect date for the alleged accident for 8 months and my step-sons car's towing hook being on the drivers side when the dent to the third party car being on the passenger side rear!!!! The latest problem is that he was hit in the rear by another vehicle (Nissan Qashqai) Step-son's car being a 2009 Mini, while waiting to parallel park in a space on a side road. Step-son was stationary at the time as he was checking if it was clear to reverse into the space. He had reverse gear engaged ready to reverse in the space as soon as he could see it was clear. The road he was using was an entrance to a supermarket and is at least 50ft wide. Step-son said he felt a bump so he put the handbrake on then the Nissan driver was banging on his window shouting at him saying Step-son has hit his car. Nissan driver was foreign and was very aggressive saying Step-son's reversing lights were not working. Police were called who attended and managed to get the other drivers details. They even checked that Step-sons reversing lights were working perfectly. Accident was reported to Hastings the following day. Solicitors were instructed by Hastings to pursue the other driver. Hastings then wrote to my Step-son in February informing him they were settling the claim as the other driver said Step-son had reversed into him. Hastings say that as my Step-son was the manoeuvring party then he is liable as Step-son cannot prove he was stationary. The solicitors are fuming as Hastings have done this without consulting them. I am still in contact with the solicitors as my Daughter (who was 15 at the time of the accident) was a passenger in my Step-son's car. Can anyone give us advice on what we can do next?
  12. Hello all, I have been claiming JSA and have been referred to Ingeus just recently so far i have avoided signing any paper work as to not fall into their trap. luckily enough i have now found a job that i am due to start so i need to stop my JSA claim however as i will be paid monthly i would really need the housing benefit 4 week run on for help with rent and c.tax. what is the best route for me to go as i really do not want INGEUS contacting my new employer as it is rather annoying plus i haven't signed anything so dont feel it is fair if they did. can i tell the job centre that i have simply just found a job without giving them the actual details? and give the local council details of my job in order to get the run on or will the council tell the job centre my details and they then pass it on to ingeus? any help is much appreciated. thank you. Dean
  13. Hi Please can anyone help with this? A brand new red checked shirt was washed following the label instructions at 40 degrees and the red dye has run into several other garments dyeing them pink/red to the point that they are potentially ruined. Can anyone provide advise on how to approach the store to claim for the cost of the damaged clothes? Thanks for any help?
  14. My brother was originally on Incap for years, then they transferred him to JSA in March 2013. He started work last monday & is loving it. He is 31 yrs old. Single. No dependants. He has cancelled his JSA & housing benefit & isn't entitled to any housing benefit, but seems he will get about £50 a week working tax credits. I understood him to be able to get a 4 week run on with housing benefit though. But the council have told him he won't. He did get sanctioned with JSA for getting the day wrong with an appointment a couple of months ago. Although the council said it wasn't to do with that. It was because he hadn't been on JSA long enough. Even though he was on it just over a year. He didn't realise the time to be on JSA is 26 weeks for the 4 week run on. Could it be because of the sanction do you think? I think he is going to try ringing them tomorrow, but it's difficult for him because he is now working full time in a different town.
  15. Hoping for a bit of help on behalf of my mum.... Mum runs a small business maintaining lets and did some work for a woman who owns a house in the UK but now resides in Australia. The woman was invoice for c £2k, paid £100 then ignored the rest. Mum has an address and email for her in Australia and she has chased the debt to not effect. Is it possible/prudent to chase the debt further given she retains property in the UK? Mum could really do with the money and according to Facebook, this woman is rather enjoying a holiday in Bali! Thanks in advance.
  16. Morning all, Now while I am technically competent I find myself with an issue I am not sure about. I bought a Pomp W89 quad core mobile from a seller on Ebay. It is a Chinese knock off and looks good. This is the phone and the seller in question. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Dual-Sim-Camera-Cell-POMP-W89-4-7-Quad-Core-WiFi-Smartphone-Android-4-2-Mobile-/380786054168?pt=UK_Mobile_Phones&hash=item58a89e1418 My issue is, the GPS does not work! After I contacted the seller he (I assume) replied with this I had already done this so I replied saying it still wasn't working so today I got this. Now, it is my understanding that when outside, the GPS chip should work without having GPRS switched on. GPRS is an additional factor to ensure quicker location. If I left data roaming on, this would cost me once my PAYG payment expires. Are they trying to fob me off?
  17. Dear All I was hit by a car in the rear and my car bumped into a car in front. Luckily we were not at high speed. The car hit me failed to stop and run away. I was shocked and could not note the reg number. Police could not trace the car either. The car I bumped into claiming against MIB or against my insurance? I am puzzled, insurance company is holding me liable even though it was not my fault? Thank you.
  18. Hi all In need of some advice. Someone has hit my warrior truck on the passenger side and just drove off and left it. The insurance company are sending me to arnold clark to have it looked at. One garage I called into today said that it would cost £2500 to put the work right as the truck has a double skin. Now my problem is, that they are saying that if arnold clark finds the total amount to fix the truck more that 50% of the trucks value that it will be written off. Can I try and buy the truck back from the insurance company? Do I have the right to refuse any work done by anrold clark? This truck is so special to me as this was the last thing that my late husband bought me as a huge surprise. So really do not want to get rid of this. Any advice helpful, as I am totally on my own now I find trying to solve problems like this a total nightmare, as my husband did everything in the car department for me. Kaz
  19. Hi everybody.. .. Been spending the last few days reading avidly about things I've avoided all my life, after I discovered that we're up the creek, dropped both paddles and there's piranahs in the water... Oh and the boat's sprung a leak...or two. Sadly I'd left all money stuff to my wife who got into a bit of a muddle. The more serious things got the harder it became for her to tell me, while I just carried on in blissful ignorance. However, it's all out in the open now and together we are trying to sort out the mountain of debts and (possible) eviction. I'm doing the research and my wife is sorting through mountains of paperwork. Thankfully she hadn't thrown anything much away. We're looking at PPI, Bank Charges and a missold mortgage...at least! This site is wonderful. I've found out more in the past few days that I had in a month trying to Google things and sift through the irrelevant stuff it throws at you. Thanks everyone for your dilligance and what seems to be good solid advice and plain common sense and reassurance. When I'm totally up to speed with all this I WILL be asking questions.. ..Brace yourselves!
  20. Further to this . I am now been given the run around by Zurich. They state the other party is disputing this & 3 weeks ago requested a diagram. As I pointed out if they haven't sent back the request may well indicate their true position. However they claim not to be able to do anything until they receive this. So I posed the question what if they do not receive this. No answer. Another point is that whilst I am fully comp; my excess is £450 I am not in a position to pay/ don't want to; I have a feeling my insurance premium will go up and continue for next 5 years. Has anyone tried to put in a claim for additional future increase in payments when this is a no fault accident? Also any advice on how to expedite matters with Zurich. I have already suggested I am considering a Claims Management Company! original post below Any general advice please. I was involved in an accident whilst coming towards a Keep Clear Box. The road had filtered into 2 lanes and as I arrived at the KCB a 7.5 truck was on the inside lane. I noticed a vehicle suddenly pulling out from a Ford garage and the driver looking left then suddenly pulled out turning right and straight into my offside. He claims that I was in the KCB . He was potentially obscured by the truck but should have shown more caution . My point is I was not in the box and though he claimed I was this meant that I would have had to be hit then decide to reverse backwards with traffic behind me. What I would like to know is even if I was in the box moving forward or stationary am I at all culpable? Without the box he has pulled out of a side entrance and hit my car on the main road. The fact that 2 of his colleagues said they saw me in the KCB when they work in the garage 50 metres away makes little odds to me. Also the garage manager refused to give me the drivers details ; stating that " all my insurance company want to know is that he was a Ford technician". I have asked the Ford Dept to verify if a police report was filed within 24 hours as I did not receive the details. Any views thanks. Also just received a response from Ford Unfortunately I cannot comment on the circumstances as we do not yet have the completed accident report form for our driver. I can advise that the drivers name has been given as J>*** *******r. We are not obliged to give his personal address, as he was an employee driving in the course of his duties the business address is sufficient. All correspondence should be directed to the address below. As I understand it, the vehicle belongs to a customer and therefore once again I cannot give you their personal details. The insurance company is *******. However they will not be aware of the accident until we receive the form and forward it to them. Now I do not have the driver details but they are refusing to give owner details. No mention of police report also.
  21. Is there a run-on payment of housing benefit after signing off due to obtaining work? How does that work if you start your job a week or so after the last regular payment?
  22. Hi, I hope someone can help me. I have just finished my uni course (last Friday - end date on all paperwork = 8th June 2013) and went to ask about jobseekers at the local Jobcentre. (I would have gone earlier but my nan (who brought me up for the first 12 months of my life) died a couple of weeks ago and I was away from uni to see her in the Hospice and for the funeral (just got there the day before she died) The Jobcentre gave me a leaflet and said I needed to claim online. I started the claim but it kept kicking me off so after numerous tries I had no option but to leave it till the following day and try again. The following day I went down to the jobcentre and told them what had happened. I also asked which address they would advise I make my claim from because I had finished my course and had to be out of Uni accommodation in three days time, so would be back in my home town at the other end of the country when I was due to be asked to attend a local appointment. The man at the jobcentre advised me to apply from the new address – the one I am due to move into on Monday – BUT (and here’s the thing) – when I went back and tried to apply online for the THIRD time, it wouldn’t let me enter an address that I haven’t moved into yet! So I can’t claim from my Uni address because I won’t be here when the local appointment comes through and I cant claim from the new address because it won’t let me detail that as my address because I don’t take the tenancy up until Monday! I don’t know what else to do and will end up losing a weeks money and a weeks contributions as a result. Does anyone know what I can do please to avoid losing more than I have already/explaining the delay? I have also been told you have to wait until you graduate to claim JSA but the uni are saying that I should and must claim immediately as my course has officially finished last Friday... so what do I do about the address problem... I am rather hoping someone with benefits experience/a Decision maker maybe, will visit here or be on staff here and may be able to help? Can anyone advise please? Thanks in advance. Chris
  23. My sister bought a Samsung Galaxy Ace (S5830i) from the O2 shop in my home town back in May. Just after she got it, texts and calls appeared to be failing and the network would just "drop" - we thought this was down to the sim card being faulty and got a new one sent out. After some kerfuffle with that (an unprovisioned sim being sent, approx 21 days later got a working one) the phone was doing the same. Returned to the store and phone booked in for repair - however phone did exactly the same when it was returned. On second return to store they booked it in for a replacement (refurb), however my sister then received an S5830 (notice the missing I) - this Galaxy Ace was the original model, with a slightly lower spec than the new one (S5830i)! Contacted the store and they again booked it in for replacement, however they've now turned round and said that they have no new Galaxy Ace's to replace the phone with. Any thoughts guys?
  24. Hi Could anyone advise when the HB and JSA run on scheme finishes. Just waiting on the outcome of a 3rd stage interview and I have a nagging doubt the scheme finishes in April??? Am I right???
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