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Found 2 results

  1. Hi many years ago I ran into debt ( £4500 ) on a Halifax credit card. They sold the debt to Arrow Global who tried to take me to court and obtain a CCJ. I wanted all the paperwork before acknowledging the debt but despite many SARs and CCA requests ( I did everything correctly ) I ended up putting in a defence as they wouldnt give me anything . After many weeks and lots od support on here the debt was thrown out of court. My credit file in now better than ever putting me in an ideal position now to move house and start my life over honestly. I never knew if I had ppi on this but I have a feeling I did . I never had any statements from HBOS or Arrow. Would I claim from Halifax the original seller of my credit card, or Arrow Global who took me to court and lost as they owned the debt. Also if I approach either would I end up acknowledging the debt and starting a 6 year negative debt on my credit file all over again ? Id rather not risk ruining my credit file , but if I could reclaim some ppi it would certainly help me move forward financially with house purchase ! many thanks for reading.
  2. Hi all just searched mmf web site on google and norton flags it as a red site with a drive by down load
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