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  1. Now see them here at home https://www.theguardian.com/environment/gallery/2017/jun/27/ocean-plastic-pollution-scotland-in-pictures
  2. Hi many years ago I ran into debt ( £4500 ) on a Halifax credit card. They sold the debt to Arrow Global who tried to take me to court and obtain a CCJ. I wanted all the paperwork before acknowledging the debt but despite many SARs and CCA requests ( I did everything correctly ) I ended up putting in a defence as they wouldnt give me anything . After many weeks and lots od support on here the debt was thrown out of court. My credit file in now better than ever putting me in an ideal position now to move house and start my life over honestly. I never knew if I had ppi on this but I have a feeling I did . I never had any statements from HBOS or Arrow. Would I claim from Halifax the original seller of my credit card, or Arrow Global who took me to court and lost as they owned the debt. Also if I approach either would I end up acknowledging the debt and starting a 6 year negative debt on my credit file all over again ? Id rather not risk ruining my credit file , but if I could reclaim some ppi it would certainly help me move forward financially with house purchase ! many thanks for reading.
  3. A really great .pdf document about Passwords, and well worth the read. Full Article
  4. Reddit user FalloutBoS has posted a salutary warning to others thinking of upgrading to Windows 10: be careful it doesn't result in your wife finding out about your porn collection. FalloutBoS says that he installed at the end of last week. When his wife got up the following morning, the computer was merrily rotating through his carefully curated collection of x-rated images, using the hardcore pics as a screensaver: Loaded up WIN 10 last night and left it on to do its thing. Woke up to wife asking why I set it to rotate all my porn images right on the desk top view. I have no idea how to shut that feature off and that computer is staying shut down until I do. Free windows and a free trip to the doghouse. Thanks Microsoft!!! Edit: Don't make my mistake, keep your private pictures out of My Pictures, no matter how deep you hide them in sub folders. My wife is very happy I admitted my mistake on this sub. She said I took my medicine and she now finds it quite funny. 'Ain't love grand? I guess it's a good thing Aunty Hilda wasn't staying with them over the weekend... If you have content on your computer which you don't want other users to see, it might be worth creating an encrypted archive and ensuring that you haven't placed any (ahem) compromising content in the My Pictures folder. You have been warned. Source: Reddit.
  5. I received this :- From Mrs. Alice Idris Abidjan- Cote D'Ivoire May I Humbly solicit your confidence in this Transaction, as Being utterly confidential and top secret. But I am Assuring you That you SHALL BE very happy at the end of the Day. I Decided to Contact you due to the Urgency of this Transaction, as I wish to Repose my Trust and confidence on your Discreteness and Ability in Transaction of this Nature. Let me start by Introducing my self Properly to you, my name is Mrs. Alice Idris, I am the Regional Bank Manager of BOA Bank Abidjan-Cote D 'Ivoire I Came to know about you in my Private Search for a reliable and reputable Foreigner to handle this Confidential Transaction As the Regional Bank Manager of BOA BANK ;. it IS my duty to send a financial report to my head office at the end of each year On the course of the 2012 year report, We discovered an excess profit of Fifteen Million Us Dollars, [$ 15,000,000.00] which we have kept in SUSPENSE ACCOUNT without any beneficiary. As an officer of the Bank I CAN not BE Directly Connected to this Fund for Security Reasons, That IS why I am Contacting you for US to Work Together to Get the SAID Fund into your Bank account for INVESTMENT in your Country. The percentage Ratio IS THUS: 40% for you, 60% for me and my colleagues. Note: There Are Practically no Risks Involved in this Transactionas it IS 100% Risk free and Will BE legally Bonded, it Will BE Bank to Bank transfer, all I need from you is to stand as the next of kin / Beneficiary to the original depositor of this fund who made ​​the deposit with Kumasi branch so that my Head office can order the transfer to your designated bank account. If you accept this offer to work with me, if you find this Proposal suitable for you, kindly reply for full details. I Will appreciate it very much, If this Proposal IS acceptable by you, do not make Undue Advantage of the Trust I Have Bestowed on you, and I Assure you That we SHALL Achieve it successfully. 3 things to note :- 1. I'm a 'reliable and reputable Foreigner'. 2. Maybe the $15 is that which Tesco mislaid. 3. The is practically no risk. I'm tempted to reply just for a laugh. H
  6. By Graham Cluley on Jan 13, 2016 | It’s 2016, and it would be nice to think that after several years of doing business online, companies have got a better handle on how to protect their websites from attacks. I’m afraid I have depressing news for you. Many sites are continuing to make big mistakes. Well-known threats like cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks continue to challenge many websites, including household names. Take eBay, for instance. As Motherboard reports, a security researcher going by the name of MLT discovered a critical XSS flaw on eBay’s website in early December, which could allow malicious hackers to create fraudulent login pages and steal passwords. As far as the user is concerned, they have clicked on a link to the main ebay.com site and are being asked by eBay to enter their password. Even sceptical users who check the browser bar will probably be reassured that the password request is legitimate because they see ebay.com as the domain they are visiting. MLT has even produced a YouTube video demonstrating the XSS attack against eBay for non-believers, showing how simple it would be to trick users into handing over their passwords to hackers.
  7. By Graham Cluley on Jan 13, 2016 | 1 Comment It’s 2016, and it would be nice to think that after several years of doing business online, companies have got a better handle on how to protect their websites from attacks. I’m afraid I have depressing news for you. Many sites are continuing to make big mistakes. Well-known threats like cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks continue to challenge many websites, including household names. Take eBay, for instance. As Motherboard reports, a security researcher going by the name of MLT discovered a critical XSS flaw on eBay’s website in early December, which could allow malicious hackers to create fraudulent login pages and steal passwords. As far as the user is concerned, they have clicked on a link to the main ebay.com site and are being asked by eBay to enter their password. Even sceptical users who check the browser bar will probably be reassured that the password request is legitimate because they see ebay.com as the domain they are visiting. MLT has even produced a YouTube video demonstrating the XSS attack against eBay for non-believers, showing how simple it would be to trick users into handing over their passwords to hackers. Full article
  8. I just thought I'd post list for your chuckles I noticed a Default on my credit file. So wrote to Lowell Group requesting CCA etc etc. Finally got a letter from Naturally Close (Lingerie catalogue) I'm a man, and not that way inclined! Anyway, Naturally Close quoted "The Account was originally opened on 18th Feb 2007" and "We are under no obligation to supply you with a signed copy of your agreement at this time. However please find enclosed a Reconstituted "True Copy" of your agreement allong with the terms and conditions..." blah blah.. Firstly, no such agreement has been signed by me, so unsure how it can be a Reconstituted "True Copy", and secondly, the address on the copy is my current address. I wasnt living at my current address in Feb 2007, nor was I for at tleast 4 years after. They sent two different copies of the "CCA" Page 1 of one "CCA" states 39.6% interest. Page 1 of the other states 36.9% Both with the incorrect address for when the agreement was taken out.. Funny how when I brought this to the attention of Lowell, and have been chasing them weekly for 6 weeks, that they dont reply. I've just opened a case with the Financial Ombudsman.
  9. Is it possible that a former officer of the old Log Book Loans organisation is now an adjudicator at the financial ombudsman services? I have mentioned him in my application to the FOS in relation to my stolen car. What should this mean for me or anyone else that is seeking justice from this company which has now gone into administration? Fortunately the FOS are accepting applications from before a certain date.
  10. Hi, New to this forum after reading a few posts relating to this company "cash4phones.co.uk". I sent my phone to them last week, recorded delivery and have used royal mail track and trace which shows the phone was received and signed for. Its still early days but the site shows the status as "pack sent to customer" i assume it should by now say "received" or similar. After my paranoid level soared i did a quick google only to find hundreds of complaints in reviews of this company, so, this appears to be the first step in the process of being ripped of by this company so i thought i'd make an official note of the situation here. I've used their contact form online and asked if someone can take a look into the status of my request, as i hear back i'll update on here. phone is a galaxy s3 in spotless condition which they quoted as being worth £185.51
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