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  1. An ajudicator made a decision to uphold my case 4 years ago, however the business appealed the decision. After constantly chasing the FOS over a period of 3 years and numerous missed deadlines, six months ago an ombudsman made a provisional decision again in my favour, however I was stripped of costs which the adjudicator had awarded. To date, no final decision has been made, and the pattern of broken promises for deadlines, and constant chasing them for a final decision is still ongoing. What can I do to get them to make a final decision after 4 years of the stress of this case and struggling to survive financially?
  2. Hi everyone. I could really use some help with this nightmare. I opened a GymEtc membership about 4 months ago. Somehow during the process the membership application got duplicated and i ended up being double charged for 2 accounts. I stopped the duplicate account direct debit, then get an aggressive letter from Harlands. I called them, explained the situation and they said they would close the duplicate account and refund the 2 payments. 4 weeks went by and I got no refund. When I contacted them again they said it had been initially rejected by GymEtc, then processed but still didn't make it to me or my bank. At this point I said i would collect the refund from my bank and contacted them to reverse the 2 direct debits on my duplicate account. I was very specific and gave the references and dates. They instead reversed 3 payments on the active direct debit then cancelled it. After this happened I called the bank and they admitted the error and reactivated the correct direct debit. I then called Harlands to pay the 3rd payment which should not have been refunded but they told me they could not take payment as this was not showing on the account. They told me they would watch the account and now call me when they could take payment. They also stated they would mark the account to not be charged. Another couple weeks go by and Harlands send aggressive correspondence. I call again to ask if i owe them and am told again that I don't own any money. Today they send me a letter saying I owe 2 admin fees of £25 each plus a membership payment. If i don't contact their customer care then my account will be sent to debt collection. I'm on my lunch hour, I have called them 7 times. I waited 20 minutes at one point for them to pick up, when they did, the person cut me off just after I finished the above long explanation. I am at my wits end and I now want them to terminate the contract with no fees. What are my options for resolving this now?
  3. My 82 year old mum hasn't been too well recently and her local Nat West Branch has closed down and the new one is a nightmare for parking and she doesn't walk too well. She also got caught out by a phone holiday spoof to the tune of a few hundred quid and became paranoid about the company knowing her account details so we decided that maybe a change to a new bank was a good option. Barclays is my and my sisters bank as well and as difficult as it is to talk about if something happens to mum before it happens to me we theorised that if we are all at the same bank things would be easier to deal with, but it has all become a bit of a disaster!! We had a meeting with an advisor who looked into it and after doing her bit on computer stated that mum qualified for a basic account which would not include an overdraft or the option to loan. To be fair mum has plenty of money in her account and gets very good pension and investment returns so the need for an overdraft or loan is highly unlikely as her balance stays pretty much the same each month and it's far higher than my balance is!!! The one thing the advisor forgot to mention though was that mum wouldn't get a cheque book and I wouldn't have know that anyway being a Barclays Current Account holder since I was in my teens!! This was only brought to our attention over a week later when I rang Barclays to ask because mum mentioned she hadn't received one, which we obviously thought was the norm, but was told that she couldn't get a cheque book for a basic account. We then went back for a meeting because this was baffling. It then became clear that mum had been declined a current account (hence the basic) but the reason for why she has been declined is unclear and apparently the advisors do not get told the reason so obviously the customer cannot argue against it. The advisor to be fair did apologise profusely for not explaining clearly and for forgetting to mention the cheque book and said the reason could be something to do with a credit score. I've however checked mums credit score on Experian and it was 999. She has no debts, mortgage paid off years ago, no loans taken out for years if ever as far as I know, plenty of cash in the account and has never had an issue getting credit cards, of which she pays off in full...… Could this be the problem?! The annoyance is that mum relies on her cheque book and is in a muddle and is having to either get me to send cheques for her or she has to withdraw large amounts of cash. The bank suggested waiting a couple of months and when they have seen how the account is managed and that Barclaycards have been paid off etc then they can reapply for a current account. If it is still declined then the only option is to go back to Nat West who have already said she can have a current account with cheque book like she did before, but it will obviously be a pain switching once again and I suspect all of the Direct Debit companies will be baffled as to what is happening!! Barclays have also made a mess up with statements as well with mum not receiving one statement in the two months since the account opened so I am chasing up that as well mum called Barclays Head Office last week and the guy on the phone couldn't understand why she hadn't been given a cheque book so we will wait and see if he gets any joy, although I would say probably not!!! So any ideas as to why this happens? Especially as I as an 18 years old got a current account without an issue and with probably no job at the time albeit 35 odd years ago!! It seems bizarre especially as they hide the reason. I am wondering in part if it's because she is a retired widow so upon first check they may not have known what monthly income she would be receiving but they would have seen from the account surely? Help massively appreciated.
  4. http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/markets/article-5653351/Computers-decide-PPI-victims-payout-explosive-documents-show.html
  5. Government outlines next steps to make the UK the safest place to be online READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/government-outlines-next-steps-to-make-the-uk-the-safest-place-to-be-online
  6. Been reading through the forums about how to manage debt and one thing seems to remain constant in that you work out your income and outgoings and then make an offer to each of your creditors telling them what you are prepared to pay each month over xxx amount of time. That's all well and good but what do you do when you have no income at all or so little income you can just about afford to pay your rent every month let alone anything else. What route do you go down with that one? A little background: My wife had a job in the city with a good salary and that plus my income meant we could pay everything on time and all was good. My wife then became quite ill and could not work and has been like that for the last 6 months. This left a whopping great £3k per month hole in the finances. I managed to plug that for a few months but then my own work dried up and now I am struggling just to make the rent and feed us every month. Right now, as of the time of writing this post we have absolutely zero money at all and huge pile of debts to pay...plus rent of course. So given that situation, how do we deal with creditors? I have a CCJ by the way and have already missed the deadline for last months payment, by a couple of days. I did write to Lowell to explain the situation but of course it's entirely at their discretion whether they enforce the court order or not. My wife bank did give her three months reduced payment on her loan so she only had to pay £1 per month for those three months however they also said they would not load interest on for that time but they have so her debt has already increased by another £1000 and climbing! Also that arrangement has come to an end and despite writing to them several times they have not come back to us (RBS). So what do you do when you have zero finances and need to deal with creditors?
  7. How to make a complaint to Defence Business Services READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/how-to-make-a-complaint-to-defence-business-services
  8. I am an IT consultant who works through my own Ltd company. I have been offered a job that is within IR35 this means I will pay tax, NI and all other deductions which I dont have a problem with. However the employer wants to deduct from me their costs such as Employers NI in other wrds bear their employer costs, is this right? I am due to sign the contract tomorrow so urgent guidance/help would be really appreciated. Thanks
  9. Well I have been making some serious posts recently. Every now and again it is good to relax a little have a little fun. Just remembered this scene as a couple of brothers finally make the big time. Made me laugh. Which are your favourite or memorable TV moments. Which made you smile or frown. I will start things off with this one. Twenty odd years ago we witnessed Del and Rodney finally become the millionaires they had dreamed of. What a legendary scene this is!
  10. Hi - I need some help quite badly. I had a bad mental breakdown around a year ago and didn't pay some private parking fines. They were for outside my mothers house whilst she was helping me. I didn't get letters as I was away from home getting help. I don't want to go into this further - but I'm not fully recovered. I got a call on Monday morning from my Mother in tears. Bailiffs had come and barged their way into her home. They asked her to get ID and then pushed in. They have then threatened to take all HER stuff. They have said if they cannot prove it's hers they can take it. But I don't even live there. I did use to live there when recovering - but wasn't even in the country when they came. They have left all MY paperwork with her. Which is humiliating enough - they have given it to my Mother rather than me. I'm a 30 year old man! They have also made her sign a "controlled goods agreement" - but it's not actually her that's the debtor. How can she sign for it when it's not her? If anyone has advice even in the form of a charity that can help I'd really appreciate it. I'm not a freeloader I'm just mentally not that well. I can't afford the £2k right now! Of which £632.17 is the debt and £879.92 is the fees! Please help.
  11. Hi We have been harassed with debt collectors by First Utility. We switched suppliers on 9th February. On 22nd February First Utility put a stop on our account for 8 weeks whilst the final bill was re-assessed. They sent debt collectors to our door on 27th February. The bill was paid on 3rd March. They continued to send many texts asking us to settle the bill. I continue to receive emails and texts harassing me for payment up to yesterday (16th March). First Utility promise to resolve the matter; then the texts and emails continue. They say our details have been wiped from the debt collector's database, but the texts and emails continue. So today I called a charity who get significant funding from First Utility and whom First Utility proudly publicise on their website. I spoke to the account handler who assured me that they have stringent controls and carry out full due diligence on their relationship to companies they are associated with. I pointed out that there could be many desperate families, some of whom they help, who are being similarly harassed by First Utility and that First Utility have a dysfunctional administration system plus a fine disregard for the legalities of sending round debt collectors. Was that really a company they wanted to be associated with? If you have a problem like mine, contact a charity that First Utility supports. Ask to speak to the account handler for First Utility and send them your story. Once you have done that, call First Utility's media centre. I spoke to: Joanne Murefu, First Utility: 07885 966269 These are desperate ways to make First Utility listen and react; but as I had already written to my MP, and the Guardian, and the Telegraph, I was left with no other choice. Challenge the hypocrisy of First Utility: they say on their website: 'We want to change the face of the industry by fighting on your behalf. We're not happy for things to stay as they are so we challenge the status quo to make energy simpler, fairer and cheaper.'
  12. Hello Everyone. I set up a direct debit for my road tax, but due to some severe financial upheaval, it failed following the first and second application. Will the DVLA allow me to try again to pay by direct debit? Or am I now stuck trying to find the full amount? I can call Monday but I'm really worried and hoping for some advice before then if possible. Thank you in advance.
  13. Hello I really need some help please. I bought a solid gold christian name necklace from 'My Name Necklace' and purchased their 12 month warranty at the same time. Just inside the warranty date, the chain broke, I completed the online claim form along with a photo of the broken chain ( The warranty covers chain breakage ) The company emailed soon afterwards on 15th November stating: We apologies for the situation. We can send you another chain. A prepaid return envelope will be sent so that you can return your original item to us.* Please let us know if you agree. Please note that this envelope is already addressed to us and prepaid. Simply place your item in the envelope and drop into any mail box. There is no need to add postage or go to the Post Office. Please let us know if we could be of any further assistance. Best Regards, Allison Brown My Name Necklace Customer Service Team I replied stating I would use the envelope but as the order cost me £116.00, I would not be popping the envelope in a letterbox, and would pay extra to send tracked. 2 weeks passed, and the addressed envelope hadn't arrived, I messaged again to report this, was told that the returns envelope can take up to 3 weeks to reach me. I realised the compary was overseas, so had to accept this. At today's date there's still no envelope I've contacted the company again and they are just lying / fobbing me off by saying they have escalated my complaint, and then I hear no more. I've asked for the company address and they won't supply it. All communication has to be done through their webforms only. I may have found the address through Google search, but it may not be correct: Mynamenecklace 14455 N Hayden Road Suite 226 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 I'm wondering if there is a procedure similar to the UK 'small claims' that can be done with an overseas company? Can anyone advise please? The necklace was my daughters 2015 Christmas present from me. To be honest, she only wore it a handful of times as the chain is so fine, that she was frightened it would break, and unfortunately the chain caught on her jumper, and snapped when she tried to release it, albeit very carefully. Thanks in advance for any advice offered.
  14. I have an appointment tomorrow morning at 9am,(universal credit) which I had changed to because my last one was cancelled for some reason. I do casual work here and there I got a text a few mins ago reminding me that I have training (counter terrorism training) at 9:30am - noon at my casual job, I completely forgot but if I phone up UC now they may refuse or sanction me. Should I call up now or in morning?
  15. READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/illustrious-leaves-portsmouth-to-make-way-for-queen-elizabeth
  16. BBC rip off Britain report on man who set up a premium rate line to make money from cold sales calls received. So far he has made £4k. Could you imagine if a lot of people set these up and these cold calling companies were silly enough not to block them being called. http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p04bpgrv
  17. Basically I have put in a complaint against ebay for an item that I sold to clear which was marked for parts or not working and no refunds accepted as ebay are siding with the buyer and told me to start a return (buyer is non uk resident) however I have responded with an appeal against the decision and a formal complaint. Also this has incensed me so much I have decided to put a petition down if anyone wants to sign it to make ebay treat sellers fairly and stop siding with the buyer to prevent [problem]mers (which is what this buyer is). https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/179807/sponsors/4dLn9AywqqgsvIT0cBcs If anyone could sign it hopefully there will be enough to make parliament take notice and start taking ebay to task...
  18. Make a donation to support members of the armed forces READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/donations-to-support-members-of-the-armed-forces
  19. Yesterday, I received a renewal form for my driving licence photocard. Nothing unusual in that you would think. Wrong! The reason they want to issue a new card (apart from the revenue) is that they need an updated photo however, if you have a current passport, you can use the online service and they will get your photo and signature from your passport. What if you got an updated passport 9 years ago? The photo will be much the same as your driving licence from 10 years ago but that doesn't matter to the DVLA, I'm still trying to get my head around that! As it happens, I only updated my passport two years ago.
  20. After realising there are many craftspeople about.I thought it would be nice to open a thread for many that work this way. Whether full time or part time if there is such a thing. I realise many put many hours in perhaps for little return,but are happy to create. If you do such a thing whether for profit or fun tell us what you do and maybe send a photo or two that shows your craft. I do not know what many do but would like to know. You could make cakes,you could bake,you could embroider,knit,carve.I have not a clue what you may do but would like to know. Are you a craftperson.Working away somewhere in your home,outside perhaps.Where do you do this craft.And tell us how you are doing. What it makes you feel like.Does it stress you some times,does it fail some times,have you succeeded someway,made a few pounds perhaps. Have you because of the economy or other related things had to create there has been no other way to survive.To make a few pounds. Well let us see how many are about.If nobody another thought out of a cluttered mind.Made some space. Have some fun myself,but just starting so will wait and see what others create out of anything.And how you do it and made that first step maybe years ago.Maybe months ago,days ago,hours ago. Come on in and tell me. Wherever you are in the world come here tell us your story.Otherwise i will be failing and wondering where it all went wrong. And will not sleep for days. I am hoping to hear some Tales Of The Unexpected. If you are outside looking in just register here.We are a friendly lot.Only take a minute or so i do not want to tear you away from your creations. Link here. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/register.php Hoping to hear from someone. Tawnyowl.
  21. Hi-I was just wondering if anyone knows how far they can actually make you travel to these appointments, at the moment they are making me travel 30 miles just to do job searches on the computer etc. its an hours drive at least cos the traffic is awful or 2hours on public transport. Also, am currently on a sanction because my wonderful "advisor" sent me an email telling me to attend the wrong office for my appointment so obviously I missed it (they have one 12 miles away from me as well but she reckons they only see esa people there...?) so obviously I have no money whatsoever until my hardship payment comes through in 2 weeks-my mum spent her last money filling up the car so I could get to my stupid appointment and so there was nothing left for parking,I was running late cos I had to drop her off at her work on the way over there and I didn't have time to park far away where it's free so I parked in a pay spot without buying a ticket thinking I'd only be quick and I could buy a ticket when they gave me the petrol money back- I told her I needed to be quick or else go and move the car and then come back but she deliberately kept me over an hour and then surprise surprise I got a parking ticket-so I went back to the office,dumped it on reception and said it was a present for the advisor,the reception lady called after me saying she cant pay it and I shouted back that I don't care it's her problem now and I can't pay it. (I then bought a parking ticket-I'm hoping if I write to the council with the ticket and an explanation they'll let me off the fine) I can't get into trouble for like harassment or something ridiculous for this can I? I was just making a point lol Its not like I was acting in a threatening way.probably the wrong thing to do though cos now she knows shes upset me
  22. After years of paying back debts I've finally got myself into an ok position. I'm now looking to get a mortgage and so I've been subscribing to credit expert. On friday my credit score was 31 away from being good and this was great because I have paid down a couple of accounts and so when updated I was hoping this would push me over the edge! However yesterday I updated my address as I recently moved in with my mum so that I'm free to move quickly when I buy somewhere and I want to ensure I'm still on the Electoral register etc. This morning my score had gone down by 49, but as you can see from the attachment the comment bears not relation to the score going down! I know lots of people think credit scores are a fallacy but I know when mines been good I've got credit and when not so good I haven't! I called Experian and they said the score had gone down because of my new address pulling through a new account- this is a bank account I've had since 1998, no overdraft, no borrowing and always in credit. How is that a negative?! The person I spoke to could offer me no reasonable explanation! Does this seem right to you? Thanks.
  23. " The Department for Work and Pensions has admitted using made-up stories from fictional claimants to demonstrate the positive impact of benefit sanctions. A DWP leaflet featured one welfare claimant, "Sarah", who said she was "really pleased" a cut to her benefits had encouraged her to improve her CV. " But after a Freedom of Information request by website Welfare Weekly, the DWP said they were not real claimants. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-33974674
  24. Hi All, I was involved in an accident last week, where my car has been classed as a CAT D write off, im buying it back and fixing it. However the thing that is most confusing is my finance settlement figure. My finance started July 2013 for 47 months at 115.07 and 1 at 265.07. I borrowed 3200 at %35.53 (i know but bad credit) and 29 payments done out the 48. Insurance paying out 2830 for the car buy back at scrap £400, Finance advised to my insurance company that 1995.99 as a settlement figure. Ive negotiated with my finance company to take 1500 to leave me that extra 495 to get the car sorted, and they have agreed to continue my monthly payments until the 495 is paid off. However to me the settlement figure is off, seems a bit high for whats left. i would of put my settlement figure around 1500-1600. I mentioned it just to my finance co and they told me trading standards can provide me the info if i wish to look into it.! Maybe im confused on my numbers so can someone clarify. Thanks
  25. Hi Guys, A claim with an employment tribunal has been going through, and on Friday 15th 2016, and agreement was arranged as an out of court settlement to pay a fixed sum of £9,000 by Friday 22nd 2016. I have now been informed that the company is unable to make the payment as it does not have the available funds in the bank. the company is still active, does anybody know what I should be doing to get the funds paid? The agreement was set through ACAS. Thanks Guys
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