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Found 2 results

  1. Hi We have been harassed with debt collectors by First Utility. We switched suppliers on 9th February. On 22nd February First Utility put a stop on our account for 8 weeks whilst the final bill was re-assessed. They sent debt collectors to our door on 27th February. The bill was paid on 3rd March. They continued to send many texts asking us to settle the bill. I continue to receive emails and texts harassing me for payment up to yesterday (16th March). First Utility promise to resolve the matter; then the texts and emails continue. They say our details have been wiped from the debt collector's database, but the texts and emails continue. So today I called a charity who get significant funding from First Utility and whom First Utility proudly publicise on their website. I spoke to the account handler who assured me that they have stringent controls and carry out full due diligence on their relationship to companies they are associated with. I pointed out that there could be many desperate families, some of whom they help, who are being similarly harassed by First Utility and that First Utility have a dysfunctional administration system plus a fine disregard for the legalities of sending round debt collectors. Was that really a company they wanted to be associated with? If you have a problem like mine, contact a charity that First Utility supports. Ask to speak to the account handler for First Utility and send them your story. Once you have done that, call First Utility's media centre. I spoke to: Joanne Murefu, First Utility: 07885 966269 These are desperate ways to make First Utility listen and react; but as I had already written to my MP, and the Guardian, and the Telegraph, I was left with no other choice. Challenge the hypocrisy of First Utility: they say on their website: 'We want to change the face of the industry by fighting on your behalf. We're not happy for things to stay as they are so we challenge the status quo to make energy simpler, fairer and cheaper.'
  2. I have taken a new job and in an area where O2 have no service. Contacted O2 for advice to be told my phone was out of contract and I was told this on three separate occasions. Based on that I looked for a supplier who covered the area, found one signed up for a contract with them and contacted O2 for a PAC code at this point I was told I still had a year left on the contract, I mentioned my previous conversations to be told they made a mistake I have now been sent a termination invoice. I am reluctant to pay this as I went to another supplier based on the fact they told me my contract had expired and if they made the mistake why should I pay for that. Is there an O2 rep here?
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