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  1. HSBC now owns HFC Bank in Brighton. I wrote to HSBC Coventry PPI claims office giving my name, DOB and precise former address, last week, but they replied to say: no records of my account can be found after 32 years, and that they are not legally obliged to retain documents beyond the statutory period if an account was closed. I also opened a Loan Account in Bournemouth and fully repaid around 1983. -- same answer from HSBC: no records. I myself have retained no records whatsoever, but I am absolutely certain I had those accounts, and 70% sure there was PPI as was standard custom in those days. Is this a dead end? Should I invest in £10 requesting a SAR, if so SAR sent to HSBC Coventry or to HFC Bank in Brighton? Later to complain to FOS if we suspect HSBC does have records? Thanks to all for sharing experience.
  2. My energy supplier is Eon Energy. They have been very aggressive to try to provide me a smart meter. They come and visit me and want to talk to me but they never make an appointment. They call me all the time. I am most upset that they also decided to get in touch with my psychiatrist. I have no idea how they even know the name of this person and the contact details. Needless to say that I am horrified. I have sent Eon Energy a SAR request but no reply at all. I have contacted them by sending them letters and complaining about their behaviour but no reply. I have chatted with them online and I got the transcripts. All Eon Energy wants to do is to talk to me. But I don't like talking. I feel that my privacy has been violated. I don't think Eon Energy needs to contact any medical professional and get my medical records so that they could provide me a smart meter. I don't think I even need a smart meter. How would I handle this matter? Information Commissioner's Office? Energy Ombudsman? Or something else?
  3. I have recently been informed that towards the end of 2017 the DWP computer lost my records. I experienced problems with payments in Jan 2018 but did not think any more about it as they sorted my ESA payments out. However, last month I was informed that by mortgage company that they had not received any payments under old scheme prior to changes made in April 2018. I was contacted by Serco and completed the SMI loan agreement that was posted back early June 2018. I have been informed that these completed documents were received by DWP early August 2018 who subsequently sent them Clydebank DWP centre. I contacted the 0800 number ESA department who informed me that the paperwork was sent to Clydebank early August 2018. I queried why I had not received an correspondence reference the SMI loan. The adviser put through an emergency call back from Clydebank. This is when I learnt the delay was because my computer records were lost sometime in Nov 2017. Hence the delay as Clydebank did not have access to information they needed for my SMI loan application as not on the DWP computer system for some reason. The adviser took the relevant information from me and was very supportive though bemused by my situation. She is contacting me back reference SMI loan. However, my concern is as the claimant of ESA and IIDB why was I not informed of the loss of my data by DWP computer? Please, advise me on what I should do? If it was the other way round and it was an overpayment scenario; DWP would be straight on to me.
  4. Announcing the new UK Criminal Records Trade Body (CRTB) READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/announcing-the-new-uk-criminal-records-trade-body-crtb
  5. Is the new GDPR SAR template suitable for a medical records request from a GP without any specific alterations? Thanks.
  6. Would the DVLA have records of everything against a registration? For instance, would they know about NIPs, police records etc.?
  7. On applying my GP informed for all records it would be £50.00. I explained I didn’t need access to all, the problem I was trying to resolve occurred sometime between 2010-15. I was given a date for viewing, when I arrived there the GP had printed off letters in advance - 38 in total. 20 of these I already had – 2 were irrelevant and 2 was just my registration details. I said I would need to take them home and read them, she tried to convince me to stay and read them there – I stayed approx 30-45 mins. I did not view records online. A few days later I received an invoice for £50.00. I emailed the surgery asking for a breakdown of costs – This is what I was emailed back Preparing Notes 10.00 Photocopying of Notes 10.00 Doctor's time £30.00. The practice website reads - You have a right of access to your health records. A small fee may be charged to cover reproduction costs. I do not consider 50.00 a small fee In the meantime I have accessed other records relating to a hospital admission in 2015 – I went to view the records at the hospital and took away approx 50 photocopies – no charge I have emailed my surgery back and stated my case and am awaiting a reply. Can anyone share costs they have been charged – Thanks.
  8. Hi Firstly this issue is seperate from my other thread. In 2003 I had a bank loan with HFC bank....with PPI which I never claimed. I do not have any account information as paid the loan off 18mths after. Now I telephoned HFC bank (now HSBC) to their dedicated complaints dept re HFC and they said they could not find any details at all. They said if I had the account number they would be able to get the information. Is there another way I can still get info on this old account??? Can I get my credit history from that time as it may be on there???
  9. I am a detained paitent in a hospital and I am eeding to get access to my medical notes. The hospital wrote to me and said the DPA request I sent was valid and that it would tae them 40 days to respomd. But the hospital wrote to me again and said they wouldnt be able to meet the deadline . They gave no excuse at all. I would like a copy of one of my reports Please can you help me?
  10. All this talk about obtaining medical records on this forum reminded me of obtaining my own a few years ago. Back in 2007 and 2008, I obtained some medical records of my own health under the Data Protection Act 1998. These consist of hospital records (such as a routine operation that I had back in 1988), GP records, child development records and so on. I also obtained my birth records (it tells me when I was born, when the delivery of placenta was, my Apgar score etc). This is the crux of the matter, and this is what I am asking - as they are pregnancy records, they are obviously regarded as being the mother's medical records, but I am arguing that if one happened to be the baby born as a result of the pregnancy, they should also be seen as one's own personal records under the Data Protection Act 1998. What do you think? I obtained them under the Access to Patient Records Act 1990 as my mother is now deceased and passed away before I obtained them, but my point is that a record of one's birth is just as much a Data Protection thing, so why did I need to access it as if it was just my late mother's records? Would I have been able to obtain them under Data Protection Act 1998 if she had still been alive at the time? I believe that birth records should automatically be seen under Data Protection Act 1998. Does anyone agree with this?
  11. Hi all. I recently read in the Sunday Times that even though some banks have told customers that they cannot find records regarding potential PPI claims because the claims are regarding loans that were over 6 years ago, once the Ombudsman has got involved, some banks have 'found' the records stored on 'legacy computer systems or microfiche'. This sounds too good to be true.....is there any truth in this, please?
  12. For over 5 years Myself and my Son have attempted to bring a case together for Medical Negligence against an Hospital in Sheffield from the time frame of 1996 -2010 where my son suffered terribly and was in critical conditions on 3 occasions. We appointed a solicitor back in 2011 to deal with this matter, In 2016 this firm of Solicitors went in to Administration, and we were passed on to another firm to carry on our case. It is a very complex case we as there are many issues dating from 1996-2010 with 3 Hospital stays. We have recently received a letter from this new firm of Solicitors stating that they are closing this case due to lack of evidence etc. It is evident that there is falsifications in my Son’s Medical records and apparent lost information. I have contacted my solicitor pointing these issues out, and explaining that we have solid proof that the information from my Son’s Medical records are false. We are waiting for a reply from them at present. We are unsure of what route to take with all of this, and we would greatly appreciate and advice or support anyone could offer.
  13. Hi I read the forum and could not find a similar post, therefore decided to post myself. A year ago I was caught using my friends Freedom Pass in the underground and was given a caution by the Inspector to remain quiet and give my personal details. Two weeks later I received a letter from TFL inviting me to attend a PACE interview under caution with TFL prosecutors, and due to exceptional circumstances the case was settled out of court and I had to pay a hefty fine. During the interview under PACE caution i admit using the freedom pass on more occasions and showed my remoteness and great regret as well as shame. Even though my case did not go as far as court, i am still concerned whether I will be on any records - PNC, DBS and CRB? This is my only concern which delays going ahead with the application for the naturalisation. I contacted a lawyer and I was told that I may still be on any records even though the case was settled out of the court. I contacted 2 lawyers and each of them said a different outcome, one said I will come up on records regardless of the out of court settlement and the other lawyer said as it was an out of court settlement I will not be on any records. I have made an effort contacting lawyers yet there is no clarity on this issue at all, therefore i am turning to this forum for any help and advice that may bring some clarity. 1. Can you please tell me if I may be on any records? 2. Is there a way how I could find this out myself if I am on any records? 3. I understand that the application for the naturalisation will be taken very seriously and any past caution may affect my application, does anyone have had a similar issue? 4. I suppose Home Office would see any type of caution and misuse of Freedom Pass as a bad character?
  14. The internet activity of everyone in Britain will have to be stored for a year by service providers, under new surveillance law plans. Police and intelligence officers will be able to see the names of sites people have visited without a warrant, Home Secretary Theresa May said. But there would be new safeguards over MI5, MI6 and the police spying on the full content of people's web use. Mrs May told MPs the proposed powers were needed to fight crime and terror. Follow the latest developments on our live page The wide-ranging draft Investigatory Powers Bill also contains proposals covering how the state can hack devices and run operations to sweep up large amounts of data as it flows through the internet, enshrining in law the previously covert activities of GCHQ, as uncovered by whistleblower Edward Snowden. The draft bill's measures include: Giving a panel of judges the power to block spying operations authorised by the home secretary A new criminal offence of "knowingly or recklessly obtaining communications data from a telecommunications operator without lawful authority", carrying a prison sentence of up to two years Local councils to retain some investigatory powers, such as surveillance of benefit cheats, but they will not be able to access online data stored by internet firms The Wilson doctrine - preventing surveillance of Parliamentarians' communications - to be written into law Police will not be able to access journalistic sources without the authorisation of a judge A legal duty on British companies to help law enforcement agencies hack devices to acquire information if it is reasonably practical to do so Former Appeal Court judge Sir Stanley Burnton is appointed as the new interception of communications commissioner BBC
  15. I was looking into a ppi claim for a cc we had years ago. The last statement I have is sept 2006 with a balance of £1541, I phoned the bank to ask some details. They have told me the account must have been closed as they have no records of it and it must of been closed a while. Cue a panic on their end when I said we've been paying this monthly for the past 111 months. They've asked me to write a covering letter and copy of bank statement. What do I need to be putting in this letter??? I'm a little shocked that this has been going on for so long (dopey husband who never checks his bank statement)
  16. Hiya, I took out over a dozen payday loans in 2013 and got myself into considerable debt. I paid them all off with payment plans over the course of a year and was proud to have got myself out of a considerable hole. Today (3 years later) I received a letter from a collection agency saying I owe £400 to a payday loan company. Contacting me 3 yrs after the loan was taken out seemed odd to me and took me by surprise (payday loans was a stress I thought I'd buried long ago) Fortunately I kept a record of what happened to me in 2013 and so I could see it had already been paid off. This is just a note to remind people to keep record of EVERY communication with loan companies, payments, payment plans and also crucially keep a record of a confirmation email from the company when the debt is cleared (if they dont provide one, request it) If you ever find yourself with debts to these short term loan companies and their collection agencies, create a folder in your email called Debt or something, put EVERY one of the communications you have with these companies in that folder. Without that folder I would not have found the email showing I had cleared the debt, bearing in mind this loan was taken out 3 yrs ago!(could not name search as payday loan companies change names, close down, sell off the debt etc... all the time) but by creating that folder I could find an email from 2013 and see the debt was already cleared.
  17. http://tracking.findmypast.co.uk/track?t=v&enid=ZWFzPTEmbXNpZD0xJmF1aWQ9Jm1pZD05ODQxNDQmbXNnaWQ9Mjg3NzYwJmRpZD0xMTI2MzMmZWRpZD0xMTI2MzMmc249MTY4MTI4MTgmZWlkPWc3Ym5mQGJ0aW50ZXJuZXQuY29tJmVlaWQ9ZzdibmZAYnRpbnRlcm5ldC5jb20mdWlkPUZNUFVLSW50NDAxMjQxNDkwJnRhcmdldGlkPSZtbj0mcmlkPTExMSZlcmlkPTExMSZmbD0mbXZpZD0mdGdpZD0mZXh0cmE9&&&2000&eu=1500&&&
  18. Hi i want to request medical records from both my local NHS Trust and my GP. Would this result in two different charges or can you relate them in some way to make it all one request? Many thanks.
  19. Hi there, I had a Barclaycard I thought had been defaulted with the CRAs back in 2009 due to a Notice of Default I had received. Barclaycard actually added late payment markers '6' for over two years before closing the account and selling on to Cabot. I have spoken with Barclaycard and I think they are going to agree to a retrospective default. However, I am arguing this should have been in May/June 09 when they first send Default notices and applying default sums to the account. They are saying Oct 09 is when their records showed the account was regarded as a defaulted account. Obviously if they do this and it is May they agree to then the account would be 6 years from default and should be removed entirely from my file, correct? But what would then happen to the Cabot entry? It is the same debt but they are reporting an arrangement to pay (albeit they haven't shown the diminishing balance of those payments since 2011). I have already written to both Barclaycard and Cabot and the CRAs complaining. But I want to know how I go about and if the Cabot entry must come off once the Barclaycard default 'falls off'? Thanks
  20. I got behind with my TSB credit card payments because I have been off work due to illness. I sent TSB a valid sick certificate signed by my doctor. They have now sent me a large form which not only has to be filled out by a doctor but if I sign it will give them access to my medical records. I told them that they have a medical certificate and they are insisting I sign the form or face legal action. Can they do this?
  21. Hi, Bit of a long shot here. One of my neighbours was taken quite ill the other day and it doesn't look good. He will (hopefully) be 95 this year. He is very secretive about his time in the second World War but I have been informed he was at the Normandy Landings. Does anyone know how to find out what regiment he was in and his service record. Should he die, I would like to organise a military escort or something similar. Thanks in advance.
  22. I was caught shoplifting from Tesco. I gave the item back and I was cautioned by the police. I paid £90 to RPL. This occurred in 2003. I now wish to apply for a job with Tesco. Will they have the incident on record after this length of time?
  23. I sent this to Forces War Records: "Forces War record" "Thanks for taking money from my credit card without Authorization. The original “come-on” was “download forces war record for 99p” After 10 days you would lose database access, if not renewed. I did not agree to any TERMS to continue. By default a profile was set up which included “auto renew my subscription” box. By default this box was ticked. Cash sums were illegally removed from my credit card. I feel that I must warn other people of this [problem], especially Old Age Pensioners who try to find out about their war friends. Unless you are street wise you will lose over £100 per year every year." They make up your profile after giving them 99p for 1 download using a credit card. Some time later you get a email saying your access will stop after 10days. By default a box is ticked by them to say "automatic renew membership" nearly £10 pounds is taken from your credit card every month. By this time you have forgotten all about the site and think it's been cancelled. Only checking Credit Card Statements reveal the deficit. CPAs can be stopped by informing the bank, but stopping Forces Records may be a lot harder.
  24. Hello All, A quick question... My partner successfully claimed the majority of her bank charges with HSBC back in 2011. They owed her roughly £4,000 in excessive charges from 2006 to 2010. Of course she was not aware of the 8% interest she could of got on top until now (reading threads on these fantastic forums!) She has since ditched all paperwork relating to this since she accepted her pay out (which was about £400 less than her final figure) Can she still put in another claim to receive this interest back too? As she was never aware of this at the time. If so, would she have to go through the whole process again seeing that she no longer has the paperwork, including that which detailed her receiving the successful pay out? Thank you for your help! Regards Wulfen40
  25. Hello I have a friend who has lived in Malaysia for around 5 years. Recently she received a letter in Malaysia from Buchanan Clark & Wells acting for Barclays to chase an outstanding loan amount. She was unaware of this debt and as she asked me to help out. I live in here old flat (she still owns it) and Barclays would have this address on file. I wrote a request for Section 77/78 of the Consumer Credit Act to get the information needed. A letter went to Barclays and Buchanan Clark & Wells. Buchanan have replied to say account on hold and they have asked Barclays to supply the required info. Barclays have written to the UK address saying that the address the UK address is not the same as the address they have on file and ask that my friend go to branch to 'update address and signature' As my friend Lives in Malaysia and does not intend returning she will not be going to branch. I am also sure that as the bank have written to the UK address then this may be counted as updated on their files. I'm also not sure if asking for signature is because they don't have one on file. I am looking for a bit of a steer on what my next steps should be please. Thanks
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