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Found 16 results

  1. Four unknown soldiers killed during WW1 are laid to rest with full military honours READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/four-unknown-soldiers-killed-during-ww1-are-laid-to-rest-with-full-military-honours
  2. Veterans to retain military ID, allowing easier access to services READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/veterans-to-retain-military-id-allowing-easier-access-to-services
  3. Military personnel in Scotland protected from tax hikes READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/military-personnel-in-scotland-protected-from-tax-hikes
  4. Charity Commission orders military charity to wind up - 1st Knight Military Charity READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/charity-commission-orders-military-charity-to-wind-up
  5. Historic day for the military as all roles are opened to women READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/historic-day-for-the-military-as-all-roles-are-opened-to-women
  6. New plans for military flexible working become law READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/new-plans-for-military-flexible-working-become-law
  7. The Military Division of The New Year Honours List 2018 READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/the-military-division-of-the-new-year-honours-list-2018
  8. READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/the-sun-military-awards-open-for-nominations--2
  9. READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/military-courage-recognised-in-operational-honours-list--2
  10. http://tracking.findmypast.co.uk/track?t=v&enid=ZWFzPTEmbXNpZD0xJmF1aWQ9Jm1pZD05ODQxNDQmbXNnaWQ9Mjg3NzYwJmRpZD0xMTI2MzMmZWRpZD0xMTI2MzMmc249MTY4MTI4MTgmZWlkPWc3Ym5mQGJ0aW50ZXJuZXQuY29tJmVlaWQ9ZzdibmZAYnRpbnRlcm5ldC5jb20mdWlkPUZNUFVLSW50NDAxMjQxNDkwJnRhcmdldGlkPSZtbj0mcmlkPTExMSZlcmlkPTExMSZmbD0mbXZpZD0mdGdpZD0mZXh0cmE9&&&2000&eu=1500&&&
  11. READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/commemorating-a-century-of-muslim-military-service
  12. I came across this petition whilst on FB this morning and feel it should be shared. https://www.change.org/p/the-rt-hon-michael-fallon-mp-ministry-of-defence-to-make-carillion-amey-accountable-for-the-substandard-housing-they-provide-for-service-personnel-and-their-families?recruiter=350457576&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=facebook&utm_campaign=autopublish&utm_term=mob-xs-share_petition-reason_msg&fb_ref=Default If it turns out that Carillion Amey are not fulfilling the terms of the contract, out they should go.
  13. Living with PTSD: Former military medic reveals how the battle goes on for veterans The first female RAF paramedic to work on the Afghan frontline, she now finds it impossible to step outside the front door of her Wigan home most days. She wets the bed and has recurring nightmares, in which she regularly finds herself back in Afghanistan surrounded by the horrors she has witnessed. Flt Lt Sanderson completed three tours of Afghanistan. During that time, she was routinely flown by helicopter into the heart of the fighting to care for military and civilian casualties. It was after the third tour that the impact on her mental health became clear - and in September last year, she was given a medical discharge. Please also watch the video as it gives you a better perspective Read More Here: http://www.itv.com/news/2015-03-09/living-with-ptsd-former-military-medic-reveals-how-the-battle-goes-on-for-veterans/
  14. I truly hope this was due to health reasons and for no other ! I do appreciate because of their training, they might not be suitable as family pets once they have been retired. But there must be some place for them.
  15. As title say this is the link on the Governments new website with further information on their: https://www.gov.uk/browse/benefits/families/support-services-for-military-and-defence-personnel-and-their-families and info from that site: Healthcare, Housing and Support Services available for Military Personnel. European Support Group for defence staff on NATO and EUMS postings ESG provides support to military and civilian staff and their families posted abroad in areas including schooling, medical care and housing. British Forces Post Office Find out about the British Forces Post Office services, how to address mail, BFPO numbers, e-blueys and free mail. British Forces overseas posting: RAF Akrotiri, Cyprus Find out about RAF Akrotiri, accommodation, medical facilities, schools, amenities and recreation. British forces overseas posting: Cyprus A complete overview of Cyprus and its UK bases, a guide to the island and employment opportunities for civilian UK dependents. British forces overseas posting: Episkopi, Cyprus Medical facilities, education, amenities and recreation options for troops posted to Episkopi Station. British forces overseas posting: Troodos, Cyprus Accommodation, medical facilities, education, amenities and recreation for postings at Troodos Station in Cyprus. British forces overseas posting: UNFICYP (Nicosia), Cyprus Accommodation, medical and recreational facilities, education and other amenities at the UN Force headquarters in Cyprus. Career Transition Partnership The Career Transition Partnership is there to help ex-service people to find a new civilian career or job and help employers to recruit the best. Children's Education Advisory Service The Children's Education Advisory Service (CEAS) provides expert and impartial advice about the education of service children. Defence recovery and personnel recovery centres Services and facilities providing treatment and support for wounded, sick and injured service personnel. Human resources for civilians working for the Ministry of Defence Who to contact with questions about pay, pensions, recruitment, training or other issues to do with civilian employment at the MOD. Information for service leavers The Career Transition Partnership helps people leaving the services to find new careers and jobs - along with a range of further support services. Looking after our Armed Forces There is strong commitment to maintaining the overall health and wellbeing of service personnel - even after they have left the services. MODCARE: the Defence Social Service Association MODCARE, supports small, non-national charities: find out how to nominate a charity, donate to MODCARE or take part in fundraising. Mental health support for the UK armed forces Mental health support and advice facilities for service personnel, reservists, veterans and service families. MoneyForce A financial awareness website for Service personnel and their families. National security vetting for the Armed Services DBS NSV provides national security vetting to the 3 Armed Services and other customers across the public sector. Pensions and compensation for veterans Up to date details of service pension and compensation schemes managed by the Service Personnel and Veterans Agency Recruiting ex-services personnel The benefits of recruiting people who have served in the Armed Forces and services offered by the Career Transition Partnership. Support for war veterans Find out about legacy health, recognition, return to civilian life, support from the voluntary sector, commemoration and payment schemes. The Battle Back programme Sport and training programmes for wounded, injured and sick personnel from across the Armed Forces. The armed forces covenant The covenant is a pledge made by the government to ensure that the armed forces are not disadvantaged as a result of their service.
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