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Found 16 results

  1. Hi All I have been trying to get my deferment debt which was applied to my student loan from 1993 ,even though I have contacted them many times as I was homeless in 1998 -2003 but still contacted them ,its now 2019 and they still insist I owe them even though I was assured by them in 2002 it was taken off . It now seems in the hands of Link financial and thesis loans with Honours trustee being the owner or something , As I am in University now for a PGCE there is a block with this deferment ,which I thought was resolved in 2006 when I had a personal apology from CEO of SLC , I dont have that letter to show as I never kept the correspondence If anybody has had the same expereince I would be grateful to hear them
  2. Four unknown soldiers killed during WW1 are laid to rest with full military honours READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/four-unknown-soldiers-killed-during-ww1-are-laid-to-rest-with-full-military-honours
  3. Hello all, I've tried to read as many posts as possible but cant pin down the best course of action for my exact circumstances, I have several mortgage style student loans from 94-98 period that were sold to Honours (HSL/Link outsourcing) back in 1998 but SLC still do the deferment processing. I have always got my deferment forms in on time and have never earned anywhere near the threshold so was looking forward to getting the rolled up "package" of loans cancelled in 2023. But this year SLC never posted the deferment form and like a fool I didnt get around to chasing them. Just received on Thusday 18th April a letter dated the 11th from HSL warning of needing to start paying £185 a month when my deferment period runs out on April 24th. Being naive I phoned SLC who told me to phone HSL phoned HSL wanted NI number DD etc setup I reluctantly agreed! They told me SLC deal with Deferments Phoned them Got to a "supervisor" they won't resend deferment form but gave me code to log-on to SLC My account type thing which I have never used because have always Dealt with them by post. I have downloaded the deferment "pack" they never posted to me which and returned it complete with all evidence etc on the 18th and another copy by Signed for post today the 20th. Obviously this will not be processed before my current deferment period ends. If possible I do not want to give HSL any reason to say that I have any arrears or have broken the contract in any way. but I am loath to make payment By DD or with a card to HSL as I am carer to my spouse and we live on Pension credit and disability benefits So really we cant afford to pay. I would like to keep trying to engage with SLC and doing the deferment routine for another 5 years until the loans are wiped but I am sure HSL will insist i have defaulted because the deferment cover will have slipped for a few weeks and I will be stuck on the pointless chasing merry-go-round pass the debt to the link financial people etc and I do fear the risk of future CCJ even though I have decades of paperwork proving a right to deferment. I think I have been Deliberately engineered into this situation just wish I had chased SLC for deferment form earlier. can I cancel the DD with my bank ignore HSL and hope the 3 month rule means they have to backdate the deferment or reluctantly pay HSL sounds bonkers I know and try to claim back?? Fat chance.. The irony is SLC Know of my circumstances because I also have a Plan 1 type loan from 99-200 so I have to fill in an SLC form about that every December because they cant find me through PAYE system for the last few years. BTW yes I did graduate eventually please help many thanks in advance
  4. We have recently received the Deferment Form (D10) for my husband, who has old-style student loans from 1994, 1995 and 1996. His loans (according to the letter) are still administered by Honours Student Loans. We are puzzled, as this is the first time we have received the 'new' version of the form. He is self employed and does not receive support from any other sources, so we can happily answer NO to question 3.1. Do you receive support from other sources. I'm puzzled by question 3.2 Is a student finance loan your only source of income? Firstly, I'm not even sure we need to answer it if we answered NO to Q3.1, but nowhere does it say this! More importantly, what on earth do they mean by this question? How could loans taken out over 20 years ago be your only means of support? Should we be answering this or just assuming it is aimed at people who have answered YES to Q3.1 (even though it doesn't make sense!). Sorry if I am being completely dense here!
  5. I forgot to notify them of change of address and stopped deferring so they're now chasing for the full amount of my 1998 loans. I've been a stay at home mum since 2013 so no income at all. They've passed it on to Link Financial which I'm assuming is their debt collection agency. They've said my last deferment ended 2014. Which might be right as I moved that year. They've also said I've breech the terms ie cannot defer anymore and loan won't end at 50 I can't declare bankruptcy or do an IVA. Unless I win the lottery there's no way I can pay this and don't want a ccj. What are my options if any? Thanks
  6. The Military Division of The New Year Honours List 2018 READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/the-military-division-of-the-new-year-honours-list-2018
  7. READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/military-courage-recognised-in-operational-honours-list--2
  8. Hello, thanks for reading This matter relates to an old style loan of about 2k taken out in 1991/2 and consistently deferred until 2013, when I moved abroad to work (still earning under the threshold) and my deferral form went missing. I then forgot about it as got ill and depressed..(have medical evidence to back this up) Moved back to UK in 2014 and was unemployed for nearly a year.. so have never earned anything like the threshold limit. I also turned 50 in 2014 (am now 51) So, the long and short of it is, Student Loan Co wrote saying I was in arrears, then threatenign court action. . Now it has been passed to solicitors and a case has been opend at County Court I may have forgotten one deferrment form and defnitely sent one that they claim they never got. . But in any case, I turned 50 wouldnt the debt be wiped? And if I can prove I have never earned above the threshold, will they still have a case against me? How do I defend it? Is it now statute barred ? or has deferring it (until 2013, they claim was the last deferral) meant that it is no longer under the limitations act? I'd welcome your advice, have acknowledged service of court docs, giving myself 28 days to prepare to defend Abby
  9. What does everyone make of this ? It's a reply to my recent Statute Barred Letter to Honours Student Loans for a Loan taken out in 1994 Basically they are stating my Statute Barred claim is void because I haven't informed them of any changes of Addresses I've had, is this true? Do they have a case? Do I ignore the letter or reply? I'm guessing quite a few people would have received identical letters.. Thanks
  10. Hi all, I've read a lot of people in a similar circumstance to my own on here, but thought I'd post my case as it progresses. I received a letter from some company called Honours Student Loans (HSL) a few days ago saying that they have 'now located me' and that I owe them £1600 in 'arrears' for a debt of £2500 and they have also applied a 'trace fee' to my 'debt'. From what I've read on here I'm not the only one, although a lot of the cases I've read are quite old now, so not sure if they've changed their tactics at all. Incidentally my original loan was for £1800 and I paid some of that off in bits so god knows where those figures came from. my student loan was from 1997, after which I started to pay it off for about a year, I deferred for a year, I moved and continued to defer, I moved again, informing the student loans company all the time of my address. I stopped hearing from them, no deferrment forms. Long story short I read in the paper that they were about to go bust and thought that the debt had just been anulled. That's probably when HSL bought all their loans. I was 17 odd years ago, last contact was maybe 14 or 15 years ago. Bottom line is that my debt is statute barred (from what I gather on here). I ran a credit report on equifax, I have no CCJ's current or passed, credit rating is good. today I'm sending the statute barred template letter, royal mail signed for. After that I guess I'll hear nothing for a while and then I'll get a reply saying I deliberately withheld my address or something, which is nonsense, (also from what I read on here), then god knows. Is there anything else anyone can think of that I should be doing at this stage? Any tips? Thanks
  11. Hi, Like many others, I am being aggressively pursued by HSL for an old student loan debt and getting increasingly sick of their tactics. (I have been on a very low income since 2005 - including being a student for most of the time - yet still made monthly repayments without fail since 2006, but they are still threatening to take me to court.) I have been reading the forum and it seems like I can reclaim any penalty charges on this account - is this correct? If it is, I am going to write a subject access request. Do these sound like the right kind of questions? Am I missing anything? The original amount of the loan they are chasing me for. The date this loan was originally taken out. The name and contact information of the loan company I originally entered into agreement with. The date the loan was sold to HSL. Full details – dates and amounts – of any penalty charges HSL has applied to the account. Full statements of my account from the date the original loan was taken out, detailing all credits and debits to the account. Anything else, do you think? Many help for any advice given.
  12. http://www.credittoday.co.uk/article/15150/online-news/debt-buyers-snap-up-securitised-loans
  13. I am in the same position but I have defended the claim on the grounds that HSL do not legally own the debt. I complained about having loans accounts for 1996 and 1997 being administered separately from ones that I took out in 1999 and 2000 because I was being asked to do everything twice (defer, pay etc...). They sold the 1996/7 ones to HSL using a clause in the contract that allows them to transfer rights BUT the first clause states that the 1997 and 1998 amendments to the 1990 act are to be regarded as the applicable regulation and those two amendments both say that loans should not come into repayment at the same time and should be treated as one loan. This means that by selling the loans in March 1999 they knew that they would not be able to comply with legislation in force and used the clause which allowed the sale to circumvent the applicable regulation. This makes this clause an unfair contract term under EU law and as such is unenforceable. Defend it!!
  14. Hi all, For those that haven't been following this, I'll briefly try to explain situation: I have pre 1998 student loans. I deferred for a year or two but then got ill (mental health) and even though I wasn't earning enough/anything at all I stopped deferring these loans. For a while I got letters, but due to my illness I ignored them and even stopped opening post for a while. I haven't heard anything about this for years and years. I have never earned over the threshold to pay back Student Loans. I am recovering but am not totally better and this whole thing is really not helping. After hearing nothing for years I got a letter in July from Honours Student Loans saying they wanted the whole £5K. I didn't know this until very recently but apparently The SLC did get a CCJ on me way back in 2001. They've never tried to enforce this, I live at the same address as when I got the CCJ (moved back home for 10 months in 2008, but they have that address too - Honours started ringing my parents after they sent the letter to me here). I decided to send Statute Barred letter to Honours, figured they might have trouble proving there was a CCJ as it's so old. I also searched register of judgements, orders and fines and my credit file - there is no CCJ on there. As the CCJ is over 6 years old, I thought that if they came back and said there is a CCJ, I could then send back a letter detailing: Section 24 of the Limitations Act 1980.... (1) An action shall not be brought upon any judgment after the expiration of six years from the date on which the judgment became enforceable. (2) No arrears of interest in respect of any judgment debt shall be recovered after the expiration of six years from the date on which the interest became due. I would say that as the CCJ is over 6 years old and there's no extenuating circumstances as to why it hasn't been enforced then they'd have to go back to court to get permission to enforce, and it's highly unlikely they'll succeed. I hadn't heard anything for a few weeks after I sent the SB letter, on Friday I got a letter from Drysdensfairfax Solicitors saying they're working for The Student Loans Company (not Honours Student Loans?!), that their client previously obtained a judgement against me, that I've got 7 days to pay (letters dated 8th August) and that I should send cheque made payable to Drysdensfairfax, otherwise "steps will be taken to enforce the judgement our client holds". Then I got a letter from Northampton County Court, where the original CCJ was obtained by The SLC in 2001. This was obtained by default - I didn't know anything about it. There are no details at all - just the case number (which is right), the name of the claimant (The Student Loans Company) and the fact that it's being transferred to Bradford County Court for enforcement. This is not my local court and I have never lived anywhere near Bradford. Having just checked the Drysden letter, they're located in Bradford so this must be why it's been transferred there, but that's no good to me, I can't get to Bradford - would need it at my local court, I can defend myself. I'm going to attach all correspondence so you can see it. There's 4 PDFs (couldn't work out how to make a multipage PDF). See bottom of post. I am confused as to why it is now suddenly The Student Loans Company chasing me again and not Honours Student Loans (I was under the impression from what it says on there website that they would have bought my student loan off the SLC). It doesn't seem right somehow. Does anyone have any ideas on this? Does it actually matter? I don't know what to do. They seem to be determined to take me back to court on this. There's no way I can pay full amount and would really struggle to pay instalments too unless they're incredibly small. Should I write back quoting Section 24 of The Limitations Act? In which case who should I write to? Drysden, Honours or the SLC, or all 3? Am seeing Citizens Advice on Thursday so am hoping they can help me, but would really appreciate comments and help here too. Thanks so much PFC xx 1-first_letter_from_Honours_02_07_12.pdf First letter received from Honours student loans 2-Statue-Barred-Letter-to-Honours-Student-Loans.pdf My statute barred letter to Honours Student Loans 3-solicitors_letter_08_08_12.pdf Response from Drysdenfairfax solicitors 4-transfer_of_court_proceedings_10_08_12.pdf Letter from Northampton court, advising of change of court
  15. Hi all, My partner was recently sent a default notice from Honours Student Loans (old pre-98 style) totalling £5076.35. She is a total basket case with finances and can't remember when she last had contact with them but feels that it was 'years ago'. I recall from looking back through her paperwork before Xmas (we've now moved so can't lay my hands on it again without a lot of digging) it appears that they also registered a CCJ against her in 2002, many addresses ago. She has always earned under the £25,287 threshold to defer it, but has been sporadic in doing so since she left uni in 1999. Surely the fact that the CCJ is statute barred prevents them from issuing another default notice? They must have issued one before the CCJ back in 2002, surely? Also isn't it statute barred anyway, with or without the CCJ as the last payment must have been a decade ago? And if all that fails, the fact that she's never been eligible to pay it back means that technically there's nothing to default her for, no? The default notice gives us 14 days, a week of which has already passed. I'm thinking of hitting them first off with a dispute notice stopping the clock on the 14 days until we can get this straightened out. I'm thinking then SRA them and see when they sent the original default notice and CCJ and then hitting them with a statute barred notice, or should I just go straight for the SB notice? I've just had a good result with RBS so I'm fired up!
  16. Hi, I am just wondering if anyone can advice me on what to do. I took out a student loan while at uni during the 1997-2001. I cannot remember paying or not paying towards the loan. As I understood it if you are earning £2318 or less per month (as stated on the letter sent to me by honour student) you can defer payment. I was made redundant in November 2010 and I am now self employed since January 2012. I have not been responding to their letters for the past 6 years or so as I am not earning close to that amount. I received a claimform through the post on the 15th of October from Northampton Court that I am owing £6236.16 Out of panic and confusion I didnt do anything this morning I log on to the MoneyClaim website where I filed and sent off the Acknowledgement of Service that "I intend to defend part of this claim. As I only have 14 days to do so as I do not want judgement to be entered against me as I believe the amount I owe is way less that £6236.16. My confusion is that I dont know what to do now. Please any advice/information will be well appreciated. Thanks
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