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Found 22 results

  1. British army officer killed during WW1 is honoured as he is laid to rest READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/british-army-officer-killed-during-ww1-is-honoured-as-he-is-laid-to-rest
  2. Graves of 2 north west soldiers killed in the great war rededicated a century later READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/graves-of-2-north-west-soldiers-killed-in-the-great-war-rededicated-a-century-later
  3. Four unknown soldiers killed during WW1 are laid to rest with full military honours READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/four-unknown-soldiers-killed-during-ww1-are-laid-to-rest-with-full-military-honours
  4. MOD appeal for families of missing or killed soldiers from the Korean War READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/mod-appeal-for-families-of-missing-or-killed-soldiers-from-the-korean-war
  5. Seven british Army soldiers killed during World War 1 are honoured as they are laid to rest READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/seven-british-army-soldiers-killed-during-world-war-1-are-honoured-as-they-are-laid-to-rest
  6. Grave of a Seaforth Highlander rededicated 100 years after he was killed in World War 1 READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/grave-of-a-seaforth-highlander-rededicated-100-years-after-he-was-killed-in-world-war-1
  7. Sergeant Matt Tonroe has been killed in action in the Middle East READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/fatalities/sergeant-matt-tonroe-has-been-killed-in-action-in-the-middle-east My Condolences to go out to the Family, Friends and Regiment. RIP
  8. Relatives of Argentine soldiers killed during the Falklands War visit the Argentine cemetery at Darwin READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/relatives-of-argentine-soldiers-killed-during-the-falklands-war-visit-the-argentine-cemetery-at-darwin
  9. World War 1 soldier who was killed in the Battle of the Somme finally laid to rest a century later READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/world-war-1-soldier-who-was-killed-in-the-battle-of-the-somme-finally-laid-to-rest-a-century-later
  10. Hard to believe that this question was asked by a DWP advisor of a claimant who has Mental Health Issues !! Other claimants were asked... "How would you commit suicide" and "Why have your attempts to kill yourself failed?" They reckon that the training enables their staff to deal with claimants sensitively.. hmm !!
  11. Final resting place of a Yorkshire born WW2 soldier killed in the 'Bridge too far' Battle of Arnhem is finally marked after almost 73 years READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/final-resting-place-of-a-yorkshire-born-ww2-soldier-killed-in-the-bridge-too-far-battle-of-arnhem-is-finally-marked-after-almost-73-years
  12. The coroner was so alarmed that.. His report was sent to the FCA 12 months ago, but its existence was only uncovered by Disability News Service this week.
  13. Mohammed Emwazi has been hunted by security forces every since he began appearing is sick terror videos Live updates on link and i suppose TV everywhere. 99% Certain he is dead. Reports saying they have been tracking him for a while. Security services Monitoring chat to see what is being said. Everything will become clearer as the day goes on. David Cameron to speak later. It is claimed there were 14 airstrikes. A Twitter account linked with local anti-ISIS campaigners have shared insight into the airstrike. #Raqqa Drone Strike on 11:51 PM Targeted a car near Clock tower #ISIS Close all the area not allowed any one to approach #Syria The Prime Minister will be making a public statement on the strike later on today Downing Street working 'hand in glove' with US on ISIS Live updates. http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/jihadi-john-live-updates-isis-6823006 Back in September-2015 EXCLUSIVE: 'There's drones in the air!' How paranoid Jihadi John lives in fear of death from above - as revealed by two men who had a terrifying car ride with ISIS knifeman Jihadi John acted as a driver for distinguished visitors to the Islamic State They described the British ISIS executioner as 'aggressive' and 'threatening' http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3227891/There-s-drones-air-ISIS-executioner-Jihadi-John-s-fear-death-revealed-men-hid-civilians-Iraqi-football-pitch-avoid-missile-strike.html Dead body of "important British Jihadi" lying in Raqqa hospital The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights has released a full statement on claims that a British Jihadi was killed in Raqqa following an airstrike. Rami Abdulrahman, director of the UK-based organisation, did not name Jihadi John however. A car carrying four foreign Islamic State leaders, including one British Jihadi was hit by US air strikes right after the governorate building in Raqqa city. All the sources there are saying that the body of an important British Jihadi is lying in the hospital of Raqqa. All the sources are saying it is of Jihadi John but I cannot confirm it personally. How will spies confirm if Jihadi John is dead? Intercepted communications, human intelligence, photographs and even DNA could confirm that Jihadi John is dead. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/middleeast/syria/11993401/How-will-spies-confirm-if-Jihadi-John-is-dead.html Jihadi John 'dead': US officials believe Raqqa drone strike killed Mohammed Emwazi Officials have said they are '99 per cent' sure the Isis militant was killed in a drone strike in Raqqa http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/jihadi-john-killed-us-officials-confirm-mohammed-emwazi-is-dead-after-raqqa-drone-strike-a6732741.html Another official speaking to ABC News described the air strike that as a “flawless” and “clean hit” that “evaporated” Emwazi without killing civilians. By the sounds of things there may be only possibilities of DNA that will identify this man. I had better leave things at that for now. The fog of war takes time to clear so you know the facts.
  14. READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/british-battle-of-jutland-sailor-killed-100-years-ago-is-finally-honoured-after-his-grave-site-is-identified
  15. My Bickerton folding bike had a flat tyre and needed a new chain and new brakepads as well as a general service, so I took it to the Bristol Bike Project and got it booked in for a Level 2 Service and the replacement of these parts. I called them today and they told me the bolt where the frame folds in half had sheared into the frame, and that they've drilled it through and might not be able to get a new one fitted. So basically, they've invalidated my manafacturer warranty on the frame by drilling through it without asking me before they started this work, when I could've got the thing fixed for free by the manfacturer. What do I do? Ta
  16. came across this re a related googly. please sign if interested. closes 30 march http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/67911 re http://www.getreading.co.uk/news/local-news/purley-cyclists-deaths-lead-parliamentary-8054571
  17. On Sat 12th April my husband was tragically killed in a motocycle accident. We had been together since 1991 and were married in 2000, although we never really lived together (long story). When going through some paperwork i noticed that he was claiming single person discount on his council tax. I know this is ok as he was living in his house alone as I lived at my parents with our son, but I am now going to move into his house with his son. What I am worried about though is, if the council question that he was married, (because im not sure if they know or not), and they suspect that I have been living with my husband all the time at his house whilst he was claiming this discount. There is nothing at all in my name at my husbands house, and I am not on the electoral role, but I cant help worrying. All I want to do is move into his house with our son and carry on paying the council tax as before. Does anyone if I can do this? i.e. would the council question as to what right I have to move into his house, etc.. .....I have got enough to worry me in the next few days that are coming up, and I dont want this to be another one. I have been told by a very dear friend of mine that the council wont be concerned about why im moving in etc, all they are interested in is getting their money every month for the council tax.... .so she doesnt see it being a problem. any help please:sad:
  18. Hi, we really need help on what to do! I'll try and keep this story as brief as possible! We bought a second hand car this Monday 2nd June, the next day my husband took it to Kwik fit in goole East Yorkshire for a service to make sure we hadn't bought a wreak! "You've bought a good car there" said the mechanic! When my other half went to drive it away, it wouldn't start. The mechanics came out to see what the problem was! As it was nearly closing time my husband arranged to bring it back the next day for them to have another look at it. In the meantime I bought him 4 new alloys with tyres to replace the old ones. He took it back yesterday and had the new wheels fitted and they checked the vehicle over again but could find why sometimes it wouldn't start. After fitting the new alloys they found the tracking needed doing. After this was done hubby got in and drove it down the road to find it pulled badly to the left. He took it back and they did it again. After being tracked for the second time it was still pulling to the left but they said "the machine said it was perfect." Could there be something wrong with their tracking machine? After taking it back for the 3rd time they decide to put it on a machine where it literally shakes the car to death. My husband is an engineer and he thought at the time that they had left it on the machine for far too long. When it came off he drove it home and said there is something seriously wrong with the car. (We live approximately half a mile from KwikFit) so he took it back AGAIN, when they put it up on the ramp they found the prop shaft (I think that's the name) had a new crack in it, the manager then decided to take it on a test drive but my husband advised him not too as this car was now seriously sick. But against my hubbies advise he took it out, was gone over 10 minutes and when he pulled back into the garage there was a really loud noise and unbelievably the manager has now broken the gearbox. Hubby has gone completely nuts and demanded to see the area manager who was 3 hours drive away! I am utterly gob smacked how we have gone from a great runaround vehicle to a broken, probably un-repairable piece of scrap in 3 days! Where do we stand legally? If we don't get any joy from the area manager, what do we do next! Please help as we don't have another car to fall back on.
  19. A man was killed when a charging e-cigarette exploded and ignited oxygen equipment he is believed to have been using, Merseyside's fire service said. The 62-year-old victim was found in the living room of a house in Penkett Road, Wallasey. A small fire in the bedroom of the property had gone out before firefighters arrived, Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service (MFRS) said. The exact cause of death is yet to be established, with an inquest now due. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-merseyside-28701515
  20. Please keep your fingers crossed for me on Friday.......good friend Les had adopted yet another dog. She's a diamond with rescues, always room for one more. Merlin the husky/GS shepherd arrived at 11 months in November last, having been confined to a cage in a small flat. Female owner admitted she was afraid of his strength and couldn't walk him. She was owner No 4. He stays where he is now, Les never gives up on them. He's hurt Les' arm and she has a brace so old big head with the dogs here offered to take her out to the forest and "deal" with him once and for all. Well, I've met my match here. If I tell a dog what to do i expect it to be done. end of. Along comes another dog, and because I already realised Merlin has a high level of excitement which could turn into aggression if not checked, I decide we'll teach him to sit politely to one side when dogs come by for now. On the lead of course, which I hate, but this is a large dog and we are looking at the Law here with him if we are not careful. Bloody creature. Oh he sat alright, but then he leapt in the air, ran at the group of people and dog coming towards us and I was attached to the end of the lead. For two or three seconds i was horizontal off the ground behind him just like a bloody cartoon strip. I landed with a plop and in a heap at the feet of a very surprised looking man and three women tryng not to wet themselves laughing. The laughter broke the tension thank God. Oh my shoulders and arms! I get on the phone to my dog whisperer friend, and we've arranged to spend next Friday with Les and Merlin. DW uses other dogs to rehab the bad boys, and her special selection for Merlin? A great dane, Bertie, who weighs 220lbs, can look the DW in the eye, and she is tall! Oh she says, it'll be fine, I rehabbed him last week, he won't knock his owner over again! He won't do it again and it do them good to meet each other. OMG. And Les now has an RSI so guess who has to do this bit for her? I know the DW will sort Merlin out, but just in case, please, everyone, fingers crossed for me at 1pm next Friday when they are going to do their street walking exercise together through one of the busiest parts of town! Must remember to take a shovel.
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