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  1. Hello hope someone can offer some advice. I brought a bike using a e voucher with halfords. I brought it for my son, but he doesn't like the one I have brought, It is brand new and boxed, as I thought he would enjoy putting together himself too. I took it back to halfords and asked for a credit note/voucher so he can come in when he was ready to choose for himself, I should just add he is autistic and does not like to be rushed and likes to take he's own time on things. But It is under a week old too. They said I couldn't, as there is nothing wrong with it, I understand, but it is still in the box unbuilt and it was a surprise gift. Any help.
  2. Hi, Everyone, first off, apologies if this is in the 'wrong' place, but was really unsure where to post this. step son purchased a bike from Halford back in Feb this year (2017) for £750, not a small sum, he has experienced a few issues, but more recently, he has been having issues with 'loose' pedal arm/spindle, I am not sure what the technical term is, the bits that go through the frame and the pedals are attached to! Well this part has become loose, he has been in a couple of times to have it tightened up, again today he had to take it in, the guy that spoke to him has said that as far as they are concerned, it is classed as general wear and tear he has to pay for the parts as the warranty does not cover such things. This is nonsense, first off, he only used it 2-3 of times a week to get to and from work, which was the reason he bought it in the first place, on the bike to work scheme (I think that's what its called) after around 4 months he suffered quite a bad a leg injury, which meant he could not walk properly and could not ride at all, the treatment and healing has so far lasted for about 14 weeks and he has only recently, in the last 2 weeks, started to use the bike again, 1-2 times a week as the doc said it would be ok as long as he did not overdo it. I wholly believe, this is absolute nonsense, and that Halfords are shirking their responsibility to repair this bike under the warranty. What I would like to know from anyone who has more knowledge in this area than myself, is what we should be doing (in the right way) to convince and persuade Halfords that they had better step up and sort this out, and if they won't, what do we do about it. I have done some reading but as often is the case, some of it confused me more than helped, so am asking for some guidance and direction on where to start looking and pointing and what actions to take and follow up with. I thank everyone in advance for their time and very much look forwards to some input and am happy to answer any questions anyone may have. Mr Brooks
  3. i had a long term lodger who left 4 years ago whilst he collected some of his stuff he left his old motorcycle here now i cant get any response off him id like to take ownership of bike in lieu of storage and need advice of if i can legally do this if so how id originally intended to scrap it but its a good vehicle needing minimal work to get back on road though it has little value id enjoy restoring it with a view to pass it on . lodger did 18 months ago agree to get bits bike needed and id have bin happy tp fix for him but after so long with no response its just sat gathering dust and rust and if i cant claim it then i will scrap it .
  4. I wonder if any one can help me I recently purchased a nearly new Giant road bike off ebay. It was advertised as in very good condition. They did not mention any thing about any problems with bike. I paid by paypal using money already in in my PayPal account. Bike was shipped to me already built sent by specialit courier. When recieved bike it was not as described. Brakes dont work gears don't change properly, parts of gear system are bent and back wheel is bent. I contacted seller to complain and there reply was these problems where not present when tested bike before sending. They refused point blank to take bike back or refund my money. I contacted ebay and paypal and opened a duspute but despite providing proof they saw in sellers favor. Ebay wont tell me why and are refusing to look in to it any more. Is there any way to get my money back. I have copies of payment I made to seller, I have photos of problems with bike and have taken to my local bike shop and have a report from them. Report lists all problems. Brake Cables need replacing, wheel needs fixing or replacing and gear system needs fixing. I have been quoted £150-£200 to repair. This is including labour. Could I take seller to small claims court to claim costs of getting bike repaired or to get a refund for bike. And If I did would I have enough evidence to back up my claim. Would I have a good case Any advice would be much appreciated, Thanks in advance
  5. Seller Refused Mediation Issue I purchased a used quad bike from ** A MAN WORKING FOR HIMSELF ESTABLISHED AS A COMPNY ** 7h May I paid the deposit of £2050 (£2000 off quad and £50 fees) on my credit card to **THE MANS COMPANY **, I attended **THE COMPANY ADDRESS WHICH IS ALSO HIS HOME ADDRESS** 11th may with remainder of cost in cash £2000 I was not given a receipt at the time of purchase I was issued a receipt later on after several requests The Quad bike became faulty 2nd June when I contacted the seller, he told me the sale was between myself and the last registered owner of the quad bike as shown on the V5 and was not a sale by him or his company. I have never seen or spoken to anyone else about this transaction, other than ** THE MAN WORKING FOR HIMSELF ESTABLISHED AS A COMPANY ** he is the man / company I gave all my money to and it was his business / home where I collected the quad from, there was only 3 people visible in his yard (myself, THE MAN and a friend of mine who had traveled with me to collect the quad) **THE MAN WORKING FOR HIMSELF ESTABLISHED AS A COMPANY** was inspecting the quad as I arrived to collect it,the inspection was being carried out in the workshop he has established as his business within his personal dwelling At the point of collection I was told he found a few small issues (parts that needed replacing) to which his company provided me with replacement parts (I don't recall paperwork but certainly the packaging tape from him established business was used The quad bike was sold to me as a used machine, the quad was 2.5 year old with 5k ish on the clocks, I was informed the quad had a manufactured rebuilt engine recently, I was told the quad was in good condition Repairs carried out so far Repairs carried out so far Part’s supplied by seller Replacement hand/foot brake cable Stater motor Voltage regulator Part’s purchased by myself 3 Set’s Of brake pads (needed on the day of collection but wasn’t mentioned I paid for these parts) Part’s I have replaced but will accept as fair use and wear on second hand quad Water pump gasket CVT Belt after 2nd June the quad was sent to a dealer for repairs, Various repairs have currently been carried out costing a total of £1355.96, I have secured £718.92 for repairs via section 75 via credit card company leaving a shortfall **THE MAN WORKING FOR HIMSELF ESTABLISHED AS A COMPANY** after the issues had been brought to his attention gave my personal mobile number to the previous registered keeper who he states was the seller of the quad, although all payment's were made to THE COMPANY Total Looking To recover £30.00 Mediation Fee's £100.00 Labour To fit faulty parts supplied by seller £637.04 Shortfall difference on repair bill £45.00 Brake pads £45.00 Labour for Brake pads £90.00 0181-314000 Gear Motor £40.00 Labour To Fit Gear Motor £200.00 Gesture Of Goodwill (misuse of my personal data) Total £ 1187.04 **THE MAN WORKING FOR HIMSELF ESTABLISHED AS A COMPANY** stated to MEDIATION COMPANY that the sale was between myself and the last registered keeper, THE MAN offered details of a third party PREVIOUS REGISTERED KEEPER and suggested talking to a finance company aswell ? I am trying to establish if the sale was legally between myself and **THE MAN WORKING FOR HIMSELF ESTABLISHED AS A COMPANY** I need to know which court's I apply to England (where I live) or Scotland (where seller live's) I need to know would the judge allow the cost's of mediation I need to know would the judge allow the gesture of goodwill for misuse of my personal details I need to know would the fact I have received a section 75 claim for part of the repair effect the outcome ? I am not applying for the money the S75 covered just the shortfall which cam after THE COMPANY refused to communicate with me, prior to requesting mediation I was given details for THE COMPANY solicitor, they have ignored all letter's sent to them via recorded post, is this acceptable ? Sorry for the longer post, I hope that everything can be seen clearly, I just need to find which court I should apply to I have done everything I can to try and resolve the matter
  6. Can anybody explain what might have occured? Is the seller a shady Sam who hasn't disclosed this information? Is the HPI input wrong? 27th February 2014 - Registration Of Bike. 25th December 2013 - Written Off, Cat C.
  7. Hi all, I bought an exercise bike last April online from Amazon using a 3rd party seller. The braking system has developed a fault which means now the bike is useless as pressure can no longer be applied to the spinning wheel using the friction pad. I have unscrewed the braking system today, it is an extremely simple mechanism using a bolt and a nut and a couple of springs. I have discovered that the nut that screws onto the bolt which you turn to control the tension is slipping which means that no pressure can be put upon the brake pad. Here is a vid I have made today showing the nut slipping along the bolt which clearly shouldn't be the case:- sendvid.com/d459adnc And a pic showing the nut and bolt:- I am currently awaiting reply from the comapany after sending them the video this morning. So the question is am I protected by any consumer law? as I believe this to be a manufacturing defect as in my eyes a metal nut and bolt should not become loose like that in such a short amount of time with. Thanks
  8. Hi there, I wonder if you can help. I purchased a bike rack from Aldi and assembled it according to the instructions. I put the bikes on the back and headed off on holiday. We had been travelling less than 10 minutes on the motorway when the 2 of the bikes flew across the motorway. By some miracle nobody was hurt. The strap had snapped as the cradles had worked loose and there was nothing to stop them flying off. The motorway patrol came and retrieved the bikes, one of which was totally destroyed. He then put the other bike back on the rack, used the snapped strap to attach and ensured it was secure. During the remainder of the journey from Liverpool to Plymouth, I had to keep stopping to push the cradles back down the rack as they continued to work loose. On the return journey, I used bicycle locks to attach the bikes and this worked okay. I complained to Aldi and they claim that becuase I didn't take a photo of the rack attached to the car when I set off, and because I binned the strap as I used bike locks on the way back, that it must be my fault and I must have attached the strap incorrectly. They have given me £30 in Aldi vouchers which means I have to spend them back in Aldi. It was a horrendous experience and I cannot believe they are taking this approach. Can anyone advise me? Thanks Jackie
  9. My Bickerton folding bike had a flat tyre and needed a new chain and new brakepads as well as a general service, so I took it to the Bristol Bike Project and got it booked in for a Level 2 Service and the replacement of these parts. I called them today and they told me the bolt where the frame folds in half had sheared into the frame, and that they've drilled it through and might not be able to get a new one fitted. So basically, they've invalidated my manafacturer warranty on the frame by drilling through it without asking me before they started this work, when I could've got the thing fixed for free by the manfacturer. What do I do? Ta
  10. My sons bike got stolen, police have found it and sent letter for collection, what are the fees as I don't know if it is worth getting back, if they keep it what will they charge him. he Thanks Mashmallow
  11. 'Martyn Uzzell, from North Somerset, was thrown into the path of a car after hitting the pothole. An inquest heard North Yorkshire County Council had missed opportunities (even reported to them by the police) to repair the A65 in Giggleswick....' http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-32215664 http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3033555/Widow-cyclist-killed-hitting-pothole-Land-s-End-John-O-Groats-charity-ride-wins-six-figure-compensation-payout.html also, Mrs Windsors designer killed whilst cycling to work http://www.standard.co.uk/news/london/london-arts-visionary-moira-gemmill-killed-by-lorry-while-cycling-near-lambeth-bridge-10167161.html
  12. I bought a cheap mountain bike to ride the 1.5 miles to work every day from [edit: not Argos] Halfords last weekend. It was a red Apollo Feud one which you assembled the front wheel, seat and pedals at home. http://www.halfords.com/cycling/bikes/mountain-bikes/apollo-feud-mens-mountain-bike In one journey the rear wheel had slipped forward knocking it out of alignment. I tightened it up again and the same happened. On closer inspection, the nut on the sprocket is a rounded one so by tightening it it's literally pushing the bracket holding the wheel on apart. Anyway, I returned it two days later, and while the manager was reluctant at first she was quickly made aware by the bike maintenance bloke that it was a known defect with the bike and they replaced it (this time it has the correct nut as we checked). I've done one journey on the new one, and the same happened, accelerate in a low gear and I felt it slip and the rear wheel is out of alignment, putting the brakes and gears out with it. Having spent an hour playing with it and re-aligning it all I've noticed the frame is completely twisted at the rear forks and no matter how I position the wheel the brake or gears will be out of alignment. And even with what seemed to be the correct nut tightening the wheel is pushing the bracket apart again and the wheel slips forward. To top it off some of the teeth on the pedal gears have split already! I've ridden 2.5 miles on it!! This is marketed as a £260 bike and it is absolutely junk. Unfortunately I pulled all the stickers off when I was building it (they made it look even cheaper than it is), should this matter? Am I within my rights to return it a second time for a full refund? I can't afford to upgrade, I just want my money back and rid of this absolutely terrible quality bike. It isn't fit for purpose, and I'm someone who never returns things as I almost blame myself.
  13. So as the title says, I received a failure to insure letter, however, checking on the website, it says my bike is actually SORN. However, I never received a letter saying it was confirmed and the letter says I am still liable for the offence because I don't have that. I put the SORN through a couple of weeks ago (definitely prior to the date listed - 27/05/14) however, I don't actually know when they officially put it through as I've not received the letter. The website says it's SORN'd however (But there's no date listed when it went through). What do I do? Can anyone offer me some advice?
  14. Hi, Apologies if this is covered in other threads. I had a bike accident on 7th June 2013 - my 50cc Vespa was written off - minor injuries - other party admitted liability. My insurance stopped on 24th June 2013 - I obviously didn't renew. Bike was salvaged by insurance company. Two weeks ago I got a Failure To Insure notification - naturally I appealed. Now am shocked to find my appeal was rejected and have a £100 fine. What can I do? Thanks in advance for any help & Happy New Year to all! B
  15. Hello all My neighbour bought a new motor bike 125cc, from a local garage, the cost stated was £1599.00 he paid £100 deposit leaving the balance to be made on collection of the bike. upon collecting the motor bike, the paper-work stated balance due £1399.00 which he paid in full by debit card. upon getting home, the garage owners son telephoned, stating the father had put the wrong balance due on the paper-work, and that another £100 was payable to gain the full ownership of the sold bike. My neighbour has the receipt for the deposit, also the full balance paid as stated on the paper-work. Price paid £1499.00 The garage owners are now refusing to sent the log book of to the DVLA to confirm new ownership, until the extra money is paid. Any help on this issue would be great, I myself have explained, he has the paper-work stating he owns the bike and receipts as per on the invoice. the garage made the mistake and should therefore forfeit the loss. my neighbour wants to pay the extra money to keep the bike, but I've told him to hold back until I make enquires on this issue.
  16. I need to leave my bike at a railway station every day. Do you think it's worthwhile to buy bike theft insurance? Or perhaps to buy a cheap old bike and use two solid locks? All locks can be cut, but locks from proper steel can't be cut with bolts. It requires an angle grinder to do so. I don't think a thief is going to bother with an angle grinder to steal a cheap old bike. It makes a lot of noise and would attract a lot of attention.
  17. I have received 2 letters from COLLECTICA who say i need to pay £80 because i have not SORNd my motorbike which i sold 3 years ago. I have tried to say I don't even know the buyer now or have his details. I am saving for a new business and £80 on this is not happening. I had a brief email back saying 'we don't care if it not your bike you need to pay' (along those lines). Guys what can i do.
  18. Hi I bought a bike for £100 on a website specialising in bikes. Everything was fine with the bike, until I used it, things started falling off, breaking, not working as they should. I have not contacted the seller as of yet, as I would like to get some info on where I stand first. On the website, it says "Any item can be returned to us for any reason provided it is returned unused with its original packaging and a valid receipt" I understand that (as I have used it, once) i am 'excluded' from this section above, but have I still got a right to refund? I am well within the 28 day period, as I only bought this bike 1st November. If any other info is needed I will be happy to provide. Thanks (I have posted this in another sub forum, however I thought it would be best here, im not trying to spam!)
  19. Hi I bought a bike for £100 on a website specialising in bikes. Everything was fine with the bike, until I used it, things started falling off, breaking, not working as they should. I have not contacted the seller as of yet, as I would like to get some info on where I stand first. On the website, it says "Any item can be returned to us for any reason provided it is returned unused with its original packaging and a valid receipt" I understand that (as I have used it, once) i am 'excluded' from this section above, but have I still got a right to refund? I am well within the 28 day period, as I only bought this bike 1st November. If any other info is needed I will be happy to provide. Thanks
  20. des23

    DVLA bike licence

    Hi All just rcd my driving licence back fom the dvla after renewing my hgv licence.it has come back without my motorcycle entitlement (licence)i passed my bike tst some years ago cant remember the date safe to say over 25 years.it must have been on there as i was done for speeding on my bike in 2010 and had to produce my licence which came back with 3 points ..not sure how to go about tackling the dvla about it . thanks in advance
  21. Almost 2 years ago, we bought a pair of Electric Bikes. They have Lithium Batteries which had on the back of the booklet they have a warranty of 1yr, but 1000 charges. One of the batteries is fine, but the other one barely keeps a charge and drops out quite quickly - they are supposed to go from 4, 3 2 & finally one. Where I bought them from has been on to the importer, who says the battery is out of warranty & therefore they are not liable - a new battery is £300 + so not a cheap item to replace. I have just contacted the importer who again says out of warranty - but take it over & they will test them. My point is that I would have had to have charged the batteries approx 4 times every week since new - certainly have not (bear in mind the other bike one is still ok) - any thoughts on how to proceed with this if they do not want to replace.
  22. I sold a non road use racing motorcycle in a private sale back in October of last year. It was a bike that I had only ridden on 4 brief occasions having bought it myself privately a year earlier. I resold the bike using the full description I was given from the guy who I purchased it from. In my ownership I rode the bike on track on just four occasions and had the bike Dyno tested in my ownership where it made the power the guy I purchased it from claimed. The guy I bought it from had claimed that the engine had been refreshed not long prior to my purchase but could not produce receipts for this work so I took a punt on buying the bike as he seemed genuine and was well known in race circles as a genuine guy. I had no reason to believe that the bike had any issues at all. I know a good bike from bad and this one rode well and the engine was very strong on power. I was forced to sell it for financial reasons but sold it on with great confidence and genuinely thought the buyer got a fantastic bargain given the further £500 I reduced the asking price to get it sold to a good home. It was sold for more that £1000 less than I paid for it and I only used it 4 trackdays, plus I paid out £500 for further parts and testing. I was so confident in it being sound I sold it to a mate, genuinely feeling I was doing him a favour. I'm now deeply embarrassed as the bike blew its engine on just its second day on track with its new owner. He has had the engine stripped by a specialist who feels from the condition of the engine that it has not had the recent refresh work done as claimed. I pointed out in the sale that I was told that this work had been done but I couldn't produce receipts but in my brief use of the bike and the testing I had done I saw absolutely no reason to doubt it. I really don't know for sure if the bike has been run low on oil, overheated or over revved. These highly strung bikes have oil changes after every use so it may have been run with the wrong level, they have no cooling fans so have to be kept moving or may have overheating damage and are very easy to over rev when down shifting on track. If the specialist feels the bike has not been refreshed as claimed its hard to contest that without receipts to prove the work and its something that can only really be seen with the engine in bits. The buyer has not asked anything of me yet but if they do I would like to be sure of my rights should he get a huge bill and expect me to do something. I'm worried he may want to reject the bike which I cannot afford to buy back or expect me to pay for the repair which may amount to a huge sum of money which again I don't have. It was a private sale, done for cash with no receipt advertised through an internet forum. Even worse the buyer is a good friend. I'm unsure yet if he is prepared to take it on the chin as it was a private sale on a highly strung race bike. We have all bought and sold a few and you take your chances. I've just passed on the description I had which I had no reason to doubt. I'm hoping its either going to be taken on the chin or if he does feel I owe something legally I don't have any liability and am here looking to confirm that this is the case. I just hope any goodwill gesture I can afford to make will be taken as being fair and better than nothing. I really don't think I'm going to get anywhere going back to the guy who sold it to me either, like me he is not a trader either, just a private individual. The last refresh was done by a mate of his so he may well of believed himself it had been done correctly. Gutted what should have been a sweet deal turned into a mess and I hope it doesn't mess up a friendship. I hate people feeling like I have wronged someone when I genuinely thought the bike was a good one. I want to make it right but have to protect myself and just don't have the cash to do anything but make a small gesture to help.
  23. Hello, my son bought a bike from halfords, he reserved it online and asked them to assemble it in store. After he had paid for it and he had begun riding home the handle bars came loose and he lost control of the bike, he was close to the road and crashed then a car nearly hit him. The bike now has several scratches and my son has a scraped knee which could have been alot worse. The person who assembled the bike obviously did a poor job of it and i want to know what i can do about this.
  24. OK Just before Easter my husband bought a really nice Cannondale Bad Boy bike worth £400 (ish), rode it to work the very next day (Aprox 2 miles from home), locked it up with a heavy-duty motorcycle cable chain to the permanent metal bars in the cycle store which are sunk into the concrete in the cycle store floor, alongside half a dozen other bikes that were there already. At lunchtime (just 15 hours after he purchased it) it was stolen The heavy duty cable lock left on the floor cut in 2. Reported to police, crime number given. They assured Hubby they knew the local youths who do this, but they cant just go round their houses, they have to have just cause (!!). Rang insurance Comapny L&G, who say it's not covered as was stolen away from home property. I've finally got my hands on the Policy Document Swinton (The broker we went through gave us) and it clearly states: We will pay up to the personal possessions sum insured for: - Theft, loss of or damage to personal possessions, personal money and credit cards which you own or are legally responsible for, whilst within the United Kingdom or anywhere else in the world for up to 60 days in any one period of insurance. - The most we will pay for theft from an unattended vehicle is £1,000 - The most we will pay for any one claim in respect of personal money is £500 - The most we will pay for any one claim in respect of credit cards is £500 - The maximum number of pedal cycles covered is 5 and the most we will pay for any one claim in respect of each pedal cycle is £500 It then states: We will not pay for: Theft of an unattended pedal cycle while in the garden or outside the boundary of the home, unless in a locked building or attached by a locked security device to a permanently-fixed structure or a motor vehicle. So they declined the claim as it was away from the property, yet it clearly states it would be covered outside the boundary of the home if it is attached by a locked security device to a permanently-fixed structure - which it was. I've just rang them, as I'm not named, they couldn't go into the claim or why it was turned down, but he spoke to me 'hypothetically". He said "We're not trying to wriggle out of paying up an any insurance claims, but we cannot specifically word each policy as to how far outside the Boundary of your home you are covered. It could well be in your Husband's claim, the area outside the boundary of the property would just be on that path outside the front, so just a period of meters"... When i asked if he could appeal i was told "I really don't think it'd be a good use of your time to be honest, for what the bike was worth, you should just accept the decision, as the likelihood of any exception would be nominal". Well to us, £400 is a lot of money to spend on a bike and very much a lot to simply lose after 15 hours of owning said bike! Can I have your thoughts please, if you do think we have grounds for appeal, or would it simply be a waste of time for us as the Insurers say? Thanks
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