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  1. Seller Refused Mediation Issue I purchased a used quad bike from ** A MAN WORKING FOR HIMSELF ESTABLISHED AS A COMPNY ** 7h May I paid the deposit of £2050 (£2000 off quad and £50 fees) on my credit card to **THE MANS COMPANY **, I attended **THE COMPANY ADDRESS WHICH IS ALSO HIS HOME ADDRESS** 11th may with remainder of cost in cash £2000 I was not given a receipt at the time of purchase I was issued a receipt later on after several requests The Quad bike became faulty 2nd June when I contacted the seller, he told me the sale was between myself and the last registered owner of the quad bike as shown on the V5 and was not a sale by him or his company. I have never seen or spoken to anyone else about this transaction, other than ** THE MAN WORKING FOR HIMSELF ESTABLISHED AS A COMPANY ** he is the man / company I gave all my money to and it was his business / home where I collected the quad from, there was only 3 people visible in his yard (myself, THE MAN and a friend of mine who had traveled with me to collect the quad) **THE MAN WORKING FOR HIMSELF ESTABLISHED AS A COMPANY** was inspecting the quad as I arrived to collect it,the inspection was being carried out in the workshop he has established as his business within his personal dwelling At the point of collection I was told he found a few small issues (parts that needed replacing) to which his company provided me with replacement parts (I don't recall paperwork but certainly the packaging tape from him established business was used The quad bike was sold to me as a used machine, the quad was 2.5 year old with 5k ish on the clocks, I was informed the quad had a manufactured rebuilt engine recently, I was told the quad was in good condition Repairs carried out so far Repairs carried out so far Part’s supplied by seller Replacement hand/foot brake cable Stater motor Voltage regulator Part’s purchased by myself 3 Set’s Of brake pads (needed on the day of collection but wasn’t mentioned I paid for these parts) Part’s I have replaced but will accept as fair use and wear on second hand quad Water pump gasket CVT Belt after 2nd June the quad was sent to a dealer for repairs, Various repairs have currently been carried out costing a total of £1355.96, I have secured £718.92 for repairs via section 75 via credit card company leaving a shortfall **THE MAN WORKING FOR HIMSELF ESTABLISHED AS A COMPANY** after the issues had been brought to his attention gave my personal mobile number to the previous registered keeper who he states was the seller of the quad, although all payment's were made to THE COMPANY Total Looking To recover £30.00 Mediation Fee's £100.00 Labour To fit faulty parts supplied by seller £637.04 Shortfall difference on repair bill £45.00 Brake pads £45.00 Labour for Brake pads £90.00 0181-314000 Gear Motor £40.00 Labour To Fit Gear Motor £200.00 Gesture Of Goodwill (misuse of my personal data) Total £ 1187.04 **THE MAN WORKING FOR HIMSELF ESTABLISHED AS A COMPANY** stated to MEDIATION COMPANY that the sale was between myself and the last registered keeper, THE MAN offered details of a third party PREVIOUS REGISTERED KEEPER and suggested talking to a finance company aswell ? I am trying to establish if the sale was legally between myself and **THE MAN WORKING FOR HIMSELF ESTABLISHED AS A COMPANY** I need to know which court's I apply to England (where I live) or Scotland (where seller live's) I need to know would the judge allow the cost's of mediation I need to know would the judge allow the gesture of goodwill for misuse of my personal details I need to know would the fact I have received a section 75 claim for part of the repair effect the outcome ? I am not applying for the money the S75 covered just the shortfall which cam after THE COMPANY refused to communicate with me, prior to requesting mediation I was given details for THE COMPANY solicitor, they have ignored all letter's sent to them via recorded post, is this acceptable ? Sorry for the longer post, I hope that everything can be seen clearly, I just need to find which court I should apply to I have done everything I can to try and resolve the matter
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