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  1. Armed forces pay award 2018 - extra payments for personnel that left the armed forces after 1 April 2018 READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/armed-forces-pay-award-2018-extra-payments-for-personnel-that-left-the-armed-forces-after-1-april-2018
  2. National Living Wage workers set for £600 pay rise from 1 April READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/national-living-wage-workers-set-for-600-pay-rise-from-1-april
  3. I wonder if someone can help me. My car has been in the garage since April 2016. I have been given all different dates when it will be ready. I have whatsapp messages to say it would be ready in February this year. Let me explain because I really need to understand what my legal right is as I though garages had to carry out repair within a reasonable period of time. In April last year my BMW 325i broke down. I was told it was the head block. At first I tried with no success to find a head block and then decided to opt for a part worn engine. I ordered the engine but unfortunately they sent the wrong one which caused delays. However a head block became available in August 2017. Since this time I was told that they had to await pistons. I threatened to take the car back in February but was told that I would need to pay for the work that had already been carried out and they have ridiculous excuses. I have left my car with them but up to today my car is still not ready, they have caused extensive dents in the car which they said they would repair. However it has been well over a year and I am still without my car. Can anyone tell me what my legal position is. I have already paid them £500 up front. Mark
  4. READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/war-pension-scheme-payments-increases-from-april-2017
  5. Hi there folks, just wondering about the upcoming change to the ESA WRAG group from April this year. As you know I am in N Ireland, been in the WRAG group since June 2013, no reassessment in all that time and only one WFI in more than three years. As I understand, the new rules only apply to new claims after April 2017, or are they likely to move the goalposts again, you just don't know with this government.
  6. Veterans Gateway went live on 3rd April 2017 READ MORE HERE: https://www.veteransgateway.org.uk/
  7. I have discovered that ALL new televisions sold by Tesco in April 2014 were on a special promotion for the world cup. As such they were all sold with a free 5 year warranty with square trade. So, if you have a TV from Tesco that has packed up, check your purchase date carefully. It does not matter if you have the receipt still if you paid by card they can confirm the purchase date as long as you can say which store and the date purchased. I hope this helps at least one person out!
  8. This has been kept pretty quiet, hasn't it?) Based on vehicle emissions there is a 3 tier band with the zero emissions paying nothing and the highest paying... lots! https://www.saga.co.uk/magazine/motoring/cars/using/2016/ved-car-tax-changes-2017
  9. Hi all, I'm on a similar path to a lot of posters on the site - having received a PCN back in April 2011, which was ignored as well as the various red letters that followed, I was surprised yesterday (3rd Dec) to receive the recovery letter from BW Legal. It was a notification that 'your account has been passed to our legal team', usual £120 PCN + fees of £54. This one was for Gallowgate, Strawberry Place, Newcastle upon Tyne. I have read a lot of posts and much appreciate the advice, takes the worry away, but just to confirm, what do I do now? Ignore pending further letters or write back with the simple letter along the lines of: "Dear Sir/Madam Your Ref: **** I refer to your letter dated ***. I have no intention of paying the money demanded by your client and any court proceedings will be vigorously defended. You should note that this charge is disputed and you must now refer this matter back to your client and cease and desist all contact with me. I will not respond to any further communication on this unless it comes from a court. I trust I have made myself clear. Yours faithfully" Obviously the 6 years statute of limitations will arrive next April 2017, and as it is pre POFA per other posts part of me would love the chance of a day in court. But confirmation of next steps would be much appreciated. PS - I moved house a few years back yet the letter has come to my new address. From reading other posts about default CCJs and old addresses I suppose I should be pleased it has? Thanks
  10. I too have stupidly done the same thing Scotia39. I had my partner move in April of this year and been claiming as a single parent. He earns less than me 14,000pa and has been paying the rent on the house. Had a letter today from HMRC and they want bank statements, bills etc....everything in my name still but just so wish id told them. Feel ashamed of myself .
  11. If you're a dog owner , 2016 marks a change in how you register your pet. It becomes the law this year for ALL dogs to be microchipped under Government plans announced three years ago. From April 2016, every dog in England and Scotland will have to be microchipped in a move which the Government says will help reunite people with lost or stolen pets and track down the owners of vicious or illegal dogs. http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/dog-microchipping-laws-what-changes-7113932 Free microchipping Free microchipping is available throughout the year at all Dogs Trust rehoming centres (by appointment) as well as at their free chipping roadshows, as well as participating vets http://www.chipmydog.org.uk/have-your-dog-chipped-for-free/
  12. From 1 April 2016, the living wage will commence for all employees 25 years or over; and your employer will have to pay you £7.20 per hour Asking in my work place we cant get a direct answer, now hoping someone here can confirm the government position on this; Asda have not made any comment on this https://www.livingwage.gov.uk/ Apart from what is said on the government web site So from the 1 April 2016, is the living wage actually law, and your employer has no choice but to pay £7.20 a hour
  13. http://www.csa-uk.com/assets/documents/compliance-and-guidance/code_of_practice.pdf
  14. Hi there I took a car out on a PCP contract for 4 years with Mercedes in August 2014 I took a seizure on 4th April 2015 still no sign of getting my licence back but I've never missed a payment on the PCP agreement this has nearly been a year since I took the seizure and still paying every month I can't see a way out or put a plan together as Mercedes aren't interested although I've informed Mercedes of my situation but there not interested as long as they are getting paid every month,if anyone could give me some advice on what to do I would be most greatful especially in finding out how soon I could possibly VT the car back to them as I'm partially disabled and struggling to get by with having to pay for this car every month it's seriously effecting me and my family at this moment I can't just hand the car back because it would blacklist my name. I think I need to pay at least half of what is owed on the agreement but I just can't keep this up its having devastating effects on my life having to worry about raising the money every month for something that I can't even drive,if anyone can help or point me in the right direction it would be so much appreciated with kindest regards Scott thanks in advance
  15. The MOD has updated its information on Support for Veterans on 7th April 2016 READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/support-for-war-veterans
  16. Hi all, I bought an exercise bike last April online from Amazon using a 3rd party seller. The braking system has developed a fault which means now the bike is useless as pressure can no longer be applied to the spinning wheel using the friction pad. I have unscrewed the braking system today, it is an extremely simple mechanism using a bolt and a nut and a couple of springs. I have discovered that the nut that screws onto the bolt which you turn to control the tension is slipping which means that no pressure can be put upon the brake pad. Here is a vid I have made today showing the nut slipping along the bolt which clearly shouldn't be the case:- sendvid.com/d459adnc And a pic showing the nut and bolt:- I am currently awaiting reply from the comapany after sending them the video this morning. So the question is am I protected by any consumer law? as I believe this to be a manufacturing defect as in my eyes a metal nut and bolt should not become loose like that in such a short amount of time with. Thanks
  17. Hi i have been trying to find the actual legislation allowing taxpayers the right to choose to pay over 12 months instead of 10 if you notify your local authority before the start of the financial year. does anyone know what regs this ruling comes under? i want to be able to quote it in correspondence to my LA who are blatantly ignoring my right to make this choice myself. they are operating on the old system whereby they use their discretion as to whether or not you are allowed the 12 month method.
  18. https://denbighshiretoday.wordpress.com/2015/05/14/derek-acorah-to-sue-rhyl-town-council-after-getting-beaten-up-by-a-yobbo-ghosts/
  19. I signed up to Easy Gym on 20th of March this year. Then on the 17th of April, they sent an email out to everyone to say the showers are going to be refurbished starting the next day without giving a completion date. I haven't been to the gym since as we don't have showers in the office, and I can only go in the mornings to the gym. I am client facing so defiantly not a good idea to spend an hour at the gym, without washing. I have canceled my membership, as of this morning, but they are refusing to refund for the time I haven't been able to use the gym. Do I have a case for a refund since the gym is advertised as with shower facilities, but haven't provided them. They told me I am still free to use everything else in the gym so they won't refund. 20 March 2015: Signed up 17 April 2015: Easy Gym sent email to say showers going to be refurbished 18 April 2015: Showers out of action 24 April 2015: "Unfortunately we have discovered that this is a much bigger job than anticipated" 13 May 2015: I sent an email to ask about the refurbishment. 20 May 2015: Reply "Due to reasons outside our control we are currently unable to specify a date in which the works will be completed." 03 June 2015: "we were forced to shut down the showers by the landlord over alleged leaks. " 04 June 2015: Emailed requesting my account to be closed, my email was ignored. 08 June 2015: "We are writing to give you an update on our male shower room refurbishment. We have now received approval to continue our work and all being well, the new shower block will reopen on Monday 15th June. " 08 June 2015: Reminded them about my previous email, Also emailed another department about my closure request. 09 June 2015: They closed the account, but won't refund me.
  20. I applied last year in November but the letter went missing and so I applied again online. It's been backdated to mid-July. I have written to them giving them good reason why I was late in applying for this, mainly because I didn't realise I had to. If they are going to send a bill for the full amount at the start of the year before I have earned anything as a first time sole trader then surely it was dealt on the basis that we would all wait until my earnings were clearer before any adjustments? Anyway, I'm thinking about writing to them and Scot & C. saying that I am withholding any further payment until they rectify this. How far is that likely to get me? I have also told them that irrespective of whether they backdate it I will not be paying them any more than I owe and they can take me to court and dispute the amount if they disagree.
  21. Hi Caggers For anyone who is self employed and claiming WTC they will be subject to scrutiny and have to prove they are effective and working. They also have to earn each week the equivalent to min wage at 24 hours. If not will be stripped of the WTC. I have heard rumourned we will be forced back on to JSA to look for better paid work. Even with UC the rule would have given us 12 months grace to make the business work to that level of profit, no such thing with this new ruling.
  22. I apologise if there is a sub forum on this issue but I couldnt find it. I have two pensions an excellent Company one with a considerable pot available which I dont intend to touch and another one from a company I worked for over 20 years ago. It is run by Standard Life. I have about 14k in there and when I spoke to them they said on April 6th I could apply to have it transfered to my bank account. So far so good. My yearly pre-tax income is about 20k but I keep reading conflicting information about how much tax I would have to pay on my cash in. Is there anywhere I can find a calculator ( I have looked) or can give me some advice. Thanks.
  23. From 1st April 2015, Single Lower Limb Amputees with 40% War Disablement Pension or more are entitled to receive War Pensioners Mobility Supplement. More Information at this link: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/war-pensioners-mobility-supplement Please be aware that you need to click on "War Pensioners’ Mobility Supplement change from 1 April 2015" in that link to download the PDF which contains the information and how to claim.
  24. No money? No excuses! Following people on the sharp end of bad debt – and those whose job it is to get the money back. http://www.channel5.com/shows/cant-pay-well-take-it-away Channel 5 - April 8th - 9.00 pm
  25. I work in a small garage who own several company cars. We are allowed to use these cars to pick up customers etc., On 10 April 2013, one of the company car was photographed doing 35 mph on a 30 mph limit area. The following week, a Notice of Intended Prosecution was received. As the owner cannot identify who the driver was, he requested further information. A couple of letters were exchange in the ensuring two months. At the end of October 2013, the Garage received a Summon to appear at the Magistration Court. The owner pleaded not guilty on the provided form. Now a hearing date has been set for early February. I understand that Section 127 of the Magistrates Court Act 1980 provides that these kind of matters should be dealt with within 6 months. Here are the sequence of events: 1. 10/04/2013 Car photographed doin 35 mph on 30 mph road. 2. 17/04/2013 Notice of Intended Prosecution issued. 3. 22/04/2013 Letter request for further infromation. 4. 24/04/2013 Responded to the request. 5. 01/05/2013 Reply to the letter of 24/04/2013 6. 12/06/2013 Letter from Fixed Penalty Support unit, saying 'There is currently no Fixed Penalty procedure in respect of cases where the keeper of the vehicle is unable to provide information to identify the drive. Tje file now forwarded to Summons Procedure Unit who will i due course issue a summons against the registered keeper or nominated user.' 7. 22/10/2013 Summon from Magistrates Court received. Stating: 'Date of information: 21/10/2013.....' 8. 29/10/2013 Not Guilty plead sent to the Magistrate Court. 9. 16/01/2014 Summon received. In light of the above sequence, I think the Magistrates Court should not be dealing with this case anymore, as the 6 month period has lapsed. Can anyone please advice? Many thanks.
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