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Found 12 results

  1. Hi Guys In November, I applied for a post office credit card and was declined despite having near perfect scores with Experian and Equifax. I used an eligibility checker first and it showed that I had a 95% chance of being approved so I felt confident to apply. However, while filling out the application form I did notice that there were no fields to enter information as a self-employed person but I proceeded anyway by entering info about my self-employed status so it may be that they only approve those that are employed. I received a letter from them confirming the decline but they didn't give a reason. It said that they used Experian. For several years I have had an Aqua card and they have increased my credit limit quite substantially. Over the last 6 months they have sent me a letter every month encouraging me to apply for a loan for up to £5,000 using the loan code they sent. I want to apply for a loan because the rate is 3X lower than their credit card rate. However, I'm concerned about my credit score being negatively affected again I wonder if someone could tell me how much time I should allow before applying for credit/loan again. Your advice would be appreciated.
  2. Hello All, I would request someone's help on how to proceed my case in the court. I have made overseas funds transfer from my HSBC account to one of my Indian friend account on Sep 1st 2016. I have received the confirmation from HSBC about my debits to my address but the transfer did not happen from their end. I understand there are some processes they have to follow it, but I feel which is not properly streamlined and it’s really putting the customer into frustration. It was an emergency situation that I need to support financially through this fund, but because of the issue and delay made by HSBC bank, I was pushed into very worst situation. I had come across lots of confusions and lost my reputation around my family and friends in my native place. The beneficiary did not receive my payment for more than a week, wherein I have received the confirmation papers from HSBC about my debits. I thought it’s a problem with beneficiary account and was in confusion. I waited for few more days but the situation was same, beneficiary lost the trust on me which I promised them to help on his emergency. They thought I did not do any transfer and I am just saying. I thought they have received the payment and they are kidding me. Later the situation went worst with multiple arguments between us. And I was really ****ed off and called HSBC on 8th September and I got to know my payment was kept on hold for some review. And I was completely upset and disappointed because of the bank issue it had created lots of problem in my personnel life. I explained them the situation, also I have questioned them why it was not informed to the customer when they keep their transaction on hold and there was no proper response from them for my queries. The customer executive promised me someone will call from payments team within 24 hours as this is an emergency transfer. But nobody had called me within 24 hours from the time I called them. I hope they tried to reach me after the timelines that they have promised to me but I couldn’t pick that call. Later no call back from them and emails from them. By this time I have lost my peace and my reputation was already spoiled with my people, as I couldn’t help the emergency situation; I couldn’t keep up my words and promise, Moreover my relationship bond with the beneficiary was broke because of this. I was completely upset, mentally stressed and hurt. Even after a week later there was no update from bank, I called them again on 13th Sep the situation was still the same, and they collected some information to proceed with the transfer. I have given all the information they wanted from me. That time my only intension is to prove the beneficiary that I really tried helping them. After providing all the information to the bank I requested them to release the funds as quick as possible. But no luck with that calls as well. I have called the bank again on 16th Sep (not sure on this date) to check the status and it was told by them the information’s that they collected from me was not good enough to release the funds, which made me mad. I questioned them then why did they collect those and when they feel it’s not good enough why can’t they collect the required information, but again no response. Later I told them to cancel the fund and put the money back into HSBC Advance account which got credited on 20th September. In between I launched a complaint also in HSBC around 13th Sep and I got a response for that complaint on 6th October 2016 almost a month later… Meanwhile I have arranged the funds in India through different source by paying the extra excess interest. And for almost a month I was mentally stressed because of the problems I had with the beneficiary as they are very close relation with me. I was fully upset and couldn’t concentrate on work or anything, which could have led me to life damaging event. And to solve these issues I have travelled to India on November by taking leaves.. And I have filed complaint with Ombudsman in November regarding this. After collecting all these information and multiple reviews they have come up with saying 250 GBP can be paid as compensation. But before even filing with Ombudsman, HSBC staff called me and tried to convince me with the compensation of 30GBP, for the situation that I have been put through because of their mistake. I detailed him because of the bank mistake what all issues I have faced and moreover I have arranged the fund in my native to help the beneficiary by paying extra interest money along with the principal fund. Then he tried to convince me by increasing the compensation by equalising with the extra interest I paid in my native, which is 120 GBP. I did not accept. But Ombudsman Took almost 9 months to drive and finalised 250 GBP, which is not fair. Here no body has considered because of bank mistake how much it impacted one personnel and professional life which has put them on mental stress, loss of relationship, loss of reputation, more I have spent extra amount on arranging funds in India, I have travelled to India on my own cost, I have used my vacation leaves for this purpose, I feel all the above factors to be considered for compensation. I have spent almost 350 pounds for my air tickets, 242 pounds as extra interest in India, ten days of salary 1000 GBP, so total of 1592 Pounds I have spent for fixing the issue, But the pain I went through for that duration, which damaged my life with loss of reputation, loss in relation, mental stress, all these are to be considered. Please advice on this
  3. 'Why I went to court for my disability payments' READ MORE HERE: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-39745403
  4. 'Why I went to court for my disability payments' READ MORE HERE: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-39745403
  5. My partner bought a vehicle for £2650 from car dealer with no warranty on 7th March 2017. On 25th March 2017 the bottom end crank shaft went and we had to be towed. The garage said the work is minimum £1500 and we've shopped around and nowhere can do it cheaper. The car dealer said that is an extortionate amount for what needs to be done and has agreed to pay half. Leaving us to find £750 to pay for the rest. My partner is about to agree to it as he feels he's had enough stress with it but we're having our first baby this year and really can't afford it. Is there anything we can do? Do we have the right to fight?
  6. Hello, I went 29p into my unplanned overdraft in the early hours of Wednesday morning. I got money in this morning and the 29p was taken out. I am wondering if Halifax will charge me for 3/4 days worth of unplanned overdraft fees?
  7. Veterans Gateway went live on 3rd April 2017 READ MORE HERE: https://www.veteransgateway.org.uk/
  8. Hello all My sister in law accidentally paid £200 into my Barclays bank account instead of to my brother. This was an old business account I have which I had not used for about three years. The charges and interest has mounted up in I to the extent that it is £1200 overdrawn. I had not heard from Barclays at all for several years despite this being an unauthorised overdraft, no phone calls, no attempts to get me to credit the account, no letters. They just let it go. And so did I. Anyway my sister in law contacted me straight away and I said the best way to tackle this was for her to contact her bank and ask for the money to be returned via the Industry standard process for mistaken payments. This process allows for the return of the money within twenty days if I do not object and of course I do not. I then received a phone call from Barclays stating that they had received a request from my sister in law's bank (Lloyds) and they asked me how I intended to credit the account (with some £1200) so that they could return the money. I told them that it was not necessary for the account to be credited. I told them they should follow the industry standard process and return the money. There then followed a lengthy and unsuccessful (on their part) attempt to get me to restore the account. I told them that whether or not I did so should not be linked with their duty to return the money in line with the industry code as I (clearly stated) I was not objecting to it's return. Eventually they agreed they would do so. Much to my surprise my sister in law contacted me to say she had received a letter from her bank Lloyds saying they could not get the money back because I had objected!! This is entirely at odds with what I said to Barclays which was that I DID NOT object to the money being returned and that they SHOULD follow the industry Code of Practice. (I am somewhat familiar with this situation and the Code of Practice as I had earlier in the year made a payment into the wrong account in our business much to the annoyance of my partner and researched what to do though in this case the recipient was known to us and he returned it less £17 for a bottle of whiskey!). Barclays have taken no other action with regard to the account in the intervening two weeks except to keep it alive in their system and have just added another month of fee and interest charges. I have had no default notice, account suspension or anything else. Can I ask fellow CAGers the following: 1. Am I right to believe that not withstanding the state or status of my account that if a payment is mistakenly made into it and I do not object to its return then that return must be done and within a twenty day time scale? 2. Presuming the answer to 1. is yes then what should I do now? Many thanks for reading and I hope this thread will be interesting and entertaining!
  9. Me and my partner bought a Vauxhall Astra 1.9 Sri cdti 150bph on the 22nd September 2015 for £3500 from a second hand dealership. The car went off for a MOT before we got it and it came back with advisories which the dealership dealt with. We waited 2 weeks after payment before we actually got to drive it home. A Week later thick black smoke was coming out the exhaust, we immediately took it back to the dealership and they said they would sort it as it was still under warranty. (Swirl flaps needed replacing) they had our car for over a week and when it came back they hadn't done the job properly, they had botched it up. Instead of replacing the swirl flaps they put blanking plates either side of the egr valve and capped the swirl flaps (temporary fix) A day later the car lost power and was in limp mode, when I had a look at the engine the main air intake pipe wasn't even bolted on properly one bolt was missing and the other was extremely loose. The sensor for the swirl flap wasn't connected and was left hanging, the inlet manifold had been taken apart and new bolts put in (not nessesary comes sealed from factory) there is silicone all over the bottom of the manifold where the swirl flap is, the fuel lines were hanging loose, there is a bracket now missing from the back of my engine and nothing was attached. When I rang the dealership they just fobbed me off saying that they had done the job properly and what was I complaining about, when I asked if they would reimburse me to get the car fixed properly they said no as they had done it properly. (I've taken it to a garage for a second opinion and they are agreeing with me, poor workmanship and it needs to be fixed to repair the damage the dealership has done to it looking at £500) I just don't know where I stand. Help me please Thank you in advance
  10. Dear all A current AST comes to an end on a property on the 17th August. When my agent enquired whether the tenants would like to renew, they told him they were splitting up. On this basis my agent advised issuing a S21 as he was concerned about affordability. The tenants are an unmarried couple with three children. One of the current tenants (male) is now starting treatment for a serious condition and now the partner of the sick tenant has texted me offering me 6 months rent upfront to stay when the AST ends as she says that they are working on getting back together and don't want the stress of moving. There is a guarantor already in place for this AST plus 6 months deposit. I am tempted to accept this as it will avoid a void period. Is there anything to be concerned about? I know Johnson V Old has ended concerns about registering rent upfront as a deposit. If I accept this, should a new 6 month agreement be put in place (as my agent suggested)? Or should I let it go on to a monthly rolling tenancy? What about the notice period and serving a S21 when the 6 months draws to an end? The female tenant apparently told my agent 3 weeks ago when we sent the S21 that she would stay on regardless (seems to have backed down on this though) - so I am slightly worried about her volatility. It would have meant I would have had to get a possession order. My agent's renewal charge is 4 %. Would you expect that a 6 month renewal means that I would pay 4 % on the 6 months rent? Sorry if this post is confusing. I guess I am asking if anybody thinks it might be a bad idea to let them stay on after the threat of staying after the AST expires. Obviously they still might if the council advises them to stay and the 6 months upfront would mean this potential disaster is abated but what are the issues after the 6 months elapse? Thanks in advance for any advice
  11. in the past I was total apple iphone only upto the 6 I would replace both my handset's every year with question until they released the 6 so thin it looked liked the camera was superglued on the back such a bad handset (hopefully the new one will be better) I always buy my phones second hand to save on money, in the past I have purchased an iphone that got network blocked, I took the handset back to apple who told me the phone was blacklisted in the UK but not to worry and promptly replaced the phone with another without any questions what so ever so a few days ago my wife's Samsung S7 edge came up with emergency calls only spoke to samsung live help (which were of no help at all) took the phone down to stoke (100 miles round trip) Samsung took the phone in and told me give us an hour to check it out, got a text telling me the phone is all sorted now, went to collect the phone to see the same fault, the advisor there then checked on a free website http://www.imeipro.info/ and told me phone was blacklisted, if I have any other problems feel free to go back and see her... Apple simply replaced and keep your phone working through out the warranty period, Samsung just didn't care
  12. Hi, I've got an odd problem here, hope I can get some advice. 3 years ago the crown court ordered me to pay £500 towards court fees, I agreed to pay and they gave me a telephone number to phone to make payment. At the time I was receiving J.S.A whilst looking for work (benefit payments while unemployed.) When I phoned the number they told me that seen as I was on J.S.A they will only deduct £100 a month from my J.S.A every month effective from my next payment. I agreed and that was the end of that, or so I thought. 6 months went by and I was offered a job abroad teaching English, I agreed to take it and got ready to leave and seen as I was moving I canceled my benefit payments etc. I moved right away however a good year after the move I got a phone call from a friend who had gone around to my old flat to pick up my mail telling me I had received a bunch of bailiff letters stating that I ow well over £2,000 pounds to some bailiff company due to non-payment of the £500 to the court. Now I know I agreed for the £500 to be deduced from my J.S.A whilst I was there and I know I was on J.S.A long enough (6 months) for the full payments to have been deducted but clearly something went wrong so I checked my online bank statements and the full J.S.A payments where paid into my account with no deductions. Now I don't mind simply paying the £500 right away, I was just going to phone the court house and give them my credit card details to deduct the £500 however I found out by doing some basic googling that because the bailiff company has taken over I will have to pay them the full amount, and only after the bailiffs fees are paid the courts fees will be paid, which I refuse to do. I haven't phoned the bailiff company or the court just yet, I thought I'd ask here first just to make sure I take the right steps at tackling this as I know bailiffs are very crafty with wording and I wouldn't want to deal with them incorrectly. Any suggestions on how to go about this? I really don't want to owe any money to the courts I'm pretty sure that's a serious offense. Thanks!
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