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Found 20 results

  1. Please advise Parcel2Go have lost a laptop I was returning to Argos for a full refund, They have lead me a merry dance with lots of excuses and won't compensate. What now please?
  2. Hi Guys, I'm not sure whether this is the correct sub-forum, but here goes. Are there any regulations concerning the height of front garden boundary walls/fences? Does it vary from area to area? One of my neighbours has just doubled the height of the boundary wall/fence between our 2 properties without any consultation whatsoever.
  3. Hi. I'm just wondering what the law is regarding having Mobile Speed Camera Vans stationed next to GATSO's. I received a ticket, my fault I was over the limit but was already slowing as I go past the GATSO every day. It's a 70mph dual carriageway which drops to 60 about 500 yards before the camera, then returns to 70 again. There have been no recent incidents here, any reason the Police would do this? Just seems like a way to make money from those passing the '60' signs still just over the limit as they slow down.
  4. I have no idea if this is the correct forum, so please forgive me if it should have been posted elsewhere! My husband has just rented an industrial unit to start his business. It's been empty for some months previously people have understandably used the space outside for parking. However, since we received the keys, only one person has had the decency to come over and apologise and move his vehicle. Every day we go and cars are parked outside of the unit meaning we have to park elsewhere; and at the side, where the large delivery doors are, is also sometimes blocked, despite a huge 'Keep Clear' sign. I've tried searching Google, but can't find anything to do with our issue. I was hoping that someone could point us in the right direction. Thanks in advance.
  5. Hi all I'm after a bit of advice if possible. I recently entered into a self managed DMP. I borrowed £1000 in June and made the first three payments with no issues. I have since set up an agreement to pay £7. Am I right in thinking that the interest was front loaded? My balance is somewhere in the region of £1900 to repay. Would it be fair to ask them to only calculate interest to the day I asked them to stop interest and charges? Or am I completely wrong about this? Thank you for you time.
  6. I recently purchased a rather expensive new front door (approx £3,000) which I took delivery of last week on Friday. I signed for delivery which consisted of a heavily packaged door, frame and glazing. On Monday my fitter installed the door and in doing so he realised there was some damage to the frame - unfortunately he either hadn't noticed it or didn't let me know until the door was already fitted. I have contacted the suppliers (providing photos of the damage) and asked them to either arrange a repair or send a replacement as per consumer rights act, they have responded saying that as I signed for the goods "in good condition" they are no longer responsible. My understanding is that a "reasonable time" is allowed for such heavily packaged goods? They have also insinuated that the damage has been caused by my fitter, which from looking at the location of the mark/damage along with the unique pattern is not consistent - I've discussed it with him and have total confidence it was not caused by him. All in all it's a messy situation and I would appreciate any advice on where I stand as a customer and what to do next. I have to say I feel entirely let down by this company who I mistakenly thought were a professional outfit!! Thanks
  7. Please help, (I suggest a comfy chair and a cuppa, this is a big mess) Last year we had three new windows installed in our bungalow. In addition to this we also signed a contract (27th June 16) for a new composite front door to be fitted in our recessed porch which required raising of the internal step, removal of the old door and frame and replacing this with a door and top light on the front of the porch, not the recess. The fitter had to leave and collect another piece of glass for one window as it was incorrect (a small triangular window) and this delayed the job which I had been assured wouldn't take long. When completed the fitter said one window was too small so he would have to use additional trim. It was one fitter, on his own, fitting three windows. I was literally hovering around him as he was finishing off as I had to go to work and he had overrun. On my return from work I properly looked at the windows. Inside they looked fine but outside was shocking. He had hacked off all the render on the return edge and stuck large plastic lengths of trim in it's place. The trim protruded and there were massive chunks of sealant visible which was uneven and unsightly. As the trim was protruding you could see the yellow backing. It looked like my 4 year old had finished it off. I called the company and asked them to come and make it look better, I was told they never re render and always replace render with plastic trim. I advised them I had not been informed of this and would not have gone ahead with the new windows if this was the case. They asked for payment and I refused until they sent someone to look at it. They sent some fitters round immediately to have a look. In the meantime I looked at their website to see some lovely examples of new windows with the render still intact. The guys that arrived looked at the trim and agreed it was a real mess, that the trim was far too wide and was protruding. I asked them why the company removes the render and they informed me that they didn't as a matter of course and that customers should be consulted. They advised that sometimes render has to be removed and they advise that they will replace it as best they can and that the customer would then be responsible for painting it. I asked them to remove the plastic trim that was protruding and to re render it all which they did. This looked much better at this point then the lumpy sealant and yellowy trim. They told me the office was on the phone requesting payment and handed me a mobile phone so I could make payment over the phone. I said it looked better and paid in full. On comparing my new render with my neighbours I noticed that instead of it having a square edge it was rounded of, was uneven and when it dried it looked horrible. Painting it was not going to make it look any better. I also noticed there were layers of trim around the windows which seemed unnecessary and I wondered if this was because the windows were too small. I complained again and over the phone and was assured the windows were the correct fit. In the meantime the surveyor came round regarding the relocation of the front door in the porch. He advised me that what was proposed would not fit and the door would have to open outwards. I was not happy with this at all. He also said the proposed top light would not fit either. He ummed and ahhed a lot then said the door could open inwards and it would be packed out with trim, and gave me some paper to sign with a drawing showing a front door and built up step. I signed then called the company to ask if the price would alter now we were not having a top light to be told there was no change in price. I then contacted the manufacture of the company through live chat to ask their opinion to be told a top light would cost around £150. I informed the company that I was not happy with what was now being proposed, I wanted a top light and if this was not practical I wanted the price reviewed and they emailed me to say as a gesture of good will they were happy to reduce the price by £50. i was not in agreement with this and made this quite clear. They agreed to come back and look at things to reassure me, we arranged two appointments and they failed to show for both. He then turned up really late (October), obviously not very happy and said again that we couldn't have a top light, that the door would not be packed out with trim it would be the full size of the opening. I said this would be too big and wouldn't it catch on the internal wall edge, he said he didn't think so. I was really unimpressed. I felt that they really didn't give a toss now and that I may end up with a front door that wont even open as it would hit the internal wall edge. At this point I asked for the £250 deposit to be refunded as I didn't want to go ahead with what was proposed. They then said the door was waiting to be fitted so I would not be refunded. I asked why a door had been manufactured when we were not in agreement and they said that I had signed a contract with them. I informed them I had signed a contract for a door with a top light and they said that as I had signed the surveyors paperwork this was a contract. Back to the windows, the company have recently said they would send an independent surveyor for his opinion of the windows (the fit and the appearance), I agreed to this but they sent the surveyor who had originally surveyed the windows, is this independent? Furthermore, they will not provide a copy of the report, I have asked for it in writing several times to be told it is not their policy. Am I entitled to see it? They have said they are happy to come and remove more plastic trim and re render but they will not detail what trim will be removed. I have said they may remove too much or too little, what they do could be irreparable. I have absolutely no faith in this company and do not want them to now mess about with my front door and porch as firstly I do not want what is proposed and secondly I am still unhappy about the windows. I really do not know where I stand legally. my questions are: Is my signature on the surveyors paperwork a new contract? (I have queried it every step of the way and I have evidence) Can I get my £250 deposit back for the door, am I obliged to go ahead with having something I don't want fitted? Can I insist on an independent surveyors report for the windows and am I entitled to see the report? Thank you for taking the time to read this epic mess, I would really appreciate some guidance x
  8. Hi, before Christmas I sent a laptop through Parcel2Go. I did not buy insurance because I usually think it's a waste of time dealing with claims if something goes wrong - and it has never gone wrong. Until now. They lost the parcel which I had to open a claim for, after which they found the parcel to my relief. Hermes who was the carrier, then tried to attempt delivery to the recipient and found that they were out (I have been in communication with the person I sold the laptop to the whole time). Hermes left a note ( I have a picture of this note) saying it was unsafe to leave the parcel anywhere - IE. the front garden . On the second delivery attempt, Hermes decided to leave it in the front garden ( I had to penetrate through Parcel2Go's chat system to gleam this information, as they did not leave a note this time!) of the recipient which happens to be in a dodgy London area on a main street (my recipient tells me, and sends me a photo too). The parcel goes missing, and I've had to refund my buyer for £240. I have already sent a 'Signed For' letter before action via Royal Mail to Parcel2Go and am counting down the 14 days. I would just like a bit of advice on what sort of grounds I have to go against them - I know that they have broken the contract by not delivering the parcel. And if it goes as far as court - some idea of what I need to go into court - ie an argument etc..
  9. I have had my car clamped for about a week now in front of my house. I have appealed the case with TEC, and I have had a response that it can be heard within 2 to 6 weeks time. I need the car what are my OPTIONS? Should I pay or get the EA to remove the clamps? The amount is £513.
  10. Hi What is the correct way to calculate a MPPI claim where a secured loan was taken out ,the initial whole premium was added at the start of the loan (front loaded ) so became part of the amount borrowed and at the same interest rate as the loan. The loan is still ongoing ,the ppi policy only lasted for the first 3 years of a 15 year loan. This will go to the FOS after the initial complaint to the insurance company. I know the amount we pay monthly for the PPI part of the loan but how can you work out for the claim as we will still be paying for this for the next almost 5 years, even though the policy expired 7 years ago. In similar cases at the FOS ive read that they are told to put the claimant back into the position they were in if they hadnt have taken out the ppi , how does this effect the loan currently in progress. (i mean we still are paying for the ppi as part of our monthly CMP ) The 8% spreadsheet calculator doesnt seem right for this as you would only be calculating 8% when the ppi interest is 11%, so how could that be putting you back into a position as if you had never taken out the front loaded ppi and hence your loan amount would have been lower at the start.
  11. Hi, I searched out this forum with a specific issue in mind. I have ordered a new garage door, made to measure, all steel insulated, secure locking etc. I paid 50% deposit on confirming the order, the total value of which is approx £1650. The company are demanding that I pay the balance before they will come and fit the door. I have baulked at this as it leaves me with no bargaining power should the installation or goods be below standard, but I have stated that I will pay immediately the fitting is complete to my satisfaction. They just keep repeating the mantra of 'our standard terms and conditions', and have cancelled the fitting which was scheduled for tomorrow. Just a few points: the only notification of these terms I recieved was by post after I paid the deposit. They stated that it was on the surveyors order form, but he just recited the tech specs and asked me to sign it to say they were correct. I believe that in legal terms any contract has to be judged as 'fair' to both parties. As their imposed terms leave them holding the money and the goods, I don't think that this principle is being upheld in this case. One hears numerous cases of consumers being let down or worse after 'paying up front' and although I may be able to fall back on the legal system, I think it is far more prudent to be wary prior to parting with the money. I have showd my good will and commitment to the contract by paying the deposit but it would appear the other party want to have things all their own way. Any thoughts, advice or suggestions from an experienced and knowledgeable audience would be appreciated -Thanks
  12. Hi folks First time posting, so apologies if this seems a little amateurish. We had a loan back in 2004 that was spread over 20yrs, but it included PPI that was only going to be "live" in effect for the first 5yrs of the loan and would only pay a maximum of 12mths if I was out of work. We've settled it early but wonder if we can claim anything back ?? As a result of it being included as a front-loaded charge and being spread over the 20yrs, it cost almost £6k more than it would have if we had taken the loan over 20yrs and a separate PPI loan over the 5yrs. Anyone have any ideas if this can be used as a claim for a refund ?? Many thanks
  13. HI, I've been happily living in my new house (since march last year - 2015) and at first my neighbours kids (now in their 2-s 30s) parked their cars covering about 1/3 my driveway. At first I didn't mind, but now I have a car, it bothers me as my visitors can't park in my drive at all. I've spoken to them and written them a note and left it under their wiper (friendly note)... I've called the council for advice and they advised that I call the police for "anti social" behaviour. Which way can I go (or should I?).. The council told me: "As there are no double yellow lines, they can park there"... Which I guess means they can park across my entire drive. (can they?) Some help should eb handy! Cheers, Ade
  14. Dear all A current AST comes to an end on a property on the 17th August. When my agent enquired whether the tenants would like to renew, they told him they were splitting up. On this basis my agent advised issuing a S21 as he was concerned about affordability. The tenants are an unmarried couple with three children. One of the current tenants (male) is now starting treatment for a serious condition and now the partner of the sick tenant has texted me offering me 6 months rent upfront to stay when the AST ends as she says that they are working on getting back together and don't want the stress of moving. There is a guarantor already in place for this AST plus 6 months deposit. I am tempted to accept this as it will avoid a void period. Is there anything to be concerned about? I know Johnson V Old has ended concerns about registering rent upfront as a deposit. If I accept this, should a new 6 month agreement be put in place (as my agent suggested)? Or should I let it go on to a monthly rolling tenancy? What about the notice period and serving a S21 when the 6 months draws to an end? The female tenant apparently told my agent 3 weeks ago when we sent the S21 that she would stay on regardless (seems to have backed down on this though) - so I am slightly worried about her volatility. It would have meant I would have had to get a possession order. My agent's renewal charge is 4 %. Would you expect that a 6 month renewal means that I would pay 4 % on the 6 months rent? Sorry if this post is confusing. I guess I am asking if anybody thinks it might be a bad idea to let them stay on after the threat of staying after the AST expires. Obviously they still might if the council advises them to stay and the 6 months upfront would mean this potential disaster is abated but what are the issues after the 6 months elapse? Thanks in advance for any advice
  15. Hi folks, I'm 14 months into a £12,000 car loan via my business through Santander Consumer Finance. The loan (HP) was over 48 months with £3000 of interest. I have to date paid £5000 back yet the settlement is £10,000. Only £2000 of the loan has been paid off. I understand that at the start of the agreement you tend to pay more interest than principle but the ENTIRE interest in the first year? Does this sound right? Thanks in advance.
  16. I'd really love to know if anyone has knowedge of building rules with regard to blocking a front door within a block of flats. My local authority freeholder is electrical rising works on me and I have walked out of my front door onto the common hallway this morning to discover chalk marks on the lino of where they intend to install - 13 inches in front of my front door. So basically they intend to put a box with electrical cables about 13 inches away from my front door on the LHS ( side with hinge) as you exit. The markings suggest a box 18 inches by 8 inches protrusion from the wall which is at right angles to the door( if that makes sense). Are there any building regs etc that could possibly stop them placing this there. At the moment I can't telll for sure but it looks likely it will make it more difficult to get my buggy etc in and out of the door (not impossible but certainly much less easy) I am pretty much in anguish over this project and this is the final straw - if it looks bad right outside the front door it might make it harder to sell the property and I have no choice to sell because I cant afford the works forced on me. This was their solution as to how I pay the bill, even though I'm on my own with a one year old! Bill is £10k of of works on me alone this financial year, with an additional £3k to go outside contractors ( who I must pay contract and pay seperately, although Freeholder's electricians will cut off my electricity if I don't do it, because it wont math their upgraded electrics.) I am also being forced to pay for further works next financial year of £3-5k ( they've refused to give proper notice of the next bill to come). Anyway. the workmen are here with their drills today ( only got notice at 5pm last night drilling today) so if anyone knows of any urgent way to stop them blocking the door thats most urgent and I'd really appreciate it.
  17. Hi There, I'm in the process of cleaning up my credit report and have realised that the way defaults are reported are not particularly helpful! I had a new car on HP in 2010. Ran into difficulty quite soon into the agreement but worked with them to keep it fairly up to date. During the course of an 18 month period I fluctuated between one and two payments late, never more than two. Then my finances got worse and I ended up 3 payments behind. I made an arrangement with them and brought the account back up to date fairly quickly. I then missed a single payment and they defaulted my agreement. I did bring the account back up to date fairly quickly and since then have been on time. I am still up to date with the agreement which ends in 2 months time. My history with them goes : 0 1 0 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 3 2 0 0 1 D (then 3 years worth of Ds) Since the default I've been up to date with payments, with one slight slip into 1 behind for about 3 months in 2013. But the recent credit report history just shows DDDDDDDDDD etc... even though I've been on time most of the way through the agreement. This doesn't seem very fair to me, and since they defaulted me on a single payment behind I've been trying to argue (unsuccessfully so far) with them that the account shouldn't have defaulted. interestingly one of their staff agreed with me on the phone that the default was an error and should be removed. Unfortunately when I checked on this they denied that was ever said! My question is : Since interest should not be charged on defaulted accounts, and since the interest was front-loaded, should I be able to claim a rebate of the interest? The effect of this would be that I've now overpaid on the agreement and would be entitled to a rebate. IF indeed it was correctly defaulted. Obviously if the default was a mistake then they can simply correct my credit record and I'll complete the payments as agreed. If a rebate should be due how do I calculate the correct amount of interest on the loan? I wonder if it would also be better to record defaults as D0, D1, D2 etc.. . reflecting the payment status of any payment plan in place to clear the default - Just a thought!
  18. Hi there, I am not new, I have another account but I have forgot my login details also in the past I have post content which was not acceptable and I have learnt from that mistake and I am very sorry and it won't happen ever again and I created a new account as I need some very urgent advice. On 5th of February, I made a complaint against my advisor at Job Centre because she keeps threating me with a sanction on my Universal Credit claim all because of my gay slogan t-shirt which has the slogan (NOBODY KNOWS I'M GAY), she said that if I keep wearing my gay t-shirts then my payments will stop and it will go to a decision maker for a possible sanction. Then on Wednesday what's just gone, I received an outcome of my complaint it states my complaint has not been upheld, I have appealed against the complaint as it's not good enough, the advisors are not my employer. Can Job Centre do this? sanction me for a t-shirt? I always see untidy people in Job Centre with football t-shirts, love hearts, batman etc but they can wear all sorts of t-shirt but I can't wear my gay slogan t-shirt. I have been to Citizen Advice and the man who I saw said it's pathetic that they threating me with a sanction because of my t-shirt and he also said I could go to papers and put an article in the paper, I also spoken to my MP yesterday (20 February) and he wasn't much help but he did state this in his own words: ''In my opinion, no Job Centre can't sanction you because of your t-shirt, however you can try to challenge them and if you do get sanctioned then you can get a solicitor involved''. I always see people in trackies and you certainly don't go to interviews wearing jeans and trackies, I feel they just picking on me because it has the word gay on my t-shirt. On my advisor case load, she always has people in trackies but she doesn't say anything to them, I just want your input or your opinions if Job Centre are allowed to do this to me? I have appointment next Thursday (26 February) and I will be wearing my gay t-shirt, if my advisor starts then I will have no choice but to go to Burnley Express (Paper). By the way, just want to make one thing clear, I never wear these gay t-shirts at a interviews but I don't see what's the problem is wearing it at Job Centre appointments. I am not trying to cause any trouble on here, I just need to hear your opinions. Thanks. Note: I had a Job at Boohoo for 3 months but sadly got my contract terminated because of my picking performance as I wasn't going fast enough, I was going fast I could, I only made the Universal Credit claim last month and got my first payment on the 19 February.
  19. For years I could not find a decent light that did not cost more than my second hand bike. Then I found a Cree one with external batteries for under £30 (incl postage) on the Internet. It does the biz. Light on the right in the photograph (left when viewed on the saddle). Attachment is simple but effective. Not seen in the shops. I still use a cheap headlight for town riding and as a spare. On the left.
  20. Hi All, Your advice is needed please: my ma-in-law lives in a block of flats of mixed ownership (some purchased from the council, some privately rented, and others owned by the RSL that took over from the local council) - with garages underneath. She owns her flat, but rents a garage from the RSL. The garages are off the road, and underneath the flats; and (like most) my m-i-l's is full of stuff that the family have no room to store elsewhere, so we park in front of it. This does not impede access to anywhere in the block, and the garages are not in a car park. Last week we came home from shopping to find that the RSL had painted yellow cross-hatching on the area in front of all the garages, with white NO PARKING written in the hatching - no other signs, no consultation, no warning. When contacted, they informed my m-i-l that cars can only be parked in the garage, and not in front of it, but didn't say why. Am I correct in thinking that as this is not part of the highway, that this no parking is unenforceable in law? Surely Traffic wardens cannot book if you're not on the highway or on council owned land: so unless the RSL first puts up signs, and then employs its own parking attendants, my view is that surely this is all bluster and b******t? :-/ Thanks
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