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Found 3 results

  1. Hi. I'm just wondering what the law is regarding having Mobile Speed Camera Vans stationed next to GATSO's. I received a ticket, my fault I was over the limit but was already slowing as I go past the GATSO every day. It's a 70mph dual carriageway which drops to 60 about 500 yards before the camera, then returns to 70 again. There have been no recent incidents here, any reason the Police would do this? Just seems like a way to make money from those passing the '60' signs still just over the limit as they slow down.
  2. Just out of curiousity, a local Gatso 's road markings (the hash marks after the camera are virtually non existant, I am not going to run the camera as it may well be switched off but does the lack of markings invalidate any record if one was over the flash point?
  3. Zapped by GATSO in 40mph zone when Road Angel read 40mph. My Road Angel device recognised the GATSO in the distance and gave me plenty of time to adjust to exactly 40mph yet the camera flashed and now I've got a summons accusing me of travelling at 48mph. The 2 photos showed my car at intervals on the road which can only be correct if a) I was travelling at 48mph which I wasn't, or b) the 2 GATSO flashes were just micro-seconds out. I've appealed this and got a date for a court hearing. I was wondering if anyone has appealed and won on similar grounds.
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