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  1. Good evening all, I am in a sticky situation, I received an invitation letter to go to the National Speed Awareness Scheme to write off my speeding offence, I was doing 58mph on a 50mph zone. My current situation: I've been financially struggling due to getting married in July abroad and money is something I've been struggling with but I'm getting by and putting things into place. I received the letter for the course on 7th January 2019 with every intention of attending the course, but I completely misread the situation, when I went online to drivetech to have a look at the course and how much it would cost it mentioned that it has to be booked within 4 months, I thought I'll strengthen my financial standing and book it at the end of month when I get some more money coming in. I went online today to book the course , and my details were not found on the drivetech record! I referred back to the letter, and it told me that it needs to be booked and paid within 21 days, but complete the course within 4 months! I had completely misunderstood that, and this is a genuine mistake I have every intention of attending the course, I'm extremely worried as attending court is the last thing I need on my plate, can anyone give me any advice I am ready to take the course, and book it at the earliest opportunity, I never meant to dodge the letter it was a misunderstanding from my part. Can anyone please shed some light because I can't get this off my mind at the moment I've never had a criminal record, points or a speeding notice before and because of my mistake I am now worried that I will have to attend course! Any advise would be greatly appreciated
  2. Hi. I'm just wondering what the law is regarding having Mobile Speed Camera Vans stationed next to GATSO's. I received a ticket, my fault I was over the limit but was already slowing as I go past the GATSO every day. It's a 70mph dual carriageway which drops to 60 about 500 yards before the camera, then returns to 70 again. There have been no recent incidents here, any reason the Police would do this? Just seems like a way to make money from those passing the '60' signs still just over the limit as they slow down.
  3. Two questions: A) Has there been a precedent for instances of inconsistent, incorrect or the inappropriate application of variable speed limit policy on a Motorway providing a legal basis to challenge a speeding ticket? For example: 1) Motorway road works have road side speed limit signs stating 60 mph but overhead gantry displaying lower variable speed limit i.e. 30 mph without risk factor justification. The remotely controlled gantry signs do not correspond to conditions on the ground. 2) Motorway road works end and maybe end of road works signs are displayed each side of the road but subsequent overhead gantries incorrectly displaying variable speed limit of 60 mph without risk factor justification. The remotely controlled gantry signs do not correspond to conditions on the ground. 3) Motorway overhead gantries correctly displaying variable speed limit during time period of high traffic volume but erroneously left on during subsequent time period of low traffic volume without risk factor justification. The remotely controlled gantry signs do not correspond to conditions on the ground. 4) Motorway single overhead gantry displaying variable speed limit of 50 mph immediately followed by overhead gantry displaying national speed limit without risk factor justification prior during or after. The remotely controlled gantry signs do not correspond to conditions on the ground. 5) Motorway road works reducing four lanes to two lanes having no variable speed limit applied followed by road works with the same lack of risk factor justification but with overhead gantries displaying variable speed limit. The remotely controlled gantry signs are not consistently applied to the same ground conditions. B) How incorrect or contradictory does a variable speed limit need to be before drivers should rely on their better judgement of the surrounding context to determine their progress without fear of the current judicial process automatically presuming guilt with no requirement for errors by Highways England to be accepted in defence or mitigation?
  4. Countdown to high speed broadband for all begins READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/countdown-to-high-speed-broadband-for-all-begins--2
  5. I received an NIP for "speeding" on the motorway in a speed restricted area. The signage was very unclear and when I sped up it was because I thought the speed restricted zone had ended as there was no signage to suggest otherwise and other motorists sped up too making it unsafe for me to continue at the restricted speed. I was recorded as going 9 miles over the speed limit when I called to ask about this they told me that it was an average taken from when I entered the zone and when I left. Does anybody know anything about how they work this out? And how I could challenge this? The Police have sent me photographic evidence of my car but the photos do not show the context and thus you can't see that there were no signs around telling drivers to maintain the restricted speed. Is there a requirement to provide photographic evidence of the context? Can I do a freedom of information request? Many thanks!
  6. Yesterday morning i was travelling into work a long the road, the local speed trap van is normally parked the the lay by but this time the van was parked in the middle of the dividing land hidden in trees Is it legal for a speed van to hide within trees ?
  7. Hey Guys Thank you for having me on your forum, Been very incredibly stupid this evening on the way home from worOn my way home this evening from work I decided to go through the country roads. I was going though a smallish village, and just before exiting the village there were 3 guys in high viz with a speed gun pointing at me (not Police). Hands up far cop I was going over the speed limit as the guy holding the gun had a shocked look on his face. The road was a 30, and to be honest I just wasn't thinking. Saw the national speed up ahead and saw the guys too late (again no excuse) I could have been doing between 55-60 I honestly don't know. My fear is now what is likely to happen? Given that I was driving in excess of the limit, and probably over 50. Given the twists in the road there is no way I was over 60 (not that it makes it ok). What are the chances of them having a PCSO with them? We are talking a very small village here. All I could see was high vis jackets, no uniformed officers. I even drove back a little while later (not speeding this time) and there was 3 people in high vis, no officer as I could see. Absolutely gutted and panicking, so if someone can please help me out it would be much appreciated. All in all a bit of a bad day., and a foolish error
  8. Hi All just a general enquiry I was recently travelling back home, when I spoted someone holding what I think was a Hand held speed camera and can only guess it was a video type. The guy holding it was not the police but had some writing on the back of his hi viz Yellow background black writing Has anyone seen these before ? and as it was not a police officer, is it likely that a fine with come through the post at some point if they were speeding?
  9. Im trying to find out who is responsible for maintain speed bumps - and what the position is regarding the maintenance of them. I know there are various rules about size etc - and this has I believe changed a number of times. But there are a number of bumps around where I live that are quite simply a joke. Some are made of block paving and tarmac, others are preformed things sunk into holes in the road and others are essentially formed lumps of tarmac. Many of these in a shocking state of disrepair and my car struggles with them even at like 10-15 MPH. Some have been very badly repaired others are just falling to bits slowly. I cant seem to find any rules and regs regarding the upkeep of them - whether they are mean to conform to current regs when repair and at yearly intervals or whatever. Anyone help ? Thanks !!
  10. Hopefully someone can help me find the best product. My Peugeot Partner decided the speedometer doesn't want to work. My mechanic has tried everything he can think of to get it working again. Refurbished ECU, Speed cable, Sender unit from gearbox but nothing. Is there any one on here who can tell me of any plug and play devices that will throw up the current speed I am doing?. needs to be a large enough display to see from the windscreen. Many thanks in advance
  11. Received 2 NIPs from different police forces after being caught by speed cameras, one in one force area, the 2nd in another force area. Was continuing a journey on the same motorway in the middle of the night, temp roadworks - unmanned - speed not excessive but over the limit, but each one was within the speed thresholds. One force offered me a speed awareness course, but the other refused and instead issued me with the more severe *Conditional Offer Of Fixed Penalty*, i.e. £100 fine plus 3 points. I did the course, cost me £76. I contend that the other force should not have issued me with the conditional fixed penalty and that both offences were only seen as separate because - unknowingly to me - the 2 speed cameras were in different force areas, even although I was still on the same motorway. Seems excessive punishment and a technicality is being used in order to deny me another speed awareness course offer, i.e. that only one can be done every 3 years. I've checked all the guidelines and the force in question has apparently breached them. I now stand to get a court summons because I've refused to accept the *COOFP* and would claim that both offences should not be separate but ought to be seen as one only. Seems like they want two bites of the same cherry? A tricky one where it seems as if their guidelines can't cope with my circumstances, so instead of either treating them as a continuation of the first offence, or taking no action, they seem hell bent on prosecuting me. Any thoughts ??
  12. Afternoon all. Just a quicky.... Just had a notification regarding the above. The notification arrived at least one month after the alleged offence. Out of interest, how long do the Police have to notify please? I think Ive read somewhere there is a set time limit? Have searched on here but cant seem to find any info on this. Cheers!
  13. New to this forum and got a bit of a long winded story so please bear with me as any help or advice you could give would be greatly appreciated. In 2012 I had £400 loan through the speed credit website and like most had issues paying it back. This in turn made me seek help through Step Change (CCCS at the time) who helped me set up a debt management plan to pay off all of my various debts to other payday lenders,credit cards and bank overdraft. The loan from speed credit has caused me many issues over the past few years and even though I was in a debt management plan the original outstanding balance of £400 quickly accelerated to £2570 at the point of last contact via Marshall Hoare. I have always made payments through step change to this debt. Last debt collection company I had contact with was Digital Financial service. Payments to DFS suddenly stopped and after a few months step change advised me that I had to contact Wilson Field regarding the outstanding balance. Wilson Field informed me that DFS had gone into liquidation and they were to collect all outstanding balances. This was all done over the phone and I have never received any paper work from Wilson Field. Payments have continued to be made via step change again. In March this year I got a letter from a company called BPO stating they had been passed my account from cash choice uk ltd who had bought the debt from the original lender MCO capital. The letter offered me the chance to clear the outstanding balance of £3100 (unsure as to why the amount owed has increased so much!) if I paid a one off payment of the original loan amount £400. According to BPO, cash choice had passed the account onto them in December 2015. I phoned Wilson Field to see if they still had my account in their control as they have still been cashing the monthly cheques sent by step change and to tell them about BPO claim that they owned the debt. According to Wilson field they are still due the payments each month until the balance is cleared but they said they don't hold any details on their systems relating to individual cases. I decided to contact the Financial Ombudsman regarding the matter. Two days ago I got a letter from BPO confirming contact from the Ombudsman and in turn they had returned my account to Cash Choice uk and all further contact should be made to them. I am at a loss as to who actually legally owns this debt. To date I have repaid nearly £650 towards the debt to the various companies who have passed it about between them. I feel I am not getting the help needed via step change so looking on hear to see if anyone is in the same or similar position. Once again any help is greatly appreciated many thanks Paul
  14. Hi everyone, my car was caught by a mobile speed camera doing 35 in a 30, here is account audit trail showing time line 21.01.16 alleged offence took place 26.01.16 nip sent ( i didnt reply ) 17.02.16 reminder sent 23.02.16 letter received requesting photos 23.02.16 letter sent with photo images ( doesnt even show an outline of driver as lighting was poor ) 24.02.16 reminder sent ????? 02.03.16 driver info form returned completed ( with my name ) but stating unsure who was driving 07/03.16 letter sent to ME advising driver info form not acceptable and matter referred for court process as unsure of driver My main issue here apart from photo not showing driver ( i informed them that car was for sale at the time so could have been test driven , car did sell some weeks later ) The police officers statement ( which is clearly a template filled in on computer ) has a GLARING OMISSION , and i quote " The images reveal that on 21/01/2016 at 16:34 at INSERT LOCATION, motor vehicle blah blah " So the witness statement is unreliable surely, there's no way they can pull this guy in and he'll remember it, so i have a good case, right ? common sense suggests i do but i know they are a law unto themselves. Any feedback ? cheers
  15. i have just read an interesting article in the Daily Telegraph from the 10th June. a motorist was threatened with Court for doing 85 MPH by a Gatso camera in Staffordshire. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/06/10/questions-raised-over-accuracy-of-speed-cameras-after-driver-doi/?ref=yfp The case was dropped and the motorist had his legal fees of £2000 reimbursed after it was proved he was only doing 29.5MPH. On being questioned about the huge discrepancy which calls the whole use of speed cameras into question the Police said "This is the only time this type of error, to the best of our knowledge, has not been picked up prior to going to court. This was a one-off individual error." The inference is therefore that these anomalies have been found before but have been spotted before going to Court. The question is how do these errors occur and how many are not spotted and the difference in speeds is not that great that motorists just pay up rather than question the speed camera accuracy
  16. Hi, Firstly thanks for all the help and advice in the past, I have donated previously to help keep this fantastic resource continue it's good work. As the title says I was caught on speed camera on the M25 a few months back, I immediatly pleaded guilty as I knew on that day I was over the speed limit ( I am shocked by the amount though). You will read from my letter below why I was speeding, as I say in the letter it is no defence and completely agree it was wrong, it was the first time in years I had forgot my son's vital medicine, two large mistake's in a day - which is why I held my hands up straight away, as mentioned in the letter the road was completely empty, it was near midnight and the weather was good and clear - again I realise it's not up to me to judge what speed is safe in those conditions. My concern is we are away for two weeks starting on the court day, in the requisition pack I received a yellow form saying there's no need to attend court when pleading guilty, I tried to plead online the day we received the pack, unfortunately the gov online system is not working for new cases as it's a new system, I called the number, the receptionist took my details, name, case number and told me to return the forms by post, I have filled in all paperwork and the income questionnaire and supplied proof that we are away and that my son does indeed have this disability, also proof that we had attended the London event and based on the camera time it showed that we did indeed have to leave early. I have a full clean license for nearly 30 years only ever having a past SP30 some ten years ago for 35mph in a 30 zone. I dont want to court to think I'm showing any disrespect by not attending. is there anything else you think I should do? I have included the letter text below (will get the wife to check grammar and spelling before sending) which I was going to include with my plea: I am writing with regards to the charge of driving at a speed exceeding 70 miles an hour, I wanted to ensure the court was aware that I immediately completed the first form which was addressed to my wife, I notified Kent police that I was in fact the driver and pleaded guilty to the offence, upon receiving the written charge (26th July) I tried to make a guilty plea online on the same day – having received errors online and speaking to the plead helpline – I was informed there where problems with the computer system and that my case number was one of the one’s that wouldn’t work, I left my details and have made my plea direct as enclosed. We received a court date of 8th August, My family and myself are away for two weeks starting from this date, Our relatives and helped us take this break, This has been booked for over 6 months, I have enclosed proof, I wanted to make it clear to the court that my non appearance should not be seen as any lack of respect for the court or a sign that I do not take this offence very seriously. I am a family man and have never been in trouble with the police before, I have a full clean driving license and this serious offence has brought great shame on myself which indeed reflects on my family – for this I am truly sorry. I am fully aware that this serious matter could lead to a driving ban, I am prepared to accept the courts decision and agree with what ever punishment is imposed, I have included my drivers license and even though away will not drive until I receive the courts verdict. I am shocked at the speed recorded, I know it wont help my case but I wanted to let the court know that I was aware that I was over the speed limit, I honestly didn’t realise it was by that amount, I mentioned my children, My son George received tickets to a wrestling match at the 02 arena, it is the second time just father and son have been out without the rest of the family, he has a growth disability (endocrine system non functioning purity gland, he is just one of 50 children in the UK to have this problem) every day for 16 years he has had deep tissue injections and has to take hydrocortisone tablets twice a day, the last time he missed tablets was 6 years ago and within an hour of felling unwell he was taken to East Surrey hospital where he was taken directly into intensive care, We never miss this daily tablet, George realised later during the show that he had not taken his tablet and that we didn’t have any after leaving early from the performance we also didn’t have them in the car, again this like the above offence is totally irresponsible on my part, we immediately headed home after George started to panic, my wife drove towards us and we met at junction 5 the junction after the offence took place, this is not meant to be a defence, I understand what I did was wrong, as you can see from the pictures provided, the road was completely empty and the weather was fine, dry and clear. Finally, I feel I let my family down twice on this evening when it was supposed to be a celebration, I can assure the court that this will not happen again, and I apologise to all concerned. I am willing to attend the court directly after our return should I need to to accept a ban, I will also pay the court courts and fines as soon as we return on 23rd August. Mr xxx Offence: on 18/04/2016 drove motor vehicle on a motorway at a speed in excess of 70 mph - speed recorded by means of HADECS 3 was 100mph. I am not looking for any get out's - I just want to ensure I provide the details the court requires. Thanks.
  17. I think I already know there is nothing I can do about this, but just in case... Was driving at the top of the Liberty / Mall car park in Romford a couple of days ago. Lots of traffic heading out to the exit. Went over a very high plastic lump of a speed bump going as slow as possible over it, (1mph or less) and after the front wheels went over, it scraped the entire bottom of my car breaking the exhaust which now is blowing. My car isn't partially low, it has an after market suspension on there, but some new cars come that low. The speedbump is higher than the allowed 10cm, looked to me around 20cm high and short. No way to avoid it other than blocking the car park... Anything I can do?
  18. Why is it quicker to get a CAG page to load by double clicking ? This is not unique to CAG. If you experience slowish page loading on any site, if you double click quickly, the page is much quicker to load.
  19. I've received a speed ticket, via a speed camera. I have a named driver on my policy, and it was he who was driving the car. The form has asked me to name the driver (no problem to name him), but also wants his driving licence number, which I don't have, and he's not willing to give me. I'm not going to name myself as the driver, as it wasn't me who was driving. What do i do? Surely they will chase the named driver at his address (which I will provide to them)..is this so?
  20. Is there an offical minimum size for speed camera road signs please? My local authority, Preston, have started replacing them round here and they are almost half the size of the old ones and much more difficult to see!
  21. Hey folks. Over the last few months Ive noticed that whenever the Virgin Media Advert it on a banner top OR Side that loading becomes really slow and I have to try and reload the page. It is getting a little frustrighting Any suggestions? Using Firefox
  22. I have tried to claim compensation from my local authority for damage to my car caused by badly worn speed cushions but they are saying that they can't consider my claim for general wear over a period of time, they will only consider a claim for a specific date and time of incident. My N/S Track Control Arm had failed after about 10 months of a previous one being fitted and approx 4000 miles causing the tyre to wear on the insde edge, I believe this has been caused by daily commuting along a certain stretch of road which has badly damaged speed cushions along its length, which in turn have caused premature wear of the joint therfore causing adverse wear on my tyre. Is there any way I can make the council pay up or am I fighting a loosing battle? Cheers
  23. Hi All We live just off junction 4 of the M5, and they have had some average speed camera's installed for a month or os. My dad is a salesman and has 10 points on his license already. He actually went over 12 points, served a 3 month ban and now is on 10. But he just got a letter through with another 3 points - this time for doing 46mph in a 40mph average speed check. I didnt think they could prosecute until 47mph? Is there anything we should know that could help us?
  24. Hello, I was travelling to London from Leicester on Saturday 7th June 2014. I went through several M1 southbound road works and mostly kept up with packs of motor cars and only checked my speed gauge at the beginning of the road works to ensure I complied. There were two occasions when I had to overtake, once when a driver was down to 40mph and created a huge gap ahead with a long line of tailback. The second time was when the driver ahead of me was texting on the mobile and at times quite erratic, the lanes being quite narrow and so choosing a moment of safety I rushed to overtake. Please see attached[ATTACH=CONFIG]52002[/ATTACH] "Notice of intended prosecution" dated 11th June 2014 but actually received 18th June 2014. I have not responded yet and seek advise as to what action I should take from hereon. I do not exceed speed limits. I have clean driving licence.
  25. Just watched a video where a man challenged the legality of civilian staff in marked police vehicles operating speed cameras. His claim was that as they are not police officers then by being in a marked police van they are impersonating a police officer which is a crime. Also as they are not trained officers they do not have the right to collect evidence (operating a speed camera)of a crime(speeding) Thoughts?
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