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  1. I ordered 5 items from the online store called ChoiceFurniureSuperstore at the end of October and paid using PayPal. I then cancelled 3 of the items 2 days later and received acknowledgment of the cancellation. The 2 items I wanted have been delivered but after 23 days, including reminders from me, I have not received the refund (over £300) for the cancelled items. How long do I have to wait? Is there a legal limit to the length of time they can withhold my money? What's the next step if they continue to not pay?
  2. New to this forum and got a bit of a long winded story so please bear with me as any help or advice you could give would be greatly appreciated. In 2012 I had £400 loan through the speed credit website and like most had issues paying it back. This in turn made me seek help through Step Change (CCCS at the time) who helped me set up a debt management plan to pay off all of my various debts to other payday lenders,credit cards and bank overdraft. The loan from speed credit has caused me many issues over the past few years and even though I was in a debt management plan the original outstanding balance of £400 quickly accelerated to £2570 at the point of last contact via Marshall Hoare. I have always made payments through step change to this debt. Last debt collection company I had contact with was Digital Financial service. Payments to DFS suddenly stopped and after a few months step change advised me that I had to contact Wilson Field regarding the outstanding balance. Wilson Field informed me that DFS had gone into liquidation and they were to collect all outstanding balances. This was all done over the phone and I have never received any paper work from Wilson Field. Payments have continued to be made via step change again. In March this year I got a letter from a company called BPO stating they had been passed my account from cash choice uk ltd who had bought the debt from the original lender MCO capital. The letter offered me the chance to clear the outstanding balance of £3100 (unsure as to why the amount owed has increased so much!) if I paid a one off payment of the original loan amount £400. According to BPO, cash choice had passed the account onto them in December 2015. I phoned Wilson Field to see if they still had my account in their control as they have still been cashing the monthly cheques sent by step change and to tell them about BPO claim that they owned the debt. According to Wilson field they are still due the payments each month until the balance is cleared but they said they don't hold any details on their systems relating to individual cases. I decided to contact the Financial Ombudsman regarding the matter. Two days ago I got a letter from BPO confirming contact from the Ombudsman and in turn they had returned my account to Cash Choice uk and all further contact should be made to them. I am at a loss as to who actually legally owns this debt. To date I have repaid nearly £650 towards the debt to the various companies who have passed it about between them. I feel I am not getting the help needed via step change so looking on hear to see if anyone is in the same or similar position. Once again any help is greatly appreciated many thanks Paul
  3. Eeny meeny miny moe, in which forum should it go? The Consumer Forums > Retail Goods and Services > Retail Subforums:- High Street Stores The Consumer Forums > Retail Goods and Services > Retail Subforums:- Retailers - High Street and On-line Stores Forums Specifically for a supermarket related question.
  4. Need Help please Received a letter today from a company called BPO collections acting on the behalf off cash choice uk limited . MCO Capital sold my account to cash choice. I have never received any letter from MCO or cash choice about this debt . I got a payday loan for £400 from MCO IN 2011 but I got into trouble and asked for a payment plan which they refuse and I never heard from again. In the letter a received today the original loan was £400 and now the current outstanding amount is £1155 in the letter as a gesture of goodwill cash choice have given Bpo permission to accept the original loan amount of £400 in settlement of my account. I have not got £400 and there no way I can set up a payment plan for £1155 Can anybody please help
  5. Hi, Just had our first and most definitely last encounter with Rcib. Here's the review I've left on TrustPilot for them. 'We found this shower via several comparison sites, regardless of site they were the cheapest quote and the price quoted was consistent across the board. We decided to go with them and selected the policy via Go compare, we wanted to pay the premium on a monthly basis. When we paid the deposit/ first payment a box appeared on the screen saying the payment couldn't go through and to ring them, which we did. While on the phone we checked our bank account and saw that the money had gone out, when we got through the young lady started going through all the details again as if doing a new quote. She then told us that the price would be more than quoted and tried to give us some spiel. I questioned this practice and got put on to someone called Gary (a supervisor;) he refused to honour the price and his 'like it or lump it' attitude was appalling. We now find ourselves trying to get our deposit back which we believe was taken fraudulently, we have lodged complaints with trading standards and the insurance ombudsman. They also have our bank details for the direct debit and wouldn't be at all surprised if they tried to take payment. Cannot begin to imagine what the service would be like if you needed to claim! We went with Bikesure for the policy and that was an altogether more pleasant experience" What a dodgy bunch:mad2:
  6. I have been in my current flat for 9 years and currently I get all my rent covered by housing benefit. However this year the landlord decided to make things difficult and my terms are changing. Extra £20 a week rent. New guarantor required even tho I dont have arrears or ever had arrears. Without this 3 months rent paid in advance. Early termination fee payable in advance So to renew I need this amount of money. £1245+£495 up front and extra £20 month rent. Council and charities have confirmed housing benefit will not cover extra rent, in fact I actually already get more than the allowance which I think has only been allowed as I was getting it anyway before the rates got revised. My only income is ESA SG. Given the situation I have put in a claim for PIP although I think I will only be rewarded lower rate mobility. It seems most councils will allow people to get on their choice schemes for needing more affordable housing, but my council seems very strict, unable to afford rent is not a valid reason and they wont let me register. They told me I can only register when I am actually homeless and only then if not intentional homelessness. Shelter have advised me I am in a very tough situation, I can be deemed intentional homeless if I refuse to sign the new tenancy terms, but also likewise if I sign knowing I cannot fulfill the terms. My landlord has said if I dont sign I will get a section 21. My council just kept refusing to acknowledge the private rental market is completely out of touch with local housing allowance rates and refusing me access to the housing association property market. Bedsits in my area cost more than the 1 bed flat LHA rates, thats how much of a difference there is. I found one housing association property on housefinder thats the same rent as LHA rates but sadly they already got a tenant, they said they got 200 available on choice website, but just this one available outside of it. It does seem a bit of a [problem] to be honest, one has to be homeless to get access to affordable housing. My sister's council choice scheme doesnt have such requirements, one can register simply for 'affordability' reasons. But I do require a 'local connection', my sister however has only lived there 2 years (didnt tell them this), and they want 5 years as a minimum term for a relation. Is there any advice on how to get housing association properties outside of choice schemes? or low priced benefit friendly places? I did wonder why these places never seem advertised and now I know why, they all seem locked away by the councils. I have registered on all the housing associations on my councils website, none of them have any properties available, but have been told I have to do this and keep checking them or I risk been deemed intentionally homeless. I dread to think what happens then, do they literally chuck me on the street? What a society. Since I have mobility issues and where I live now I currently cannot have a scooter, I am going to ask my GP this week if i get on the scheme for medical reasons, but I dont know if she will support me on that.
  7. Hi, Could someone please tell me which small claims court I would need to use. We sent our BMW Engine block to be remanufactured by a company called 1st choice engineering Ltd. Now I live in West Yorkshire and the company is based in Scotland. They are refusing to take my credit card as payment and demanding we pay via bank transfer. This was not made clear at the start of the contract and no terms were given to sign. So which courts would I issue a small claim through England or Scotland? One more thing... a new engine block would cost me around £3000 from BMW were as the remanufacturing of the old engine block was £1300 (which 1st choice engineering Ltd still have and will not release without payment), do I claim for the cost of new. Any help would be great.
  8. Engines First LTD (NORFOLK) I need help i am having problem with this company after googling found out this is dissolved company and still trading on 1stchoice.co.uk with five star rating. I ordered my corsa diesel engine on Monday morning the guy said engine will be with me by Wednesday or Thursday and ask my email for sending invoice but after numerous calls still not received any email. On Tuesday i rang them again to ask if they dispatch the engine yet or not but the guy put me on hold then said he will ring me back in 10mins waited an hour but no call the same thing they were telling me about sending invoice, whenever i ring them they say ok we going to send you but no sign of any invoice or email. After an hour i rang back and been told that engine not available anymore ok i asked cancel this transaction he said ok i issue refund now. After an hour i rang bank and ask if he actually issued refund or not, bank told me he cant issue refund because money still not cleared all he can do is cancel the transaction and money will go back to your account. I rang him again and this time he was bit rude and said why you keep ringing us we issued refund and you will get money back to your card. Today Wednesday i checked my bank and money left my account completely and the company name appears as 'The Engine Company Norwich'. Rang card company and been told nothing has been requested from the seller so seller not issued any refund at all as he said yesterday. Can anybody give some advice on this. Thank you
  9. probably posting this in wrong place so please redirect last month bought a part from my car from above company saw add on ebay couldn't pay by pay pal and didn't have enough on c/c so after reading the companies reviews on ebay bought by debit card monrey back guarantee with product money duly taken but under a different name, part turned out to be faulty and si I asked for my money back, they agreed to do so even got them to agree to pay postage due to distance selling regs, all going well I thought, still not got money back. the address they give on invoice website and on line is not trading address but reg office, not unusual ferretted out trading address sent part beck (registered) after numerous phone calls and promises ive today found out that the company who took the money are owned by the same person as above but are actively being struck off by companies house (compulsory notice 1 ) is a company allowed to sell under one name and actually take funds under another name especially as the company who are claiming funds are being struck off. companies based north of border any advice please
  10. My son is fifteen and can not walk so booked assistance at airport and following cancelling one hotel due to it not being described accurately on first chocie website booked at the grand sirenis, mexico which was supposed to be a five star and close to the sea and most importantly flat. First choice despite several long conversations to ensure accommodation was ok for sons needs prior to travelling decided not to inform them about my sons disability so room was totally unsuitable and we had to stay in this room for three days despite being told we would be moved within 24 hours. I know this because the hotel were mortified they had been placed in such a position and showed us the booking especially after my wife asked them is this how they treat disabled people in mexico ( which has very good disability laws checked before we left as holiday was for daughters 21st and wanted it to be perfect ) rep did not want to know, texted uk immediatley thanking them for ruining my daughters 21st birthday treat by treating her brother like a second class citizen. Said they would phone rep immediately to resolve issue, saw rep in morning knew nothing about it and then when my wife went back to say move still not materialised told my wife i had said accommodation was ok when i had actually asked what could be done to move us to a more appropriate hotel they also failed to provide sea view rooms for which they charged 800.00 gbp extra or adjoining rooms or even separate beds for my daughter and her brother food and drinks awful virtually inedible and undrinkable wife got food poisoning from the seafood now i am back wish to clain for four lost days three in rooms totally different to ones booked and paid for and one for wife's food posioning fully intend to go to court if i have to wondered apart from steps outlined in equality act 2010 and sales of goods and services acts 1982 & the package travel package holidays and package tours regulations 1992 what other legislation i could hit them with very tempted to claim for breach of contract and seek full reimbursement of holiday as we all returned exhausted and unhappy having lost weight and suffered from poor service for 14 days but do not know how easy this would be as most issued are service driven apart from sons needs, any advice given will be gratefully received. We logged complaints with hotel, thompson uk and mexico every day and have logged complaint online upon our return to uk already. HAVE ALSO SWAPPED NUMBERS AND EMAILS WITH OTHER FIRST CHOICE DISABLED PASSENGERS WHO ALL FELT BADLY TREATED WHO I ONLY MET ON PLANE ON JOURNEY HOME
  11. This was an especially acute problem over Christmas with a lot of complaints on the Amazon website about my Hermes (different from the Hermes network) but this applies to most online sales companies. The issue is this: as a customer you have to pay postage (quite rightly) but get no choice of who is used and usually no visibility of which company before you’ve paid. So, most Amazon purchases are delivered by the cheapest, most unreliable form whose online tracking system is sheer fantasy and is acknowledged as such by many frustrated customers. A company that many would not choose to use is getting their money, paid under compulsion. I’ve asked the question (but received no reply, which makes me think that the answer is yes) as to whether 3rd party sellers on Amazon are obliged to use my Hermes to deliver. Customers on the Amazon website who appear to know the background say that my Hermes had to buy a tracking system if they wanted to get the Amazon contract but bought the cheapest, most unreliable one that had been rejected as totally unfit for purpose by other delivery companies. It feels like a possible abuse of dominant market position, though of course that may be an unfortunate appearance not borne out by the facts. I think if CAG were to investigate they'd get to the bottom of it in a way that individuals can’t. I’d be prepared to put time into this. A good result would be to have a transparent choice between at least 2 named companies (at different prices if necessary) on checkout when shopping online.
  12. I've defaulted on a loan with the above company after finding myself running very low on funds on a monthly basis. I had an arrangement in place for £51 a month but because of a repeated issue with them taking more than this a month I cancelled their payment authority on my account, despite this they still took payment every month which my bank reclaimed from them. At no point has CC/UA called me, emailed or sent me a letter to discuss this. I contacted them at the start of this month and made them aware that my circumstances were not good and I needed to make a much lower payment. I've provided them with a financial statement show what's going on and they've accepted it, however when I asked for my balance instead of it being £400 as I expected the amount had been risen to £609. They advised this was interested added on a daily basis from the default being declared on my account, I can make the payment I've discussed but I don't feel its right I have to pay over 1.5 times what I owe them. Is there anything I can do to get this reduced, I tried to argue that once an agreement was breached interest couldn't be added to it but they refused to listen.
  13. I've had a text and email from Cash Choice today regarding my balance with them. I've already agreed to payment agreement in Feb that started this month at £20 a month but the email states no payment has been made despite their best (HA!) efforts to ensure this happened: I've clear evidence my payment left my account on the 5th of March using FPS to them with the details provided in a text message from their company. As it's been 15 days since the payment has been made I'm surprised they've not added this to my account. Should I go ahead and ignore this email, they are only reporting on my Noddle CRA that I owe £330 not the higher amount above. Would appreciate any advice you folks could render. StripedTiger
  14. Found some old statement from Feb 95 to 2000 from my Littlewoods Account and can see that Agent Balance Care Insurance has been added every month. These were up in the loft and even though I still ahve the account the next lot of statement I have start again in 2009, so theres a gap from 2000 to 2009. There is nothing else in the file and if any paperwork relating to cover was sent it would of been in the old file as I used to keep everything. Is this the same as PPI? I have also found similar for a Choice account that I have..statement from opening the account in Jan 94 to 2001, then a gap and start again in 2009. Has anyone claimed fomr a catalogue before is it the same as for credit cards
  15. HI, Advice needed please I recently booked a family holiday through First choice using there low deposit scheme. The total cost of the holiday was £1750 I paid a £250 with the balance being due today £1500 , due to to some unforeseen circumstances I am unable to go , so I tried to cancel I was fully aware that I would lose my deposit but now they are asking me for another £350 pounds to cancel . This seems outrageous to me . can they really enforce this ?? Should I ignore them or pay .?
  16. Hello, Ive got a claim in against thomson/first choice, at allocation I filed "litigant in person, home court, not have resources of company" etc Thomsons argued in their allocation to move to luton to allow for the witness to attend. I received notification it was transfered to Liverpool (my local court) but today received letter from Liverpool saying judge decided to give thomsons until 17th Sep to give reasons as the judge has stated this is not my "home" court. Purposes of considering CPR part 30.3(2)(b) subject to CPR part 3.3, 1.4,3.1 as well as 30.3 I live in Liverpool so cannot see how this cannot be my home court. Any advice appreciated.
  17. Work Programme or Work Choice ? What is best if you are recovering from an injury please? Just practical (not Benefit rates). Which programme would expect to have the best outcome with reduced capacities. Best outcome is thought of as the best use of my energies. Job or volunteer work, preferably a paid job. For the older worker. I am finding it a bit of struggle on the work programme which I chose to do as I thought I could handle it. Not so sure any more as there are not many jobs around and the advice is rather harsh and difficult to comply with. My status is higher on JSA but the support seems to be less. JSA WP is real life though.
  18. Afternoon All, I've got my credit file this afternoon and discovered a default by Cash Choice UK. I have a payday loan with them in 2010 and agreed a repayment plan which they took by debit card before stopping. I havent heard anything since, until finding a default for an outstanding amount of £430.00. I'm trying to write to them to try object and get the default removed but cant find the address. Does anyone have the address and have anyone got any advice/tips of anything i can add to my compliant to give it a push?
  19. Hi guys, I have a few debts i want to put into DMP however not all my debts as some debts i will be able to sustain as long as i can get my short terms into a DMP (such as 3 payday loans and 2 credit cards totalling £1800 (approx) ), firstly is it possible to select which debts you put into DMP? Secondly what are good DMP companies to turn too? I tried doing a review search but clearly alot of fake reviews for companies. I have tried stepchange but to be honest they made my situation worst, dont know if i just got a bad advisor or what, but everything he told me to do back fired and its not helped, CAB well they aren't helpful either. They wanted me to come in for an appointment to discuss my debts during working hours instead of just doing it over the phone and to be honest considering i started a new job to help with this situation i dont want to be asking for 3 hours pardon in my first 3 weeks, wouldn't be good at this company. Any advice would be much appreciated guys. Cheers:-)
  20. can i do anything about reclaiming the charges that are applied to my account with Santander. The charges are £5 per day when in unauthorised overdraft(max£50 per month) I think that this is excessive and feels like I am being "fined" every month
  21. Hi, I requested a CCA on behalf of my mother from Very which they sent me this morning, I will post copies shortly, the CCA has no address info no signatures and no limits, also the accompanying letter states the account was opened May 2006, as far as I can find Very opened in 2009 - so unless my mother is a Soothsayer and predicted Very would start a business in 3 years times this must be extremely ropey.
  22. Hi, I am posting this on a few of the Shop Direct posts as I have been working on 3 claims on behalf of a relative and want everybody who has been charged by them to reclaim their charges and all applicable interest as these are possibly the most arrogant of all the companies I have dealt with and will firstly refuse your requests and then as it goes on breach the court procedures and ignore the judges requests until they ultimately settle as of they have no defence and no desire to go in front of a judge. The final outcome on the claims is posted below as the e-mail sent to me for my relative. Shop Direct have still not paid the sums stated in the e-mails in full and have part paid so still looking to court. Please click the star if this is informative and feel free to contact or reply to this post for any assistance. I have just advised the defendant to make the following account credits, which I believe satisfy your *******'s claims: Claim No 1QT08206 re account ref ******** (Littlewoods) Credit to the account of £175.79 Claim No 1QT09646 re account ref ******** (Very) Credit to the account of £251.72 Claim No 1QT24916 re account ref ******** (Choice) Credit to the account of £137.12 - to include the charge of 30/4/11. I understand that the adjustments will take place on Monday. Regards
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