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  1. Hi, I am currently going through the ombudsman stage, in demanding repayment of account fees for additions 2000(?) - 2004, additions plus 2004-2012 and no 'downgraded' current account with overdraft of £1, 700 and daily fees of 0.75p and £1.50 depending of if the overdraft is 0-£700 or £700 to £1,700. I have complained regularly over the years to Barclays but only had occassional fees reversed. The package account fees at worst were £192.00 per annum by 2012, whether in credit or not. In 2008 Barclays imposed a £1000 reserve with paid transaction fees on top of a pre-existing overdraft of £700. I complained about this at the time, but was initially told I needed to have it. At this time I had £20,000 in savings with Barclays and had more than £2,000 in credit and there was no reason for them to add this to the account from my point of view. Later when I went into debt on the current account I was charged multiple £22.00 paid transaction fees, when over the £700 limit. In 2014 The resolve loan was automatically converted to an overdraft facility with daily fees, which I didn't agree. I wasn't adequately informed of this change. In financial year 2014-2015, I was charged more than £450 in daily fees over one year and since then the annual cost in fees have been similarly high despite little use of the account. In 2015 I made only 3 withdrawls and have made no withdrawls since 2016. Last year, 2017, Barclays offered a resolve loan with no fees and monthly payments (after turning me down for a hardship loan) on the basis that I showed that I could manage to pay 3 installments of £150.00 per month in May, Jun and July. I did this and Barclays did not charge the daily fees for these 3 months and at the end of July I was sent a letter stating that now I had completed the 3 payments "I still needed to get my account back in order" and I could "pay in [full] at any branch" etc. the outstanding amount of arrears; which I had reduced to £1,413. There was no mention of the original resolve loan and the letter made no sense because the loan had been the purpose of making the regular payments in the first place. I felt let down by this and didn't know what to do, as I felt it was Barclays duty to fulfil their part regarding the resolve loan, which was at their instigation in any case. The grinding daily fees were reapplied in August, in December 2017 I received a letter saying that my balance was £1,596.44DR and that they 'recently' wrote requesting a payment. On 22nd Jan '18 I received another letter stating that my current account was overdrawn by £1,644.44 and that my 'agreed' overdraft limit was £10.00 and thus I was over any 'agreed' overdraft limit, still no mention of the resolve loan. I phoned Barclays on the 9th Feb 2018 to question this and make a complaint, which I did. I also complained about the packaged account fees between 2000 and 2012. I was given a complaint reference number and told that someone 'could' get back to me within 48 hours. Hearing nothing, I phoned again on the 16th and was told that my complaint had been closed I was put on hold for about 20 minutes twice before someone got back to me to say that it hadn't been closed but that it had a new reference number due to a migration of systems. I sent a letter of complaint to Leicester customer services and copied it to the Cheif Exec at HQ London. I phoned later to demand an acknowledgement of the complaint. This took some time I was sent a letter saying that my packaged account claim was being investigated and they split the complaint into two periods (for the same account no.). I later received a phone call from a customer services manager admitting fault re: the resolve loan and repayment of all fees since I used the account in 2016 and £544.25 in refunded daily fees and £140.69 for my inconvenience (over 20 yrs). After everything that has happened with Barclays over the years I refused to accept this but insisted that the manager put this in writing. A week later I received a letter confirming this and saying that their investigation of this (the non-packaged time) was now complete and I had a right to go to the ombudsman. I phoned the ombudsman but was told I couldn't complain yet about the packaged bank account because Barclays had not yet completed their investigation but that I could complain re: the recent period. Now I am not sure what will happen with the ombudsman but it's already taking weeks with 'out of office' replies to my emails and when I phoned Barclays they will not speak to me. Can (and should) I go to small claims for negligence?
  2. Hi All I have opened a claim for refund of Additions account fee's and have received a questionnaire to complete; which I would like some advice on how best to proceed. Here are some background details first: I first became aware of Package Bank Accounts last year when a colleague at work told me that he had reclaimed some money. I was shocked; having only ever banked with barclays for the last 24years I genuinely thought that I had to pay for my bank account and that the insurances etc. were free perks. I decided to pursue a claim myself; I only have statements from 2011 I did an SAR request on the internet in around May last year. After 45 days I had not heard or received anything I rang the number given on Barclays site; the telephone banking agent gave me a number to ring for the SAR team. I rang the number several times but it was a dud number. Made an appointment at the Bank, spoke to an advisor who gave me an SAR request form to fill in; I filled this in and sent it recorded delivery with my cheque for £10. They received the form but again after 45 Days nothing. At this point I gave up. In December I recieved the letter from Barclays saying Additions was being removed and offering the Fee Free Account; In January I went to the bank and cancelled the Tech and Travel pack. This spurred me to look at claiming again. I read on the internet that even with an SAR they only go back 6 Years; so I thought well I won't gain much from it anyway. Is this true that they only go back 6 years? this is what I know: I opened my current account with Barclays in March 1993 at the age of 21; this was my first current account and to this day is the only current account I have ever held. Through research I found that the Additions account wasn't introduced until 1996 I must initially have had a fee free account? I do not recall ever agreeing to the Additions account; I do not recall agreeing to iot being upgraded to Additions Plus. I do not recall agreeing to the cost of the account being hiked up over the years. As long as I can remember I have paid a fee; I definitely remember it being £6.50 a long long time ago it may have even been £5.00 but not sure of this. I remember it being Additions then Additions Plus; before I opted for the Fee Free account without the Tech or Travel pack in Jan this year the fee was £16.00. Over the years the fee increased; I rember it being £13.50 at one point. I think I may have had it from the beginning before Breakdown cover was included; I know I had CPP card protection and I have a vague recollection of having a tag to go on your keys incase you lost them? I suspect that my account was upgraded to Additions from my original fee free account without my knowledge. Initially I did not have an overdraft with the account; I asked for one at some point many years after I had opened the account somewhere between 2000-2005. I only asked for a small overdraft for emergencies only and it was only a small one I would have only wanted £100 and probably wouldn't have used it in the beginning. Maybe I was conned into having additions at this point; but I am sure I already had it. Regarding the insurances; I have only ever used the Breakdown cover and only once bcause I thought it was a free benefit to an account I had to pay for anyway. I have never had any expensive gadgets or a mobile worth insuring I have never used gadget insurance. I only holiday in the UK and would never use travel insurance. Over the latter years I have used my overdraft but again only because I thought it was a free perk to an account I had to pay for. If I had had a fee free account I would have managed my money differently and could have done without the overdraft. On January the 24th I this to file a claim: Packaged Bank Account Claim: Barclays Sort code or branch name: xx-xx-xx Existing complaint reference: N/A xxxxxxxxxxx I am writing to you as I believe the packaged bank account which I have had since some time after March 25th, 1993 was mis-sold/inappropriate for me. This is because... - I don’t remember ever agreeing to having this account. - I was upgraded without my knowledge Additional information: - The addressess that I have lived at whilst holding the packaged bank account are: xxxxxxxxxxxx I have no recollection of ever having opened a package bank account. I started banking with Barclays on 25/03/1993 when I opened a current account; I think that the reason for opening the account was that I needed an account to have my wages paid into. You are the only bank that I have ever banked with and this is the only current account that I ever held. At some point it seems, my current account became a packaged bank account but I do not remember ever agreeing to this; I remember along time ago on my statements paying a £6.50 account fee which has been risen over the years to £16.00 without my consent! I thought that this account fee on my statements was exactly what it stated; a fee for my account that I had to pay to have a current account; I did not know that the fee was for the additional benefits such as travel insurance, breakdown cover etc.. I thought that these came FREE with the account and that the account fee was for the account itself and NOT to pay for these benefits; which I never requested anyway. Upon receipt of your recent letter informing me that Additions is being removed and giving me the option of removing the benefits; I have cancelled the tech and travel packs and now have a fee free account whilst retaining my overdaft facility which is all I have ever required from my bank account. [removed template details - dx] Today I recieved a reply and a questionnaire to fill in. After researching on this site; I think that my strongest complaint is that Additions was applied to my account without my knowledge or approval rather than it being mis-sold. I think that this is reflected in my Complaint letter above. Reading the questionnaire: Section A asks for details of my Package Account. Section B asks - Am I complaining about the sale of the account. - If NO go straight to Section F Selecting NO here skips all of the questions in the questionnaire and takes me to Section F - any additional information Section G - Your declaration. End of Questionnaire. Should I select 'NO' in Section B and skip all the questions. Can anyone advise what additional Information I can give? Also If the question is asked of when I became aware that I could have a fee free account and could make a complaint; should I say December 2016 when I received the letter which is simpler ( But will they be suspiciouse of my earlier SAR requests and visit to the bank regarding them). Or should I be honest and say that I heard through a colleague early in 2016 ( They may ask why it took me so long to switch to a fee free account and to make a complaint - which was because I was waiting for my two SAR requests). Any advice on how to proceed with my claim will be gratefully accepted; I will keep an eye on my thread, respond to any replies and update my progress. If I am succesfull I will make a donation to the the forum in thanks. Thankyou in advance. Alice
  3. Hello all, I am hoping to get some advice as to how to proceed with my complaint regarding barclays bank charges on my account. My history: Since my original account was upgraded to a First Additions account in 2006 with a personal overdraft I was under the impression at the time that increasing my overdraft limit incurred fee's onto the account and was paying initially £5 per month until upgrading in 2006 with a larger limit for £11.50 per month. My account was upgraded again to £14.50 a month (additions plus), and i cannot recall if this was automatic or whether I was given an option at some point by a barclays staff member. I can assure you that I did not need any of the packaged services on each of these account; did not use any of the services provided as I wasnt even aware of them until finding out on online banking which is when I phoned barclays to remove all of them, as I was unable to over the internet - upon speaking to an advisor at barclays I explained that all I wanted was an overdraft and I wasnt happy that I was paying for services that I didnt need... He then referred me to the complaints department and after many weeks I have been given a lengthy questionnaire regarding an 'initial investigation' conducted by Barclays. I note in the questionnaire notes it states: "You held a non-fee paying account from July 2002, until you upgraded in July 2006 indicating you were aware of the account and that it was not necessary to pay a fee in order to have a current account" I would like to note that this account was opened with my Grandad at the time, as he introduced me to Barclays originally and I was merely present and not fully understanding of the circumstances. The investigation notes go on to say "You used your overdraft after you upgraded your account and this shows that you were aware that you had this facility as part of your packaged bank account". "You previously had an overdraft which you used before you upgraded in 2006. This shows that you were aware of the benefits of this account and that it is not necessary to pay a fee in order to have a current account with an Overdraft". The extent of the 'products & services' that were bolted onto these accounts were unknown to me at the time, and over the years bumped up the monthly fee's from £5 to almost £15.00 - I stress again that these services aside from not being disclosed to me, were practically useless for me in the circumstances that I was in and most therefore rendered useless. I feel that the response from Barclays indicates that they feel I should have known about the cause of these charges, without entertaining the fact that I was not fully informed about the product I was being sold. I wanted an overdraft with an increased limit, that was all. I really hope I can get some advice on how I should proceed with this case, do I fill the questionairre in and send it back? They have said they will proceed with the investigation using their information without me returning it either way... Thankyou in advance for your help. Jason
  4. Hi Me and my husband currently both have an additions account with Barclay's. Around 2007/2008 we converted our basic accounts into the additions accounts on-line, because that was the only way to get an overdraft. We have never needed or used the benefits. Do we have a claim for the account fees and if so how do we go about reclaiming these? Any help would be appreciated. I have read other threads but cant find links to letters. I am very sorry if this has been mentioned else where but it means i did not find the thread. Thank you in advance.
  5. Afternoon, I've been in a bit of a spot recently, lost my job, had to re-arrange my mortage to interest only or risk losing my house, defaulted on my one credit card, missing paying bills every month, I think you guys get the picture but the last year or so has been financial hell for me. My credit report is a sea of red Anyway I'll concentrate just on the Barclays account here. I've had an account with Barclays for around 20-25 years and I have most of the statements which I've started to dump info from into an Excel spreadsheet. I have a question if anyone would be so kind as to help, 1) I've dug a folder from around 1998 onwards and logged charges that include Unauthorised overdraft fees Additions fees Transaction charges for insufficient funds in account Personal overdraft usage fees Overdraft interest charges Paid referral fees Items returned fees Reserve usage fees I'm missing a few statements here and there so will SAR Barclays today to get the missing information. Naturally I'm awful at administoring my personal finances or should I say I was awful until a few ago when I stumbled across this place. My question is this, what are my chances of recouping any of the above fees and if so over what period. The Additions fees which are small are already over a thousand pounds and I still have another 5 years of statements to go through. I hope I don't come across as a chancer who is trying to claw back money for services that I used. I have a deep loathing of Barclays as they have me by the short 'n curlies since I live in their 'reserve' paying close to £100/month for the privalige of doing so. I never asked for the Additions accounts, I frequently popped into my local branch on occasions to speak about the horrendous charges but was always told that I was on the best package for my current situation, surely this was misleading to say the least? I've read the BCOBS stuff in this section but am still a little confused as to what my next move should be once I've completed my spreadsheet and write to Barclays asking for ermmm, some money back please?
  6. I have received the following response to my complaint regarding Barclays Additions Account You have held Additions on two separate occasions and Additions Plus. Please provide your recollection of each point of sale. I can see your account was downgraded in error from Additions to a fee free account with an overdraft. Please confirm why you requested the account be upgraded to Additions again. Please confirm why you took the Additions plus Please advise why you retained the upgrades. I originally took out the Additions account so I could have an overdraft. I knew I would always have an overdraft with Barclays and this was the only account I could have. Each time I would ring them to request more overdraft or they would suggest that I take out a loan to pay off my overdraft. I would always do as they said so I could to keep my overdraft. If they had told me that additions had been taken off in error during one of these phone calls I would probably agreed for it to be put back on. The same goes for upgrading to Additions plus (I am being so honest with you that when I am reading it back I realise how desperate I was then) They have given me 7 days to reply. Really I could do with help as to how I reply to their letter Thank you Chris
  7. Hi guys. Started getting texts, emails and letters from Lowell for an old Additions account. I had already SAR'd Barclays and have the paperwork. It seems the last credit to the account was around 2004. Should be statute barred except I've been making token payments until 2014. There is nothing on my credit files. I know that Lowells have a tendency to add defaults well after the fact so I'm keeping an eye out and will act to get it removed if they do. Reading other posts I know that the clock kept running due to the token payments so not SB. However I'm not sure if Lowells have that info and are just chancing their arm. I'm tempted to send a prove it letter to get them off my back. Not sure whether to do that or just ignore them. Any advice would be appreciated.
  8. Hi just wondering if anyone can explain what these interest charges mean. i have my old additions account bank statements from 2003. along with many other customers i have incurred penalty charges. the monthly interest amounts don't appear to stay the same, for example for Aug 06 = overdraft interest debited £0.60 credit interest 0.10%. if over the overdraft limit 2.05% another example Sept 08 overdraft interest debited £1.1 credit interest £0.54 how does this then compare with 24.9% if claiming restitution?
  9. Hey there, i had this account sold to me 4 years ago. I hadn't opened a bank account in the UK for some years. I was not presented with a possibility of a free account at any time in the meeting. I have never once used any of the packages or so called perks. I complained to RBS they through it out, stating, "having previously lived in the UK i should have known that free accounts were possible to attain". I didn't. I then moved onto the Ombudsman, who have sided with the bank. How can I take this further, it is simply not fair! Any advice appreciated. Thx
  10. Hi Y'all and Happy Easter I was wondering if anyone would be able to offer me advise regarding my claim with Barclays over mis-sold package account? I have had an acknowledgement saying that i had an ADDITIONS account in 1999, but i have no statements going back that far, only from 2004 when it was upgraded to an ADDITIONS PLUS. Does anyone know how much I would have paid in fees per month, back in 1999, for a Barclays ADDITIONS account? They are taking forever on this, I first complained in December '14 and have only just had acknowledgment wanting more info - I had an ADDITIONS in 1999 which was upgraded in 2004 to ADDITIONS PLUS and in 2011 to CURRENT ACCOUNT PLUS ( I left in 2012 as I was having problems with them raiding my mortgage account to pay my barclaycard) But as I have no statements from 1999 I don't know how much I was paying for the account Jo x Thanks to anyone who knows and can help
  11. My OH has been successful in reclaiming monthly fees plus interest but bank has refused to pay back any other charges, where the monthly fee amount affected some months being overdrawn and also additional charges added. They have also commented about going to FOS within six months. Is this correct or should she revert and disagree with their comments ? There are quite a few charges been added. Thanks
  12. Hi everyone, I've been reading this forum for a while now and decided to tackle my fiancés old Barclays account which I recently found "Barclays Additions" and "Overdraft Protection" on. I've already got back her statements via a SAR. They date from July 1999 through to October 2007. Every month she paid £2.00 "Overdraft Protection" charge and from June 2000 though to October 2007 she paid an "Account Fee" which looks like the "Barclays Additions" fee. During the time she had the account open she used some of the overdraft and at times she went over it. She never used any of the "Additions" benefits.. . not that she knew what they were or if she could actually use them. I've asked her if she remembers being sold it, but she doesn't. There are also £832 (42) of account charges (unpaid DD's etc) on the account as well. I've seen a few threads from people who've been successful in reclaiming the "Additions" fees and also some success with the "Overdraft Protection". Therefore I'm just trying to find the correct spreadsheets to put the charges into. .. could someone point me in the right direction please? Thanks James
  13. Hello all I used to have an additions account which I closed several years ago. I have had my account since 1998 and in 2000 I had ODI added to the account. I can't remember whether the Additions was upgraded or applied around the same time as the ODI or whether I had it from the start?!? I am complaining about the ODI but want to see if I an get my Additions fees paid back also. How would you approach this? Should I request a SAR to see the account activity or is it too far back to even have a chance of getting them refunded? As mentioned I can't remember whether it was just upgraded as some have pointed out or I had it from the start! I know I cancelled the Additions several years ago, but again I'm not sure which year..Probably around 2004! Also I want to try and reclaim the bank charges that I have had since having this account which I know there are quite a few! Again do I have any chance of getting them refunded? Many thanks in advance Sean
  14. Following a post made by DragonFly1967, I've added a list of common acronyms used on the forum that should help newbies and others. Hopefully we can post a link to this to save explaining abbreviations too often. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?168275-Posting-in-this-Forum-please-read HB
  15. Hello all, Just had a claim form issued from an old Additions catologue from 2003, to reply to this claim, is it the same procedure as with credit card etc. send cca to lowells sar request to Additons the particulars of claim are as follows: the claimants claim is for the sum of 6485.24 being monies due from the defendant to the claimant under a home shopping agreement regulated by the consumer credit act 1974 between the defendant and shop direct finance company. under account ref xxxxxxxx and assigned to the claimant on 06/04/2011 notice of which has been given to the defendant. the defendant failed to maintain the contractual payment under the terms of the agreement and a default notice has been served and not complied with. The claim also includes statutory interest persuant to section 69 of the county courts act 1984 at a rate of 8.00 % per annum ( a daily rate of 1.32 from the date of assigment to the date of issue being and ammount of 483.12. This was a home shopping catologue with a limit of 400 pounds that they kept upping and upping and when i separated from my husband, i just could not keep up the payments. thanks in advance for any help flembo
  16. This thread has been started and will continue for the debt owing to Shop Direct - Additions Excel Spreadsheet:
  17. Hello All, I need a bit of advise. I lost my phone in Sri Lanka as it fell out of my pocket in a cab and then the cab drove off before I had realised. I read the website, which stated i needed to contact the police within 24 hours and obtain a crime reference number. I was not sure if Sri Lankas crime reference number was sufficient and so I contacted a friend in the UK to ask if they could contact lifestyle services group for advise. The advisor stated that I should contact my airtime provider to block the sim and then I can wait until I am in the UK to get a crime reference number if I felt the sri lankan police could provide what was required. They also said I had two weeks to log a claim from the incident. As I was using as sri lankan sim, I did not need to contact the airtime provider as I still had the UK sim. Within 24 hours of my arrival back into the UK I logged a claim and went to visit the police station. Today, I have found out my claim has been rejected because I did not log a claim with the police within 24 hours and therefore did not meet the terms and conditions. As you can imagine I am left furious as I was advised by there representative of what to do and now the company have rejected my claim. Lifestyle group services state that at first they look to see if the terms and conditions have been met and accept/reject on that basis. An appeal considers any personal factors. Thankfully my friend noted the time, date and person he spoke to and they have the recording available. I have appeal, forwarded the email correspondence between my friend and I when I was out in sri lanka and explained why I could not log a call within 24 hours to themselves and how I was advised that I could sort out the police reference in the UK. I am awaiting a response from Lifestyle services group which could take 5 working days, but am expecting rejection as I dont see how they can give fair consideration when they are a profit making organisation. Do you think I will have a chance to take them to a small claims court?
  18. Hi Guys, Was just wondering if anyone has had any dealings with Additions? How are they at accepting final settlements? Following on from the great advice received on this forum we are going through the process of managing our own DMP (currently with Payplan). Spoke with Additions today, who informed us that if we leave Payplan they will reapply interest at 39.9% APR. This is a bit of a pain as all our other creditors have raised no concerns and agreed to keep interest frozen. As of today we owe them £480. I have just filled out a SAR as they added a load of charges when we were going through the process of entering into the DMP. Hopefully we can reclaim these charges and any PPI to bring the balance down. Would offering a full & final offer be an option? Cheers Trev
  19. Hi all, I recently contacted Barclays about my Additions account, received a response and would be interested to hear people's views. A quick potted history - I had an account with Barclays since 1990, and at some point in 1997 I was upgraded to the Additions account; I don't believe I ever requested this, and they confirm they have no proof I ever did. I only used the account as a secondary bank account once I got married, so it was hardly used. The only outgoings from the account were the account fees and interest, which I paid so as to not get into trouble. I had no idea there was ever any alternative to this account. Around 2004 my debit card expired on the account, and they never replaced it. I did contact them on 3 or 4 occasions to ask when a new card would be issued but they never replied .As the account was not really in use, but was in overdraft, I guessed they weren't giving me a card until I came out of the overdraft (it was an agreed overdraft), though they never said this. At the end of last year I decided to make a formal complaint about all this, essentially telling them I never asked for the account, have never used any of the features associated with it, have been unable to use it as a working account since 2004 when I never had my debit card renewed. I can't even log in to my online account! They replied by saying they have no evidence they upgraded the account without consent; would that not mean they should therefore HAVE evidence?! They state that I had a debit card that I used in 1998 in ATM's (er, I know that), and that a complaint from me in 2001 about unpaid fees charges was enough to show I should have been aware of account charges. They are unable to show any proof I have received welcome packs, or updated terms and conditions (after I moved in 2006 I received none) but just say as they send them out automatically I must have received them. They can find no record of me being advised there were free alternatives, though I 'must have been' (I wasn't, I'm sure) And, when I asked why no debit card, I was merely told they note a debit card was in use until 2004 (which I told them , it was before it ran out) and that regular credits have been sent to the account (every month I paid in £25, to cover the account fee and interest as I didn't know what else to do) So, in conclusion, they do not agree my account was mis-sold or mis-run, and it was my responsibility to make them aware in the past if I was unhappy! (er, I did). They offered me £162 as a goodwill gesture. Now, to those more in the know than me, what should I make of all this? just seems to me to be an almighty fob off. Is it worth going to the Ombudsman? shall I send them a letter before action just to see what reaction I get? am I bsarking up the wrong tree? Any questions/ advice/ help of any kind would be gratefully accepted!
  20. I've just witnessed something that has my blood boiling. My 60 year old mother went into Barclays to pay bills and she was given the hardest sell I've seen. Worse that a doorstep salesman. First they INSISTED she changed her savings account, then they called her irresponsible for not having a 'Funeral Insurance'.. . then they told her to cancel her house insurance as they're always cheaper. I was getting more and more annoyed.:mad2: Luckily my mother could stand her ground but they said they would phone her anyway, they even checked through her accounts to see WHO she might be paying insurance to! This was in a busy bank and she was very flustered. Then it dawned on me... this is exactly why I ended up with an Additions Account that is absolutely useless to me. I was told I needed it for an overdraft and that it was the only way to be sure my mobile phone was safe (they checked to see that money was going to O2). I've been paying since it first came out, at least 10 years. I once tried to claim but was told I needed the original receipt for my camera and that a printout wouldn't do! I've tried to cancel but was told I couldn't. Now I'm out for revenge. Has anyone tried to claim account fees from Barclays? Any advice?
  21. Hi All. A few yrs ago I successfully hit Barclays for a couple of grand in bank charges from ages ago, and have now only just realised that I have had PPI on my Barclays Additions current account since 2006. Bit miiffed really, as I thought I was good at avoiding things like that. I have no memory (or paperwork) of the events surrounding the change of my account from whatever it was before to the Additions Account, so I can't say for sure whether it was a mis-selling, but I know I certainly wouldn't have signed up to it if I din't think it was compulsory. I do have all the bank statements, so I can figure out the total charged quite easily. They charge me £6.40 a month for an £800 overdraft facility. I'm self employed so have fluctuating income, I have used the overdraft facility but have never claimed on the PPI. Reading various threads on here it seems I can claim all this back. I still have all the paperwork on file from the bank charges claim, and I'm sure some of these letters can be recycled for this one. I take it I still send everything to Churchill Place (walking distance for me!) Can someone point me to the appropriate template letter and spreadsheet - not sure it's the same interest rate ect as the one I did previously. Do I need to send loads of copies of bank statements like I did last time - if I remember that was the worst bit of the whole process!. Also is it advisable to send a second letter to my branch to get them to stop charging the £6.40 from now on, or can I do this in the same letter? Thanks to everyone for looking. This forum is a fantastic resource.
  22. I have had an additions catalogue for years and years, last year due to my partner being made redundant I could no longer make the required repayments. I kept up the repayments for a couple of months (hoping that a new job would be found) but then contacted all my creditors and advised them of the situation. They were all pretty understanding and I asked for help from one of the debt management companies, unfortunately due to their huge workload it was going to be several months before I could get an appointment - I again told all my creditors of this, gave them my reference number and told them of the date of my appointment. Additions I have to say were the least pushy of all my creditors, very few letters, no phone calls etc. Meeting took place and after a few weeks, and only when I enquired, was told it would be at 6- 8 weeks before they would even look at my secondary debts, I contacted one of these companies and they advised they had not been written to by the debt management company. So I decided to deal with it myself. I contacted all my secondary debtors (x3 credit card and 2 x catalogues) Put together a top level financial statement (using the initial "gumf" of what a court would class as reasonable each month and to ensure all were treated equally figured out what money I had left to split between them all - this equated to an offer of payment of 0.5 %. All credit cards and the one other catalogue accepted the payment by me over the phone and agreed no charges or interest. On the 19th January when i rang Very / Shop Direct they said they would require an offer of payment and full financial statement in writing and this would be required by 3rd February (giving my 2 weeks and one day). I wrote the statement and letter and posted my next day delivery to ensure it got there for the 3rd, but today received a letter from Lowell's saying the debt had been sold to them on the 27th January. Wanting to know why Very had sold the debt BEFORE the date they told me. I rang up asking if they had received the letter of offer of payment, they said they had but not until the 6th February. I know they would have received it on the 3rd as I sent because I sent by next day delivery and have the proof of this. I was told they receive thousands of letters each day (as far as I am concerned this isn't actually my problem - they should allow for that and not me). When I asked when it was sold I was told the 28th January (so only one week after I phoned them and different to the date both they and Lowells have put in writing). When I asked why it had been sold in January when I was told I had to get the financial statement and letter in by the 3rd - prior to the date I had told it would be sold, I was told "Perhaps they got fed up of the non payment". I put the phone down in disgust at this point. I know it wont make any difference to me now... the debt is with Lowell's but I am absolutely fuming that they did not even give me the opportunity to get a financial statement and offer of payment to them and don't think they should be able to get away with blatantly lying to their customer. My question is: Is this a matter that I can complain about to the FSA for unfair treatment - I know I will have to make a formal complaint to Very about first - but there wont be any point in that unless I can take it further. Thanks for reading.
  23. Hi, I requested a CCA on behalf of my mother from Very which they sent me this morning, I will post copies shortly, the CCA has no address info no signatures and no limits, also the accompanying letter states the account was opened May 2006, as far as I can find Very opened in 2009 - so unless my mother is a Soothsayer and predicted Very would start a business in 3 years times this must be extremely ropey.
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