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Found 11 results

  1. If you discover issues caused by the recent upgrade then please post them here.
  2. British Forces Post Office: last dates of posting in time for Christmas READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/british-forces-post-office-last-dates-of-posting
  3. British Forces Post Office: last dates of posting in time for Christmas READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/british-forces-post-office-last-dates-of-posting
  4. as the above says. I'm posting this on behalf of my neighbour who has just got back from tameside magistrates regarding her housing benefit, in 2014 I helped her fill out the form HBCT1 and that was sent off, nothing was heard for several months, then after those months passed, still nothing, so I contacted them on her behalf, needless to say she had to fill out another HBCT1 form and was awarded housing benefit. New Charter had said that she owes them a total of £3000 she was taken to court today and ordered to pay £70 every monday, Bearing in mind that she gets £62 carers allowance and her income support. so out of her benefits she has to pay £270 every month. Because she had already applied but there was no acknowledgement from the revenues sector, is there any way to claim a backdate for that period that they say she owes them... Any help and advice would sincerely be appreciated.
  5. I appear to be unable to start a new thread in the DRO section, as soon as I type 1 letter I get redirected out of the thread back to the main page.
  6. Why are the times on current posts (It's now 03.46) reading 02.46 ???
  7. Hi All Bit confused as im getting mixed answers reading online. I have no knowledge of a debt that MMF are declaring i owe them. Recently, they issued a default on my credit file. I have no idea who the original debt is with, but thats besides the point for now. Is it legal for a DCA to post a default on my credit file? If yes or no, can someone link me into the law that declares that answer; as im going round in circles trying to find an answer! Thanks for all your help
  8. Following a post made by DragonFly1967, I've added a list of common acronyms used on the forum that should help newbies and others. Hopefully we can post a link to this to save explaining abbreviations too often. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?168275-Posting-in-this-Forum-please-read HB
  9. Hi everyone, my friend recently applied to their mortgage company for some extra cash to do some home improvements. To their great surprise they were turned down. Nationwide stated that the reason for not getting the extra cash was due to their CRF. After further calls Nationwide finally admitted that the mortgage was in arrears of approx £50. The arrears was due to Nationwide messing up their calculations when they took a short agreed mortgage holiday in 2010. It appears that Nationwide have never mentioned these arrears to my friend before (no letter was sent) and simply posted them on Experian the mortgage was taken out about 10 years ago. My friend agreed to pay these arrears just to put an end to it and maybe get the loan. The OC has agreed that the error was completely theirs. Due to Nationwide's error my friend has been unable to change credit cards etc last year to a 0% deal. So they can show damage to their CRF caused them financial loss. What if any action would you suggest other than a very strongly worded official complaint would be advised? I'm unsure what parts of the CCA actually apply to mortgages would BCOBS be of any use? Reading BCOBS quickly it appears that they have breached by not communication information correctly or even at all. "information to be communicated to banking customers, including appropriate information and statements of account;" Does this seem correct, any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance Pumpytums
  10. Having read threads here and on other forums it seems that for those people that have possibly serious conditions, there seems to be a delay before any final decisions is made before assessment. I have read of claimants sending off their ESA50 in Early January and getting called in for an assessments yet some of use who have been on IB for a long time are having to wait. I sent my ESA 50 off in December and havent heard anything. Any here had a quick return of an assessment date soon after returning their ESA50?
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