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  1. British Forces Post Office: last dates of posting in time for Christmas READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/british-forces-post-office-last-dates-of-posting
  2. So, my OH is online right now giving money to the Sally Army and I've given a paltry amount to this site. Now I want serious recommendations for small charities for the last of our spare cash. My two big interests are the homeless and mental health (obviously linked). If anyone knows of a charity where £20 could make a difference I'm honestly interested.
  3. British Forces Post Office: last dates of posting in time for Christmas READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/british-forces-post-office-last-dates-of-posting
  4. DVSA opening hours: Christmas and New Year READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/dvsa-opening-hours-christmas-and-new-year
  5. Bought car on evening of the 7th December. Car insured at dealership. Attempted to tax at dealership but website wouldn't allow. Drove car to gf's home and tried online unsuccessfully again a few times but thought must be a site issue. 8th left car parked and commuted to work. Tried website but still not able called DVLA number and attempted to pay online. Was told i would have fill out information at post office. Finished work after post office closed. Had leave gf's house early next day for 2 week holiday before Post office opened. Returned to UK on 24th late afternoon to find car clamped with local council enforcement insignia and clamping company information but no explanation of reason. All telephone numbers went to voice mail. Paid clamping fine through online service. Rang every number and organisation i could throughout night. No one could explain reason or remove clamp. Stuck alone in gf's house - she was with family on other side of country- No food, freezing and missed all family Xmas duties with my grandparents who are 90+ years old and whom i am a carer of due to no trains running. Car remained clamped until 29th! Took visit to Local county enforcement office and then long wait and conversation with Local Council to determine DVLA had issued clamp. 6 Weeks later received further fine from DVLA. Written long letter to explain situation, circumstances and overly distressing punishment for £30 tax i had on numerous occasions tried to pay. Fully expect to get generic letter saying it was my fault. If so intend on going to court or arbitration. Does anyone have any advice or experience of court process?
  6. Monopoly chiefs have set up a Christmas hotline to prevent board game bust-ups over the festive period. The helpline is to open in light of a survey that found 51% of Monopoly games end in a row. The most common cause of quarrels was due to people "making up the rules as they go along". The hotline will open from 24th - 26th December, when families will be able to get mediation on any game-based arguments. http://www.itv.com/news/2016-12-19/monopoly-christmas-helpline-opens-to-prevent-boardgame-bust-ups/
  7. How do you Prepare for Santas visit. Do you make sure your chimney has been swept so he does not get any soot on his clothes. Of course we know if a chimney is not available a couple of clicks of his fingers and hey presto he materialises wherever he likes. So do not worry if you have not got a chimney,I feel many of you perhaps do fret a touch. And of course Rudolph and the rest of the reindeer's do you leave them a treat as they must need feeding many times on their journey around the world on this special day. Do you leave them some water,some mince pies perhaps,a few carrots. Or a few sprouts even. Perhaps a glass of non alcoholic wine for Santa As a drop of the real stuff may cause a few problems in the sky high above us. And I have heard him many times, and of course once I met a few of his elves. Sure I did. Who can forget the noise of the bells, just to remind you a video.Which continues after the first one for those that would like to hear more. Now do not be shy cast your minds back and remember what your parents did preparing for his arrival. And what you plan to do. Just wondering as I do at times. Bye for now Tawnyowl who has seen the bearded one a good few times in my life.
  8. Good Housekeeping’s seventh annual Christmas dinner survey, which sets the festive benchmark for where to buy the cheapest Christmas meal, reveals that a basket of festive food to feed eight people costs a total of £20.26 or just £2.53 per person, based on buying 11 Christmas dinner essentials*. If you can't be bothered with faffing around different supermarkets, you can get it all in one place if you don't mind paying the extra http://www.goodhousekeeping.co.uk/consumer-advice/save-money/christmas-dinner
  9. HMRC have listed the payment dates for Xmas 2015 already. They can be found here https://www.gov.uk/when-is-your-next-tax-credits-payment Last updated: 7 September 2015 DWP tend to follow the same dates as HMRC will update as and when they are made available
  10. Can you remember Christmas Day as a child.-Your presents. What memories do you have of this day.
  11. John Lewis has come up with some crackers [no pun intended] over the years, but this years beats them all hands down. This really is something. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wuz2ILq4UeA
  12. Cameron's good day to bury a LOT of bad news: From lost asylum seekers, rising council tax and police cuts to the PM's dinner guests, gifts and army of spin doctors Ministers rush out 36 statements to Parliament on last day of term Files on spin doctors, public sector pay and PM's gifts also released Reports published into homelessness, benefit cuts, asylum seekers Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3364581/A-good-day-government-bury-LOT-bad-news.html Many links on the article. Have your say,i know there are many wise ones who know about these things. Hoping someone is going to say just another scaremongering story,no truth at all. Just going to check some of these stories out. Especially homelessness.What is going on. Just read a article from America where homelessness is also increasing. Are the tent cities about to return or perhaps back already. 500k+ homeless in US, numbers rise in New York, other big cities https://www.rt.com/usa/322917-american-homeless-population-cities/ 100,000 children face spending Christmas in temporary accommodation More than 100,000 children in England face spending Christmas in temporary accommodation after a sharp annual rise in homelessness, official figures showed. http://home.bt.com/news/uk-news/100000-children-face-spending-christmas-in-temporary-accommodation-11364029394678 100,000 children can you believe this in 2015.Classed as homeless. How many adults . Breaks down to how many families. A disgrace.Does not matter who is in power,if you want to call it that.I would be saying the same thing. The Benefit Cap: hurting homeless families http://blog.shelter.org.uk/2015/10/the-benefit-cap-hurting-homeless-families/ Council tax bills to rise by up to 4% as government grant is cut Town halls will be able to increase council tax by 4 per cent every single year. Surely this cannot be true.People are at breaking point with their finances already. 10,000 asylum seekers have dropped off government's radar Thousands of asylum seekers have dropped off the Government's radar, an official report has revealed. Three in four families hit by bedroom tax cut back on food More than three quarters of people affected by the so-called 'bedroom tax' have reduced spending on food since it was introduced, an official analysis found. Cameron urged to scrap the power of the Lords to veto regulations following tax credits row The House of Lords should be stripped of the power to veto new regulations and instead be restricted to calling on MPs to rethink proposals, a review commissioned by David Cameron has recommended. £8.4million army of Conservative spin doctors paid for by YOU The taxpayer-funded bill for government spin doctors will hit £8.4million this year. Chancellor George Osborne alone now has 10 spads working for him in the Treasury, including a new director of communications and the aide credited with overhauling his image given a 42 per cent pay hike. Details of the army of 96 political special advisers (spads) paid using public money was slipped out by the Cabinet Office on the day Parliament breaks for Christmas. Now surely it is not true that George Osborne is advised on how to get his hair cut. Reminds me of a chap i knew who was a ex footballer,no names, who moved into the rental market. Used to work for him.Said to him one day after second hair stitching and face lifts,"why not just age gracefully." Sooner or later age will reappear.Skin was so tight i thought it would split. Looked ok but many thousands of pounds spent in different countries. Said, "well owl,it is image,i must appeal to the young and always look my best." Yes ,"but they have not seen you before,what does it matter. You are buying and selling and renting out properties." Just as George Osborne spouts on about politics. Do i care if he has a Caesar hair cut or grey hair.Not for one second. "Suited and booted you look ok". "Just image,i must have it" he replied Left it at that. Have not seen him for 20 years,i wonder what he looks like now.You can only surely stretch your skin so far. Or your ears will end up under your chin.Something like that,i feel you know what i mean. All on the article in more detail.Enough for me i am just going to have a stiff drink. First one this year.Whisky i feel is needed to take all this news in.
  13. I would like to wish all our Armed Forces, their Families and those who may be on Duty during this season wherever you may be that your courage, selflessness and sacrifice is not forgotten. I wish you all a Merry Christmas
  14. To everyone here at CAG, I send festive greetings to you all. Whether you are here because of dealing with debt, a parking ticket, being taken to court for whatever reason or welfare related issues, you deserve some happiness when life gets you down. While the site team are off getting well and truly soiled, I want to impart some festive cheer on you all! Merry Christmas!
  15. Seasons Greetings and a day off from Bailiffs, One MP is telling people that they can't call on Christmas Day, linked from Scoop (thanks for the findBarry) http://stevemccabe-mp.org.uk/node/821
  16. Just a few products to show how you are being ripped off by this company. If you saved the money you are paying them you would save thousands APPLE iPad Pro 32GB WiFi space grey ML0F2 Pixmania.com - £ 682.80 with Free delivery. Brighthouse - £963.27 cash price - £1,768.00 credit price Sony 65" Full HD Android Smart TV Currys - £1,249.00 + trade in and get another £100 off so £1,149.00 with Free delivery Brighthouse - £1,727.01 cash price - £3,432.00 credit price Xbox One FIFA 16 & Gears of War Ultimate Bundle Smyths - Xbox One 500GB FIFA 16 Bundle £279.99 + Gears of War: Ultimate £14.99 Total cash price £294.98 Brighthouse - £793.03 cash price - £1,657.50 credit price So you can see it makes sense to not buy from Brighthouse but save up the payments and get it for a massive saving for cash elsewhere. Don't be ripped off this Christmas, have another look at the above prices, show your family and tell them if they wait a while they can have a free holiday in Cornwall or they can have an xbox and a laptop or practically anything they fancy.
  17. Hi Was just wondering if anyone has had a letter from DWP saying that they haven't paid the Christmas bonus between 2009-2013. I thought you only got one £10 per year no matter how many benefits you were on. My husband gets PIP (DLA from 2009 - 2015) and CB ESA and I'm sure we got this added into his DLA each Xmas.
  18. is it bad that my kids already have 3/4 presents each decided to start early this year, between direct from china, and clearance items im part done just thought why get them out of one pay check when i can spread them over several months, there will be must haves of course but for the main bulk up ive spent half of what i would do by buying early
  19. DFS v me (won). STAND UP TO THEM Hi all, I order a chair from DFS in November 2014 and paid a deposit of £100.00. DFS promise to delivery my chair for the christmas period. They failed to deliver the chair and informed me that the chair will not be ready till around the end of feb. 2015. i made a complaint to the store and they refused my cancellation and my refund of the £100.00 deposit. I wrote a final email/letter to the manager of the store and to the head office and gave them 14days to refund the deposit if not i would sue them in the local court. I also enclose in the email information about Unfair trading practices – buying from a trader and make them aware of this new rules. Today i received email from DFS now agreeing to refund my deposit after reading the new rules for UUnfair trading practices – buying from a trader . I have attached letter from DFS for viewers see and take note. Dear manager Regarding my complaint . Below, i have attached information for your attention. Please read carefully and take note. Unfair trading practices – buying from a trader If a trader misleads you or behaves in an aggressive way you can report them to Trading Standards, who may decide to take action against the trader. From 1 October 2014, you may also be able to unwind (undo) the contract and get some or all of your money back. This page tells you what action you can take when buying from a trader who misleads you or acts aggressively, and how much you may be able to get back What action you can take If you bought something, on or after 1 October 2014, from a trader who acted unfairly when dealing with you, you may be able to: unwind the sale and get a full refund or have a discount, and get compensation for your loss or distress. You may be able to do this where the trader’s practices or behaviour are: misleading or aggressive, and the trader’s actions played a significant part in your decision to buy from them. This applies to most goods and services, including utility contracts, door-to-door sales, holidays and holiday lets. It does not apply to financial services the sale of land or social housing credit, unless it is linked to the purchase of goods and services. When can you unwind the contract? You can unwind, or undo, the contract if: you do so within 90 days, and you have not fully consumed whatever you bought, and you have not already asked for and had a discount. You do not need to show any loss or that the trader acted dishonestly or negligently. How to unwind the contract You must clearly tell the trader that you are rejecting what you have bought by saying or doing something to demonstrate this. For example, write to the trader and say that you want your money back because you were misled into buying the item or because the trader harassed you. What happens when you unwind the contract? When you unwind a contract, the contract will end and you should receive a full refund. This should happen, even when you have used the goods or service for a while. If you have been supplied with any goods, you must make them available for collection by the trader when you unwind the contract. Continuous supply contracts If your contract is for the continuous or regular supply of a product, for example, electricity or broadband services, and you have used it for more than one month, you will have to pay the market price for what has been used. This will be deducted from the refund. However, if the trader’s behaviour is particularly bad and its effect on you severe, you will still be entitled to a full refund. When can you get a discount? You will be able to have a discount instead of unwinding the contract if: the product cannot be rejected, for example, a service contract which has been fully carried out, goods which have been completely consumed or digital content which has been fully downloaded, or the 90 day period has passed, or you do not want to unwind the contract, for example, because you want to keep the goods or carry on with the service contract. You do not need to show any loss or that the trader acted dishonestly or negligently. If you have a discount instead of unwinding the contract, the contract will continue but your discount can apply to what you have already paid and also any future payments. How is the discount calculated? If you paid £5,000 or less If you paid £5,000 or less, the percentage discount depends on: what the trader did to mislead you or behave aggressively, and how badly it affected you, and how long ago it happened. The amount of discount you can claim, depends on how seriously you were misled or harassed by the trader: 25% discount – more than minor. For example, the trader misleads you about the delivery date for a product 50% discount – significant. For example, a business misleads you about the health benefits of a product 75% - serious. For example, a salesman visits your home and greatly exaggerates how effective double glazing would be in reducing your energy bills and refuses to leave until you sign an order form 100% - very serious. For example, a salesman visits your home and bullies you, as a vulnerable consumer, into signing a contract for work you do not want and misrepresents that it was required by local council regulations. If you paid over £5,000 If you paid more than £5,000, the set discounts may not apply. If there is clear evidence that the market price was less than what you paid when you made the contract, then the discount is the difference between the two prices. For example, if you bought a car, which you later found out had been clocked, Glasses’ Guide could be used to check the market price of the car with its true mileage when you bought it. Compensation As well as unwinding the sale or having a discount, you might be able to claim some compensation from the trader too. You will need to show that the trader’s behaviour means you have suffered any of the following: financial loss, which was reasonably foreseeable alarm or distress physical discomfort or inconvenience . If the trader can show that they took all reasonable care to avoid misleading or harassing you, they will not have to pay any compensation. But they will still have to unwind the sale or give you a discount. ANSWER FROM DFS TODAY Dear Mr xxxxxx, I am happy to say that we have managed to cancel your order with Furnico; the manufacturer of the chair you ordered. Therefore we will be able to refund your deposit in full as we will not have to sell the chair from the shop floor. From your reaction I am in no doubt that there has been some confusion about the delivery time of the furniture you ordered and that your understanding of the time scale for delivery was different from what DFS could provide. I am very sorry we could not meet your expectations on this occasion. I do not feel that your sales person ...... has used "misleading information" or "unfair trading practices". I do feel you were of a genuine belief that your chair would arrive just after new year. We do strive to deliver clear and jargon free information to our customers so I will be conducting a review of the message our sales team give when customers buy goods from DFS ...... I tried to call both numbers we have for you but was unable to get through. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me on 01463 701290. Yours sincerely, xxxx General Manager DFS Inverness.
  20. Most of us will now have finished with signing on until the New Year (thank goodness too!). Just wanted to remind everyone to keep doing jobsearch over Christmas and New Year and don't give the JC any excuse to say you didn't look for work during this period - I'm sure they're hoping to catch loads out when we start signing again next year. It's a pain to do but as we're paid for these weeks then technically we're obliged to meet the criteria and look for work too, so make sure you cover yourself over the holiday period with enough evidence. I'm using CV-Library and Reed, clicking on a couple of jobs per day - including Christmas Day and New Year's Day - so the JC can't claim I 'took a break from job hunting' over Christmas. Cover yourselves at all times
  21. Police called to home of Jan and Julia Tshabalala on Christmas morning Relative and neighbour discovered couple's bodies in West Sussex house Their two children, who had disabilities, were not at home at the time Hours earlier the children had Christmas dinner with their parents Thought that the couple were found dead after an apparent suicide pact http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2887735/Husband-wife-two-young-children-died-Christmas-morning-suicide-pact-deep-financial-trouble.html
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