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Found 7 results

  1. Hi My wife was seriously assaulted at her work 2.5 years ago. After a huge amount of hassle, delays, and mis-handling of information, she was eventually awarded £1000. Initially, the claim had been rejected due to lack of a Police report - which had already been provided - and we had to appeal that. My wife suffered soft tissue damage to her wrist, a patient had violently grabbed her, pinned her down on a desk, and held her there for quite a while before being subdued. She was off work for 6 months, suffered PTSD as a result of the assault and attended several physiotherapy sessions, and now has developed what is being queried as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome which a specialist believes to be linked to the assault. We believe that very little has been taken into consideration when they (rather reluctantly it would seem) made the award, especially the PTSD, and now she has resigned due to her employer not making any attempt to accommodate her in a lighter role as her current position causes a great deal of pain and discomfort and essentially unable to carry out her duties. We are seriously considering appealing this and would appreciate any advice.
  2. Defence Secretary announces Armed Forces Covenant and Veterans Board READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/defence-secretary-announces-armed-forces-covenant-and-veterans-board Mmm which Veterans Board are they on about? (or is this the Board that deals with veterans appeals)
  3. Monopoly chiefs have set up a Christmas hotline to prevent board game bust-ups over the festive period. The helpline is to open in light of a survey that found 51% of Monopoly games end in a row. The most common cause of quarrels was due to people "making up the rules as they go along". The hotline will open from 24th - 26th December, when families will be able to get mediation on any game-based arguments. http://www.itv.com/news/2016-12-19/monopoly-christmas-helpline-opens-to-prevent-boardgame-bust-ups/
  4. I have recently been kicked off ESA by Atos, scoring zero points with mental health issues, I recently seen citizens advice which done the mandatorily reconsideration for me, I should have scored about 30 odd points but none of the questions that citizens advice showed me were asked, the mandatorily reconsideration phoned me the other day asking me questions, I got so stressed I couldn't do it so put the phone down due to my condition, she then phoned a few days ago telling me I still score 0 points I explained I got stressed and couldn't speak but that didn't help so I lost my cool with her and swore, anyhow I got the letter through this morning saying they uphold the original decision, also on the letter says that the Atos medical examiner said I looked fit and well and was well tanned and muscular, it was the middle of August of course I would look tanned I think anyone did the summer we had, I was even crying in front of her due to not seeing my children and my father recently passing away, but she lied and made out I was alert I couldn't even keep eye contact with her, but she said I did, what are you supposed to do go in there with a rope around your neck is it, anyway I'm thinking of appealing what do you guys recommend? i seen my doctor on Monday he give me a sick note for 13 weeks as he agrees I am not fit to work at the moment and said he was not surprised with the decision as they are doing it to everyone. Thank you
  5. Hi All Not sure if this is the right place. My son was assaulted last May in an unprovoked attack which resulted in him losing one of his front teeth and having to have root canal treatment to the other. The lad responsible was caught and subsequently convicted of assault. My son was advised by the police to apply to CICA for compensation as not only did he have significant damage to his teeth resulting in almost 12 months of dental treatment, but it also meant him having to have time off college at a crucial time in his course. Although the treatment is now complete, he can't now eat hard foods like apples as it is uncomfortable. He also ended up splitting with his girlfriend as he was struggling to come to terms with what happened and hated the way he looked. He has just received his award which is the minimum of £1000. Is it worth us appealing against the decision? £1000 seems a small amount to get for the pain and suffering he has been caused over the past 12 months and the fact that he will have problems with his teeth from now on. Or should we just accept the award and be grateful that he got something? Does anyone know how successful appeals are and whether it's worth it? Thanks for reading.
  6. I am in dispute with my water supplier. Briefly, when they installed a water meter they caused a leak which remained undetected for a year. It has caused major structural damage to my property. My insurance company are dealing with a claim against them for this. However, part of the damage caused was to a concrete lined pond, which now leaks to the extent that I'm having to put in a couple of cubic meters of water each week. Until my claim against them is finalised (which could take a year or more) this is an ongoing situation because the liability for repair rests with them. They have issued me a) with a bill which includes the amount of water leaked and b) with a subsequent bill which includes the water I'm currently using to refill the pond. I'm refusing to pay and I've told them why (by phone, by letter, by solicitor's letter). However, they keep sending statements and today sent a demand which included a threat to register a default with the Credit Reference Agencies. It is my understanding that OFT guidelines preclude this - as there is a dispute - and I've told them this. However, I don't know if there is any law which prevents them doing so. Does anyone know?
  7. The expected sale of Milk Link to Arla Amba, which has over 8,000 farmer suppliers across Europe, would be the sale of the last part of the Milk Marketing Board, which was started to be dismantled in 1994 under Thatcherite market ideaology.
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