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  1. Hi last week we noticed that a strip of woodland near to my folks home was being destroyed by contracters. They have felled more than a few trees and cut a hole in hedgerows. We've discovered that the local council are allegedly going to redirect a public footpath through this area. We know that there was a covenant placed on that land... long before i was born and that it cannot be built on at all. The current footpath skirts around this wooded area, but if they redirect it... will cut right through it and leave a public foot path invading the privacy of every ones home who backs onto that wooded area. It's a nice road, no one is overlooked and every one says how peaceful and tranquil it is... but now they've destroyed it and seem to be continuing to do so as workmen were back out there today. There are huge gaps in the trees where they've been cut down, healthy trees... you can now see right through to the buildings beyond and the lights from a car park they built on the other side of this wooded area now intrude into peoples bedrooms. We need to find this covenant so we can check the legality of what they are trying to do, and stop it if we legally can. After doing some searching on my own, I cannot find out where to begin... From what little knowledge I have it's something to do with being owned by John Radcliffe hospital in Oxford and a covenant was created to stop if being built on... But I have nothing more to go on at this time. How do I find it? The council have been of no help, I called and mentioned this to the planning dept and they blanked me completely.
  2. Defence Secretary announces Armed Forces Covenant and Veterans Board READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/defence-secretary-announces-armed-forces-covenant-and-veterans-board Mmm which Veterans Board are they on about? (or is this the Board that deals with veterans appeals)
  3. The NHS has codes to identify those who've served in the Armed Forces. The assists the NHS to enable veterans to receive appropriate support when needed. GP practices should ask patients whether they have served, but this doesn't always happen, so if you're a veteran, ask your GP or practice staff to ensure that your records are coded appropriately. The codes are: 13JI - Military veteran 13JY - History relating to military service 13q0 - History relating to Army service 13q1 - History relating to Royal Navy service 13q2 - History relating to Royal Air Force service 13q3 - Served in Armed Forces Some GP practices are now (or soon will be) 'Veteran Aware' NHS England and the Royal College of General Practitioners have endorsed the 'Military Veteran Aware' accreditation. Accredited practices will: have a lead for veterans’ issues within the surgery identify and flag veterans on their computer system undertake dedicated training and attend armed forces healthcare meetings increase understanding of the health needs of veterans amongst both clinical and administrative staff This scheme is being rolled out nationally from late 2018.
  4. Hi, Hope someone can give some advice or ideas on how to proceed. We bought an ex-farm last summer directly from the council. The property was advertised with a covenant on the attached paddock but not on the barns. We got an email to say we could run our business from the barns and didn't question anything else until we signed the contract - which the solicitor didn't give us time to look through and just said it was all boring stuff and no need to read through - end of the day, wants to go home?? Didn't think twice as we thought we had all the info. Fast forward to November and the Land Registry paperwork comes through with details of covenants on all the barns and outbuildings, which we knew nothing about! I know we should have been firmer and looked through the contract but we trusted the solicitor and thought the sales particulars given by the estate agent was complete. We've spoken to neighbours who have had a similar issue and have been told by the council that they want 5k to remove the covenants! Can we argue that we were not made aware that the covenant was still in place at time of signing and our solicitor never made us aware, and that the covenants were never on the sales particulars? The solicitor claims that the email from the council saying we can run the business from the barn is enough, but if we want to convert one of the barns into a holiday home in future, will we be stuffed? Solicitor is shying away from the issue and I could do with some advice on who to approach and how to proceed the get this sorted with as little cost as possible. Thanks.
  5. THE ARMED FORCES COVENANT (LIBOR) FUND A fund to support the delivery of the armed forces covenant Document Source: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/armed-forces-covenant-libor-fund-successful-projects In December 2012, the importance of the covenant was highlighted by the decision of the Chancellor to transfer £35 million from fines levied on the banks for attempting to manipulate Libor to the MOD for use in supporting the armed forces community. Over 3 tranches, the fund has supported 96 charities and good causes supporting the Armed Forces Community in a variety of ways. Whilst the £35 million fund has closed please keep checking our website for new opportunities for funding including a £10 million per year fund which will open in 2015 or subscribe to our email alerts to find out the latest updates for the armed forces covenant.
  6. Hi This is the Armed Forces Covenant its in PDF Format so you will need Adobe or other to open: More information available here: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/the-armed-forces-covenant
  7. Hello all. I'm new to the site and I would like to discuss my case with you and perhaps to tap your invaluable experiences or advice. I'm currently in court with the Managing agents of the communal areas to my estate since November 2011. I bought my Freehold house in November 2000 and since then the services I have received from the managing agents have been substandard, despite covenant being in place. Initially and for about 4 years we have had frequent black-outs to the point where the only source of lighting for my mews would be my front door security light. To-date there is one main street lamp in my mews still not operating (has not done so since I bought the house pretty much). However in 2008 things came to a head as I discovered accounting errors in my annual service charge bill. I wrote to the managing agents in 2009, with bank statement evidence, but I received no reply. The 2010 bill also contained the same errors, so I attended a so-called Residents Meeting (8 freeholders present out of 103 in total) and spoke to the partner who denied the errors but promised to look into my property accounts and send me details. In 2011 I received a court notification for a small claims court that the managing agents had logged against me. Mystified as I had received no other communication from them, I enquired with a friend aborad and found out that the agents had send about a month before all the information I had been promised in 2010, but to the wrong address - :xI believe this was deliberate as they have since posted information to the wrong address despite the court and their solicitors using my correct one. In any case I decided to log a counterclaim as I have had enough. I have photographic evidence spanning the last 6 years of illegal rubbish dumping in the communal areas by lanlords who rent accommodation in the estate, the cleaning company not doing its job, the lights across the estate that do not work on a permanent basis, walls that need rebricking, illegaly parked and with no tax disc vehicles, two statements from witnesses that confirm that my security light was the only source of lighting for my area, a copy of an assault case currently going through the police of an illegally parked person attacking a relative of mine, etc. The situation is now so bad that I have to call the local council who then offer to speak to the managing agents before any action is taken for repairs, if at all. Their solicitors I have found most unhelpful as they have repeatedly ignored my requests for documentation, served me with papers 2 mins before we walk into the court, logged statements with the court that had not been signed by their witnesses etc. They have now served me with costs that they revised in 2012, I believe as a way to intimidate me, and the only reason the case has not been resolved as yet is because the hearing has been transferred from the Mayors City of London County Court, to Greenwich county court, to Lambeth County court. I do not know why it was transferred and as I'm not a legally trained person I am a bit baffled. However in 2012 the case was briefly referred to the Leasehold Valuation Tribunal who then returned the claim back stating that it was not in their jurisdiction as the Deeds clearly state my home is a freehold and to quote them 'under no obligation to pay service charges'. How do I deal with their solicitors dirty tricks please? I'm quite put off that such practices are tolerated by courts and judges as I did complain about this to the judge at the last hearing before the case was postponed and his answer was: 'So?'. Any help or share of similar experience would be appreciated. Thank you.
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