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  1. Hi there, it's been a while I received a shiny PCN in the post today for NO WAITING after I pulled up at the side of a bank doing a favour for someone. I'm a blue badge holder and didn't get out of the car any help would be gratefully received For PCN's received through the post [ANPR camera capture] please answer the following questions. 1 Date of the infringement 24th August 2018 2 Date on the NTK [this must have been received within 14 days from the 'offence' date] 05th September 2018 3 Date received 06th September 2018 4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? [yes] 5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event? yes 6 Have you appealed? {y/n?] post up your appeal] Waiting for advice from here Have you had a response? [Y/N?] post it up 7 Who is the parking company? Park Watch 8. Where exactly [carpark name and town] Rugby Central Shopping Centre, Service area 3, Rugby For either option, does it say which appeals body they operate under. BPA pcn0009.pdf
  2. hi i have maintained a small piece of land right next to my property that when i moved in some 12 years ago had a hedge growing on it and had to seek the councils permission to remove this hedge. Now 12 years on having maintain this piece of ground i would like to Adopt it so as to put a vehicle on it as parking is difficult. How do i go about this? And is it possible for me to own it outright and if so how do i go about it?
  3. Hello everyone Last August (2017) I parked in a small carpark outside a parade of shops and went to have lunch with family. There was no pay & display machine and I genuinely thought it was free parking. Some time later, I received a letter telling me that my registration number had been detected on the way in and out of the carpark and I had overstayed the allowed amount of time. They wanted me to pay a fine. I ignored the letter, believing that it was not enforceable, and also ignored one or two reminders. A few days ago I received two pieces of correspondence. One was a Particulars of Claim from the parking company, filling two pages, quoting a Claim No. and with an accompanying letter saying that a copy had been filed with the court. The other was a Claim Form from County Court Business Centre. This also included information in the Particulars of Claim box but, interestingly, this particulars of claim was different and very much briefer than the one sent to me. I'm not sure if that is significant. The longer Particulars (the one sent direct to me) mentioned such things as "failure to adhere to advertised terms & conditions", "breach of contract for failing to adhere to the terms & conditions" and that their terms & conditions were "accepted by conduct" (ie presumably by me parking). They are claiming £160 plus £25 court fee, plus interest. My contention is that, no matter how obvious they claim the signage to be, if I didn't see them then they were not obvious enough. Surely it is their responsibility to make sure I see it, not mine to look for it. If I didn't see a sign then I couldn't have agreed to their conditions and no contract was made. Unfortunately, the carpark is nearly 100 miles from where I live and I cannot easily go back and check the signs. I have seen a sticky thread (with the confusing title 'CPR 31.14 Request to use on receipt of a PPC') which suggests I should ask the parking company for a copy of their contract with the land owner. Surely that is confidential and they will refuse/ignore my request? The same with asking for copies of planning consents relating to erecting signage. What if the documents cannot be secured in time for me to use them in my defense? Is there any way for me to ask the court to suspend action while I wait to receive requested information from the claimant? I am up for fighting this, if you guys think there is much chance of winning, but I am not very confident about this sort of thing. If anyone is prepared to hold my hand and walk me through it, I'll have a go. Can anybody help me? The issue date on the court Claim Form is 21 May 2018. Thanks, John
  4. Hi All Firstly, a massive thanks in advance for any advice that can be given. I feel a little bit lost in the law and unfortunately can't afford a lawyer so it's great to have communities like this to come to. My situation below: I live in a flat that shares it's car park with the rest of the block. The buildings management has employed ParkDirectUK to manage the car park and they require parking permits to be displayed. ParkDirect recently gave me a £100 parking charge as I forgot to display my parking permit. I contacted them with evidence of my residency and my parking permit but they stated that this is irrelevant as at the time my car did not have a permit. I then contacted the Independent Appeals Service (IAS) and they have rejected my appeal on the same basis. The question I have for the community is should I still refuse to pay and potentially go to court. Where does the law tend to land on cases like this? The full case (copied from my IAS appeal) is detailed below: ************************* ************************* ********* My Appeal Hello On the day I received my fine I forgot to put my parking permit in the window of my car. (Although in the pictures ParkDirectUK sent me you can see it in the holder in between the two seats). I am appealing this fine on the basis that I am a resident at the property and have the right to park there. You will find attached an image of my Parking Permit and the Visitor Parking Permit that belongs to my flat. In addition, I have attached an image which contains the relevant section of my lease (section 4) that states I have the right "to use the common parts". I have confirmed with Building Management that the car park is owned by the building I reside in and not by ParkDirectUK. I can also confirm that no where in my lease does it state I must display any form of permit to use the land. In addition, the details of my car had been submitted to ParkDirectUK and so they were aware of my right to park there. Thank you for your time Matt Section 4 of my lease: The right in common with the landlord the other tenants of the Building and all other persons entitled to the like right at all times and for all purposes in connection with the permitted use of the Property to use the Common Parts and all those pathways and accessways leading to and from the Property for the purposes of access to and egres from the Property subject to any rules and regulations for their common use that the Landlord may from time to time consider necessary ************************* ************************* ******* Operator's Prima Facie Case The operator made their Prima Facie Case on 01/07/2018 10:14:23. The operator reported that... The appellant was the driver. A manual ticket was placed on the vehicle. The ticket was issued on 23/05/2018. The charge is based in Contract. The operator made the following comments... This PCN was issued because the vehicle was found to be parked in a permit holders ONLY area and failed to display a valid parking permit. Whilst we do sympathise with the appeallants circumstances at the time of the contravention, there are nonetheless numerous warning signs displayed in various locations around the site including the sign in CLOSE PROXIMITY to the vehicle to ensure all approaching motorists are fully aware of the restrictions that are in force highlighting the need to display a valid permit in order to utilise the premises. We would now like to refer the appeallant to the Consumer Rights Act 2015 Section 64, which looks at what a reasonable person would consider fair. The myriad number of signs are sufficiently lit, are in an intelligible language and are prominent to draw the attention of a reasonable consumer. As such, a reasonable consumer would have acknowledged these signs. It can never be used as a defence in contract law to state that one did not see/read the terms and conditions (warning signs) once it has been established that the existence of those terms and conditions (warning signs) have been reasonably advertised. All of our warning signs have been audited and approved by the IPC who have deemed their location and content sufficient to disseminate all drivers of the restrictions in force. The signage at this location clearly connotes to all motorists the level of charges that were in force and you had the option to park elsewhere if you felt that the terms and conditions were excessive or unreasonable. By parking on site, it confirms that they agreed to park in accordance with the perspicuously displayed terms and conditions – including the level of the parking charge if it arose. The warning signs clearly state that vehicles must clearly display a valid parking permit fully within the windscreen and comply with all conditions on the permit. We have reviewed the time and date stamped photographic evidence taken at the time your vehicle was issued with a PCN and we can confirm that no permit was on display. As no valid parking permit was displayed the vehicle was indeed parked in DIRECT BREACH of the terms of parking as set out on the warning signs - these terms are clear and do not make any exceptions. Furthermore, all of our warning signs prominently displayed a 24 hour customer service telephone number which they could have called in the event of any uncertainty, and had they called the number they would have been advised which steps to take in order to avoid receiving a PCN. We must remind you that it is the driver’s responsibility to ensure that they actively observe and adhere to the parking restrictions in force when parking on PRIVATE PROPERTY and we would advise that they do so in the future so as to prevent any further PCN’s being issued. The appellant has provided a copy of their lease which does give them the right to use the common parts however, it clearly states "subject to any rules and regulations for their common use that the landlord from time to time consider necessary". The landlord has implemented parking regulations and the driver is aware that the permit must be displayed in accordance with the terms of the use of the permit as stated on the reverse of the permit and the terms as stated on the warning signs. ************************* ************************* My Response The appellant made their response on 01/07/2018 15:57:50. The landlord has implemented the parking charges for the purpose of deterring non-residents from parking in order to ensure that residents (like myself) have the ability to park when required. The purpose of a parking charge is to recover the losses that the landowner incurred for the space not being available. I am a resident and have the right to park. Therefore there was no loss, in any sense, incurred by the landlord or the residents by my parking there. Therefore I would ask a justification for the excessive £100 fine. ************************* ************************* **** Adjudicator's Decision The adjudicator made their decision on 12/07/2018 15:37:31. It is important that the Appellant understands that the adjudicator is not in a position to give his legal advice. The adjudicator's role is to look at whether the parking charge has a basis in law and was properly issued in the circumstances of each particular case. The adjudicator's decision is not legally binding on the Appellant (it is intended to be a guide) and they are free to obtain independent legal advice if they so wish. However, the adjudicator is legally qualified (a barrister or solicitor) and decides the appeal according to their understanding of the law and legal principles. The terms of this appeal are that I am only allowed to consider the charge being appealed and not the circumstances of other drivers or other parking events. The guidance to this appeal also makes it clear that I am bound by the law of contract and can only consider legal challenges not mistakes or extenuating circumstances. For the avoidance of doubt, this charge has been issued on the basis that no valid permit was clearly displayed in the vehicle at the time of the parking event. I am presented with photographic evidence from the Operator that no valid permit was on display at the time the Parking Charge Notice (PCN) was issued. The signage throughout the site makes it clear that the restrictions apply to all vehicles parked at this site and that if vehicles park otherwise than in accordance with the terms a charge will be payable. I am satisfied that there is no evidence of a valid permit correctly displayed, or displayed at all. Whether a driver feels that they have permission to park or not, the contractual terms require a driver to properly display a valid permit and by not displaying properly any such permit they agree to pay the charge. The Appellant should have ensured that a valid permit was clearly displayed in the vehicle otherwise they should have parked elsewhere. It is the driver’s (rather than a third party’s) responsibility to ensure that the terms and conditions of parking are complied with. The vehicle was secure, stationary and unoccupied with no valid permit correctly on display and therefore, in accordance with the advertised terms, the driver is liable to pay a charge. The signage on site complies with current regulations and is sufficient to have brought the terms of parking to the driver’s attention. The signage is neither misleading nor unclear. The contractual terms require the driver to display a valid permit, otherwise by parking they agree to pay the charge. If for any reason the driver cannot display a valid permit they can either park elsewhere, or remain parked and agree to pay the charge. The Appellant chose the latter option. The Appellant also raises the issue of damages for loss caused. As the Operator does not allege a breach of contract they do not seek damages for loss. In fact they seek payments pursuant to a specific contractual term which I am satisfied was made reasonably clear to the Appellant at the time of parking by way of the signage on site. Demonstrating a genuine pre-estimate of loss is therefore not necessary. For further guidance on this point the Appellant may wish to consider the judgment in PARKINGEYE LIMITED and BARRY BEAVIS [2015] EWCA Civ 402 I am satisfied that the Operator has proven their prima facie case. Whilst having some sympathy with the Appellant’s circumstances, once liability has been established, only the Operator has the discretion to vary or cancel the parking charge based on mitigating circumstances. Accordingly this appeal is dismissed. ************************* ************************* ****** Thank you all for any advice you can give. It is very much appreciated
  5. Hi All, I have been issued a FPN for spitting on a bush inside the land from where the Street is around 10 feet away in Hounslow. The foremost thing is , I am not aware of this offence at all. i DONT SEE ANY NO SPITING SIGN BOARD ANYWAY INSIDE OR OUTSIDE the land. There is an office in that land . When I came out of the premises I felt some saliva struck inside throat and before enter into street ,I spitted on the bush grown in front of premises. Oh suddenly I saw an officer came running towards me and started to say I committed an offence as spitting on bush which has been recorded so that a FNC will be issued. I really shocked . The penalty is £80. I clearly explained to the officer came from the council that I ddnt know anything about this law and also promised him I will never do it again. He was very adamant and never accepted my cry. He issued a FPC and told me to pay at the council. Its really a miserable situation for me. After that I just googled for spitting and penalty . I get only the penalty for spitting on the streets. Even though without keeping a sign board NO SPITTING , how can I avoid doing this ? I dont understand this type of enforcement at all. Please advise me how to appeal and make the council to waive off this unfair and irrational penalty .. I will be very much thankful for all those who advise.
  6. I have lost appeals to dismiss a PCN and am now receiving letters demanding £160. I have been told they will keep increasing this fee until it is over £600 when they will take me to court and I could have to pay court fees. Is this true? My appeal is for several points of mitigating circumstances including that when parking I thought I was a patron as I was waiting for my passenger who told me he was entering the business and then didn't and that my passenger is my perpetrator and myself his victim of domestic abuse and I was forced to park where he told me as to not have done would have put my safety at risk. I can prove that I am a victim of domestic abuse. The harassment for money for this PCN is reminiscent of financial abuse I have suffered. I was going to write to them to tell them to stop harassing me and that I am not paying for the above reasons. I am a single parent on benefits due to Complex -PTSD as a result of abuse. The mitigating circumstances didn't get heard until stage 2 of the appeal process and the judge who dismissed my appeal said he could not consider mitigating circumstances at stage 2. What is likely to happen if I don't pay this. If they send debt collectors they will not find anything of value.
  7. 1. The date of infringement? 16.08.18 2. Have you yet appealed to the parking company yet? [Y/N?] No 5.Who is the parking company? P4 Parking 6. where exactly did you park? On a double yellow line in Woolwich London. Land owned by Berkeley I parked on the double yellow outside my child’s nursery, with my hazard lights on, as I have been doing for the past year and a half when the 5 allocated parking spaces are full; as all of the parents collecting their children do every day. I always make sure that my parking is not causing a hazard or obstruction. I feel it is worth mentioning that I did have an encounter with a parking warden outside the nursery some time ago when I parked on the double yellow with my wheels on the pavement. The parking warden at the time told me off for having my wheels on the pavement but said I could park on any double yellow surrounding the nursery for 15 minutes (same amount of time allocated to the parking spaces) to collect my child. On the 16.08.18 I was parked on the double yellow for no longer than 15 minutes. As I exited the nursery I noticed a parking warden speaking to one of the parents and overheard the parent apologising. I hot-footed it to my car, got my child inside and then drove off thinking he had not reached my car... only to discover, approx 3 minutes later, the PCN partially hidden below my windscreen. I spoke with the concierge and they advised me to appeal, stating that there was nothing they could do about it themselves. I was fuming and still am because I honestly don’t know what they expect parents to do if there are no available parking spaces. I have to collect my child from the nursery by a certain time or risk being fined. Is it worth me contacting Berkeley to see if they would cancel the ticket? I feel that they have not produced sufficient provision for parent parking and then are penalising those who are left with no option but to park on the double yellow lines. I’ve also considered speaking to the nursery but can imagine they’re not going to want to get involved. Please can someone advise what you think my chances are of appealing and if I do have any, the best way to do it? Thanks in advance. NB. PCN attached.
  8. hello to the forum, I'm wanting some advice/help. the story is that me and a sibling was left property in a relatives will, but my sibling is the only name gone on to the land registry as i was told it wasn't an issue if only one name was registered, my concern now is by law were does this leave me if me and my sibling have a fall out, I'm named in the will but could he sell with out my permission thanks in advance.
  9. Hi last week we noticed that a strip of woodland near to my folks home was being destroyed by contracters. They have felled more than a few trees and cut a hole in hedgerows. We've discovered that the local council are allegedly going to redirect a public footpath through this area. We know that there was a covenant placed on that land... long before i was born and that it cannot be built on at all. The current footpath skirts around this wooded area, but if they redirect it... will cut right through it and leave a public foot path invading the privacy of every ones home who backs onto that wooded area. It's a nice road, no one is overlooked and every one says how peaceful and tranquil it is... but now they've destroyed it and seem to be continuing to do so as workmen were back out there today. There are huge gaps in the trees where they've been cut down, healthy trees... you can now see right through to the buildings beyond and the lights from a car park they built on the other side of this wooded area now intrude into peoples bedrooms. We need to find this covenant so we can check the legality of what they are trying to do, and stop it if we legally can. After doing some searching on my own, I cannot find out where to begin... From what little knowledge I have it's something to do with being owned by John Radcliffe hospital in Oxford and a covenant was created to stop if being built on... But I have nothing more to go on at this time. How do I find it? The council have been of no help, I called and mentioned this to the planning dept and they blanked me completely.
  10. Hi guys, I've recently received a parking charge notice from the Swansea based Millennium Parking Services. They have asked for £60 with the charge increasing to £100 after 14 days. I am currently a student, so I don't have the money to pay for this and I feel conned. I was using the street to park for my regional rugby training sessions in Llandarcy academy of sport. They don't always have someone blocking the carpark entrance but when they do they don't let me in even if I tell them that my team trains here!! There were no road markings or clear signage for me to know that it was a permit holders only area, if there was, it was 6pm in november and I did not see them, meaning they were inadequately lit! What action should I take from here? Any advice is greatly appreciated! Thanks, Natalia I have answered the questions I could from the forum the parking ticket forum; 1 The date of infringement? 04/12/2017 2 Have you yet appealed to the parking company yet? NO 3 Have you received a Notice To Keeper? NO 4 Who is the parking company? Millennium Parking Services 5 Where exactly did you park? Residential housing area - Heritage Gate, Swansea/Neath, SA10 6DF
  11. Hi guys I have an issue similar to a few others on here, involving the Swansea based Millennium Parking Services. My vehicle was parked in a residential area in Swansea, totally oblivious to any signs advising it was Private Property and Permit Holders Only. Received the PCN stuck to windscreen upon return to the vehicle. The original ticket charge of £100 has not been paid. As the registered keeper, I received the NOK a month or so later and have retained it. It has not been acted upon my me. More recently, I received a demand for £160 from Debt Recovery Plus. I have ignored all requests for payment so far. I'm quite comfortable going through the court process if it comes to that, but would you advise on any action I should take now that might help prevent being taken to court, or even assist with the defence if that day does come? I'd be keen to save myself on the hassle and time wasted in going to court if I can help it, for the want of a well worded letter of dispute. Cheers, Sham
  12. Hi, What are the regulations for enforcing double yellow lines on private land? clearly they will not have a Traffic Order in place, but can they simply have yellow lines and then red signs up stating "no parking" to make it enforceable. ta
  13. Land rover main dealer had my car to do a service.They were supposed to have it overnight, but heard nothing from them the following day.I tried calling them but couldn't get through to anyone. Now I know why..spoke to them today and they admitted they had an accident in it. They never informed of this, so I don't know what damage was or how it happened.They say they've nearly repaired it. obviously they have waived service fee, but I must be due to compensation as: 1. I didn't have use of my car for a lost a week, and lost work as I coudln't attend my customers. 2.they have been negligent with my car, and didn't inform me ( I may have wanted to get it repaired at my own garage) what do i do?
  14. We had a secured loan on our property with First Plus which was then taken over by Elderbridge. We completed the loan in August 2017 and Elderbridge removed the charge on the house, however after checking the HM Land regisrty this week i noticed that there was still a charge against us from First Plus. Elderbridge said that this should have been removed when they took over the loan from First Plus. This did not happen and now i cant seem to find anyone to contact at First Plus to discuss this matter especially when Elderbridge say they cannot help. Any suggestions please.
  15. Garages don't come up for sale very often round here but there's a freehold one for sale just now. It's at the back of a block of flats which are leasehold and the driveway / tarred area to the garages would come under that leasehold. The seller hasn't paid any fees or service charge for the past 6 years. Can anyone give me advice please without me going to the expense of hiring a solicitor? Thank you
  16. I have had a "pcn" from one parking solutions through the door today, I actually happened to be at the hospital waiting in intensive care at the time of the pcn, but that's irrelevant... What am I in for, what can I ignore etc etc This morning I had a pcn from one parking solutions land on my doormat. I have no idea as to what to ignore and how to proceed with dodging the money grabbers As shown in the pictures my van isn't clearly shown in a restricted/double lined area but is that enough?
  17. I apologise if this has already been reported here but I could not see mention of it. I thought it might be of interest. It is a newspaper article about the failure to get out of paying Council Tax by referring back to the Magna Carta. http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/801648/boxer-jailed-magna-carta-avoid-council-tax-oliver-ringmaster-pinnock
  18. I'm looking for clarification on the law regarding Signs on a private fence. I recently nailed a proprietary "Private Land Keep Out" sign to a private garden fence after neighbours were filmed trespassing. The said neighbours quickly removed the sign and kept it, despite a letter asking for its return. When the police eventually confronted the neighbour three days later she admitted taking the sign off the fence (which involved prising it off with an edged tool) and returned it. The police have said no offence has been committed by her removing the sign "because she did not want to look at it" What's more, they have even suggested that to put the sign back up on the fence (which is NOT a shared boundary but is wholly private) may constitute an aggressive act!!! I cannot believe this is correct in law. They have suggested to me that to put the sign back up would need a solicitor to pursue civil action, not that for her to have the sign taken down would need the same! Before making a complaint about the police officers' handling of this matter, I would like clarification, if possible. The whole thing sounds preposterous - that you can remove a sign you don't like from someone else's property and the property owner can potentially face prosecution for replacing it!
  19. I am trying to get the address of a plot of land which is outside the house I live in. The council say they do not own it I don't know how to get the address for the land or get a copy of its deeds Hope you understand tenmencount
  20. Please can anyone help/advise?? I currently reside with my wife and family in accommodation provided to me by a UK Fire & Rescue Service Fire Authority. My wife currently owns a two bedroom terraced property which she currently rents out with consent due to moving in with me shortly after us both meeting. The UK Fire & Rescue Service Fire Authority have informed me and my family that they intend giving us notice to vacate the property due to their intent to sell off the property for other financial purposes. This has forced me to act quickly and to locate a property suitable for my family to use has our main residence and to put my wife’s property on the market for sale due to the property not being suitable for my family. The seller of the property we wish to buy has accepted an offer and a mortgage has been approved, we hope to complete the sale within a couple of months. My wife’s property is currently undertaking viewings. My conveyance solicitor has informed that due to my wife having a second property during the purchase that we will have to pay the additional higher 3% SDLT on top of the 2% stating that the Fire Service property does not qualify as our main residence even though I have resided there since 2001 and my wife since 2010. Due to the change in StampTax Duty Law earlier this year I do accept that we will have to initially pay the additional 3% SDLT due to my wife and I currently potentially having two properties during this transition. However what does seem to discriminate and be totally unfair against myself and family is that due to my employment in the Emergency Services and the place of work to where I have been contracted to work, that I have no so called “main place of residence” has outlined in the Government Stamp Duty Document. This impacts upon us not only due to the fact that I have to finance the additional 3% Stamp Duty to secure a“main place of residence” family home, but also by the fact that the property that we plan to sell is also not classed has our main family home, therefore I have been told by HMRC Helpline that once it’s sold (within 3 years) of purchasing our main place of residence (therefore only owning the one property), that we are not eligible for claiming back the higher SDLT due to that property not being our “main residence”. Is the above correct and I have to swallow the bullet or have I misread something so that I am entitled to reclaim?? This situation seems to be a rare case I just hope that the HMRC Tax Office accept that the unusual circumstances of myself and family have been overseen in the HMRC stamp duty document and that they will act accordingly. Therefore not to financially penalise myself and family by not allowing us to reclaim the additional higher 3% SDLT on completion of sale of my wife’s property and due to our sole intention of only to own the one property of “main residence”. :mad2: All I'm asking for is fairness and this does'nt seem to be the case. Thanks
  21. More than 50,000 homeowners have signed up to receive fraud alerts in a bid to stop [problem]mers stealing hundreds of thousands of pounds by taking bogus loans against their properties. The property alert service, offered free by the Land Registry, helps people detect fraudulent activity on their property by sending them email alerts when, for example, a mortgage is taken out against it. They can then decide whether they think the activity is suspicious and can act quickly to alert the the Land Registry, their lender and the police. Property fraud is where fraudsters try to steal a property, most commonly by stealing the homeowner’s identity and selling or mortgaging the property without their knowledge. They then disappear with the money leaving the true owner to deal with the consequences. Since 2009, the Land Registry has stopped fraud on properties worth more than £92million. http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/beatthe[problem]mers/article-4000954/Land-Registry-service-helps-prevent-property-fraud.html Sign up to the scheme here: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/property-alert
  22. Hi all, Am renting part of a car park from the Council, they are about to renew the Lease and increase it by 110%, can they do this? I would really appreciate some help on this one. Thanks in anticipation
  23. Question. When is 100% solid hardwood not 100% solid hardwood? Answer. When it is sold by Oak Furniture Land. While it is true that they did not use any veneer, they use a choice of words when describing their furniture. OOPS! https://www.asa.org.uk/Rulings/Adjudications/2016/10/JB-Global-Ltd/SHP_ADJ_339625.aspx#.WAfBrST_qM8
  24. My partner bought his bungalow end of 2013. Prior to the purchase a Private Search of Local Land Charges was made. We have concerns about the search because we received a letter recently from Hampshire County Council saying that they are install double yellow lines outside the front of the bungalow. This has been called a Traffic Order proposal. We objected to this immediately, the Council wont install a disabled parking bay outside the front of the bungalow claiming its too close to the junction, we disagree. They wont allow us to park the car in the garden again claiming its too close to the junction. Again we disagree. If we had known about this before purchasing we would have pulled out. We are a blue badge holder, and we feel the council is beyond uncooperative. We have contact the local mp to see if she can help but to also find out exactly when the traffic order was approved. We understand its been in the pipeline for years. Surely this should have been picked up on the searches? Can anyone please give any advice, we are distress by this as we wont have anywhere to park.
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