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Found 8 results

  1. Hi All, I have been issued a FPN for spitting on a bush inside the land from where the Street is around 10 feet away in Hounslow. The foremost thing is , I am not aware of this offence at all. i DONT SEE ANY NO SPITING SIGN BOARD ANYWAY INSIDE OR OUTSIDE the land. There is an office in that land . When I came out of the premises I felt some saliva struck inside throat and before enter into street ,I spitted on the bush grown in front of premises. Oh suddenly I saw an officer came running towards me and started to say I committed an offence as spitting on bush which has been recorded so that a FNC will be issued. I really shocked . The penalty is £80. I clearly explained to the officer came from the council that I ddnt know anything about this law and also promised him I will never do it again. He was very adamant and never accepted my cry. He issued a FPC and told me to pay at the council. Its really a miserable situation for me. After that I just googled for spitting and penalty . I get only the penalty for spitting on the streets. Even though without keeping a sign board NO SPITTING , how can I avoid doing this ? I dont understand this type of enforcement at all. Please advise me how to appeal and make the council to waive off this unfair and irrational penalty .. I will be very much thankful for all those who advise.
  2. Hi I have recently received a council parking ticket for parking in what appeared to be a parking bay outside of a Premier Inn in Northampton, I paid the correct amount to park in the car park overnight but having come out in the morning found a ticket on my vehicle I contacted the council and was visited by two parking wardens who couldn't explain why i had received a ticket for where I was parked as they too could clearly see the worn markings. Having challenged the fine with the council directly they have rejected my initial appeal as they claim that this isn't a parking bay at all, and that the fine had been issued correctly. I have now looked on Google Street view and the historical photos of the site show that this was part of the car park (a double bay) before the premier inn was built, however the markings are still present and my vehicle was not causing an obstruction to other users of the car park, does anyone have any advice on how to take my appeal forward or the grounds to base it on?
  3. From: Department for Business, Innovation & Skills Prime Ministers Office 10 Downing Street First published: 9 December 2015 New European Commission proposals mean that UK consumers will be able to access digital subscriptions when travelling in other EU countries. For the first time, UK consumers will be able to access digital subscriptions such as Netflix when travelling in other EU countries, thanks to new European Commission proposals championed by the government. Today’s Digital Single Market (DSM) proposals on portability follow repeated calls from the Prime Minister and other UK ministers for the EU to deliver a clear set of digital rights for consumers across member states. As well as allowing them to watch films or sport on subscription services while on holiday, UK consumers will have a clearer set of rules when they buy digital content such as games or music from elsewhere in the EU. This change also reinforces one of the key priorities for the government’s EU reform agenda: reducing red-tape and boosting competitiveness in a way that works for businesses and consumers across the EU. https://www.gov.uk/government/news/uk-leadership-unlocks-pay-tv-for-holidaymakers-inside-eu
  4. This doesn't apply to all sellers, but be careful on what you buy from who. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/272064192743 I bought some Xmas lights which were advertised as "new". Unfortunately this seller has sold almost all of them, so the people that bought them are at risk from fire or injury if they use them. The last picture is when I opened the box. No screws holding it together, it too easily just fell apart. You can see the wires from the 240v supply are almost touching. http://imglnk.uk/img?i=VvcBvb http://imglnk.uk/img?i=QyxTFy http://imglnk.uk/img?i=uxBMeL http://imglnk.uk/img?i=jZSgIw http://imglnk.uk/img?i=CIBPAO http://imglnk.uk/img?i=WpEyvI http://imglnk.uk/img?i=gjefYV http://imglnk.uk/img?i=gdWFBg The control box has been used before, it is damaged and scratched all over. It doesn't conform to IP44 since water can get in though the button hole at the top.As well as objects and tools 1mm could get into an unprotected wire hole. The control box even has the logo for double insulated electronics, however, there is only 1 protective cover that falls off between peoples hands and the 240v power supply. Someone has wired in a 10A fused plug which is completely wrong. 10Amp isn t going to do anything when used with this product and is unsafe. The 240V cable that has been wired to it has the outer protective cover cut too far back. The soldering to the control board is terrible, there is no strain relief on the power cord what so ever. One of the LED light cables hasn't been put in place properly and is caught on the edge of this box. This is highly dangerous and actually illegal to sell in the UK due to how unsafe it is.
  5. Hi all! Is it illegal for a subcontractor to take photos inside my house and send them to the landlord? For a bit of background/detail - I am finally (after five years of waiting) getting a new kitchen in my Housing Association home. Today one of the subcontractors took a photograph of my cat litter tray and sent it to my landlord claiming that there was a smell of cat urine and faeces which made it intolerable for them to work in my property. I have several issues with this - firstly I was totally unaware that this had happened, I was not asked permission by the subcontractor for him to take any photographs, nor was I aware that this had even happened until I received a telephone call from my landlord regarding same. Secondly, the cat litter tray was in the downstairs cloakroom - separated from the kitchen in which they were supposed to be working by a utility room and a closed door. The smell from the tray is minimal and was not even detectable from the kitchen, which was the only place I was aware they were in. I did not give them permission to use the toilet, nor did they ask. Thirdly, because I was totally unaware that any photographs were taken, I have no idea how many were taken, and of which parts of the house and/or my personal property. Is what they did legal? and if not is there anything I can do about it.
  6. Received a PCN for parking inside a parking bay, when time restriction had expired. we did not realise that there was a different restriction as there was a yellow line inside the parking bay that terminated half way. The parking restriction on the pay meter said parking payable from 9am until 5.30- we parked at 7.50 pm . We parked on the yellow line inside the bay unaware that there was a separate small sign well above the parking bay sign that said no parking 8pm-10pm. we got a ticket at 8.04pm. Is this legal? can they have 2 different signs and two different regulations in the same parking bay? Please can anyone shed some light on this as I pass this place regularly and without fail see the wardens giving tickets at that same place at the same time.
  7. Hi. My girlfriend has just left her role at a nursery - let's call it"Nursery A". While there her contract said that she was not allowedto work for another nursery within 5 miles as the manager does not want hercurriculum and way of working copied - even though that is that last thing mygirlfriend would want to do! She found a job with "Nursery B" which has multiple locations,however, due to the nature of her skill set she is required to work inside the5 mile radius. The manager of Nursery A has now written to her threatening my girlfriendwith legal action. I, personally, think that this clause (the contract was signed btw) is veryrestrictive and basically rules out her working for any nursery in this town. I'm not a legal expert so I would like some very basic advice. 1) What is the likelihood of Nursery A being successful with legal action? 2) What would be the consequences if Nursery A was successful? 3) Can Nursery B just state that she is based at a nursery outside of the 5miles, however, she may be required to work at any location? Thanks Andy.
  8. Hi Guys, I’m looking for inside information regarding back dating Jobseekers allowance and also appealing against decisions made for deductions made to benefits. I’ve read all the pamphlets, the sticky and know what they tell you, I’m looking for info on what they don’t. I have the oddest feeling the system is designed to deny payments whenever possible. What is the criteria for accepting a back dated claim? What is the criteria for reversing a penalty to benefits? Or more precisely what reasons will get a sanction reversed?
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