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  1. Hello all, Unfortunately I was made aware there wasn't enough money in my account to cover a DD to Hitachi. I put money in the account on the same day but it must have been too late as the payment was returned later that day. The next day I have rang up to make payment only to be told there is a £22 charge which is automatically added. Do I have any grounds to claim this back. The credit payment is £25 a month is seems unjustified that the charge is nearly as much. I asked them to clarify what the charge was for but the kept referring me to the contract I signed. This happened 3 or 4 months ago, same scenario, same charge but I think I even rang and paid on the same day but still got charged. Can I claim that these charges are unfair and try to reclaim them? Thanks
  2. Ive received a letter before action from Gladstones re an alleged parking violation on private land there aren't any signs at the entrance barrier stating the land is private and subject to a fine for illegal parking. Although there are some within the car park, these are placed in such a way that tree branches etc obscure them. Is the alleged violation enforceable if there weren't any noticed placed at the barrier entrance to the car park? Thank you.
  3. Hello all. Long time lurker here but first time poster. Please see completed form below: 1 The date of infringement? 06/07/2018 2 Have you yet appealed to the parking company yet? N have you received a Notice To Keeper? (NTK) [must be received by you between 29-56 days] No what date is on it N/A Did the NTK provide photographic evidence? N/A 3 Did the NTK mention Schedule 4 of the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 (PoFA) [Y/N?] 4 If you appealed after receiving the NTK, did the parking company give you any information regarding the further appeals process? 5 Who is the parking company? Indigo Park Solutions UK Ltd 6. where exactly [Carpark name and town] did you park? Tring Station Car Park, Tring. Hertfordshire The penalty notice was issued by Indigo Park Solutions UK Ltd on behalf of West Midland Trains for Breach Code 1 - Failing to display a valid ticket or voucher. At the top of the Penalty Notice, it notes that the car park is regulated by the terms and conditions of parking displayed at the car park in accordance with Rail Byelaw 14, and so on........ Please could someone advise the steps I need to take in order to not pay this please? From reading around this wonderful forum I can see that this appears to be unenforceable in a magistrates court (which I gather they would never do anyway due to not receiving any money from it) after 6 months, I would appreciate a few bullet points outlining what the steps are to get to 6 months and what type of correspondence I can expect please. I'm keen to take this on based on what I have read, however my wife isn't and is looking for some reassurance from the more knowledgeable folk on here. Thanks in advance!
  4. Hello, I got a PCN from CPS Midlands Ltd, I looked and they are not registered with the BPA (British Parking Association) and they also not registered with the IPC (International Parking Committee). I checked through their members today (17th of July 2018). I paid £2 initially for parking and got a machine error and the machine did not accept any more change. And it does not accept cards either. I then paid £5 and got my parking ticket which I displayed on my dashboard. There were two machines at their premises with the same tariff sign next to each. One of their machines were inaccessible as it was fenced off by a building company, hence I used their other machine. I wrote a complaint to them by signed for post, but they wrote back to me requesting my full details including full name, phone, and e-mail. I believe I do not owe them anything and I believe they are trying to scare me into paying. This was an interesting read: www parkingcowboys . co . uk / independent-parking-committee, how they can even allow a non-independent investigation (IPC). I read on other forums, I read that IPC does not seem to be a fair association, rejecting all appeals, hence probably they don't want to be transparent www knowyourparkingrights org / News / faq The following link is also interesting www appealaparkingticket . co . uk / cps-midlands-ltd. But in my case, I am not only totally innocent but I overpaid their parking fees by 40% due to their machine error and this company charged £25 for help so they are not for me. If anyone knows more about "manage parking on private land knowyourparkingrights . org / News / faq If anyone knows what I am entitled to obtain from CPS Midland Ldt legally and what legal phrases to use to finally get them off my back, please help. Thanks. Newmosses seem to have a good success rate. Best K
  5. Hi All, I have been issued a FPN for spitting on a bush inside the land from where the Street is around 10 feet away in Hounslow. The foremost thing is , I am not aware of this offence at all. i DONT SEE ANY NO SPITING SIGN BOARD ANYWAY INSIDE OR OUTSIDE the land. There is an office in that land . When I came out of the premises I felt some saliva struck inside throat and before enter into street ,I spitted on the bush grown in front of premises. Oh suddenly I saw an officer came running towards me and started to say I committed an offence as spitting on bush which has been recorded so that a FNC will be issued. I really shocked . The penalty is £80. I clearly explained to the officer came from the council that I ddnt know anything about this law and also promised him I will never do it again. He was very adamant and never accepted my cry. He issued a FPC and told me to pay at the council. Its really a miserable situation for me. After that I just googled for spitting and penalty . I get only the penalty for spitting on the streets. Even though without keeping a sign board NO SPITTING , how can I avoid doing this ? I dont understand this type of enforcement at all. Please advise me how to appeal and make the council to waive off this unfair and irrational penalty .. I will be very much thankful for all those who advise.
  6. Got stopped by 4 traffic police cars (that were on a roundabout) they checked insurance and driving license which was all good ! Then started looking around the car and said 3 tyres were rubbing as the car is lowered but not excessive (can send pictures on request) They told me they didn't know if it was legal or not so they took pictures to send away to be examined. they also threatened to take my car away from me but in the end they let me drive away. also the accident happened on 27th of june and I received the letter on 12 of july. does it matter that they sent the letter out later than the 14 day period ? thanks
  7. Two weeks ago I boarded a bus at around 8:00am in London. I got off the bus a few stops later to head into a local Tesco store to buy my lunch for the day. I then walked back to the bus stop that I got off at and waited for the next bus to take me to work. The next bus arrived at 8:30am. It was one of those buses where passengers can board the bus on either the front, middle or back door. I boarded the bus from the back door. I sat downstairs and minded my own business, staring through the window and browsing on my phone. A few minutes later, I heard a bus ticket inspector saying "tickets please" and that was when I was made aware that a ticket inspector was on board the bus. I got out my oyster card ready for him to scan it with the card reader. When he placed his card reader against my card, he asked me to take out my oyster card from the cardholder. I thought the reason why he wanted me to take out my card from the cardholder was because the cardholder was preventing his card reader from checking whether I had tapped in. However, when he then said "it appears you haven't tapped in for this journey", I realised to my horror that I had in fact forgotten to tap in when I boarded this bus, so I told him that I forgot to. then got out a small note pad and asked me to write down my name, address and date of birth, to which he used it to confirm that the card really does belong to me and he asked me to show him an ID that has my name on it and where did I board this bus and which stop I was planning to get off at. He then told me that he was going to issue me a penalty fare of £40 for not tapping in. I said to him that if you look at my journey history you will be able to see that I had previously boarded a bus at 8:00am and that if you look at the time now you can see that it's 8:35am, which means that under the Hopper Fare scheme, I would not have been charged for this journey anyway because I boarded this bus within the hour and hence I was not intentionally fare dodging. However, he said "you still need to tap in anyway" and proceeded to issue me with a penalty fare. He then handed me the bus penalty fare notice and asked me how I would like to settle it. I asked him “what options do I have?” He said that I need to pay £40 for the penalty. Because I needed to get off the next stop and I was late for work, I asked if I can pay later. He then said that if I don't pay now, it would be £80. However, having had a careful read through the notice, I realised that he omitted saying that if you don't pay within 21 days, then the penalty would go up to £80, it will be £40 if you pay within 21 days, so I thought there was some deliberate scaremongering on his part. When I got back home from work that day, I had a careful read through the penalty notice slip and read that I have a right to appeal against it. I decided to appeal on the grounds that I boarded a previous bus at 8:00am and how under the Hopper Fare scheme, I wouldn't have been charged anything for this second bus that I got on at 8:30am because I boarded it within the hour. i logged onto my oyster card account to get a screenshot of my journey history for that day to go with the appeal claim so that they can see that I did get on a bus at 8:00am in the hopes that they would be lenient about it and therefore waive the fee. However, I was very shocked to see that there was no record of me getting on the first bus at 8:00am! All the other trains and buses that I got on for that day were there apart from this 8:00am record of me getting on a bus. I definitely remember tapping in for this journey and hearing a beep and seeing the green light because I got on it from the front door and there was a bit of a hold up because there was a passenger in front of me in the queue who asked the driver whether this was the bus that goes to so and so. This had me suspecting whether the bus ticket inspector may have deleted this particular bus journey history from my account so that I don't stand a chance from getting a successful appeal. T he more I think back to it, the more I suspect that he had something to do with it. He kept hold of my oyster card throughout the journey and didn't give it back to me until I told him that I was getting off at the next stop. And during that time, I was not sitting facing him, he was standing behind me, so I suspect that he might have had a check through my journey history and used his card reader to delete this 8:00am bus journey history or colluded with the person on the phone who was checking to confirm my details to have it deleted off the system. Maybe it's just simply a case of coincidence - that it turns out there was a technical fault with the yellow oyster card reader on the first bus which meant that it didn't make a record of me tapping in. Otherwise, it sure is very sinister and sly of them to do this - they can make money out of innocent people. it makes me wonder if these inspectors have a quota to fill or an incentive or a commission awarded for catching fare dodgers? I'm wondering if there's anyone here who has been through a similar situation as me – I would like to hear your experience, and does anyone here know whether it's possible that your journey history can be deleted by an oyster card reader used by a ticket inspector?
  8. A bit of a running battle with these jokers, May they said I wasn't entitled to free scripts following one of their 'checks'. It seems that as I was on contribution based ESA as opposed to ''INCOME'' based, this negated 'free' scripts. Even the pharmacist informed me I was entitled to free scripts, however my disability advisor has confirmed that I am not. I called the NHSBSA weeks ago to inform them it was a genuine mistake, and I would gladly pay the cost of the script, obviously they said otherwise, and that I had to pay the penalty charge. I went online and paid the script fee of £8.60, received their threat letter yesterday and was a bit taken aback by their claim that they would treat treat my non payment as a ''deliberate decision to avoid paying charges I owe to the NHS, and they may start debt recovery proceedings through the county court. This means that my name will be recorded in the registry of county court judgements....blah blah blah.'' I've not called them yet, to inform them of the dates I will be available to attend court, and to laugh at their bully boy threat letter. For the avoidance of doubt, I will not be paying their penalty charge, and yes, I will go to court if needed. NHS THREAT.jpg.pdf NHS THREAT.jpg.pdf
  9. Heathrow airport drop off though this could apply to any airport I expect.. Heathrow airport is private land and I have a response from the Met police stating that and that they are paid to police the land by Heathrow airport.. Now I accept a need to police it for security reasons and because in motoring terms a lot of traffic uses the area daily. However on occasions the Met police decide they will clamp down on people picking up from the drop off areas which by the signs posted is an offence some signs state its an urban clearway no stopping allowed except for dropping off so its fine to stop and unload but if you stop and load up thats an offence. I had a friend (taxi driver) dropping off and loading up at the same time 1 in and 1 out and he was threatened with a ticket as according to the officer its an offence to pick up.. Its clear this is all about money for for the car park.. Would the police issuing you a ticket in this case be classed in the same way as private company ticket or would it be classed as a criminal offence given that its on private land and would the matter differ if the ticket was issued by an airport employed operative such as the parking wardens they employ. I havent had a ticket but in some ways Id like to test the case in court as in my eyes its a private land parking matter and one the Police should not be involved in.
  10. Hi Just after a bit of advice really. My wife had two fixed penalty notices came through today for an offence on 8th August. She was in Brockworth, Gloucester with my daughter who was house hunting. They had gotten confused and a bit lost and whilst they did not notice at the time managed to go a short distance up a bus only link road then turn around to come back. The two tickets seem to show this but are one minute apart. Literally one at 13:54 then the other at 13:55. Yes ok but really two penalty charges within one minute surely not. Each charge shows two images both on the left show the number plate. The 13:54 on the second image shows a car approaching but a fair distance away from the camera. On the return run which is the same camera then yes the number plate and the car. At £60 each that’s £120 in one minute, (ok £60 if paid within 14 days) but really can they be that harsh? Any advice please would be grateful.
  11. Location : Sandy Park Stadium, Exeter The penalty notice states that it was parked in a manner whereby the driver became liable for a parking charge. The notice states date was 02/04/2018 entry time 17:59 and exit time 19:31 total duration 01:32. Charge £80. The access road is shared to gym and Exeter chiefs Sandy Park stadium. It shows car leaving (doesn’t appear to be in car park itself) and shows car where I pulled up to pick him up (which arguably is adjacent to gym and in front of stadium but not in any parking bays itself) My husband entered the site at 17:59 to drop my 15 year old son off for his gym class at 6pm. He did not park in the car park itself e.g. designated parking bays as he pulled up to the kerb adjacent to the gym to simply unload/setting down a passenger e.g. my son. The engine was still running and you can see headlights are on from the Premier Parking ANPR Picture they provided. He then left the site immediately. I then entered the site around 19:30 (son's phone shows he phoned me at 19:29) to pick my son up at the same place. My son was waiting for me and again left the site immediately. I explained this to the Premier parking and asked them to check their cameras which would provide the evidence that the car wasn't parked for the period claimed and that my husband had just pulled over temporarily to set down/unload my son and then left immediately and I then entered with the same vehicle when I returned in the same car to pick son up. They didn't comment on this in the appeal. I can only assume they did not check their cameras for the car entering and leaving on 2 separate occasions between 17:59 and 19:31. They don’t have any evidence to refute my claim that either of us wasn't parked for the duration they state. They have taken the time from a first-in last-out’ basis which is incorrect. The parking ticket is therefore issued incorrectly. Unfortunately I didn’t see this forum or indeed watch the Watchdog programme on this until I had already appealed and lost to Premier and submitted a further appeal to POPLA. I am now waiting on Premiers response via POPLA. I used the explanation above! I realise now that it is too late. Is there any advice anyone can give me? I am sure that they will say that there is nothing on their cameras as it is not in their interest to do so. Do I have any recourse with regards ANRP being unreliable / flawed? Is there anything I should be saying back to POPLA to counteract? I have no evidence other that screenshot of son’s time when he entered the gym but doesn’t record time he left. I have a screen shot of his phone when he called me to pick him up. We live 2 miles away and the car was parked on our drive. I have checked for receipts, I have no tracker on car and don’t have CCTV at home and can’t show google map logging the journey and so I could only submit a picture to POPLA of where we pulled over. Perhaps I should have got son to write a witness statement … I didn’t see signs at the time (they are there I have subsequently checked) they mention a grace period of 15 minutes) I wasn’t paying attention to signs as we have dropped him off and picked him up in exactly the same place for the last 18months or so!
  12. Hi everyone, love the website, long time lurker.. I received a lovely yellow penalty notice stuck to my window today. I have attached the 'ticket' in this post. From what I understand I should not do anything until i'm sent a notice to keeper, is that correct? And then from there I'm a bit unsure, so any guidance would be greatly appreciated! Thanks a lot PCN.pdf
  13. New independent appeals process to protect passengers issued with penalty fares READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/new-independent-appeals-process-to-protect-passengers-issued-with-penalty-fares
  14. Hello everyone, Yesterday I parked my car near the Camden Underground and paid two hours parking through my mobile. I was planning of taking underground for a short trip which normally takes one hour but due to Camden Town underground station was shut and the roads around the Camden station were shut, I ended up 30 minutes late back to my car and got a penalty charge note. I never had any parking fine in the UK for many years and I always pay for my parking. I was unable to extend my parking time due to the restriction of maximum two hours of parking at once. I do not live in London and came from Milton Keynes. I was unaware of these major closures. Do you think I could appeal due to special circumstances like delays due to public transport delays etc? Any suggestion would be appreciated. Thank you
  15. Hey, Today I received a penalty charge notice from my local authority whilst parked on a marked bay with a single yellow line with a time restriction on it. (30 mins) The Ticket I have been issued causes me some issues and feel that there is key information missing from it. Would be grateful if anyone can assist. The ticket I have offers no details regards my rights to appeal. The only reference to appeal the ticket makes is that it is "not possible to pay the reduced charge and appeal against the Penalty charge notice."... Surely that can't be right? its well documented that upon appeal the 14 day reduced period should be suspended? The ticket also fails to detail the evidence ie the times between which they are claiming that I have been parked in the marked bay that would prove I was there beyond the 30 minutes. No doubt they will have taken timed photographs. the penalty charge notice has been issued under the RTA 1991. Is there any clear guidance that I can access that would state what information has to be on a penalty charge notice? I have a number of other issues with the signage of the road which I was parked on that I will be raising with them however I'm on firmer ground with that information. cheers for any help D
  16. On Dec 21st at a Kent railway station I parked in an area that has always to my knowledge been free to park (I have lived in the area all my life) Its residential and has diagonal bays. Upon my return I have a Penalty Notice stuck to the wind screen of my car. I have checked and signage is at best very difficult to see. I did some reading and am awaiting a letter from Indigo, to date 07/02/18 I have received nothing and am wondering what happens next. The vehicle ticketed is a company lease and is through my personal business. Any help would be appreciated.
  17. After owning the same car for over 20years I found myself needing to replace it. I purchased a car last year (August 17) which was £0 tax. All the relevant paperwork was sent off and i received the new keeper registration document. What I didn't realise is that i needed to register my car online. In November 17 my vehicle was clamped for being untaxed. I was totally shocked and couldn't understand why this was as i did not have to pay tax on it. My mistake. I paid the fine of £100 to get it unclamped after registering the car. I thought that was it. However, I have now received a letter to say that must pay out an out of court settlement of £30.00 to stop DVLA taking me to court! I dont understand how that can be if i have paid the fine and corrected my mistake. I was not told that i would be charged an additional £30 2 months later! Surely, this money making and cannot be legal Does anyone else experienced this? please advise. Do I pay the £30 fine
  18. Careparking where: Whitefield Metrolink Free carpark , Bury new rd , Whitefield, Manchester. (behind the station) Hi I hope you can all help me with this query on behalf of my father who is 80 years old. Attached are two photographs of my father's car parked clearly in a disabled bay but slightly too far to the right hand side. He had to park this way because on arrival the original car in the left-hand bay was parked at an angle and was impeding into the disabled bay, forcing him to part to the right hand side. He correctly displayed his disabled badge. My mother needs to have a full door opening access as a passenger and she is also 83 years old and is not very mobile. She was the passenger so he had to have space for her to get out. On returning to the car sometime later the original car had been replaced with the one in the photograph and he had a parking ticket for failing to park within the designated bay. He appealed to the parking company on the grounds that he had not impeded any other vehicles or prevented another vehicle parking in another bay and also mentioned that the car adjacent to the left HS has caused him to have to move over and that the car had been replaced since his return. As you can quite clearly see from the photographs there is plenty of room to the right hand side and the parking bay disabled chevrons can clearly be seen. I presume this is to allow access for a door to be opened fully for example, wheelchair access. As typically expected the parking company denied the appeal, ignored his explanation totally and sent him a popla code to start the next process to appeal to Popla. I have used this site previously with great success and really appreciate the knowledge that some of you on here have. However whilst he's not denying parking over the bay line, they're are circumstances that forced him to use this bay as others were available either. I am unsure of the correct argument to use with popla as clearly he is not impeding any other drivers which is the reason I would expect for parking wholly inside a bay. Before we write to appeal again I would appreciate any advice you may have. Thank you 5.pdf 4.pdf
  19. Hi, I'm after advice on an issue I have with the DVLA before I make any contact with them! I have 2 vehicles registered in my name this year I only received a letter from the DVLA to renew one of the vehicles, when I went online to renew I checked for the renew date of the other vehicle to discover it had run out a month earlier. On discovering this I immediately paid for the vehicle, I also updated my address on both vehicles and my driving license as I was in the process of moving home. This all happened back in June. Just by chance three letters delivered to my old address was passed on to me this week and all three letters are from advantis a debt collecting company which said they're collecting the late licensing penalty passed on by the DVLA because of no response to a letter the DVLA sent. Please note the three letters passed on to me were all sent by advantis. I also have not received anything from the DVLA to my current address. I feel that I've been treated unfairly as I genuinely did not remember the due date on the vehicle and only checked when I received a reminder letter on the other vehicle. Is it just me or is this a reoccurring issue with the current system the DVLA have in place? I think it's unfair penalising individuals who genuinely forget the due date. The old system of having a disc displayed in the windscreen of your vehicle was better and a constant reminder of the due date... Now that I have a debt collecting company on the case, does this affect my credit rating? Again I feel unfairly treated as if I had received the reminder letter from the DVLA in the first instance this wouldn't of escalated. I don't understand why the DVLA passed on my old address to the debt collecting company when I had already updated to my current address? Do I have any chance of having this resolved?
  20. new here so treat me gently especially if this has already been discussed before (yes you experts can point me in the right direction if you so wish) but I would like to tap your vast knowledge base if you don't mind? Out of the blue the wife receives in the post a short curt letter from the Prescription Exemption Checking Service informing her that she's been a naughty person by obtaining a Free Prescription without being entitled and unless she can prove otherwise she needs to simply send them the original charge plus a nice fine for the pleasure - if she would be so kind ... end off. Well unfortunately the wife has always paid for her prescriptions and has never obtained any for free so in my simple French ... In their letter they do not actually supply full or checkable details, they simply say between the date of ''A'' and the date of ''B'' (A period 80 days!) you did obtain a Free Prescription by ticking the box for people with a valid HC2 certificate .... and on checking to see what if any prescription she had, there was one for which she paid cash for! [and she most definitely did not tick any boxes?]. Now this IS where it get interesting and I have little doubt that some confusion could have come from the following .... at the same time as she collected her last prescription [the only one this penalty charge could relate too] she also collected one for a person for whom she is a Carer for. And that person does have a valid HC2 certificate - does not pay for their prescriptions and because my wife is forever picking up from one particular pharmacy where both these prescriptions where sent to electronically .. . they know her pretty well. So I am of the opinion that given the person serving her - gave her two sets of prescriptions, took her money for hers and checked the certificate for the other probably with a hand full of Prescription Scripts - ticked the wrong box on hers [they always complete the back of the scripts themselves as you the patient do not actually receive them any more - your just asked to sign it as having received your medicine] and then eventually sent them off to wherever at the NHS for processing and now we've been hit with a Penalty Charge for someone else's mistake! [Thanks for reading to this point and sticking with it .... I'm getting to the point. Honest] has anyone else had to go through this particular scenario and if so how did you fare? Yes I know I need to contact the Prescription Exemption Checking Service, which I have done .. . but in the first instance they are both so slow and not that bright! The way they see it is a box was ticked ... end off. One thing they did ask was 'can we provide a receipt to prove we paid'? ... Yer right, who is going to keep a £8.60 cash payment receipt for a prescription they bought over three months ago? Next I've been back to the pharmacy and they are in total agreement with me (at the moment) - they agree my wife has always paid for her prescriptions, which on the surface is great. But if push comes to shove, would they actually put that in writing? we are waiting on the Prescription Exemption Checking Service to get back to us and that's the reason I'm now looking around to see what I might need to do in case they just turn round and say No, pay up as a box has a tick in it? Oh and one other thing - the whole sorry saga is effecting my wife something rotten! I had just got her to a place where she no longer needed the medication that they are now claiming she never paid for - but because of their jumped up demand, she will now probably have to start all over again and here's the rub .. . she's not going to get another prescription 'ever' if it causes this sort of trouble in her life!!! Well, there you have it in a nutshell, so to speak. Over to you ...?
  21. I have received a penalty charge notice from NHS Business Services Authority for a recent dental check up. I am on jobseekers and not realising there were 2 different versions of jobseekers, I checked the exemption box on the back of the dental form. The treatment dates on the nhs penalty charge letter are incorrect. The treatment was actually 2 days before the dates listed on the pcn. I have contacted NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA), stating that the dates are incorrect, they want me to contact the dentist to clarify my treatment, I have contacted the dentist asking this and am now waiting on them to confirm my treatment date. The 28 day clock is ticking, I feel reluctant to pay due to the details on the pcn being incorrect. Do I have a leg to stand on ?
  22. Hi, Received a ticket today from a mobile camera car , I hold a blue badge and a motorbility vehicle was waiting for less than a minute for another car to pull away from double yellow's so I could park to take my disabled child into school, The back of my car was on ZigZag lines and was issued a ticket for stopping in a restricted area. I didn't get out of the car was waiting for someone to pull out , I suspect this will make no difference just after any advice here if I have a case to fight. Pic 1 Shows my car waiting brake light's are on. Pic 2 is from the air as the Zigags don't run all the way along this side of the road. Any advice very welcome Thanks In Advance. From Above.bmp GetImage (1).bmp
  23. Hello I hope some one can help. My husband today got letter from the HMRC stating that since he earns over 50k per year we have to pay back all the child benefit payments we have received since 2014. He received form SA252 on 17 August 2013 (following incorrect 2012/2013 Self-Assessment – where didn’t tick the Child Benefit box!) whether receiving Child Benefit – clearly missed this. Since that time there has been no communication and no letters etc have been sent to me his wife either, even though I get the payment. The HMRC states that they sent letters on 15/9/17 and 23/10/17, which we did not receive, they now sent a letter stating they are going to charge us £1500 in penalties as we never replied to the letters we did not receive. Apparently we need to pay back (on top of penalty of £1,517.82 by 6 December); 2014: £2351 2015: £2475 2016: £2549 Any ideas of what to do? Spent an hour on the phone to the HMRC, once they decide you are in the wrong you are in the wrong. Help!
  24. Later this month, the long awaited Mersey Gateway will open to the public. The Mersey Gateway and the Silver Jubilee Bridges will both be tolled. The tolling system is called Merseyflow and will be operated by Emovis who operate the Dartford Crossing. In the same way as the Dartford Crossing, if payment of the toll is not paid by midnight the day after the crossing a Penalty Charge Notice will be issued for the amount of £40 (plus the unpaid toll fee). This sum will be reduced to a discounted rate of £20 if paid within the first 14 days of being issued. If the Penalty Charge Notice has still not been paid after this 28-day period, then the fee that must be paid is increased to £60 if it is paid within the following 14 days. If the Penalty remains unpaid beyond this 42-day period, then the penalty will be registered as a civil debt and if unpaid after another 36 days, recovery action will begin. In the same way as the public can open a Dart Charge account, motorists using the Mersey Gateway will need to open a Merseyflow account. Their website is below https://www.merseyflow.co.uk
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