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Found 4 results

  1. Hello I hope some one can help. My husband today got letter from the HMRC stating that since he earns over 50k per year we have to pay back all the child benefit payments we have received since 2014. He received form SA252 on 17 August 2013 (following incorrect 2012/2013 Self-Assessment – where didn’t tick the Child Benefit box!) whether receiving Child Benefit – clearly missed this. Since that time there has been no communication and no letters etc have been sent to me his wife either, even though I get the payment. The HMRC states that they sent letters on 15/9/17 and 23/10/17, which we did not receive, they now sent a letter stating they are going to charge us £1500 in penalties as we never replied to the letters we did not receive. Apparently we need to pay back (on top of penalty of £1,517.82 by 6 December); 2014: £2351 2015: £2475 2016: £2549 Any ideas of what to do? Spent an hour on the phone to the HMRC, once they decide you are in the wrong you are in the wrong. Help!
  2. Hi, thanks in advance for looking at my post. Basically, in 2006 I took out a buy now pay later deal through land of leather with creation. land of leather told me i would be contacted when i needed to start making payments but never did. after taking out this deal i went through a rough patch after having a prem baby and becoming a single parent in the space of a few months with no job and was extremely depressed and i forgot about the sofa payments. the next i heard i had court papers, i contacted creation to ask if i could start making the payments asap and they told me i had to pay the full amount plus the interest i would have been charged or they would register the ccj. i couldnt afford to do it and the ccj was registed and a charge was put on my house. anyway, the house is being sold, its meant to exchange next week. my solicitor has contacted creation for a balance and it is 5139.19!! the sofa originally cost 1495 and i took a 2 year warranty 240. on my credit file under creation it states 3639 and they have logged every month since 2006 sustained arrears. i contacted creation to ask why the balance is so high, they told me it was now with drydens. i called drydens, they told me the 5139.19 is the balance creation had sent to them and they had never added any fees and didnt have a breakdown. i recontacted creation and i was given the balance of 3638.55 and they told me any other fees must be drydens adding them. i am so confused and neither company is offering to help me or give me the information i need. i am about to lose my buyer. please help me
  3. Hi guys, Ive managed to catch up on my mortgage apart from 2 late payments in the last 12 months. Having checked my credit file i have received about 1500 in charges at £40.00 a whack. Granted this is a lot of late payments. I wonder if anyone can offer any advice or is it not worth attempting to reclaim some of these charges or part of the total amount? Thanks in advance Kev
  4. Hi there, Wonder if I can get some advice on this. Appreciate Interparcel are a common point. 2 weeks ago I sent a parcel to Amazon using Interparcel and their my hermes courier. It was worth £1500 and has gone missing. The parcel contained DVDs and is not on their prohibited items list in their t's and c's. The parcel has been showing on their tracking now for 10 days as out for delivery. Interparcel have fed me various fabricated stories which now result in them claiming the parcel has been delivered, but there is no proof of delivery, which they are trying to get me. Amazon say the parcel has not been delivered . Interparcel have been trying to get proof of delivery for 5 days, and have tried to fob me off with a spurious one already. Interparcel have pretty much ignored most of my emails, and rather than this being a single mistake, have shown a complete failing of their systems to help me at all in any way. They have even hung up on me. They are unhelpful to the point of being down right rude. I would say they have done nothing and are negligent. I have so far spent over £40 in costs calling their premium rate number. The drop down menu on their site defaults to £20, and this is the value I have given when booking the courier. (to be honest I would think if you declared it as £1500 it would be much more likely to be stolen). To insure this may cost £100, and I post them fairly often so even with this loss it is cheaper to self insure...however that does not mean I think I should not chase this. After reading the following thread: ( I cannot post links as a new member, please google search for this forum and Interparcel small claims court DHL courier service) someone claims to have successfully taken interparcel to a small claims court and won based on negligence. consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?233594-DHL-Courier-Service-lost-items-no-re-imbursement I wonder if there is a case here for negligence? How would I go about this? What evidence should I ask for, and what steps should I take. Is it worth reporting this to the police? I wonder if to justify this loss on my accounts I would need a crime number anyway. Which police force to report it to? (delivery was in Swansea). When the contents of this parcel were sold by me £650 in tax would have been generated, so in theory that would be worth the Police working on! Also it would seem a rather simple step as the parcel has gone missing while out on delivery to question the delivery driver who had this parcel last. Again any advice appreciated, any steps to take...
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