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  1. My son, had received a letter back last year claiming he had parked illegally, the charge was £163, I told him to pay it as it be very difficult to prove there was no proper signage, anyway he forgot about it then today he received this letter with a charge of £270. They say they have obtained a judgement against him and if he wants to avoid it he must pay the charge within one month, if he does that they will contact the court and tell them to remove the judgement. I have never heard anything remotely like this before. I have attached a copy of the letter to this post just hope it comes up ok.
  2. I took out a money claim to recover money owed. The Defendant hired a Solicitor who sent and acknowledgement and applied for extra time, 28 days, to file a defence, I made no objection to this application and the court never put it in front of a judge for ratifying. However, 28 days later when the date specified by the Solicitor on their sample order had passed, no defence had been filed, so I applied for the judgement to be made by default as no defence has been filed. The Solicitor then called me (4 days past filing date) requesting further information so that they could begin to put together their defence... (BEGIN to??!) and I pointed out that I had already applied for Judgement as they were now out of time (CPR 12.3 (2)a "The Claimant may obtain Judgement by Default where acknowledgement of service has been filed but a defence has not been filed and the time for filing has expired). The Solicitor said that the extra 21 days dont start until they are rubber stamped by a judge. Today I received notification from the Court that the request for judgement has been returned by the judge for referral to a District Judge. So, my question is: Where extra time is requested and not challenged, is it accepted that the extra time is granted by agreement? Or can this defendant solicitor continue to delay filing until they get a rubber stamp agreeing extra time? My reading of the rules that where extra time is agreed 28 days would be given, would apply where no challenge is made to the request for extra time. How do I challenge this and stop them late filing please?
  3. hello everyone i have been reading your answers and help to other members i really need your help. I moved from Amsterdam to UK I did not have bank account here my friend started paying my DD of 9.99 per month from March 2018 I started gymicon with him now in june some how he missed the DD. he received a call and letter stating that you missed a DD you need to pay 25 pounds plus your monthly fee for X4Less. he cancel the direct debiticon I only went to gym for a month because now I was little far from gym I was paying my friend to pay the DD. now I am receiving the text msg from X4L saying your account is default call on this number to solve the default when i rang on this number it says you have to pay all 9 months fee plus 25 admin fee Ii told him I was paying monthly and I want to continue gym again and I will pay month by month, he said you sell your membership to us with total fee and you can go to gym till march 2019 which is end date of contract. I also rang the gym and tell them I received msg from you but I want to pay monthly m/ship fee but I will not pay extra they said your account is default now you call on 0144444 ... number to clear your matter then you can start gym again. please advice me what should I do i want to continue my gym but I do not want to pay extra fee. I will appreciate help . thank you:
  4. New measures to protect 10 million extra holidays a year READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/new-measures-to-protect-10-million-extra-holidays-a-year
  5. Armed forces pay award 2018 - extra payments for personnel that left the armed forces after 1 April 2018 READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/armed-forces-pay-award-2018-extra-payments-for-personnel-that-left-the-armed-forces-after-1-april-2018
  6. Hi all, VW dealer charged almost £700 first time when took the car to them for Engine management sign. This was after 70% discount . Invoice had EGR & particulate filters work done. It was on 17th Sep. A week after, same sign came on dash and took it back to the dealer. Now they saying that they need to replace rear EGR valve and wants £600 . Decided not to go ahead and requested to get the car back. Will be asking for printouts for diagnostics and quotation. Don't know what are our rights on this matter but shouldn't the dealer try to fix for free for the same fault that was charged but not fully fixed? At the moment, we're trying to write to parent company and to VW UK. But if goes nowhere, where and how can we proceed further? Car is VW Sharon diesel 2015 reg and not in the list for recall. Thanks.
  7. They have decide to jack their prices up as from 12 October increasing bills by best part of 50%. Unit rate per kWh goes from 8.998p to 16.580p.
  8. i have been doing extra duties / work for over 2 years now and it has not been recognised in either wage increase or additional admin support to do the work. do i have an option to demand increase or take out a grievance....
  9. I've just sent off (with the £10 postal order) a Formal DSAR request to 1st Crud. All info required to be supplied, including a signature was provided in my formal and detailed letter. I've just received one of their 'please fill out this 5 page form' before we are obliged to do anything, however I'm not happy with what they are requesting I provide. There is no way I am ever going to provide them a copy of my driving licence, or bank statements and I'm back on here for some advice. I've been completing DSAR requests for approx 10 years, and apart from (almost) starting legal action with BC whilst some have been a struggle to get all info from and in a timely manner most have been compliant and not made me jump through too many hoops. (Oh apart from the DWP completely ignoring me for over 2 months! Still ongoing - but I class them in a different category to the CC companies and DCAs etc). Have the rules changed? I am now legally obliged to provide any of the following on the attached picture? Considering I've lived at the same address for over 10 years, and they've contacted me for 3-4 different companies at this same address, and threatened legal action to me at the same address, and supplied alleged CCA agreements, I would think that they should be fairly confident of my identity? Can I take this route, or will they likely play up and delay provision even though I don't (I think) have to legally provide the documents they have requested I send? Thanks ME_TOO
  10. Hi Ladies and Gentlemen, Have currently been made full time by my current employer. It has been 3 weeks now. I was working for an employment agency ( removed by site team ) worst agency I have ever worked for, never paid the correct wages and took weeks to sort it. They have a finger print scanner to clock in and out, my new clock card system sits next to this. So, baring in mind I am full time and this agency knew I no longer worked for them, I occasionally just put my finger on the scanner just to confuse them, It was only a couple of times. On the 14th of April I got all of my holiday pay as expected. Last Friday the 21st of April, I got 40 hours of pay, the agency are saying I clocked in Monday to Friday. However, I was not even in work on good Friday. I have put the money they paid to one side, however, how do I stand on paying them back. It is obviously an admin error. They have an online payslip checker, and the payslip in question has been deleted, unlucky for them I have a copy on my mobile phone. Kind Regards Jason
  11. I was with EE for a relatively short period before I went to another company - GB energy who have subsequently gone bust. The thing that struck with EE was that their bills never made any sense to me. From a period covering 28/01/2015 to 25/01/2016, I received 4 bills: Bill a) covering period between 28/01/2015 -10/04/2015 shown I was in debit by -£30.32 ( received on 11/05/2015) Bill b) covering period between 28/01/2015 -05/10/2015 shown I was in credit by £171.189 ( received on 07/01/2016) Bill c) covering period between 28/01/2015- 05/10/2015 shown I was in credit by £95.81 ( received on 07/01/2016) Bill d) covering period between 28/01/2015 -01/03/2015 shown I was in debit by £35.60( received on 27/012016 Then on 20/09/2016 when was with another provider, I got another bill for 28/01/2015 -01/03/2015 showing I was in debt by £82.39 which I paid hoping that would be the end of it unfortunately I have been getting a number of phone calls from Credit Style which I have not responded to Today when I rang back a number that was with an email they sent me . No one replied but there was a recorded message to which I replied I had no idea what all these phone calls were about and left it at that. I really don't know what to do about this and would welcome some advice. Thanks
  12. Hello CAG Members, I hope you can help.. I just returned home while being away for few weeks and I received 3 letters from mml and moriaritylaw. It looks like to me mml and moriaritylaw work together and this is in relation to the same debt. So 1st letter is from mmf - dated 27/06/2017 demanding payment for their client 405.00 Then 2nd letter - dated also 27/06/2017 demanding payment for their client PDL Finance Ltd t/a MR Lender £787.50 Then 3rd letter - dated 13/07/2017 - Final demand before proceedings, demanding payment for their client PDL Finance Ltd t/a MR Lender £787.50 Long time ago i toke a Pay Day Loan with Mr Lender and I paid it off however i was late and I think by one month. I pulled out my recent credit file and Mr Lender is there and status of account is 'Closed'. I'm nit sure what to do next. There is no default on credit record, account status closed - settled. Please help I looked carefully through letters and it looks like those are for 2 debts.. So 1st letter (debt) is from mmf - dated 27/06/2017 demanding payment for their client 405.00 owned to CFO Lending. Then 2nd letter - dated also 27/06/2017 demanding payment for their client PDL Finance Ltd t/a MR Lender £787.50 Then 3rd letter - dated 13/07/2017 - Final demand before proceedings, demanding payment for their client PDL Finance Ltd t/a MR Lender £787.50 Looking into my credit report I have only entry from Mr L and as closed / settled. Nothing on CFO Lending. I think I might have this loan but then stopped paying as I was rolling loans to cover other loans... help please... Apologies, here now in one multipage pdf. Letters.pdf
  13. hi all , i Really do hate these insurance people i was 1 day late and HAD to pay the £30 charges , mine was due on the 27th November and inbetween having my therapy and seeing to my mother who has breast cancer and i had dentist that day but i STILL tried ringing them even off my mobile (god knows what the charge will be) then when i managed to get through before they closed they put the phone down on me , and they are not open till monday , not that will listen to me but im not paying anymore charges that are not my mistake , only recently lloyds bank had taken £194 in charges over 5 months and they gave me back £50 thats why i dont have a deirect debit set up with close brothers can anyone help im literally 2 months away from having 70% no claims id otherwise change my insurance straight away because of the street i live in , theres been people ringing the police is someone damaged there wind mirror ive had to tell them all , they are not going to go after someone for damage all you have done is put our insurance up im 38 been driving YEARS and i own a renualt megane dynamique and im paying £1300 a year monthly instalements of £82.50 with those £30 on top charges i just dont have the money ive had to borrow of my dad to pay them in the first place anyone have any ideas gladly appreciate it thanks everyone
  14. I had a quotation for a concrete garage from a local agent, part of the quote included the separate price for the base to be slightly extended and skimmed. This did not say estimate, it said quote. The person that does the bases apparently does not work for agent but they provide him with work, I'm not sure if they get any commission from his work. The agent quoted £800 for the base complete with prep to completion and said it would not change. The base builder came to view the job and said its £950 and that hes doing it cheaper as it should be £1100. When the base is done I have to pay him not the agent. I called the agent to tell them as I agreed to have the garage from them based on the overall quote but the person that did the quote was not in that day and the lady said she would inform her when she was back in which was last Tuesday 18th and she has not called me to discuss this as yet, I have a feeling she isn't going to either. How do I stand, should the agent compensate me for this extra £150 or do I have to just accept it and pay the extra? How should I go about handling this situation?
  15. I am posting this on behalf of a friend, who sent a valuable piece of sports equipment through Hermes. Firstly he failed to pay extra for insurance as he did not see it at the time. He also made the classic mistake of not checking the weight thoroughly. It was just over 5 kgs. A case was opened on 2nd November when the parcel failed to arrive. The case was supposed to be actioned within 24 hours. On 5th November customer contacted Hermes chat with one of their agents, who informed him that the parcel was lost. Hermes promised to send out a Lost Claim Form. Customer informed Hermes that he was told by them that the parcel went to one of the warehouses, then informed him that he had to pay and extra £4.80, which was paid straight away. Customer then asked how much he would be getting for the lost item, and he was told he would get the selling price and postage. THIS IS ALL VERIFIED IN A COPIED TO EMAIL CHAT WITH THE AGENT. Customer filled out the claim form and waited for the customary 14 days. On the 23rd November and email arrived from Hermes, stating the following: "We are please to confirm that we have today accepted and processed payment for your claim of £31.79. As the item value exceeded the maximum compensation level you selected for this parcel, the claim value has been calculated by adding together the maximum compensation level with the postage value." This was not what his claim was for (it was for over £300, they lost the parcel). This may be negligent on their part to lose the parcel somewhere on their own premises, surely you do not insure a parcel against its disappearance from the delivery company's warehouse. You insure it against damage. It is the intention of the customer to take Hermes to court, we are looking here for some help with a "Letter before Action" and wish to quote from Schedule 2, Terms 2 and 3. Has anyone else tried this avenue with Hermes, and do you really think they would go through the cost of attending a court hearing? Surely they have a duty of care to their customers to make sure that they do not lose parcels on their own premises. Thank you in anticipation of any help that you can give. Bankoff
  16. Had a letter from MBNA today with a cheque for £19.72p saying they appeared to owe me more, How has this come about as i got my PPI claim off them over 2 years ago ! If this is to do with commission, does this mean i can claim more from Barclays too as they settled £3300 with me, Thanks Q
  17. READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/dwp-announces-extra-support-for-armed-forces-spouses-and-civil-partners-to-help-protect-their-state-pension
  18. Hello, I've been paying off Bailiffs monthly for unpaid council tax. I was late paying last month. I thought I'd paid off the last instalment this month and all was fine. That was until I got a call saying they'd been round again ~£350 charges for the late payment. This is obviously extremely frustrating, the council tax debt has been fully paid off, these charges are for nothing. I've phoned the agent and he's saying there's nothing he can do, he needs the money now and if he doesn't get it, he'll be round my mums house to remove her goods because the debt is registered there, he's saying he'll take what he wants because it'll be on her to prove that the stuff isn't mine. I don't have the money, he's saying he can't wait the 2/3 weeks til pay day and although it's a stupid reason, the reason I was late paying was because Chandlers got a new website and I couldn't find the payment line number, I was at work so couldn't spend too much time looking for it and didn't look again for a few days. Is there anything I can do here?? I've paid the debt off, how can they legitimately charge £350 for a late payment, it's insane!!
  19. I moved into a housing association property around three years ago. I received a letter from the housing association today stating that they now intend to introduce a service charge for the TV aerial maintenance costs and the door entry intercom maintenance cost. The reason why these new costs are being introduced from the 1st April is that when the tenancy agreement was signed the housing association did not apply the correct charges for provision and maintenance, however they will not be seeking the recovery of previous costs. Surely because a contract had been signed it cannot be changed?
  20. Hi, thanks in advance for looking at my post. Basically, in 2006 I took out a buy now pay later deal through land of leather with creation. land of leather told me i would be contacted when i needed to start making payments but never did. after taking out this deal i went through a rough patch after having a prem baby and becoming a single parent in the space of a few months with no job and was extremely depressed and i forgot about the sofa payments. the next i heard i had court papers, i contacted creation to ask if i could start making the payments asap and they told me i had to pay the full amount plus the interest i would have been charged or they would register the ccj. i couldnt afford to do it and the ccj was registed and a charge was put on my house. anyway, the house is being sold, its meant to exchange next week. my solicitor has contacted creation for a balance and it is 5139.19!! the sofa originally cost 1495 and i took a 2 year warranty 240. on my credit file under creation it states 3639 and they have logged every month since 2006 sustained arrears. i contacted creation to ask why the balance is so high, they told me it was now with drydens. i called drydens, they told me the 5139.19 is the balance creation had sent to them and they had never added any fees and didnt have a breakdown. i recontacted creation and i was given the balance of 3638.55 and they told me any other fees must be drydens adding them. i am so confused and neither company is offering to help me or give me the information i need. i am about to lose my buyer. please help me
  21. My Partner has rents out a small flat the previous tenant stopped paying rent for the last three months and did not vacate the flat until a Court Order was issued. The tenant overstayed by over two months from the end of the lease on top of being well out of pocket on the let, the Estate Agents are asking for another £400 for their fee because the tenant stayed on longer! They know the tenant did not pay, they know about the Court Order so to try and stick on an extra cost when the tenant was not wanted plus the loss of earnings my Partner incurred during the time the tenant stayed on because a new tenant could not be installed is adding insult to injury. Can that charge be challenged?
  22. Hi all, I have had a torrid couple of months with a floor restoration company who are now taking me to court to reclaim money they feel they are owed. I have recieved the claim and returned the response pack with a robust defense. Yesterday I received a letter of notification to the small claims track and a request that I fill in the Small Claims Directions Questionnaire. I am quite stressed about the whole thing and nervous about court...not because I don't think I have a defence just because that's how the act of going to court makes me feel. So any advice you can give me is very much appreciated. Here are the relevant bits: I have a standard 3 bed 1930s semi detached. The wall had been knocked through between the dining room and the kitchen. The next job was to sort the floor out. Here's a picture of the floor : The job was to lift the boards from the lounge to make the necessary repair work in the kitchen/diner and replacing the boards from the lounge with chipboard (as this was going to be under a carpet). The floor guy came to quote the job up and said it would take two days for £850 + materials of around £120. When he was at the house he saw the screed where the old fireplace was however there was still laminate flooring covering the old kitchen floor. He went on a cruise in the caribbean and sent 3 young lads round. The young lads were surprised to find that the original floorboards didn't extend into the small, flat roof kitchen extension. There was chipboard here instead. The whole area measured around one square metre: On day two he phoned me up from the cruise ship asking for anther £480 for another days work to complete the job. He said this was due to the delays caused by the chipboard in the kitchen, that he had assumed the original floorboards were under the laminate flooring when he came to quote. I wanted the job done as I could not use the entire downstairs of my house and there was a big hole in my lounge floor. I offered to meet him half way and pay and extra £240. He got very angry and shouty and later that day sent me a text saying he'd take me to court if I didn't pay up and that he'd instructed his team to leave the job. I sent him a few emails explaining my side but he didn't reply claiming that he couldn't get emails on the cruise ship. I waited a month and then got another company in to finish the job. They charged me £600 to not only finish the job but re-fit the floorboards over the old fireplace which had been screwed in using 6 inch screws and were loose. I paid the original company £980 - £600. Now we're going to court. If anyone can assuage my fears about going to court to defend this please do Thank you.
  23. Hi all, I have searched the forum and found lots of good advice but not the specific detail I am looking for hope you can help. I work in manufacturing as a shift manager, I have always got into work early and often leave late (versus contracted hours) however my employer is now expecting this and planning meeting etc out with contracted hours for myself and all my colleagues. On discussion my direct Manager says that it is "expected for us to do additional hours" I now have a problem with this attitude, but before I dig my heels in I would like to know where I stand legally. Thank you in advance, I should have added that I don't get paid for the extra hours.
  24. Hi all, My landlord agreed to break my tenancy early, at roughly the 6 month mark into a 12 month tenancy (which had no break clause to begin with). So it was completely in their power to decide on end dates for the tenancy. I also agreed to pay any re-letting fees. I have finally received the following communication from the lettings agent today. So it seems like the lettings agent is attempting to pull a quick one on me, and charge me an extra weeks worth of rent (roughly £200) when I am not even occupying the flat. In addition to this, they want to charge me £300 for the re-letting fees (which they said would be deducted from the deposit). Is this reasonable? I know I agreed to pay this, but if it is an absurd amount, perhaps asking them for a breakdown of the costs might help? What are my rights in this situation? Many thanks fellow CAGers. EDIT: Also forgot to ask - when am I allowed to cancel my standing order with the bank? My next payment is due on the 3rd of the next month, and I obviously won't be staying for the whole period...
  25. I have been with EE for two years and no problem. But recently upgraded to an IPhone form my Samsung Galaxy. All seemed well, until I started checking my online EE bill; there were 5 charges @ £1.25 every Monday which amounted to £6.25 - I had no idea what these extra charges related to and I had not authorised same. My contract was a fixed price contract for 2 years payable monthly. So, I had to complain via the EE online chat to ascertain exactly what these extra charges were for; I had no idea?! Eventually, I found out after about an hour and a half that the charges were for Digital charge; whatever that is, relating to a third party firm: BGames. But I never play games and had not downloaded any app. I checked the online EE community to discover that I am not alone so many people are being overcharged! EE have been billing these charges to their customers without informing them. Furthermore, suggesting that I and other EE customer(s) contact the the third party firm in order to reclaim these charges; passing the buck... No, I was not prepared to take that route as in my view this is a [problem]! After much debate the online chat person said that they would refund the charges, that is after I suggested that I had been misled by EE and it was EE who had passed my number to this Digital games firms; a DPA breach. Whether, EE actually will refund the charges remains to be seen but I will be checking my EE bill diligently.
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