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  1. i had to pay marston money, called them and aranged the payment to be taken in 3 instalments… i thought all was done and dusted i just received a call that i hadnt paid the full amount, and that i must have messed up aranging it with my bank. although i didnt contact my bank at all, i only aranged it through marston themselves and even confirmed at the end of the original call that everything was sorted. the guy i spoke to (called me on a mobile number) said i hadnt paid in full however i had aranged the direct debits with marston who failed to take the full amount in the last payment. they took money, and the full amount was available at the time, they just didn't take enough which i found out just now after checking my bank statement. after informing him that i had aranged it with the marston call centre, he told me he will send an enforcement agent and that i would owe another £265 (ish) didn't ask me to pay the extra before saying this, just jumped straight to that after i said i had arranged for the payments to be taken and it must be the fault if the company. apparently, its my responsibility for marston to take the correct amount according to this guy. what are my rights here? guy was pretty rude calling me son and pal and making it out to be entirely my fault and not the fault of marston.
  2. New crackdown on rogue agents to protect renters and leasehold homeowners READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/new-crackdown-on-rogue-agents-to-protect-renters-and-leasehold-homeowners
  3. Letting Agents Registration and Code of Practice Comes into force 31st January 2018 ***Scotland Only*** The Housing (Scotland) Act 2014 made provisions for the mandatory letting agent registration, regulation and training requirements in Scotland. Housing (Scotland) Act 2014: http://www.legislation.gov.uk/asp/2014/14/contents/enacted Part 4 of the Housing (Scotland) Act 2014 makes provision for the registration, regulation and training requirements for letting agents in Scotland. They include a mandatory register of letting agents, a ‘fit and proper’ person test, training requirements, a code of practice to which all letting agents must adhere and enforcement through the new First-Tier Tribunal. The Letting Agent Registration (Scotland) Regulations 2016 sets out the training requirements that those applying to join the register of letting agents must meet and additional information required for registration. This was laid before the Scottish Parliament on 22nd December 2016 and comes into force 31st January 2018. The Letting Agent Registration (Scotland) Regulations 2016: http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ssi/2016/432/introduction/made Letting Agent Registration Guide: https://www.mygov.scot/letting-agent-registration/who-needs-to-register/ The Register of Letting Agents will be a list run by Scottish Ministers that will make sure every letting agent is suitable to do the job and has met minimum training requirements. --legal obligations relating to letting agency work and the rights and responsibilities of tenants and landlords --handling of tenants’ and landlords’ money --arranging and managing a tenancy --managing repairs and maintenance --customer communications --complaints handling --equality issues The Letting Agent Code of Practice (Scotland) Regulations 2016 were laid before the Scottish Parliament and will come into force on 31st January 2018. The Letting Agent Code of Practice (Scotland) Regulations 2016: http://www.legislation.gov.uk/sdsi/2016/9780111030912 Those engaged in letting agency work must also comply with the Letting Agent Code of Practice. The Code of Practice is set out in The Letting Agent Code of Practice (Scotland) Regulations 2016 and contains general duties including: --complying with relevant legislation --providing accurate information --applying procedures consistently and reasonably --dealing with complaints --ensuring compliance by employees and subcontractors --handling private information sensitively --not to unlawfully discriminate --carrying out services in a timely fashion and with due skill and care Housing and Property Chamber First-tier Tribunal for Scotland: https://www.housingandpropertychamber.scot/
  4. Hello, this has been an on going thing since 2015 ! it's a long and boring story but i hope someone can give me some advice. i'll try to start at the beginning and explain the situation as best I can. At the end of 2015 I was selling a car that i personally owned, it was a cheap skoda that I sold for ~£500, this was around november/december (sorry I dont remember the exact date) the buyer requested that he keep the full V5 as he was driving the car out of the country to his home country that same day (Czech i assume) his english was really poor and it was difficult, but we agreed the price and made the deal, I wrote a receipt for both him and me, it was very basic just saying something like, this is a receipt for the vehicle XX that was paid in full by mr. X on X date for whatever amount, it was a cheap car and i wasn't too bothered but since he had the full V5 i wanted something, we both signed both copies. however he only wrote "wezdara" and made a squiggle (looked like a 5 year old's first attempt at a signature - but what can you do, can hardly accuse someone of not knowing how to sign their own name. Something else that I want to note, the V5 state clearly that is it not proof of ownership so I wasn't too worried about handing it over. A few weeks later I get a dart charge notice, now sorry for the hazy details, this was all over a year ago so i dont really know any details, but the letter first requested a dart charge (plus some sort of late fee) iirc it was around £50 or so the first time they asked (very unfair on a £2.5 toll i think) I called them instantly and explained the situation, they seemed very understanding and said no problem, we'll sort it out you dont have to worry. that's the end of it i though another month or so later i get another letter requesting the money again, i call them again now they weren't as friendly, i explained all that had happened, and said i have a receipt also. They asked me to send my evidence along with an explanation to them, which I did. Another few weeks later they send me another letter saying they dont' accept my evidence and I am still liable to pay. Honestly I know I should have sorted this out sooner but i feel really strongly that it's not my fault and that I shouldn't have to pay this, so i just started to ignore them, coupled with the fact this was a very stressful time for me AND i didn't have much spare time (was selling car to start a business) which I have been running since then. after that i didn't really hear much for a long time, then a few weeks ago I started getting letter's from Equita, the first said i can just pay in full their latest amount (something ridiculous ~£200) and they won't add on their own charges, I ignored this, now today I have received a hand posted letter. This letter that i received today is requesting a payment of £425 (115.50 debt, 75£ compliance fee 325£ enforcement fee.) It states an Enforcement Agent has attended my property today with the intention of removing goods "for unpaid liability warrant" Now, I know it's not necessary for the post but I feel it shows who I am, i've got perfect credit and never had so much as a speeding ticket, or anything to do with court, im still fairly young and never had any experience with a situation like this, it is quite distressing and i dont know exactly what to do. I have also spoken with citizen's advice, who were quite helpful but didn't really tell me much that i didn't know (go to court and fight it, or pay up - basically) From my understanding because it hasn't gone to court yet their "enforcement agents" don't have any special powers at all, and the only way they could get a thing off me at this point is if i willingly give it to them ? One more thing, personally I would be fine coming face to face and negotiating with one of their agents if they did ever come to my house, but I also live with an elderly relative who i fear would allow them in, and let them take/do whatever they wanted if he were to answer the door. Whatever advice people have would be appreciated. Also I really don't feel like this situation is fair at all, if I had done something or owed money i'd be happy to work out something, but i feel like companies who practice these underhand and dirty tactics to get people's money really need to be removed/restructured especially when they're providing public services like roads/maintenance. Regards, Matthew
  5. Hi all, Looking for a little help. My daughter recently found a suitable property to rent so signed up with the estate agents and decided t rent the flat, which was sold to her as £450 including water and electric (I was present when she was told this) they took a deposit of £200 plus the signing on fee and she was told that there would be an initial £100 charge towards electric and water which she would get back when she informed them of who the gas supplier would be and confirmed she had informed the council regarding her council tax. Her moving date got moved forwards by 2 weeks and then 2 hours before collecting the keys she was told that her flat was still not ready but she could move into another flat for 2 weeks whilst she waited. my daughter then went to sign the direct debit agreement but could not sign for the actual flat as the one she wanted was not ready. At this time she signed for the £550 on the understanding that the £100 would be refunded by the estate agents as above. on moving into the flat she has now found out that the rent is £550 per month including water and gas (not electric as previously stated) as the £100 extra was per month to go "Towards the gas and water bill" I found this excessive as it is only a 1 bedroom flat and this was not what we were initially told. I have spoken to the landlord and informed him of the mistake by the letting agency and he has agreed to refund any monies being held by the estate agents. (he has actually told the estate agents this with me present when I wen to complain) The estate agents are now withholding the money which the landlord has stated could be returned and are being awkward by saying this must be authorised by the managing director who works at the branch but has not answered his personal mobile phone for 3 days. the advert with the estate agents is showing £450 per month but another agency is showing the same property for £550 per month. Where do I stand regarding getting my money back, including my signing on fee and deposits (£1360 in total) and the 2 months rent, as my daughter only signed up with the agency because of this certain apartment. Had she known the proper price of the flat she would not have been able to look at it due to the costs. We have incurred removal costs and taken days off work due to the lies we have been told and I am out of pocket due to the misinformation given to us. the Landlord of the property has been great and understands our situation and is blaming the estate agents totally for this error. Many thanks mbloomers
  6. Hold onto your hats, this gets quite confusing! ... I have received a section 21 from a rogue London Landlord after complaining to the council for serious disrepair. I signed a tenancy agreement back in 2010 and the Landlord was a different company, but we paid our rent to a letting agent who managed the property. The company I now refer to as my landlord has been in charge of the maintenance of the property since 2011, yet the Agent still collects my rent payments. We have just last 2 weeks received a section 48 - which i have not signed receipt of... The landlords name is a new person I have never had any dealings with, and the "landlord" I have been dealing with for 4 years is now refereed to as an Agent. My agent (also pretty crooked) has told me that they are no longer my agent, but will not provide any proper notice or information on when this has stopped. They just ignore my emails. I have always paid my rent to the Agent, but neither the Landlord nor Agent will provide me details of where I can pay the rent to from now for the remainder of our 2 months notice period. It is clear there is some pretty dodgy stuff going on just to get us out due to our complaint to the council who inspected this week. I have never missed a rent payment in 5 years. Them not wanting me to make the remainding payments makes me think they just want rid and will have stronger case if i miss these last two payments? I am thinking of a counterclaim. Anyone any ideas or cases or examples of who I should be talking to here please? Thanks alot!
  7. The following press release has been issued today,1st September; New Professional Association founded for Certificated Enforcement Agents. Following the implementation of the Tribunals, Courts and Enforcement Act 2007 in April 2014, and a year of consultation with Certificated Enforcement Agents, a New Professional Association has been launched to represent Certificated Enforcement Agents and will be known as The Certificated Enforcement Agents Association (CEAA). It has been formed by Enforcement Agents for Enforcement Agents, representing those that act on the front line of enforcement and hold a current certificate under “The Certification of Enforcement Agents Regulations 2014”. For further information please refer to our website http://www.ceaa.co.uk
  8. A month ago, a regular contributor to this forum (Dodgeball) started a thread on here about the ‘sale stage fee’ of £100 and when it should be charged by bailiffs. The regulations were completely overhauled in April 2014 and there is (and will continue to be) a great deal of differing of opinion about the wording and application of the regulations and will no doubt not be properly resolved until a court makes a judgment. Unfortunately, Dodgeball’s thread was once again the focus of unwarranted attention elsewhere and with this in mind, the thread ended up running to seven pages. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?453200-Removal-for-sale-fee-when-can-it-be-charged I am reliably informed that because of the importance of this subject, Dodgeball approached the countries expert on bailiff law; John Kruse for his professional opinion. John considered that the question was important enough to be quoted is his regular Bulletin (that is available to the advice sector for free or available by subscription to the public). Given the popularity of this forum, it is frequently viewed by members of the the enforcement industry. Those individuals are unlikely to read a copy of John Kruse's Bulletin. Hopefully by providing a copy of his opinion on the charging of this fee it may prove useful to them. A copy of Dodgeball's question is below: I am currently engaged in an interesting debate about sale fees and when they are applicable- in particular if a bailiff can charge the sale stage fee whilst on an enforcement visit. Many, particularly HCEOs, are under the impression they can. My position is that they cannot. My arguments are these: Sch.12 para.13 TCE Act 2007- this section outlines the ways that goods can be taken under control; it says that one of the methods listed must be used. Since only controlled goods can be sold then presumably only one of these can be used and must be used prior to removal for sale. It must be noticed that none of the options relate to the sale of goods, in fact they all indicate that another attendance must be made, to removed the previously secured goods or to inquire about the failure of a controlled goods agreement. The mention of removing goods in para.13 is, as you say in Bulletin 27, for purpose of storage rather than sale, so a subsequent attendance must be made there also. The Taking Control of Goods (Fees) Regulations state that “the sale or disposal stage ... comprises all activities relating to enforcement from the first attendance at the property for the purpose of transporting goods to the place of sale etc.” The attendance at enforcement cannot in my opinion be for the purpose of transporting goods to the place of sale, because no goods have been seized at this point. There is also the matter of arrangement for sale as you mentioned in Bulletin 29. I do not believe that merely ringing for a van can fill these criteria as I believe the MoJ has suggested. Thirdly I think that the procedure was intended to be in three stages, so allowing the EA to circumvent the last stage by switching from enforcement to sale whilst in the enforcement stage is not what was intended. I would appreciate your thoughts.
  9. My daughter is working abroad for a short while and has put her house in the hands of a letting agent ,who i think are ripping her off. She paid all the fees up front , and if any maintenece etc needed to be done they had to contact her ,or myself to gain permission. Which they agreed no problem . They had a tenant waiting for my daughters house who the letting agent knew personally,. The first month, a bill was issued for cleaning the house pre occupation . The letting agent said the house was filthy, after WE had scrubbedit from top to bottom . WITHOUT permission they had sent cleaners in to , wipe the outside window sills and clean the oven, cost £125 . we complained and got bill reduced by 50%. Letting agent then said the tenents were complaining about ants in the house , you need to sort this . My husband went to the house to see, the ants were by the back door which the tenent had had open, during the summer , no more than 10 ants.Had to buy her ant spray.I found out that the letting agent got intouch with daughter again , saying that a couple of jobs needed doing . Bit of sealant on the work top needed replacing , cupboard door not shutting right, unused open fire needed boarding up. Daughter agreed as she didnt want the hassle ,she was c harged £60. I began to think that the letting agent was helping the tenent ,and ripping off my daughter . The last incident was the convincer. In late October daughter had a letter saying that a Legionnaires Risk assessment was needed and that they would sort it. However a very good fiend of ours owns a plumbing business and said thet he would do this assessment for her, my husband got intouch with the letting agent to say no thank you WE will sort this. The letting agent then sent my daughter a bill for £250 and a copy of the assessment.I rang the assessment company and they told us that the assessment had been done 3 MONTHS EARLIER in AUGUST , as requested by the letting agent, but again WITHOUT permission. They apologised and waivered the fee. NOW , after recently signing a new lease the tenent has given one months notice to leave ,saying that she doesnt get on with neighbours. No doubt the letting agent has found her friend a new house to rent. Where does my daughter stand, shouldnt the letting agent have obligations to my daughter who is paying them fees . THANK YOU . Roxy
  10. I'm assuming there is a precedent to this. I have a debt to the Council for back Council Tax which I have been paying back as and when I can afford it. Today Bristow and Sutor sent an enforcement agent (who told them he was a bailiff) while I was out and luckily they did not let him in. Nothing, apart from a few items such as my bed and an old stereo which is worth pretty much nothing, on these premises belongs to me as I am just a lodger here and the room is furnished by the landlords. I have never denied that I owe something but the amount is in dispute I have told B&S this previously but they have ignored all my letters. The bloke cleared off when it became clear he wasn't being allowed in but I suspect he will be back. Apparently he was eyeing up their car and I would obviously hate for them to become involved when it is nothing of their doing. Do these people have any claim to anything on the premises and where do we stand if they return in the future? I have spoken to the Council but they say it's out of their hands now although I suspect they could do something about it if they wanted to. Thanks in advance for any help and advice
  11. Every day, without fail, I receive an enquiry about an enforcement agent charging 'multiple fees' and in fact yesterday, two enquiries were received on this forum on the same subject. Clearly there is a need to provide guidance on this subject. In 2014, the Taking Control of Goods Regulations 2013 (and other supporting legislation) came into effect and introduced significant changes to previous bailiff enforcement. The situation now is that when the enforcement agent receives instructions from the creditor (commonly; the Magistrates Court (in the case of court fines) or local authority (in the case of council tax arrears) the enforcement company are under a legal obligation to send to the debtor a Notice of Enforcement. This notice must identity the debt and invite the debtor to submit a payment proposal by the date set out in the Notice. This period of time is referred to in the regulations as being the 'Compliance Stage'. It is important to note that when the Notice of Enforcement is sent, a statutory 'Compliance fee' of £75 will be added to the debt. If full payment is not made, or a payment arrangement set up by the date given, the account will then be referred to an enforcement agent. He is then able to make a personal visit to the debtors property for the purpose of 'taking control of goods'. Once the account reaches this stage....it is much more difficulty to get a payment arrangement set up. It is only at this stage of enforcement that the important subject of 'multiple fees' comes into effect. Prior to the Taking Control of Goods Regulations 2013 being introduced, it was sadly the case that the previous regulations allowed bailiffs to charge 'multiple' fees when enforcing more than one debt at the same time.This led to dreadful instances of injustice and in particular, with debtors who had one or more penalty charge notices. To avoid these situations being repeated, the government imposed a condition that 'multiple fees' cannot be applied....in certain circumstances. The actual legislation can be found under Item 11 of the Taking Control of Goods (Fees) Regulations 2014 http://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2014/1/regulation/11/made?view=plain However, particular attention needs to be given to Item 11(b) as this is where most of the confusion about 'multiple charges' arises.
  12. My Partner has rents out a small flat the previous tenant stopped paying rent for the last three months and did not vacate the flat until a Court Order was issued. The tenant overstayed by over two months from the end of the lease on top of being well out of pocket on the let, the Estate Agents are asking for another £400 for their fee because the tenant stayed on longer! They know the tenant did not pay, they know about the Court Order so to try and stick on an extra cost when the tenant was not wanted plus the loss of earnings my Partner incurred during the time the tenant stayed on because a new tenant could not be installed is adding insult to injury. Can that charge be challenged?
  13. This new bill seems to have escaped debate on any of the forums. It was introduced last month in the Commons under the ten minute rule and is due for second reading on the 11th March http://services.parliament.uk/bills/2015-16/regulationofenforcementagentscollectionofcounciltaxarrears.html http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm201516/cmhansrd/cm151028/debtext/151028-0001.htm#15102833000002 Yvonne Fovargue (Makerfield) (Lab): I beg to move, That leave be given to bring in a Bill to make provision about the use of bailiffs and other enforcement agents by local authorities to collect council tax arrears; to establish a code of practice for enforcement agents; to create an independent bailiffs ombudsman to administer the code and to investigate and adjudicate complaints; and for connected purposes. This Bill deals with two interrelated problems which, taken together, are pushing too many people into a debt trap by forcing them to borrow more to pay council tax arrears and unaffordable bailiff fees. The first problem is that local councils are too ready to call in the bailiffs when people fall into arrears on their council tax bill. This is despite guidance that is meant to encourage local authorities to look towards establishing affordable repayment plans in such situations and thus avoid the bailiffs. The Bill gives people a stronger right to challenge councils to offer an affordable repayment option before instructing the bailiffs.
  14. Our house is on the market, the estate agents are useless, 4 viewings in almost eight weeks! we have to give 28 days notice but are tied in for 12 weeks, week 8 today, can I give my 28 days notice today, or do I have to wait until the 12 weeks are up then give notice? Also they said they would pay for the epc, which I am sure is required by law before house is marketed (?) this they haven't done yet..... are they in breach of contract? thanks folks!!
  15. Can enforcement agents force entry? For Council tax and business rate debts? I was under the impression that was a no unless invited in, was I wrong on that? More questions and a copy and paste from a site shortly, after receiving an answer or two ok?
  16. Hi, Today enforcment agents came to my home asking for a person that dosent live here for a year now. I made a mistake by letting them in. They said they had the right to take any goods to disharge the debt the person has. I explained to them that he dosent live here, show all my documents including tennancy contract, bills, etc. They still said they are going to take the goods and then i need to send the documents to the council to get my items back or i can pay the sum and they are going to leave. They send i can get refund from the council as soon as i provide the documents. I paid the 400 pound debt and they left. Is their action legall? Can they charge diffrent person for fine he dosent own? They took the money from my debit card. Thank you for any help or advice!
  17. Hi there, I am in the process of buying a property as a first time buyer and have had an offer accepted on my ideal home but no date to move in as I am waiting for my late father's estate to be completed. Since the Seller has accepted the offer, his estate agents have been calling me 2 or 3 times a week for updates which I don't mind but they have also been contacting the solicitor who is dealing with my late father's estate in Scotland! They did this during the time I was in Cuba on holiday (no wifi available there so I was in communcado!) and the solicitor in Scotland was led to belive they were my estate agents by what they said. Luckily he didn't give them any information, but I thought it was a bit cheeky. Through discussions about the estate etc I told him that they weren't acting on my behalf and he didn't need to give them any information if he didn't feel the need to so when they phoned him last Friday, he was extremely short and to the point with them, telling them to mind their own business. On the Friday afternoon, they then called me again saying they had been in touch with my Scottish solicitor and that he was extremely rude to them and wouldn't give them any information. They said to me that in the process of house buying, once an offer is made by a buyer, they then act on behalf of the seller of the property and the buyer! Is this correct in England? I haven't instructed them to do aything for me as I don't have a house sale going through in England? I'm not convinced about what they are telling me and in Scotland where I have bought properties before, this would be a conflict of interest. Can someone please advise? Many thanks, Worstutility
  18. Just a quick one, this is regarding my partner's debts which are a thread elsewhere, but she's mid applying for a DRO. All her debtors bar one have put everything on hold - Jacobs are just being greedy, inconsiderate and bullying. Got a letter today saying unless a payment offer is made (have been advised by the National Debtline NOT to make an offer as Jacobs are one of many creditors) they will send out a "Debt Collecting Agent". Now the previous letter threatened court action but she has received NO court letters so presumibly it hasn't been to court yet. But if I'm right in thinking, these "Debt Collecting Agent" have no rights whatsoever (unlike Court appointed Bailiffs) .. ? Will send a letter by return if this is indeed the case telling them there is a 7 month old child and my partner is alone with her during the day and this would cause her anxiety and distress. Am I right in thinking the above is right? These pre-court "Agents" have no legal rights to collect the debt? Many thanks.
  19. I don't know if you people can help much, as we are actually in Gibraltar but most of the laws down here a copy and paste from the UK. Long story short we moved into our current apartment in February and to be honest had nothing but problems some of which I have listed below, 1 the shower leaked all over the bathroom floor every time it was used and the tray had a sharp crack in it, this took 6 months for them to fix. and now the drains smell so bad in the shower that we have to keep a glass over the drain hole to keep the smell down. 2 The bathroom tap developed a leak this took 2 months to fix so we had no bathroom tap for that time. 3 The how water tank burst and flooded the apartment downstairs, this was fixed the same day! 4 The fridge is broken it gets no lower than 9 degrees they had someone change the thermostat which made no difference and then sent someone else who said it was fine, we pointed out on many occasions that at 9 degrees was to warm, it was only when we said we would create negative press for them that we finally got a meeting with someone higher up who said he would arrange for a temporary fridge and someone would look properly at it the next week without fail, we got the temp fridge but the old one has still not been looked at. 5 The actual owner of the flat wants the electricity bills and water bills in his name as he uses this place as his residence despite living between Spain and the UK to avoid tax in those 2 countries. 6 We have never seen an inventory of what is supposed to be here. The licence for the apartment has been signed by someone we don't know we are not able to tell who signed it. We asked the agents if we could be released from the lease early they said that they would check with the landlord but did not foresee a problem with it so we started to look for another property, we found another property and then checked with the agents again who confirmed that it is ok and there was not a problem so we agreed to take the other apartment. We told our current agents who then said to come in and they would explain the procedure, which then transcribed that they had not spoken to the landlord and we would have to pay a 250 pound admin fee and we would be liable for the rent if the property was not rented until the end of the licence despite telling us that it was not a problem when we double checked. Where can we go from here? by there attitude and tone to us I would not be surprised if they still have not even contacted the landlord and I wonder if I should contact the landlord myself.
  20. For the past few months rumors have been circulating that a new 'bailiffs association' was being set up. Rumors were true and the new association was formally launched on 8th December. It is called the Certificated Enforcement Agents Association (CEAA). The Vice President is Andy Coates who has been in the enforcement industry for over 20 years. He has worked for some of the largest enforcement companies and is well known within the enforcement industry given that he owns a large training company and runs training courses for new entrants to the enforcement industry. The President is Dave Rayner from Collect Services. The Press release states that the new group was formed as there was a need for the individual Enforcement Agent to have a 'voice within the industry' at present the only 'association' is CIVEA (The Certificated Enforcement Agents Association) and in the main they represent the enforcement companies (although a small number of individual bailiffs are members). The joining fee is low...just £25....and naturally a lot of bailiffs...including those working in house for local authorities have already signed up. CEAA will continue to provide training course including the Level 2 and 3 in the Taking Control of Goods and Vulnerability Training with the Enforcement Process.
  21. Hi Like so many others i am also a victim of Phoenix Business agents. I would like your advice please. In 2011 Phoenix sent his rep. When the agent came to us he said the same things as with others that you pay cheque of £1600. and the amount will be fully refunded if the business is not sold within 6 months. As my wife was not keeping well i wanted to sell my business (off licence and New agents) fast. I was working somewhere else as my wife was handling this shop. As always they hardly took any efforts to sell the business. So after 6 months i cancelled with them and they charged me another £2400. saying its their service fee. I paid them without any argument. As per my knowledge or as i was told by his rep. that they will refund me. it went vise versa. When his rep. came and we read the contract not in very detailed but still read little bit and told him that your contract states sole selling right agent, at that time he told me it does not matter they just right but its fine he will tell his boss or who ever concern. I had informed the rep. that i was registered with other agency before Phoenix, so I cannot sign them as sole selling agents. Before signing i spoke to the other agency and they said its fine with them if i sign with phoenix. The other agency really took effort to sell my business. I cancelled the contract with Phoenix before i sold the business in March 2012 and sold my shop in July 2012. The other agents are ready to help me to fight with Phoenix and help me in what ever way they can. Now after i sold my business Phoenix are asking me £4320.00 for soles selling rights agreement.(One of Phoenix colleagues called me up saying that its a call regarding tax and when my wife told we have sold the business they ask all the detail and you think its from tax office, she won't give the number when my wife asked so that i can call them when i come back . And next day their boss calls threatening my wife to pay the £4320 after already paying £3600). Ater reading your forum, I recon its has become best and easy way for Phoenix to earn money. They have sent me their solicitors notice and threatened to take me to court. I am ready to fight for my rights. My wife came across this forum when she was trying to find about Phoenix agents. I feel cheated as they say something and come out with something. I keep on travelling for my project and most of the time i am out of the country. My wife has health issues and they are harassing me. I will fight for myself as well as others. So that other innocent hard working people don't fall into their trap. Can you please advise what should I do and how. I would really appreciate if you could give me some advise. Thanking you Yours sincerely
  22. Do you RENT your home, If so, then you will know that good landlords are very very hard to find, Getting a repair done can be very difficult, or have you rented from a landlord who would suit the name slumlord more. There is currently no compulsory registration scheme for landlords or letting agents, I am petitioning the government to sort this out, Compulsory registration will help improve the industry, keep tenants safe from rogue landlords, and improve the quality of properties for rent. Please click the LINK below and sign this petition, You never know, it may help to improve your housing situation Tenants have to go through extensive vetting systems!! but what do landlords have to do, nothing, how do you know that your deposit is safe. This system i propose will ensure all landlords are solvent, mortgages are up to date, deposits are securely held, AND that Letting agents and landlords alike act in a responsible manor, This is something that has been over looked for too long, So help weed the crooks out of the system Please sign the petition below, all you have to do is follow the link. Please note, simply LIKING this post will have no input, you MUST click the link below please share this post http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/69580
  23. Hi Everyone, I'm in a bit funny situation here, and I would like to know my rights. I found one flat on Zoopla, called the agency and scheduled the viewing. We viewed the flat, but pictures on Zoopla are not representing this flat. After we viewed flat, we said to the agent that we are interested but we did not gave formal offer, agent told us that she will send us form where we can put the official offer to the landlord and we did not signed anything, we asked agent how big discount we can get if we pay upfront for 12 months and agent told us we could get about 50£ less pcm if we offer that. When we come the the home,we found this same flat listed on different web site, for 200 £ less per month with different agency. We contacted second agency and we put the offer through second agent without viewing the flat that same evening, and we paid reservation fee. On the next day first agent contacted me and insisted that i must place the offer with her agency because she showed us the flat. I told first agent that I'm not interested to place the offer with them because ad was misrepresenting the property, and the agent replied me that this does not matter because I liked the flat. In the meantime first agent lied Landlord that we placed the official offer. And It looked like to the landlord that we placed offer at the same time through both agencies. And i had to call first agent and tell her that I'm officially retracting my offer even if I never gave formal offer, also first agent lied Landlord that I offered to pay 12 months upfront with higher price which put me in worse negotiating position for the flat. Then I had to place another offer, i offered still the lower price but I had to offer to pay full 12 months upfront because of the first agent. Landlord accepted my offer to pay 12 months upfront. And now first agent is telling me that she will put legal actions against me if she don't get her fees. I would like to know what are my rights? Because i did not sign anything with first agent. She misrepresent the ad on web site, if I saw proper pictures i would never contact her and i would go with second agent in the first place. She tried to increase my rent because she lied the Landlord, and because of her I had to pay 12 months upfront for the property.
  24. Hi, First post and relative business newbie, but need some advice! My folks looked to sell their business back in 2009. Carehome with 15 residents, and Phoenix said they could sell it for £1.1m. Sounded great so they signed up. Long time later and no sale, but they did get an offer at way below the asking price that was rejected. They changed agents to a company called Amberglobe. They marketed the property and the buyer who's bid was initially rejected came back in with a higher offer which was subsequently accepted. Sale has all gone through and folks are enjoying their retirement until Phoenix piped up saying they wanted their 2% fee of the ASKING price they had originally marketed the property for because they had introduced the buyer (it is in their contract that was originally signed). They want ~£29k, then reduced it to £6.5k if my folks paid right then. Folks sought legal advice (from the solicitor they used when selling the carehome) who said they should pretty much just pay and get it done as a long protracted case could cost a hell of a lot more (let alone stress). Phoenix now want £10k+VAT. But since this morning have changed that to £10k inc VAT (providing we pay by 4pm today). Payment dates keep changing with them, terms, etc. which makes me think they are chancing their luck and just trying to make a fee out not doing their job properly in the first place. Any help is greatly appreciated!
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