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  1. Good afternoon, I am wondering if somebody can point me in the right direct. Last summer myself, my wife and our son (13 at the time) flew to Romania with Tarom (Heathrow to Bucharest). Our flight landed almost 6 hours late. On our return, I filed a claim for compensation for the three of us at 400 Euro’s per person. After 3 months, Tarom eventually replied to me with an apology and an offer of 450 Euro’s per person in vouchers. I refused this and insisted upon a cash alternative via bank transfer under Regulation EU261. Tarom agreed to compensate 400 Euro’s per person and asked for my bank details, which I have supplied. However, after another 3 weeks, they only paid 400 Euro’s. I have emailed them twice since to ask about the remaining 800 Euro’s. Today, I got a reply stating the following: “Under the Romanian Law (we are a Romanian Company) we can make the payment directly to the passenger. In order to make the payment for Mrs. XXXX and Mr. XXXX we need the following bank details of the passengers.” Is this information correct, or are they trying to delay payment further? I can’t imagine that an airline pays each member of a family separately e.g. a family package holiday. Our son does not have a bank account, so I can’t give them any bank details for him, although he is entitled to compensation too. Many thanks
  2. Hi I'm after a bit of advice. I am currently interest only on my mortgage and owe approx 63000. This ends in 7 years. I am in no position to remortgage. Because of my poor credit rating and type of house I'm in. As I know this 63000 needs to be paid. What is the best way. Do I up my monthly payment to my mortgage company or save up over the 7 years. (I actually thought I had longer) Thank you
  3. My mum has had a mortgage for 45 years. It represents 17% of it's value. They don't want to continue it, once it reached the end of it's term, even after agreeing to continue it in May of this year. We only get to know a repossession court date is due on 30th of this month, 10 days ago. Barclays know she was staying with me over summer and it was only a neighbour checking post, that alerted us. (Barclays has made it very difficult for me to assist my mum on the issue) They wanted a message from the doctor, which they got, now they changed their mind and want a more formal letter via the post. Before 'possibly' reconsidering. Her rate was/is a minimum of 5% and went higher when rates increased recently. So they are earning well from her. Plus she paid off two loans they sold her, to pay off overdrafts, they kept letting her fill up! Until we asked them to stop. Both stink of miss selling. The impact of this will worry her, cause her to fear leaving her home and disrupt her recuperation with us. An effort that took her from being skin and bones, close to death (even with carers/social workers visiting), to eating and being more healthy.
  4. I'm being pestered by the Lloyds Mortgage department to prove how I will repay my Interest Only mortgage in 5 years' time. There is nothing in the original agreement which says I have to provide proof during the currency of the agreement ( I am aware that nowadays they want the proof before even giving an interest only mortgage but that certainly wasn't the case 10 years ago ) Any thoughts on the legal position ?
  5. I Phoned up to change the seats on the flight on Friday night, only to find out the hotel we'd booked into 16 months ago (and requested special assistance a few days later because they were not open when the holiday was booked) is not suitable for those with walking difficulties (nor is anywhere in cap salou apparently) I was open about my disability from the first call and that of my children but wasn't told about the resort or hotel (I'd asked for 14 nights all inclusive but left the resort open to Thomas Cook while explaning I have sever walking issues) I received a phone call back offering Furturaventura a week earlier but my wife has never flow before and is really panicked so a 4.5hr flight isn't an option, also our kids zone out with theme parks and that's how they escape, hence Salou being a good fit. I'm awaiting a call back as I then asked for a hire car to be provided to us for our stay, if Thomas Cook refuse this, there is nowhere else for us to go and we're really stuck, I can't walk more than 10 meters I use crutches and wheelchair etc, so where would I stand about getting a full refund without being deducted anything? We're under 60 days out now, not that a full refund would help with such a short amount of time left. Sorry I appreciate its long one but my head is in a spin we could only afford this holiday as a one off because of my health etc and now stand to lose everything.
  6. Animal welfare boosted by new law coming into force - England Only READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/animal-welfare-boosted-by-new-law-coming-into-force
  7. Older home-owners are being given more borrowing options, as a building society launches a new range of retirement interest-only mortgages. Leeds Building Society said it is entering the market, with the new deals initially being made available through brokers. Interest-only mortgages allow people to make regular interest payments on a loan, without paying off the loan itself – but the capital must be eventually paid off. Leeds’ new mortgages are being offered to borrowers aged 55 to 80. https://uk.yahoo.com/finance/news/interest-only-mortgages-lasting-retirement-230100829.html
  8. Hi everyone, hoping to find some urgent last minute help in this wonderful community Name of the Claimant ? Lowell Portfolio Date of issue – top right hand corner of the claim form – this in order to establish the time line you need to adhere to. 03/10/2016 Date of issue XX + 19 days ( 5 day for service + 14 days to acknowledge) = XX + 14 days to submit defence = XX (33 days in total) - ^^^^^ NOTE : WHEN CALCULATING THE TIMELINE - PLEASE REMEMBER THAT THE DATE ON THE CLAIMFORM IS ONE IN THE COUNT [example: Issue date 01.03.2014 + 19 days (5 days for service + 14 days to acknowledge) = 19.03.2014 + 14 days to submit defence = 02.04.2014] = 33 days in total What is the claim for – the reason they have issued the claim? Please type out their particulars of claim in full (verbatim) less any identifiable data and round the amounts up/down. Unfortunately I have now lost that document as have moved house twice since receiving their claim... have attached the defence I sent and the claimant's witness statement Have you received prior notice of a claim being issued pursuant to paragraph 3 of the PAPDC (Pre Action Protocol) ? No What is the value of the claim? £938.19 Is the claim for - a Bank Account (Overdraft) or credit card or loan or catalogue or mobile phone account? Vanquis credit card When did you enter into the original agreement before or after 2007? After (05/08/2010) Has the claim been issued by the original creditor or was the account assigned and it is the Debt purchaser who has issued the claim. Debt purchaser Were you aware the account had been assigned – did you receive a Notice of Assignment? No Did you receive a Default Notice from the original creditor? No Have you been receiving statutory notices headed “Notice of Default sums” – at least once a year ? No Why did you cease payments? I lost a job at the time and couldn't make monthly payments What was the date of your last payment? 30/12/2011 Was there a dispute with the original creditor that remains unresolved? No Did you communicate any financial problems to the original creditor and make any attempt to enter into a debt management planicon? No ------------------------ Hello everyone, Only just joined the community, but have been carefully following few threads to help with my personnal situation. So far it has been a priceless source of information and I hope to seek further help! I have my court hearing this coming Tuesday at 10am - here is a timeline of events: - Vanquis Agreement dated 05/08/2010 - Last payment made to Vanquis on 30/12/2011 - Notice of debt received by email from BW Legal/Lowell on 13/09/2016 - Letter with CCA request sent on 28/09/2016 - which was ignored - Claim issued by Lowell on 03/10/2016 - CPR18 request sent on 25/10/2016 - again, ignored - Defense sent on 05/11/2016 (copy of my defense attached in the thread) A year gone and never received the documents I asked in order to prepare defence of enter into mediation - DQ filed by claimant on 20/11/2017 - Sent another CPR18 request on 24/11/2017 - yet again ignored - Direction Questionnaire filed on 30/11/2017 Which brings us to present days, and the witness statement receive from the claimant only 2 weeks before the hearing (attached to the thread) - while I have been requesting information since November 2016 ! With the hearing happening in 3 days, I'm getting exponentially nervous about what's going to happen - and how I should prepare to defend myself. I misunderstood the notice of allocation for the hearing and didn't send a witness statement myself... is there something I should do/say at the hearing? Can someone kindly advise on the best course of action for me to get in the hearing with a bit more confidence? I'd like to avoid a CCJ at all cost and just want to settle the debt - but have missed the opportunities to do so as they failed to send the documents I requested A few questions I have after reading the witness statement several times: - I never received the Notice of Assignment. Statement says "defendant put to strict proof to the contrary" - clearly, shouldn't these kind of documents be sent registered and/or signed for? My gut instinct is to say they should be the one proving they served me with the notice of assignment (their responsibility, isn't it?) - With my CPR requests, I have sent deadline for them to collect and send the requested documents - none were respected. I literally had to wait almost a year and half and the witness statement (just a few weeks before the hearing) to get any sort of documents from them. Is that a point for me to use in my defence? As I've been chasing documents for a while in order to prepare my defence, ignoring my requests and sending these at the last minute should play in my favour? Many many thanks in advance for any help that the community could provide me with I will make sure to keep everyone updated. BW Witness Statement.pdf BW Defence.pdf
  9. Government action to end letting fees - England Only READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/government-action-to-end-letting-fees
  10. New Private Residential Tenancy - Scotland Only https://beta.gov.scot/publications/scottish-government-model-private-residential-tenancy-agreement/ This come into force on 1st December 2017 and affects Tenancy Agreements from that date onwards only and will replace the Assured and Short Assured Tenancy Agreements for all new Tenancies. Changes will include: -- Longer notice periods, with tenants who have been in a property for more than six months receiving at least 84 day notice to leave, unless they are at fault -- Simpler notices, with a simpler notice to leave process -- The introduction of a model tenancy agreement which can be used by landlords to set up a tenancy -- No more fixed terms - private residential tenancies are open ended, meaning your landlord can't ask you to leave just because you've been in the property for 6 months as they can with a short assured tenancy. -- Rent increases - your rent can only be increased once every 12 months (with 3 months notice) and if you think the proposed increase is unfair you can refer it to a rent officer. These are just some of the new changes. If you had an Assured or Short Assured Tenancy Agreement before the 1st December 2017 then these Tenancy Agreements will continue until your landlord ends that tenancy agreement (using the correct procedure). (note if your Assured/Short Assured Tenancy is for renewal after the 1st December 2017 then you landlord will have to offer the new Private Residential Tenancy). Links of Interest: Scottish Government - Private Renting https://beta.gov.scot/policies/private-renting/private-tenancy-reform/ The Scottish Government Model Private Residential Tenancy Agreement http://www.gov.scot/Publications/2017/10/3669/2 Shelter Scotland - The New Private Residential Tenancy https://scotland.shelter.org.uk/get_advice/advice_topics/renting_rights/renting_from_a_private_landlord/the_private_residential_tenancy Housing and Property Chamber First-Tier Tribunal for Scotland https://www.housingandpropertychamber.scot/news/new-private-residential-tenancy
  11. Rent pressure zones READ MORE HERE: https://beta.gov.scot/policies/private-renting/rent-pressure-zones/ Please note this only affects 'Private Residential Tenancies' in Scotland Only Rent Pressure Zone Checker: https://www.mygov.scot/rent-pressure-zone-checker/
  12. I am needing to apply for a mortgage asap. Im a LTD company self employed contractor. There is a wrong default on my Equifax and Callcredit reports. Experian is absolutely fine. I have only been contracting for 16 months and so the likes of Halifax wont touch me. I have written to the FOS to get the details corrected but this may take time. Can you tell me what lenders only use Experian or suggest who i could check with. The brokers dont have this information. There is an article on MSE but its incorrect, it says Nationwide only use Experian, i called them and they said they use all 3 companies for credit checks. Many thanks
  13. Hello CAG Readers I was looking for friendly advice on what I can do or how to go about my situation. on march 21st 2017 my mum changed provider to TalkTalk, who guaranteed a strong and stable Broadband and phone line Since day 1 we have had a broken package. We were members for 6 months and since having it we had issues with everything. For starters the internet would constantly disconnect for no reason, turning itself off when the phones rang or when it rained (living in the uk meant practically everyday) , not reconnecting for potentially hours. The home phones would cut out mid call, one of the 4 phones never worked since Day 1 and we kept getting phone overuse charges despite having 24/7 international on our packages. The Biggest pain was the inability (Or hatred towards the consumer) of the staff, They lied to us several times, promising engineers, call backs and a new phone set but none ever showed up, I even had to take time off work because engineers were to arrive but the following day when I phoned to complain about the lack of engineers, they stated no engineers were ever planned, the women on the phone didn't know what to do so she went to see a manager, said they were busy and id get one of their infamous call-backs that id come to experience all too much . we must have called every week asking for help but they never even tried to remedy our situation. It reached boiling point after we went 6 out of 12 months without a working package and no support from staff, despite paying them for these services every month , we demanded to speak to a manager After explaining our situation, She said that we were allowed to leave without fear of a exit fee even thought we were only 6/12 months into the contract. Finally some progress... Since then We have moved to virgin (really good so far) and all was well until yesterday TalkTalk Sent us a exit bill for £300+ plus Late fees and extra Bills for House phone calls. I'm under the impression this is fraudulent as my mother agreed to void the contract with no exit fees which was consented by a TalkTalk agent, however the company have went back on this agreement. if possible any advice would be appreciated and if anyone had any similar situation I would not recommend TalkTalk Based on the service I have received however I hope we were an anomaly and not the norm for TalkTalk customers
  14. Letting Agents Registration and Code of Practice Comes into force 31st January 2018 ***Scotland Only*** The Housing (Scotland) Act 2014 made provisions for the mandatory letting agent registration, regulation and training requirements in Scotland. Housing (Scotland) Act 2014: http://www.legislation.gov.uk/asp/2014/14/contents/enacted Part 4 of the Housing (Scotland) Act 2014 makes provision for the registration, regulation and training requirements for letting agents in Scotland. They include a mandatory register of letting agents, a ‘fit and proper’ person test, training requirements, a code of practice to which all letting agents must adhere and enforcement through the new First-Tier Tribunal. The Letting Agent Registration (Scotland) Regulations 2016 sets out the training requirements that those applying to join the register of letting agents must meet and additional information required for registration. This was laid before the Scottish Parliament on 22nd December 2016 and comes into force 31st January 2018. The Letting Agent Registration (Scotland) Regulations 2016: http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ssi/2016/432/introduction/made Letting Agent Registration Guide: https://www.mygov.scot/letting-agent-registration/who-needs-to-register/ The Register of Letting Agents will be a list run by Scottish Ministers that will make sure every letting agent is suitable to do the job and has met minimum training requirements. --legal obligations relating to letting agency work and the rights and responsibilities of tenants and landlords --handling of tenants’ and landlords’ money --arranging and managing a tenancy --managing repairs and maintenance --customer communications --complaints handling --equality issues The Letting Agent Code of Practice (Scotland) Regulations 2016 were laid before the Scottish Parliament and will come into force on 31st January 2018. The Letting Agent Code of Practice (Scotland) Regulations 2016: http://www.legislation.gov.uk/sdsi/2016/9780111030912 Those engaged in letting agency work must also comply with the Letting Agent Code of Practice. The Code of Practice is set out in The Letting Agent Code of Practice (Scotland) Regulations 2016 and contains general duties including: --complying with relevant legislation --providing accurate information --applying procedures consistently and reasonably --dealing with complaints --ensuring compliance by employees and subcontractors --handling private information sensitively --not to unlawfully discriminate --carrying out services in a timely fashion and with due skill and care Housing and Property Chamber First-tier Tribunal for Scotland: https://www.housingandpropertychamber.scot/
  15. Thank you for reading. I have a problem with my electric meter. I will try to keep this brief, I have a low reading and a normal reading and it appears that I have only been billed for the low reading (I'm worried it may be since I have been in the property 8 years). The low reading is registering units during the DAY and NIGHT!. So I am assuming I am being charged for my day time usage at the lower price. I have notified British Gas, but only after there was a problem with them excepting my latest meter reading. They are going to fit a new meter and bill me based on my last true reading, but how can they do this if this has been happening since I have been in the property (worse case scenario) and I have been paying but at the lower rate. They are ringing me this afternoon to discuss billing so am still in the dark. I'm so worried about this, any advice would be appreciated:!.
  16. Hello! I know the answer is easy to find but I can't find it! I have approx £360 left of an enormous loan with WF. I have refused to pay it for possibly a year now. Might be slightly less. I know there is a letter you can write about not paying the fees and telling them politely no. But I can't find it. Please can someone point me in the right direction? If I'm completely wrong, I'd love your advise J
  17. Scottish Housing Regulator Fire Safety Advice - Letter to all social landlords can be download here: https://www.scottishhousingregulator.gov.uk/publications/fire-safety-advice-letter-all-social-landlords
  18. Hi everyone , could you tell me if anyone has an interest only mortgage that will be comming to an end in the next 3-5yrs thanks
  19. Hello CAG Please give me some help and advice. My interest only mortgage will end next month . I have asked for a five year extension. I have been discussing this with my mortgage provider and it does not look good. I am pretty nervous and anxious. I am not quite sure how to go about negotiating with them. As its interest only they want the entire loan back. Due to illnesses over the last 10 years my plans to save to repay the mortgage at the end of term went out of the window. then went into arrears and it was touch and go for a year. I was able to make regular payments and caught up on my arrears. I was then able to make over payments which totted up to a small but a pretty good amount. But its like – that’s all academic now The lender now wants the full mortgage back, which is impossible for me. I have a small amount of lump sum but not a serious amount. This is where I need help and advice. 1. I can provide proof of income but the income in itself is not great. However its enough to enable me to meet the payments regularly and my outgoings are low. 2. The lender wants SA103 for the last three years from HMRC. I am arranging this. I am unsure how these documents will look and how the lender would use them to assess my capability to make repayments. 3. My intention is to take on a repayment mortgage for say another 5 years and then sell my property. I do not wish to sell it now 4. I can increase my repayments by taking on a tenant. (I can go really crazy by taking on more tenants but i do not know how the lender will react to this) 5. Will I be assessed as a new client or will they take my past good record into account.? 6. During my illness I took on a loan and picked up a CCJ and as a result, a second charge on my property which is still on my record. I am assuming that this will have an adverse effect on my application for an extension. i shall be most grateful for any advice on how to deal with this other then sell up and move on thank you very much Burmafriday
  20. MY 16-19 account had been opened in december 2016 and yesterday, the 23rd of February, I received a letter that my account was being closed, and that Barclays were unable to continue being my bankers. It offers no other explanation. I realized yesterday that my card was missing when I attempted to call them and tried to find my account number and sort code. I decided to go into a branch and was told that my account did not exist. I'm concerned whether there is any way I can reverse this decision and whether I will be able to open an account with another bank or building society such as Nationwide or Santander? There is no issue of money being stuck, more the inconvenience of having my account closed down and having no idea about it
  21. Hi, Does anyone know what Nationwide is likely to do in our situation please? Wife is 16 years older than me so we had a 10 year self cert mortgage taking her to age 65 originally through Derbyshire/Salt and now taken over with Nationwide. About 12 months ago we rang Nationwide after receiving a standard letter re repaying the loan at the end of the mortgage term. The friendly but extremely unhelpful call center guide was only interested in referring us to an independent mortgage advisor when asking about options and whether we could extend the term as they couldn't give advice and there were NO options on Nationwide doing some sort of deal or changing the mortgage. There wasn't much point in talking to a broker as my business went south in 2009 and we have wobbly credit, can't prove income to service the loan now although have no arrears or ever been in arrears. Instead we have been trying to sell the property - £255000 mortgage and 2 local estate agents started us at £395,000 now down to £340,000 and only 3 viewings in a year! I have been trying to understand 'Forebearance' but can't find any examples of any lenders being helpful to customers when they can't afford repayment. All we want to do is to continue actively trying to sell it while paying interest only rather than have it repossessed and forced sold. Does anyone know what is 'likely' to happen - particulalrly where Nationwide are involved? Any thoughts or advice would be really appreciated. Wife was just going to leave today she is getting so upset. We have until Feb for the mortgage term to end although haven't received any notices about the mortgage since last year. Thanks
  22. Hi Have a long story so will try to shorten it to relevant information. I have debts of about £35k from a business I gave up in 2013. I was a sole trader so they are all personal debts. They are all unsecured loans. On and off I have visits from bailiffs and debt collectors. Some are reasonable, some are rude and abusive and claim to have powers they don't. I have not let any of them into my home, nor do I answer phone calls or letters. I have severe mental health problems and this is not helping. . I have had advice from cab which turned out to be wrong and spoke to Another on the phone who admitted they didn't know the answers. I am at my wits end and not good with forms at all. I receive high rate personal independence payment and esa. My questions are. Will there be a time limit on being chased for these debts? I have no spare money so am I best going bankrupt? Will my benefits be used towards the debt if Igo bankrupt? Thank you for any help you can give
  23. Good day all, I'm in a bit of a panic here. I have a £4500 season ticket with SWT. I managed to lose it about 1 month into the ticket and was interviewed by revenue protection and subsequently given a replacement. Last night as I got up to let a lady off I folded the tray back with my season ticket in there and forgot to take it down again before getting off leaving my ticket on the train. Realising my mistake I tried to call the guard and SWT 30 mins after. However there were no numbers I could get through to. I spoke to the guard this morning and he advised that I wouldn't be given a duplicate and I would have to buy a new season ticket as I'd already had one replacement. My current season ticket had until June to run, so about £1500 worth of travel. I've got a new daughter being born soon and I can't afford the travel to get to work. Surely SWT can't refuse to let me travel? I've paid for the service not the ticket right? Is there anyone who can offer me any advice on how to go about coming to a resolution which doesn't end up putting me into debt or losing my job! Any advice greatly appreciated!!! thank you T
  24. Hi all, About 12 months ago my partner and I bought three ceiling lights from Dunelm and fitted them using the recommended bulbs. Over the past 12 months dark stains have appeared on our ceiling above each bulb. A sample light was sent back to Dunelm who investigated the issue with the supplier and eventually accepted liability, offering to pay to have our ceilings repainted. This is all great and we're happy with the service. We obtained quotes and sent a middle-of-the-road quote to Dunelm for approval, however they refuse to send me the money, instead insisting the money is paid directly to the decorator we contract to do the work. I have a few issues with this. It's not the decorator who has suffered a loss, we have, so why is not us who are compensated for an agreed sum? Second, I have never paid upfront for any work in the past, which appears to be what Dunelm expect me to do in effect. I guess my question is, is there any basis on which to insist it is me who is compensated, leaving me free to contract whomever I wish?
  25. Hi All, Hoping you might be able to provide some advice here. I signed a 12 month gym contract on the 1st January 2016 and like most people who get sucked in, hardly used the facilities and decided I wouldn't renew. In October I gave notice to terminate the contract on the 1st January 2017. Now the club have said I still owe them for the month of January because I can only give 30 days notice AFTER my 12 month contract has ended? Is this common practice? I've never had a contract like this before. Thanks SK
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