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Found 18 results

  1. Older home-owners are being given more borrowing options, as a building society launches a new range of retirement interest-only mortgages. Leeds Building Society said it is entering the market, with the new deals initially being made available through brokers. Interest-only mortgages allow people to make regular interest payments on a loan, without paying off the loan itself – but the capital must be eventually paid off. Leeds’ new mortgages are being offered to borrowers aged 55 to 80. https://uk.yahoo.com/finance/news/interest-only-mortgages-lasting-retirement-230100829.html
  2. From their website: "Charged to cover the administration of issuing an arrears chase letter." - Outgoing arrears letter I'm not condoning missing mortgage payments, but surely £27.50 is a lot for a one-page (presumably computerised) letter and envelope being sent out? I think this has been covered previously (in 2011) but I'm not sure of my best course of action. Or whether I have a claim at all? Can anyone help me? I have received 2 of these letters in the last fortnight alone. £55 is hard to take for 2 sheets of paper and 2 envelopes! This figure is clearly exceeding actual administrative costs, and I find them unfair and therefore unlawful. Are they well within their rights to charge such a figure? Sometimes I have had these letters without even a prior phone-call to chase/remind me to make payment.
  3. HI there I'm wondering if someone can point me in the right direction please. I'm in the early stages of reclaiming my PPI back on my Yorkshire Building Society mortgage, which was taken out in 2002. I have all my mortgage statements except the one for 2012, which I requested from them yesterday and they're going to send me. My main question is which of the 4 spreadsheets is the right one to use? I'm thinking it's the first one (StatIntSheet v101)? The PPI payments are paid monthly, but the amounts paid each month differ from year to year. Thanks in advance for any advice. Carol
  4. Many are concerned with how British society is changing. Whether our area of concern is governments program of austerity, cuts to disability benefits, the renewal of trident, tax avoidance/evasion, brexit, the annihilation of the NHS as we knew it, with allegations of government plans to privatise our NHS, media bias, climate change, or any other concern, attack, insult, demean, demonise and discredit "the enemy" (those who do not agree with every word we say) seems to be the order of the day. We call ourselves a democratic nation, but a single episode of PM's questions would bring that allegation into question, as our "upstanding pillars of society" MP's, pass their insults, attacks and vile behaviour at fellow "honourable members". The recent in/out referendum brought out the very worst in British politics with insults galore, lies, false claims and promises being order of the day. Our so called "free press", regardless of which side of the argument their paymasters supported were equal in spreading utter fearporn and confusion among the British people. We are quick to point the finger of blame at government, often with good cause, but somehow conveniently forget that it was we collectively whom time and again have elected our politicians to their positions of privilege and power, where we have enabled them to make decisions on our behalf and continue to fail to hold them account for the decisions they make. Somehow, we have as yet failed to recognise that our seemingly preferred approach of attack, insult and discredit "the opposition" achieves nothing useful, nor do the utterly pointless petitions on the .gov website, which even at best, will only achieve a debate in the House of Commons What we continue to fail to consider, is surely the fundamental question of "What kind of society, do we want to live in? If Britain is a democratic nation, surely we the people have a right to consider and express our opinions on this question, without the insults and other vile, degrading and wholly undemocratic tactics?
  5. Disabled people 'left behind in society', report finds READ MORE HERE: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-39458672
  6. A/ Why are hover boards sold if you can't use them on the pavement or road. B/ why do people text while crossing the road. C/ Why do some young people wear there trousers half way down. D/ Why do some people shout at someone if they are next to them. Any ideas of the above would be welcome and perhaps some of your own..
  7. I have submitted reclaim for missold PPI to Yorkshire Building Society they have responded to advise that they refuse claim on the grounds that throughout their investigation they found no evidence to suggest they acted inappropriately or improperly in any way either when arranging MPI cover at the outset or since. They have although found evidence to suggest that we were aware of the policy existing. We were told at the outset of applying for our mortgage that we would have to take endowment and payment protection insurance for our mortgage application to be looked on favourably. It was our first ever house purchase and mortgage and both my ex husband and I remember being pushed in the direction the mortgage adviser wanted and because we so wanted this house we agreed to all they told us we had to. They have provided copies of all the signed forms and say they find no evidence of misselling...... But they won't do because it was verbally implied we wouldn't get if didn't go down route of endowment policy and protect our payments. Do we go straight to FOS now or go back to the Building Society? What evidence could we provide to say missold as it was verbal? Of course they not going to have it written on any documents it's just my ex husbands and my verbal evidence? What now? Anyone have any advice on how we can prove? Thanks P.s. I also notice they have changed it from PPI to MPI and the insurance we took out was to cover payments which we didn't need as I got full sick pay and redundancy and so was the case for my ex husband. It was a monthly premium we paid which didn't affect any further interest charges added onto the mortgage but it was definable to cover our mortgage payment to the endowment policy if we were out of work for a period of time.
  8. The government plans to close 91 courts and tribunals across England and Wales, and integrate or merge 31 more. The Law Society want your views and case studies to help formulate thier consultation response. Please complete our short survey to let us know how you will be affected. Their interactive map shows the courts affected by the proposals, where the work would move to and how long it would take by public transport to get to the alternative courts. https://www.lawsociety.org.uk/news/stories/court-closures-we-want-your-views/
  9. To cut a long story short, I had to cancel my Gourmet Society subscription by instructing my bank to block payments as the renewal correspondence hadn't arrived in enough time for me to action it with GS themselves. I notice many other people aren't so lucky and GS refuse to give a refund after having taken the payment against their will. GS are phoning and emailing me saying I owe them another year's subscription as I hadn't cancelled directly through them. Are they right?
  10. Is there a way of stopping or challenging this from being renewed at the end of its 5 years (before the actual debt is cleared)? Original debt: Nationwide Overdraft back in 2004 of £3500 Nationwide refused to deal with Christians Against Poverty who were sorting out a repayment schedule at the time and as soon as they were involved took me to court. They had been phoning me in the evenings to try and get me to repay the overdraft and had offered if I could pay the overdraft of £2000 - they would waive the £1500 over that but I was pregnant at the time and about to come off on maternity leave soon and did not have that amount of money available to me then. The guy I was speaking said that in that case they would take me to court and take my house away from me. Decree was granted in April 2005 and Order of inhibition on any property I own after that. Was renewed on expiry in 2010 and due again to expire in May. Have £1900 left of balance. Have not received any statement of the account since the decree in 2005, so have no idea of interest and charges that have occurred or how much I have actually paid back. First was passed to Morton Fraser solicitors and now with Aberdein Considine. I have tried to put in a claim for unfair fees and charges that were added to the account - the overdraft was £2000 and the fees and charges the rest. Morton Fraser said I was not allowed to contact Nationwide Building Society to do this. Never got a reason why they would not look at the fees and charges - on the one hand Nationwide were saying to contact Morton Fraser with a settlement offer and they would consider it through them but Morton Fraser said they received no such instruction from Nationwide - so just kept going round in circles. This was a few years ago and I had too many other things going on in my life to fight with them about who said what so just left it. However, I want this inhibition removed so I can move on with my life. I could possibly just about manage to settle the debt before May, but it would be a struggle (we are a family of 7 so every penny counts). I do still have some other outstanding debts that I still am paying that defaulted at the same time. Any advice on how to go about this one?
  11. just wondering if anyone can help im trying to buy a house at the moment and last tues 21/4/15 wanted money transfer from my account to my lawyers account by chaps got a phone call from yorkshire saying its complete i then called my lawyer to make sure but it hadn't,d appeared next day contacted bank in person said it had bounced back into my account was a very strange answer i thought but was assured it would be done by end of day (22/4) but surprise surprise it wasn,t and still hasn,t been transfered yet (25/4) all they can say its a computer glitch
  12. Customers of Yorkshire and Chelsea building societies to receive refunds of arrears charges in £8.4m windfall About 34,000 mortgage borrowers with Yorkshire Building Society are to receive refunds averaging almost £250 each after mistakes were made in the calculation of mortgage arrears charges. In all, about £8.4m will be paid to the customers affected, some of whom have mortgages with Chelsea and Barnsley building societies and Accord Mortgages, which are all part of the Yorkshire group. Borrowers will receive an average of £247. The group is to refund all mortgage arrears administration fees charged since January 2009 and interest on those fees, even to customers who were not affected by the mistakes in calculation. The problem came to light when the City regulator, the Financial Conduct Authority, questioned whether Yorkshire's procedures were robust enough. The society then reviewed its treatment of some customers who had been charged arrears administration fees. More: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/personalfinance/borrowing/mortgages/10640632/250-refunds-for-34000-building-society-borrowers.html
  13. YORKSHIRE BUILDING SOCIETY - ENDOWMENT SHORTFALL I would be very grateful for any advice. I have an endowment mortgage shortfall leaving me with a £21,000 debton my 25 year interest only mortgage with the Yorkshire Building Society. I am 60 years, severely disabled and my wife is my full time carer, we are totally dependant on benefits and was unable to do anything about the shortfall, we received a small amount of compensation some time back after commissions were taken. I have written twice to YBS setting out clearly our circumstances, I advised I would try and pay in extra to reduce the shortfall and I paid an extra £2000 this year leaving us short of money. I have asked them to extend the term by 10 years or make it a"lifetime interest only mortgage". They telephoned in response to my first letter in May this year saying they could not do an interest only mortgage, and it would have to be repayment one, we were expecting a £30,000 shortfall, she spoke about a 5 year repayment mortgage due to my age, with repayments between £400 and £500 p/m, I told her this was impossible, I asked her to put everything in writing and was told this was NOT their policy, that she had already explained it over the telephone, I asked her to speak to a supervisor and he agreed, the letter did not reflect the telephone conversation, did notmention a repayment mortgage just said the shortfall had to be paid or our homewas at risk and I was happy and understood. I continued to pay full interest and extra payments and wrote them another long letter as the mortgage was coming to an end and the shortfall was much less than expected, I requested again an extension of the term of the mortgage or a "life time"mortgage, I asked them to acknowledge in writing my letters and attachments. I then received a letter saying they had received a cheque from my endowment company that left a £21,000 shortfall and could I forward a cheque for the balance, my letters and contents were being ignored, this seems so unprofessional, I wonder if they are trying to get me into a situation of unauthorised borrowing and hit me with charges, the house is worth £175.00 and I only owe £21,000 and have proved I can pay the interest, I cannot see why they would want to make a disabled family homeless and incur large legal fees, it seems so unreasonable, down sizing would not be practical as we live in a small mid terraced house. The same woman has phoned and left a message, I do not want to speak to her again as she just repeats the same thing over and over again and ignores what I say, this pressure is impacting on my fragile health, the very least they should do is put in writing their position and a proposal to resolve the problem. I really would appreciate any advice. Bernie
  14. Last year I signed up for a £1 Gourmet Society membership trial offer for three months. I never received the original membership card but chased them and eventually got this. In the original email with my order confirmation it stated: Important note: The Gourmet Society is an on-going membership subscription service. You will be sent a renewal towards the end of your Initial Term (detailed above) and your subscription will automatically renew at the renewal date (and at the end of each subsequent term) until cancelled. Details of how to cancel are contained in your renewal pack. If you change address, please contact us. I never received the renewal pack, which as per the above also included the details on how to cancel allegedly. I noticed that I have been charged £39.95 on my latest card statement so I contacted them yesterday. They said they would not refund this as I had not cancelled, but will not acknowledge that I never received the above, which is apparently my issue. Their customer resolutions manager was due to call be back between 0930 - 1230 today but never called. I called them this afternoon and they were due to call back at 1700 but there's been no call. I tried to call them a few minutes ago but their lines close at 1700. I've now been charged £39.95 for a service / product I don't even have, and they won't refund. Has anyone been in a similar situation / any advice please? Next time I won't trust a company to send the renewal notice, I will also make a note to call them [which I would have done if they hadn't said they send a renewal notice.....]. Thanks.
  15. I have been repossessed on two properties with Leeds Building Society. I sent them letters for both accounts stating unlawful charges from this site. They replied saying for compensation they will reimburse 150 gbp, then listed the following for both accounts: Narrative Costs (£) 11 x arrears letters 302.50 3 x Unpaid Cheques 82.50 6 x Broken Arrangements 180.00 5 x Field Agent Fees* 5 x Field Agent Admin Fees 250.00 422.63 5 x Instructing Solicitors 625.00 1 x Tracing Agents 30.00 Total Of Society’s Fees 1,892.63 4 x Solicitors Costs 459.50 Total Fees and Costs 2,352.13 Narrative Costs (£) 11 x arrears letters 302.50 4 x Unpaid Cheques 110.00 1 x Unpaid Direct Debit 27.50 4 x Broken Arrangements 120.00 5 x Field Agent Fees 5 x Field Agent Admin Fees 281.75 250.00 2 x Instructing Solicitors 250.00 Estate Agents Costs 288.00 Re-Enforcement Fee 100.00 Total Of Society’s Fees 1,729.75 4 x Solicitors Costs 2,257.85 Total Fees and Costs 3,987.60 They state write to the FSA if not happy, and we all know what happens when you do that, just need to know if there is anything I can do, 150 gbp for 7k in charges does not seem right.
  16. Hello all, Quick question relates back to 2004 (lol, I know procrastination set in and now it's time to redress) I was overpaid from where I worked at the time. The following day this overpayment was automatically withdrawn from my account without my permission or knowledge. Just wondering if that was legally possible?
  17. There are times when I need clear understanding of some of this governments policies. I think this recording of an interview with a cabinet minster puts the policy in its true light.
  18. I have only just discovered this site since having 8 properties taken over by LPA Receivers. I am desparately trying to find out what to do next. I read that I can make an Application to Court to get control of sales. Please is there an expert who can tell me how to word tha application? I am scared of making an awful situation even worse if that is possible!!!
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