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  1. Hello I think I've royally messed up with something and am looking for some advice please. Tonight I was having a tidy and have come across a claim form which I hadn't noticed or even opened. The issue date is the 28th June. I've gone onto MCOL and tried to request 28 days as opposed to the 14 but I suspect the clock struck at 16:00 this afternoon. I'm just looking for words of wisdom on how to proceed please. I know I've been stupid and didn't even see it mixed in with a load of rubbish that usual rubbish and takeaway menus that graces my letterbox. I've included the details below but it's probably a bit late for that. ----- Date of issue 28th June 2018 Particulars of Claim 1. Monies due under current account overdraft. 2. The Claimant's claim is for the balance outstanding under a Bank account facility Yorkshire Bank agreed to maintain for the Defendant. 3.It was a term of the Bank account that any debit balance would be repayable by the Defendant in full on demand.n 4. The Defendant has failed to repay the amount due. 5. The debt was assigned to the Claimant. THE CLAIMANT THEREFORE CLAIMS 2139.55 2. Costs Have you received prior notice of a claim being issued pursuant to paragraph 3 of the PAPDC (Pre Action Protocol) ? Not that I am aware of. What is the total value of the claim? 2324.55 Is the claim for - a Bank Account (Overdraft) or credit card or loan or catalogue or mobile phone account? Overdraft When did you enter into the original agreement before or after April 2007? Before, probably late 90's. Has the claim been issued by the original creditor or was the account assigned and it is the Debt purchaser who has issued the claim. Cabot. Were you aware the account had been assigned – did you receive a Notice of Assignment? I'm not sure but I have received letters from Cabot. Did you receive a Default Notice from the original creditor? I'm not sure. Have you been receiving statutory notices headed “Notice of Default sums” – at least once a year ? I don't think so. Why did you cease payments? Personal problems and financial difficulties. What was the date of your last payment? Probably 2013. Was there a dispute with the original creditor that remains unresolved? I stopped using this account and the debt has now been sold to Cabot. Did you communicate any financial problems to the original creditor and make any attempt to enter into a debt management plan No. ----
  2. Hi all, Hoping for some advice if possible. Early 2017 I received a claim form from Cabot for an old Yorkshire Bank overdraft debt - I wasn't in the best position at the time but did manage to file a standard claim defence through MCOL and then was told it would be sent back to the client to review. Heard nothing and am now in a much better situation out the blue approx a week ago I received a letter from the solicitors with the documentation I had requested in my claim defence etc. I have attached a copy of the letter they have sent me and they have also sent full bank statements, notices of charges and a notice of assignment. The claim is for approx £1000 - £875 from the account and the rest in solicitor fees. As a bit of context, the account was held from 2013-2014 and I had a serious gambling addiction at the time, essentially any money I received I was spending straight away on gambling. I had a current account with Yorkshire Bank with no agreed overdraft, yet I was constantly able to go several hundreds of pounds overdrawn, and of course the fees made this worse. Based on the bank statements they sent, I accrued approx £850 of bank charges in the 10/11 months I used the account (these were at £25 per charge for unplanned overdraft and a couple of £35 returned DD). Note the final balance now is not just charges as some of these were paid off during using the account. I was in a cycle where I would be overdrawn, credit the account and return to a positive balance, then be allowed to go overdrawn on gambling transactions and then charges would be added and the cycle would repeat, until I ended up so deep overdrawn I abandoned the account. Towards the end I was able to go over £600 overdrawn in gambling transactions, and then £185 fees were also added to this as well as extra debit interest that accumulated. The letter states they would like to settle without further court proceedings and that I can propose a repayment plan. After some research online I believe one option to me would be to submit a formal complaint to Yorkshire Bank about the charges and my financial situation at the time and how I was constantly able to go overdrawn by a large amount, and if necessary go on to the Ombudsman after. Do you think this is a good approach, and would it stop Mortimer wanting to proceed with court action whilst the complaint is considered? I am of course open to any other suggestions! Thanks a lot and sorry for the long read, please let me know if any more info is required. Attached: Letter received today Statement of amount owed One of the bank statements (towards the end of the account) as an example - can see it started OD, went into credit, then ended more OD than it started (unfortunately i no longer have copy of original claim form or my defence - trying to access MCOL to retrieve these but wasn't thinking straight enough to keep a log of my details when this all started a couple of years ago) Thanks for any advice
  3. I have YW chasing me for money. The amount which is just over £600 for 11 months. To my knowledge water has never been this expensive. Can someone please shed light on this. I have not paid as the first bill I disputed, and it has just been going on and on. Any help would be appreciated.
  4. HI there I'm wondering if someone can point me in the right direction please. I'm in the early stages of reclaiming my PPI back on my Yorkshire Building Society mortgage, which was taken out in 2002. I have all my mortgage statements except the one for 2012, which I requested from them yesterday and they're going to send me. My main question is which of the 4 spreadsheets is the right one to use? I'm thinking it's the first one (StatIntSheet v101)? The PPI payments are paid monthly, but the amounts paid each month differ from year to year. Thanks in advance for any advice. Carol
  5. Hi guys, hoping to get some advice - if anyone has a bit of spare time to read through and make any suggestions it would be very much appreciated. Please see the info below for the current situation: Claim issued by Cabot Financial (UK) Limited Date of issue – 8th Feb + 19 days = 26th Feb, + 14 days = 4pm Friday 10th [revised - dx] Particulars - "Monies due under current account overdraft. 1.THe claimant's claim is for the balance outstanding under a Bank account facility Yorkshire Bank agreed to maintain for the defendant. It was a term of the Bank account that any debit balance would be repayable by the Defendant in full on demand. The defendant has failed to repay the amount due. The debt was assigned to the Claimant." Value of claim - £1000 - this includes the overdraft amount of £850 and court and legal representative costs of just under £150 Overdraft from a basic current account Account opened 2013 Were you aware the account had been assigned – did you receive a Notice of Assignment? Not sure, went through a phase of not opening letters and moving address Context - this was a basic account with no arranged overdraft facility. I was suffering from an addiction at the time which meant I uncontrollably spent all money effectively as soon as it was available, however I was able to go £900 overdrawn on the account (not a planned or arranged OD, this would definitely have been rejected if applied for). Account has not been used since 2014. I have sent no communication to either Yorkshire Bank or Cabot. Is the first step to send a CPR31.14 to Mortimer Clarke (listed as solicitors on the form)? I don't expect to be able to defend it successfully as I do owe the money, if I am going to lose the case my best option seems to be to try and delay any judgement for 3/4 months, by which time I will have saved the money and then can pay it within a month after the judgement which therefore it means it won't show on my credit report - is this correct? Many thanks for any help.
  6. Is it just Yorkshire or are the security measures to prevent fraudulent use of a debit cards hopeless? I use my debit card to make online payments all the time. Occasionally I'm asked to validate my identity by entering my password in a pop up window (cant remember who's technology it is Sage? WorldPay?) I can never remember so I click forgotten password. I'm then asked to reset my password using only the information that's on the card in my hand. Sort code; expiry date; and security number. As a result I can reset my password and carry on. So too can the thief that has stolen my card and is using it to make fraudulent payment. Is it just me?
  7. Miss-sold a product, received final response from ombudsman whom stated that we were an accidental landlords, the Financial Ombudsman went onto say that the bank, Yorkshire Bank, had missing paper work. They ruled in the favour of the bank, we fought back, by saying it was an unfair process, as they had missing paper work but the financial ombudsman said they had treated us fair, so would not re-open the case. We went back to the ombudsman and stated this was an unfair process, as it was not true and Yorkshire Bank is misleading. The ombudsman stood by their decision but said we could take them to court, in which we have just started court action. I later found information in our own filing cabinet that showed upon mortgage application that the house was tenanted by our daughter and we had made it clear and it was stated clearly on the application. As we went through that information it became clear that the bank had mislead the ombudsman, they had not informed them that we already had a mortgage on our own property from the same company, when we were filling in paper work, we agreed to questions like, are you paying for a residential mortgage, we answered yes thinking it was this property we live in as the advisor had just been speaking about it. The product we had wanted was a buy to let, on interest, we ended up getting a residential mortgage on payment plan, we didn’t know what this was as no information was provided, so never questioned it as thought it was a buy to let. They also mis-sold another product at the same time, which was a signature account once that complaint was made we received a final response from Yorkshire Bank admitting no liability, however, we took this case to the financial ombudsman also a year before this one and they found in our favour on that particular case, which was sold to us at the same time as this residential mortgage was, for a tenanted property. We have recently found out by Yorkshire Bank that this was not just missing paper work but the mortgage file is lost. Yorkshire Bank got out of this by saying but we have system files, it was these system files that were produced to the financial ombudsman, obviously missing out the information that we already had a mortgage before application and with themselves at our home address. Our home address is residential. Missing out the information that the property was tenanted before mortgage application, missing out information that we wanted a buy to let on interest. Yorkshire Bank mis-lead the Financial Ombudsman, plus the discussions with Helen, which they can’t keep on system files. I have been writing to them for months by recorded delivery, they would not respond, i used the last method I possibly could use, it was facebook multimedia site, we got them to speak to us, however it was transferring letters we had already sent to them via facebook. We then got a call from Yorkshire Bank, stating they found the letters in a closed file and don’t understand why they went in that particular file. During the call the lady made a mockery of the complaint, when I mentioned our daughter was a tenant in that property, she said, “oh your daughter”, although it was clearly documented. We have since then had four tenants who are not related or friends. That same advisor then started to tell us on the phone what the original advisor would have said to us at the mortgage application appointment, I said, “hold on a minute” your putting words in our mouths, that was not said at all. We have asked for a copy of the call but they said they will play it in a branch near us but we can’t have the recording. They admitted fault in another letter today with regards to no correspondence and put £100 in our bank without asking us if we would accept, we don't want the money, we want justice. Hence the court case. Is there any information you could supply us with or support us on, as I am doing this court case myself as we can't afford to employ a solicitor? We have also asked the bank permission as we are going to auction on the property but they said we need a valuation, we said it has to be quick and urgent as the auction is June 2017. We waited so long on them responding but never received a reply from them in three months, we have had to take the next course of action to help ourselves as the Bank has turned their backs on us at that point. I don’t mind the valuation, but June is fast approaching and this valuation in case there is a shortfall on the mortgage (all of this knowledge has been sourced by me from the internet) is not only our problem, Yorkshire Bank has contributed to this by not supporting us or responding to us, when we were desperate. We have also asked for email correspondence from them, they have refused, saying letter only. Because they did not respond to our other previous letters they have placed us in a bad situation dragging us along while times are getting difficult and trying to not get into the area of repossession, and now they think they can pull the strings and tell us what to do after all this time. We are not going to be able to afford the full mortgage and the council tax, our limitation is June 2017, hence the auction. We need some help or some area of support to reach to, we will do the work, this is not an issue, but please, some light at the end of the tunnel would be greatly appreciated. Thank you x
  8. every time I try and pay for postage to a company my card is denied as I don't know why as it is the same card I use for paypal and it is fine there
  9. Final resting place of a Yorkshire born WW2 soldier killed in the 'Bridge too far' Battle of Arnhem is finally marked after almost 73 years READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/final-resting-place-of-a-yorkshire-born-ww2-soldier-killed-in-the-bridge-too-far-battle-of-arnhem-is-finally-marked-after-almost-73-years
  10. Sent this on 9th September using info from ybonline and a phone call to them:- To whom it may concern. Some years ago I had 2 loans with Yorkshire Bank, and it was a condition of the loans that I took out PPI, which I didn’t want or need. For some reason I paid the first loan and associated PPI off early, and I distinctly remember sitting in Yorkshire Bank in xxxxxxx with a member of staff explaining to me how the rule of 78 worked and this being applied to the first PPI for an early redemption charge due to the banks loss of interest charged on the policy. I then had to take out a second policy to cover the new loan that I was taking out. I now know that not only should I not have had to take out the PPI, but the existing PPI should not have been cancelled as it could have covered the second loan, at least in part. As a result of this extra expense there were times when my account went into overdraft, and extortionate charges were incurred, not to mention unpleasant pressure from your bank to pay these off faster than I could afford at the time. I’m not sure if I lived at the above address at the time, so am providing my previous address for your information. xx xxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx I would appreciate it if you would provide information regarding this PPI, and how much I am owed, including associated interest. Please let me know if you require further information, but otherwise I hope to hear from you within the 40 day timescale for such requests as advertised on your website. Yours faithfully Caro PPI information request 3rd Floor Granite House 31 Stockwell Street Glasgow G1 4RZ
  11. I have submitted reclaim for missold PPI to Yorkshire Building Society they have responded to advise that they refuse claim on the grounds that throughout their investigation they found no evidence to suggest they acted inappropriately or improperly in any way either when arranging MPI cover at the outset or since. They have although found evidence to suggest that we were aware of the policy existing. We were told at the outset of applying for our mortgage that we would have to take endowment and payment protection insurance for our mortgage application to be looked on favourably. It was our first ever house purchase and mortgage and both my ex husband and I remember being pushed in the direction the mortgage adviser wanted and because we so wanted this house we agreed to all they told us we had to. They have provided copies of all the signed forms and say they find no evidence of misselling...... But they won't do because it was verbally implied we wouldn't get if didn't go down route of endowment policy and protect our payments. Do we go straight to FOS now or go back to the Building Society? What evidence could we provide to say missold as it was verbal? Of course they not going to have it written on any documents it's just my ex husbands and my verbal evidence? What now? Anyone have any advice on how we can prove? Thanks P.s. I also notice they have changed it from PPI to MPI and the insurance we took out was to cover payments which we didn't need as I got full sick pay and redundancy and so was the case for my ex husband. It was a monthly premium we paid which didn't affect any further interest charges added onto the mortgage but it was definable to cover our mortgage payment to the endowment policy if we were out of work for a period of time.
  12. Hi all, Well I'd finally had enough of PPI claims companies ringing me so thought I'd have a look at what all the fuss is about! I'd had a few loans with Yorkshire Bank around 20 years ago, and was pretty sure we were told we needed PPI to help get the application agreed. SO - sent a letter to YB saying as much. No paperwork at my side, only thing I could offer was the address I would have been living at at the time. Received a holding response a couple of weeks ago and today received a full response offering a couple of grand less tax. I work in financial services and I'm not daft, but some of the wording in their letter seems TOO jargony, like they purposely want to bamboozle me! It does refer to an element of PPI that carried forward from a previous loan, but the way they've worded means nothing to me! Having read a few YB threads, I understand they have a reputation for trying it on! I'd like a bit of guidance please on how I should deal with this... I'd happily scan their response letter if that would help (anonymously of course)? It seems as though I may have to do a SAR too? Not done one of those for a few years so again a gentle pointer in the right direct wouldn't go amiss!! Thanks CAGgers, BL
  13. Well it seems it is going to be one of those days.Already i have put two threads out and it is only 8am. This one has caused by blood to boil.But everyone has a view,what is yours. Here is my answer to the news that - Fracking gets go-ahead in UK for first time since 2011 as North Yorkshire council approves plans. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/05/23/north-yorkshire-council-approves-fracking-plans/ Well everyone will know what i feel about Fracking just in case it is Lancashire next by fair means or foul. Our council and people have said No quite clearly.I am now catching up with local views just in case. My video of how i feel.When i went on a protest to learn more.These people are protectors not protesters. Could be on your doorstep next.
  14. Hello, I just received this through the post. I honestly have no idea what it for but looking at the amount it seems old. Can someone advise what I do next.
  15. What if anything do I do next?? I have recently found out that Cabot have bought another of my old debts from Yorkshire bank, the difficulty is that Yorkshire bank took me to court in February 2011. after I gave them the request for my original signed documents they then wrote to me stating the debt was unenforceable. Should I tell Cabot about this or wait for another claim form?
  16. just wondering if anyone can help im trying to buy a house at the moment and last tues 21/4/15 wanted money transfer from my account to my lawyers account by chaps got a phone call from yorkshire saying its complete i then called my lawyer to make sure but it hadn't,d appeared next day contacted bank in person said it had bounced back into my account was a very strange answer i thought but was assured it would be done by end of day (22/4) but surprise surprise it wasn,t and still hasn,t been transfered yet (25/4) all they can say its a computer glitch
  17. hoping to start a claim for PPI paid over at least 5 years on a £8k+ that I believe is SB . I have statements from previous SAR for approx 5 years which is a big help - PPI ranges from £30+ per month up to £70+ per month. Debt was assigned to MarlinIII who send a six monthly statement and have already admitted in writing most likely unenforceable agreement. (old application for missing prescribed terms) Would appreciate any help/thoughts/pitfalls etc etc Not sure how far I can claim back and how to calculate many thanks
  18. Hello and good morning, gather around and hear my tale of woe. Perhaps you may be able to provide me with some information which may make things a tad easier for me! Background: I moved into a house in May 2012 in Yorkshire. I was renting from Reeds Rain. Everything was absolutely splendid. Paid all my bills on time and was never an issue to anybody. When I left the property in 2013 (May), I advised Reeds Rain and ran through their check-list for leaving. (Ended up getting £500 from Spark Energy due to having been over-billed for the ENTIRE YEAR!). I was lead to believe that simply cancelling my direct debits would be fine, since Reeds would take over the account ownerships again as they'd be the home-owners until a new tenant moved in. On the same day I moved out of the property, I moved abroad until March 2014. While jobseeking, a company who did a check on me advised me that I had a default on my credit rating, and they wanted to know why. "What? I have NO Idea what that is." Was my genuine reply. But you, the reader can probably tell where this is going due to the title... I call Yorkshire Water and ask them about it. They tell me that since I never told them that I had left the property and simply cancelled the direct debit, I owed them money. We confirmed the date I left and they updated their systems and it was then a case that they owed ME money. (A token amount of about £7). I asked at this point if they'd remove the default, and they confused me and confirmed it'll be okay, they'd mark it as satisfactory. After having spoken to Credit Expert, I realise this is completely different to actually removing the default. This is when I kicked off! (Politely of course!) For the sake of simplicity, I will add in my letter to them, and their response. Good evening, My name is ... and I used to reside at ... in York. I rented the property for the period of one year from May '12 to May '13. When I entered the property, my details were provided to Yorkshire Water by my estate agent, Reeds Rain. I paid my bills every month by Direct Debit and never once had a late payment, or missed payment. Upon leaving the property, I was told that Reeds Rain would be contacting Yorkshire Water to take over the account again since it would be in their ownership. On the SAME day I left the property, I left the country and went to ... for ten months. Until March 2014 when I returned to the UK. While applying for work, I was informed that a credit-check on me had brought up a default against my name and if I could explain it. I was BAFFLED. Nobody had tried to call me or write to me at my new address. Nor was I emailed or had ANY SINGLE TYPE of correspondence made at all. I contacted Yorkshire Water and it was discussed as to when I left the property and it was discovered that in fact, they owed me money which they would arrange to pay back to me ASAP. Even with this though, they insist on only marking the default as settled instead of removing it, because it was accurate at the time of being put in place. My argument is this: It was not valid at the time it was put in place, as no attempt to discuss with me was made. They had multiple avenues to explore to contact me. (Reeds Rain being a primary contact point for information perhaps? Or to call my number or email me with the information provided by Reeds Rain. Or contacting me while I was at the property to confirm they had updated information on me) Second, the fact that with updated information, I have *NEVER* owed them money, therefore I have never defaulted on a missed payment. This means that the default, although they may have believed it to be correct at the time, is COMPLETELY wrong. It should be removed as it was added in error. The example I gave is thus: A man is arrested for murder and put behind bars for a year. It's then discovered he's completely innocent. The police do NOT keep a record on this person saying he's a murderer! This is a stain on my financial record that I've worked really hard to keep in good standing, and although it's being marked as "settled", it's still implying that at one point, I was in the wrong. Please help me as soon as you can, as this may affect my current job. Kind regards and thank you for your time, Their reply: Thank you for your emails received on 28 & 29 May 2014. I’m sorry you’ve had to go to the trouble of contacting us about the Default on your credit file and that you’re unhappy with the way your account has been handled. Whilst I fully appreciate that you left the country on 9 May 2013, we weren’t made aware of this until you called us on 27 May 2014. I understand that you had a private agreement with Reed Rains for them to close your account; unfortunately they didn’t let us know that you’d moved home. Due to the volume of customers we have, it’s not possible for us to contact them all by telephone and we didn’t hold your email address until your recent call. The onus is on the customer to make sure that they let us know of a change of address. Just to let you know your account was initially closed in August 2013 when mail was returned undelivered. We then passed your account to a debt collection agency so that they could trace you. As we were not made aware of the date that you left the property and as payments were not received, the Notice of Intention to file a Default was sent to the last known address that we had on record. Experian rules state that if a customer hasn’t made us aware of their new address, the letter can only be sent to the last known address. Although your account has now been amended and a refund given, I’m unable to remove the Default from your credit file as it was correctly registered at the time, based on the information that was provided to us. It’s important the information we share is accurate. Please be assured it’s not our intention to put a stain upon your character and I hope it doesn’t affect your future employment opportunities. As my colleague advised you in our previous email, your credit file will be updated within 28 days to show that the Default has been satisfied. I’m pleased to let you know I’ve also sent you hard copies of both emails to the address that you provided. I realise that this is not the response you were hoping and I’m sorry if my reply has disappointed you. Please be assured that your correspondence has been through our complaints process and has been fully reviewed. This means that if you contact us again about this the outcome will be the same. I've forwarded this onto the ICO since I do not feel that Yorkshire Water are keeping to the Data Protection Act 1998 (Part 4 - Accurate and Up-to-Date) Would anybody be able to confirm if I'm doing the right/wrong thing? Or if there's anything I can/should do differently? Thank you for your time reading this, I know it's a biggy. Kind regards.
  19. This is really annoying. In my shared house, my flatmate who was managing the water bill was paying methodically every month, but it seems that one month he did not see the letter and didn't pay one bill, (79 pounds). Well, yesterday, he opened one letter from Yorkshire Water saying that they would take us to court unless we paid £733 plus the bill not paid. He really messed it up, and it's going to be a huge problem for us. I'm spanish, so I'm not really aware of procedures here in England. What can we do now? Is there an option to not to pay that exaggerated penalty? Thanks...
  20. Name of Claimant: Marlin Europe Limited Date of issue: 02/04/14 What is the claim for? 1. The claimant claims the sum of £2488.72 being monies due from the defendant to the claimant under a regulated agreement between the defendant and CLYDESDALE and assigned to the claimant on 18/10/2006, notice of which has been provided to the defendant. 2. The defendant has failed to make payment in accordance with the terms of the agreement and a default notice has been served pursuant to the Consumer Credit Act 1974. 3. The claimant claims the sum of £2488.72 and costs. 4. The Claimant has complied, as far as is n the pre-action conduct practice direction.NumberWhat is the value of the claim? Amount Claimed £2488.72 Court Fees £75.00 Solicitor’s Cost £80.00 Total Amount £2643.72 Has the claimant included section 69 interest? Don’t know (don’t think so) Is the claim for a current account? Yes When did you enter into the original agreement before or after 2007? Before 2007 Has the claim been issued by the original creditor? No Were you aware the account had been assigned? Yes Did you receive a default notice from the original creditor? Yes (Account defaulted 2006, removed in 2012) Have you been receiving statutory notices at least once a year? No Why did you cease payments? Account in dispute over bank charges. Was there a dispute with the original creditor? Yes. Did you communicate any financial problems to the original creditor and make any attempt to enter into a debt management plan? No Apologies for formatting, I can't change it Hi,Haven't been on for a while, as I thought that finally my finances were in order and I was debt free until this landed on my doorstep, some 8 years since I had the account. It arrived the morning I was leaving on holiday, so already 3 weeks behind. Any help much appreciated Thanks
  21. YORKSHIRE BUILDING SOCIETY - ENDOWMENT SHORTFALL I would be very grateful for any advice. I have an endowment mortgage shortfall leaving me with a £21,000 debton my 25 year interest only mortgage with the Yorkshire Building Society. I am 60 years, severely disabled and my wife is my full time carer, we are totally dependant on benefits and was unable to do anything about the shortfall, we received a small amount of compensation some time back after commissions were taken. I have written twice to YBS setting out clearly our circumstances, I advised I would try and pay in extra to reduce the shortfall and I paid an extra £2000 this year leaving us short of money. I have asked them to extend the term by 10 years or make it a"lifetime interest only mortgage". They telephoned in response to my first letter in May this year saying they could not do an interest only mortgage, and it would have to be repayment one, we were expecting a £30,000 shortfall, she spoke about a 5 year repayment mortgage due to my age, with repayments between £400 and £500 p/m, I told her this was impossible, I asked her to put everything in writing and was told this was NOT their policy, that she had already explained it over the telephone, I asked her to speak to a supervisor and he agreed, the letter did not reflect the telephone conversation, did notmention a repayment mortgage just said the shortfall had to be paid or our homewas at risk and I was happy and understood. I continued to pay full interest and extra payments and wrote them another long letter as the mortgage was coming to an end and the shortfall was much less than expected, I requested again an extension of the term of the mortgage or a "life time"mortgage, I asked them to acknowledge in writing my letters and attachments. I then received a letter saying they had received a cheque from my endowment company that left a £21,000 shortfall and could I forward a cheque for the balance, my letters and contents were being ignored, this seems so unprofessional, I wonder if they are trying to get me into a situation of unauthorised borrowing and hit me with charges, the house is worth £175.00 and I only owe £21,000 and have proved I can pay the interest, I cannot see why they would want to make a disabled family homeless and incur large legal fees, it seems so unreasonable, down sizing would not be practical as we live in a small mid terraced house. The same woman has phoned and left a message, I do not want to speak to her again as she just repeats the same thing over and over again and ignores what I say, this pressure is impacting on my fragile health, the very least they should do is put in writing their position and a proposal to resolve the problem. I really would appreciate any advice. Bernie
  22. In 2011-12 I was in a house share with a girl who turned out to be incredibly bad at paying bills and I've since found out has bailiffs chasing her for a substantial amount of debt. I had the electric and gas bill with NPower in my name and she was supposed to have the water bill with Yorkshire Water in her's. My DD to NPower was always paid on time, but we had a lump sum to pay at the end of the tenancy as we'd been under paying. I paid my half off and she set up a payment plan for her remainder of the bill. A few months passed and I received a letter from a DCA, not surprisingly the ex-housemate had made a one off payment for £5 then did a runner, leaving me to settle the rest. I checked my Equifax report and couldn't see a default, but there were a few tracking searches from a couple of DCAs . I've just received a letter from Westcott demanding payment of £150 for the water bill. I challenged this, as I didn't consent to my name being on the bill, but it seems she must have given my details and had me added and then intercepted the unpaid water bills so I didn't see she hadn't been paying. They stated my name was on the bill and they don't get involved in third party disputes. It does seem odd that Yorkshire Water would do this as I've been told in the past by utilities companies that they can't add another party to a bill without speaking to them or having a signed letter. We were on a joint tenancy, so I'm guessing I have no recourse to have my name removed from the bill and have Westcott chase her for the debt? I will pay the bill off in full if this is the case, but I'm concerned about the affect this might have on my credit score. I was planning on applying for a first mortgage next year but fear I may get defaults from Yorkshire Water and NPower because these accounts were in collections through ex housemate not paying/hiding correspondence. Is it correct that defaults can only be placed 6 months after the first missed payment? Is there anything I can do to appeal if they decide to issue a default given the circumstances. Otherwise my credit record is pretty good, I've always paid bills on time and don't have any other outstanding debts. I realise all mortgage lenders look at different criteria, but is it generally really damaging to have tracking searches showing?
  23. Thankyou for reading this, any help would be gratefully received. The basic story is, that a previous branch manager - now left YB - advised me in no uncertain terms to let my overdraft go to collections as " I would have in effect an interest free loan" and the balance would reduce quicker. The bank had recalled my overdraft because I hadn't used the account for a while. She knew why too. She had been on a long leave and her stand in had been really quite rude to me on the telephone and as a reaction I said " then ill go elsewhere" she replied " suite yourself" So I did! The regular manager returned after some months and telephoned me. " why aren't you using your account anymore?" - after nearly 20 yrs at the bank- She obviously realised something was wrong. I told her the story and she suggested she gave me some time to return to the bank and spoke with her superiors and got the demand for immediate repayment of the overdraft removed. Some months later she contacted me again to arrange a payment plan to "reduce" the overdraft. not in its entirety just reduce. I didn't take this arrangement too seriously in terms of it being carved in stone as we had a friendly and un professional conversation, in other words like friends if you like. Unfortunately within a couple of weeks I lost a part of my income and telephoned her straight away with the bad news. I said I of course could pay something off regularly but not the amount we had discussed for now anyway. - I was trying to keep it a sustainable regular amount - rather than failing on a larger amount, besides it was still at that point a regular current account with overdraft. At this point she said she would contact whoever and get back to me, she advised it might be a good idea to let it go to collections with the account because it would be interest free. yes I would loose the bank account but no matter. no it wouldn't incur any charges and no I wouldn't have a bad credit file. I also advised her I was leaving for some overseas work to last 2 months and if she wanted to discuss it further she would need to email me. She agreed and wished me well. After several weeks I had heard nothing and so contacted YB head office by way of email obtained from their main web page. This email - although I learned later is on my file - was not responded to. I returned from away and received a regular call from a 0141 number. this had gone unanswered by me a few times over a week because I get 10 or so calls a week congratulating me on my latest accident or the fact I HAVE pots of cash in unclaimed PPI waiting for me. I took the call. It was a lady from YB collections. I greeted the call with "wow at last you decide to contact me" Agreement made. Job done I thought, no problem. september 2012 December 2012. Late payment markers and default notice on my credit file. BOOM. I contacted the branch straight away. Manager very pleased to hear from me with reassurances of no,no,no its not right i'll get that removed. Gave me £50 for some charges I received while working away because she said ,yes sorry, I should have called. "oh by the way, its my last day today. XXXX is my replacement." I wished her well and assumed credit file will be in order soon enough. NOPE In January I took it up with YB collections and they helped me lots, passed it to the new branch manager and between them, late payment markers and default removed.. job done..... Default reappears. but I'm still paying. Ah its computers automating the application of the default because there is still a balance outstanding at collections. Branch manager suggests a new account and a small overdraft, paying off collections and thus reinstating me as a customer. good solution all round. Until credit sanctions get involved. rejected based on the fact I took my salary elsewhere in the beginning of all this. Result the data guy now explicitly refuses to remove the default any further in the future, despite them dong it for 4 months and I have an email saying they have a journal to remove each month. The branch manger is gutted, she has worked so so hard for me and we have worked together on this for months and now this. I put in a complaint with their people on her advice but wondered what you people thought on here. Maybe some pointers I can raise to help my case.
  24. Hi all (again). Needing a lot of advice lately! I am proof that burying your head in the sand is the worst thing you can do Yorkshire Water have a CCJ against me for unpaid water charges. I haven't made any payments against this CCJ. I received a letter dated 01 March advising me that if I didn't contact them within 7 days they would be applying to the High Court for a Writ of Execution. The amount outstanding was £674.96. I called and made an offer of payment £20 every 4 weeks, I gave her my income & expenditure details which showed £20 was what I could afford. She said that the minimum payment she could accept was £75 per 4 week as this was due to the fact that when 2013/2014 water bill is added it is £928.68 and it needs to be cleared within a certain period? Anyway, I made the payment of £20.00 there and then on the phone and she said that I needed to call by Friday (today) and make a payment of £8.68 (which I have done) which would stop the issuing of a High Court Writ. My question is what do I do? I can't afford to pay £75 every 4 weeks but I also really don't relish in the though of HCEO.
  25. Just after some advice. We have an outstanding bill to YW on a former address. We were initially contacted by Rockford who wanted £50 paying monthly but we told them we can only afford £5. They agreed to this but kept sending letters to us claiming that a repayment plan had not been set up. We have paid this for a few months now. Last month we were contacted by LCS and I replied telling them how we have been paying an agreed sum of £5 to Rockford and that we will continue with this and to provide their banking details for a standing order. In response to this I have received a letter asking me to call them to discuss this. It also says in regards to the call: 'There are a number of reasons for this and may be a simple clarity of details held pertaining to you'. Obviously there are not problems with any of the details they hold. They have my address and that's all they need so this is obviously just to get me to call. My question really relates to the repayment plan I had with Rockford. They weren't at all happy with the set up so this looks to me as though it's been passed on in the hope that LCS can get more money out of us, but good luck to them. So basically is there anything that says LCS should continue with my prior arrangement set up with Rockford? Thanks Lee.
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