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  1. I am a light sleeper and have been using ear plugs to bed for quite some time. 2 weeks ago, my boyfriend picked up some of Superdrugs own-brand earplugs, which are like a soft silicone putty. He wore a pair to a concert and gave me the remaining two pairs to use. Despite the box saying they are suitable for sleeping in, after the third night of wearing them, I found that I couldn't remove one of them. It turns out that the squishy silicone softened so much with my body heat that it slipped down into my ear canal, and adhered to my ear drum. It is nigh on impossible to get rid of due to its texture - it is soft and sticky and firmly attached to the inside of my ear. I have been in and out of hospital seeing specialist ear doctors for the past week, have had time off work and have been in constant pain for 8 days now. I am due to have a procedure under general anesthetic with the very real possibility that it will cause permanent damage to my ear drum - that is if it is not already damaged (they're not sure, they can't see the drum at the moment as it's covered in a layer of silicone). My question is, is there any action I can take against Superdrug? This is clearly a product that is not fit for purpose. The product was used exactly how the box directed and was not forced down into the ear in any way. From no fault of my own, I have lost earnings, am suffering daily and potentially will have to deal with damaged hearing for the rest of my life. How would I go about seeking compensation for this disaster? (Please move if not in correct forum, wasn't sure where to post)
  2. Hope I’m posting in the right place. I’ll try not to ramble too much. In April I ordered a bed frame and mattress from Perfect Home. The delivery men came and delivered the mattress and the frame in the box. They told me they’re not meant to leave it in the packaging but they would if I wasn’t ready to put it together. They left it in the box in my hallway. After disposing of my old bed I opened the box to see that only the headboard and footboard were in there. I called them the same day to tell them that there was no slats or sides to the bed. They apologised and said it had never happened before and that the delivery company would call to arrange on the coming Monday. They never called. I called back a couple of times and got told they’ll call back soon. Nothing. They took automatic weekly payment from my account x2 before I cancelled the direct debit. They started sending letters of arrears and home visit letters. I caught the representative at the door and told him and said I’d like them to take the product back as it’s useless to me if not complete. He apologised profusely. Removed arrears charges. And told me I’d be contacted to have the rest delivered by the next week. I agreed. It never came. He visited again in end of June/early July. Same thing. About a week after that the slats were delivered. Just the slats. Nothing to attach them too. So still useless and incomplete. I sent an email to customer services that wasn’t answered. So I thought I’d wait for another home visit. I received numerous texts saying I was in arrears and someone would be visiting the next day. I waited in several times even though my father was having emergency spinal surgery and no one came. 8 days ago I sent a 3rd email of complaint. Specifying that the product was still useless and that I can’t owe arrears on a credit agreement that is void. I dont know how they expect me to pay for a product I don’t have. I asked for a reply in writing either by post or email within 7 days or I would have to take it further. I got an email back saying apologies they’ll transfer it to arrears apartment they can’t deal with it because I’m in “arrears” but it is like To make a payment... blah blah. As of yet. Still no reply but I’ve received their usual ‘your account is in arrears’ text. I have been sleeping on the floor since April. The parts of the frame I do have are taking up space in the house. I have mental health problems and this is putting me under so much stress. My credit score has gone down as it shows I’ve defaulted. I’m sorry I couldn’t make this more concise. Thank you for reading. Please help I don’t know what to do next.
  3. New guide to improve consumer product safety recalls READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/new-guide-to-improve-consumer-product-safety-recalls
  4. I purchased a phone case from the company Spigen through their eBay store on 6 November 2017. Over a month ago, I discovered there were cracks on the back of the case. Neither the phone or case have had any form of impact since purchase. I contacted Spigen and asked if they are able to help. They refused because I was outside of their three-month warranty, and offered me a 'slight discount' from any new purchase. I explained that I am covered under the Consumer Rights Act 2015, but they continued to reiterate that they cannot help. The company has also refused to use an ADR scheme. They also said that when I purchase an item with them, I automatically agree to their terms and conditions which entails THEIR returns/refunds process. What are my options????
  5. Hello all A couple of months back, I saw an advert on Ebay for an Epson Stylus 4880 printer. The advert had a 'Buy it Now' price of £120 and was 'collection in person only'. As the seller was located nearly 200 miles away I contacted the seller through Ebay and asked if he'd be prepared to send the printer via courier at my cost and arrangement, he agreed. I paid the 'Buy it Now' price of £120 via PayPal and made arrangements with a courier company to collect and deliver the Epson Stylus 4880 printer at an additional cost of £90. The printer arrived but when I unpacked it I discovered it wasn't an Epson Stylus 4880 but an earlier 4800 model. These sell on Ebay for around £80 and is a completely different printer - it doesn't accept the cartridges I have for the 4880 (I already have 3 of the 4880 printers) I contacted the seller who accepted his mistake and offered to refund my £120 purchase price and leave the printer with me. He started the refund process. This was acceptable to me although I'd spent an additional £90 for delivery of a printer I didn't really want. Several days later I received a PayPal message stating the seller had cancelled the refund of £120 unless I returned the printer at my cost. This was totally unacceptable to me as I'd receive just £120 refund and be out of pocket for 2 x £90 courier fees, all this due to the advertiser's mistake. I started an Ebay claim but was informed I wasn't covered as the advert was 'collection in person only'. I have considered taking legal action and did send a 'Letter Before Action' by recorded mail. I've heard nothing since! What would be my legal position/options? Would I be able to claim: 1. The purchase (Buy it Now) price of £120 2. The cost of courier delivery to me £90 3. Costs, legal & others? Many thanks for reading this. Regards John
  6. Hi guys, My first post here and I'm just looking for a bit of advice. I bought a pair of headphones last week from Dawsons as I thought I lost my other pair. The other half found my pair that evening and I tried to return the new ones. They were unused - still have the protective plastics etc on them and I had the receipt bag etc. Dawsons refused to refund them for health and safety reasons as that is their policy on things like headphones, mics etc. However, when trying to return them the guy said they were a demo pair... I was never made aware of this when I bought them. The guy went and got the pair from the back store, not out of a display etc. I was charged the full price of a brand new set. The receipt does say DEMO pair on them but the guy put the receipt in the bag and I never checked. I didn't even take the box out of the bag until I tried to return them - there's also a sticker on the bottow of the box that says demo. What are my rights regarding refund on these? I was sold a demo pair as they were brand new and charged accordingly. Surely it's a bit daft that they won't refund headphones for health and safety yet they can sell demo pairs as brand new even though they have been worn?
  7. I bought a Google Chromecast Ultra a week ago from Argos. It turns out it is incompatible with my AV receiver due to HDCP (copy write) restrictions. Argos' receipt only mentions being able to return it (within 30 days of purchase) in its unused, original condition. I wasn't aware due to the incompatibility without using it. Can I still legally return this product?
  8. Miss-sold a product, received final response from ombudsman whom stated that we were an accidental landlords, the Financial Ombudsman went onto say that the bank, Yorkshire Bank, had missing paper work. They ruled in the favour of the bank, we fought back, by saying it was an unfair process, as they had missing paper work but the financial ombudsman said they had treated us fair, so would not re-open the case. We went back to the ombudsman and stated this was an unfair process, as it was not true and Yorkshire Bank is misleading. The ombudsman stood by their decision but said we could take them to court, in which we have just started court action. I later found information in our own filing cabinet that showed upon mortgage application that the house was tenanted by our daughter and we had made it clear and it was stated clearly on the application. As we went through that information it became clear that the bank had mislead the ombudsman, they had not informed them that we already had a mortgage on our own property from the same company, when we were filling in paper work, we agreed to questions like, are you paying for a residential mortgage, we answered yes thinking it was this property we live in as the advisor had just been speaking about it. The product we had wanted was a buy to let, on interest, we ended up getting a residential mortgage on payment plan, we didn’t know what this was as no information was provided, so never questioned it as thought it was a buy to let. They also mis-sold another product at the same time, which was a signature account once that complaint was made we received a final response from Yorkshire Bank admitting no liability, however, we took this case to the financial ombudsman also a year before this one and they found in our favour on that particular case, which was sold to us at the same time as this residential mortgage was, for a tenanted property. We have recently found out by Yorkshire Bank that this was not just missing paper work but the mortgage file is lost. Yorkshire Bank got out of this by saying but we have system files, it was these system files that were produced to the financial ombudsman, obviously missing out the information that we already had a mortgage before application and with themselves at our home address. Our home address is residential. Missing out the information that the property was tenanted before mortgage application, missing out information that we wanted a buy to let on interest. Yorkshire Bank mis-lead the Financial Ombudsman, plus the discussions with Helen, which they can’t keep on system files. I have been writing to them for months by recorded delivery, they would not respond, i used the last method I possibly could use, it was facebook multimedia site, we got them to speak to us, however it was transferring letters we had already sent to them via facebook. We then got a call from Yorkshire Bank, stating they found the letters in a closed file and don’t understand why they went in that particular file. During the call the lady made a mockery of the complaint, when I mentioned our daughter was a tenant in that property, she said, “oh your daughter”, although it was clearly documented. We have since then had four tenants who are not related or friends. That same advisor then started to tell us on the phone what the original advisor would have said to us at the mortgage application appointment, I said, “hold on a minute” your putting words in our mouths, that was not said at all. We have asked for a copy of the call but they said they will play it in a branch near us but we can’t have the recording. They admitted fault in another letter today with regards to no correspondence and put £100 in our bank without asking us if we would accept, we don't want the money, we want justice. Hence the court case. Is there any information you could supply us with or support us on, as I am doing this court case myself as we can't afford to employ a solicitor? We have also asked the bank permission as we are going to auction on the property but they said we need a valuation, we said it has to be quick and urgent as the auction is June 2017. We waited so long on them responding but never received a reply from them in three months, we have had to take the next course of action to help ourselves as the Bank has turned their backs on us at that point. I don’t mind the valuation, but June is fast approaching and this valuation in case there is a shortfall on the mortgage (all of this knowledge has been sourced by me from the internet) is not only our problem, Yorkshire Bank has contributed to this by not supporting us or responding to us, when we were desperate. We have also asked for email correspondence from them, they have refused, saying letter only. Because they did not respond to our other previous letters they have placed us in a bad situation dragging us along while times are getting difficult and trying to not get into the area of repossession, and now they think they can pull the strings and tell us what to do after all this time. We are not going to be able to afford the full mortgage and the council tax, our limitation is June 2017, hence the auction. We need some help or some area of support to reach to, we will do the work, this is not an issue, but please, some light at the end of the tunnel would be greatly appreciated. Thank you x
  9. Any advice anyone could give on this matter, I would be incredibly grateful. I have wanted a signet ring for some time, and my girlfriend said she wanted to buy it for me for Christmas. So that I got the exact ring that I wanted, I was tasked with purchasing it . I got in contact with a jewellery company based in London (we'll call LJC), and asked for the dimensions of two of the rings displayed on their website, and also asked for photos of these rings being worn on the finger. The two rings I enquired about varied in size (ring 1 was larger in face size), weight (ring 2 was a 'chunkier' ring), and price (ring 2 was around £80 more expensive). The jewellers responded with the dimensions of each ring, and pictures of what they said was ring 2 being worn. They said that ring 2 had a face size that was too large to be worn on the little finger, and was more suited to be worn on the middle finger. As the ring in the pictures (what I was told was ring 2) was exactly what I wanted, I purchased it (5th December 2016). It arrived four days later. I opened the package and saw the ring briefly, before I put it back in the box and took it to a local jeweller to be engraved (the jewellers I bought it from did not offer engraving). The ring came back from the jewellers a week later (just before Christmas), and it was wrapped and put away until Christmas day. After opening the ring on Christmas day and I started to wear it, it soon became obvious that the ring that I had been sent was not the same as the ring in the picture that I had been emailed, despite them supposedly being the same ring. The ring that I have been sent has a larger face size (it looks a bit too large to be worn on the little finger) and (more importantly) the depth of the face/table of the ring, is significantly thinner (the rink is not as chunky, and looks a little 'flat'). I now have a problem. I have spent over £400 on this ring, and it is not what I wanted. The ring is too large (in face size) to be worn on the little finger and is not as chunky as I had wanted. I am not happy with the ring and do not wear it. If I had noticed that the ring was different, I would have immediately sent it back for a refund. However, the differences were not immediately noticeable upon first inspection; it took some wearing and looking at it for me to realise the differences. It has now been engraved, and since the time since purchase is over 28 days, I cannot return it for a refund. Do I have any rights to a refund on this product? The retailer has provided me with clearly incorrect product information (in the form of the ring dimensions and the pictures), and I believe that they have therefore breached the Consumer Rights Act 2015. However, as stated above, it has been over a month since purchase and the ring has been customised. Any advice anyone could offer on this, I would be incredibly grateful. Many thanks.
  10. I recently entered two free to enter competitions shown on food products and within a month i have started to receive marketing communications from other companies. I ticked the relevant boxes to say that i did not want to receive any marketing from them or any third party companies. I don't normally enter such competitions which require online registration, for the reason of not wanting companies to sell my data. I thought stupidly that they had stopped doing this, given recent fines, but they are obviously still at it. I might make up a name to catch the companies selling data against my stated wishes and report them. Trouble is when Archie Aardvark wins the competition for a trip to the Rio Olympics, i might find it difficult to claim the prize.
  11. Hi there I am yet another person with problems with The Community Network TV. I had an appointment with a Sales Rep of the company who sold me a package which, it turns out, was mostly a complete fabrication. Here is what was offered: Two 42" screens in a GP practice, which were to be used to flash the name of the next patient to call them into their appointment. Full screen display of adverts, which would freeze when a patient's name popped up. I signed a contract on the basis of those promises, however, I became a bit suspicious about the company, when they did not get a reply from the sales rep for a week about an admin error on my paperwork. I popped along to the GP's practice to find that there were not two screens but one, which is 32" not 42", but to make matters worse, the screen was not being used to call patients into their appointment but to advertise the medical services the surgery offered. The receptionist confirmed that the screens will never be used for the purpose stated by the Sales Rep. The screen itself is in a dim corner of the waiting area with no one looking at it. I wrote to the Sales Manager with a full description of what their Sales Rep had offered and asked for a full refund of the 6 months paid on my credit card and the first month's direct debit, as the product had been mis-sold. My advertisement has not gone live. The Sales Manager basically stated that it's my word against the Sale Rep and that the contract I signed did not state exactly what service I would be getting!! I am staggered by their refusal to refund the money when they have not provided a service (he stated that they had done some work, as they had created the graphics, but I pointed out that I had created the advert, all his department did was make the image move on my request). My case has now been referred to the Sales Director, who has not got back to me. I have looked online and found that the Office of Fair Trading no longer exists and that I have to go the Citizens Advice Bureau. Does anyone have any tips from their dealings with this extremely dodgy operation? Cheers
  12. Hello, I went into store to look at getting the MacBook Air as advertised on their website. I went through all the nitty gritty, such as providing proof of income etc, after going through everything it came back that I was accepted, the weekly payment amount I was giving wasn't enough for a "brand new" Macbook Air, the lady in the store mentioned I could go for a "refurbished" one, I was hesitate about this as you don't know the background of the item. asked her if I could look at it first, she said this would be fine, I would need to wait for it to be delivered to the store, after signing all the paperwork she said she will give me a call on Thursday when it comes into store and I can come and look at it, then if I decide to go ahead with it I will have to wait for it to be delivered by Saturday as apparently since it's my first time they have to deliver it. She said that I could simply cancel the contract there and then and don't have to go ahead with it if let's say I didn't find the condition of the laptop to my standard etc. Now here is where I would like Consumer Action's advice, when I go to check the laptop on Thursday, since the product is "refurbished", could they try and hand me off a different model without me being aware of it? One reason I ask this is because the the cash price for the product shows as £664.51 on the contract, now I've seen these laptops for sale for more than this price online, I've even seen these for sale as refurbished for pretty much around the same price, the total amount of credit altogether is £1015.00, I do feel this is quite reasonable for a company like BrightHouse, taking in the fact I could probably have this paid off well before the 70 weekly payments, so I won't pay nowhere near the £1015.00. Not sure if this is relevant, but on the contract, it's called a APPLE MACBOOK AIR 13IN SI, the SI is bugging me, may be nothing. Any idea?
  13. Hello, I've purchased this product https://www.scan.co.uk/products/audeze-el-8-closed-back-planar-magnetic-headphones-(open-box) after receiving it one of the first things I found was that one of the drivers does not work and there were scratches on the product. I've contacted them straight away and they've told me that they want to replace the product with another opened box, but I believe this will not be in accordance to the "full manufacturers warranty" and a reasonable outcome would be a repaired product or a new replacement product. I've written them a fairly big email explaining that there should be separation of concern regarding this and asked what would be the case if they simply didn't have any open boxes left in stock. What is the right procedure for such an issue? Thanks EDIT: I've got a response: https://www.scan.co.uk/products/audeze-el-8-closed-back-planar-magnetic-headphones-(open-box)
  14. Hi all! I have ordered a customized shirt from one of the British online stores. The seller claims the shirt are made in uk, however I came across a question, how would a customer find out whether a seller is telling truth or not? Especially, if we speak of small businesses. As far as I know, there is a law that is meant to come in force whenever a seller or manufacturer is misrepresenting his product. Therefore, is there any governmental department regulating and checking business to make sure they are honest??
  15. Hi, Ordered a sim only off these guys, had it delivered via mail order with 14 day coolant off period. When received I had no signal so notified them straight away and was advised to dispose of the sim and they would cancel the account. They have now registered a default for £43 on my credit file, there call centre is outsourced so have no direct contact surely this is unjustified as no service was ever provided.
  16. Hi everyone I'm having problems with vodafone at the moment trying to Bill me £190.86 for getting a replacement of a brand new iPhone 6 plus that didn't work straight out of the box! I ordered the phone online on the pre order date on the 12th September and I got an email on the 19th September to say it was going to be delivered that day. I was on holiday in America when the package arrived but my parents were there to accept the delivery and just put it in my bedroom for when I got home on the 29th September onlyl or me to find it didn't work! I contacted vodafone customer service imidietly who informed me that they would get a new one sent out to me next day but never mentioned anything about charges or a 7 day returns policy so I presumed eventing would be fine and I would just be charged the £220 for the phone upfront and my usual Monthly bill, but Instead I got a bill through for £547! Cut a long story short Ive made 3 calls to Vodafone about this and everytime someone just says you didn't return it within 7 days so you have to pay the repair bill!? Surely that would be covered under apples warranty! The advisors I've spoken to just say I need to wait for a text within 48 hours confirming if the extra charge will be dropped and it doesn't happen! Reading vodafones returns policy online it says "How do I return a faulty product? We’ll help you sort out any faulty product as long as: You bought it from us It has a genuine fault If the fault’s covered by a manufacturer's warranty, fixing it will be free." Never mentions anything about 7 days and neither does any other section in there returns policy! They all say 14 days! Many Thanks in advance!
  17. A friend was recently caught by this [problem] offering 'free trial', not realising that she was actually signing up for a monthly supply on a continuous payment arrangement. Money for postage was debited from her card but alarm bells began to ring and she cancelled card and removed all funds from her account so that no further money could be taken. She did cancel as per their instructions after realising the difficulties people had when trying to get money refunded. So the goods arrived and payment cannot be taken so there can be no refund problem. However there is no trading address on the website (which I believe is not legal) so there was no way of knowing where the goods had been sent from. On cancelling she was instructed to return the goods to an address in the Netherlands by signed for delivery. This will be expensive, so having been completely and deliberately misled by this company she intends to bin them. I don't think this company can have any legal redress on this as they are certainly not adhering to UK distance selling regulations. I would appreciate any advice on the legal implications of this. It is impossible to speak to them - only a message can be left and they ignore.
  18. The IFA is long gone as he was associated with an Estate Agent and no longer works with them The policy is on a Norwich Union Life Insurance product I am still paying for with about 10 yrs left - the Payment protection was added onto the policy and I remember feeling quite pressured at the time to include it Who should i put a claim against ? The IFA or the company I pay premiums to Is there a standard letter I can send to activate the claim and start the 8 weeks countdown that the Financial Ombudsman require? Also would I need to request a SAR from Norwich Union (now Aviva) as I think when I moved overseas I may even have requested the PPI be cancelled Thanks, any help would be appreciated I am all at sea with this whole process!
  19. I recently had to replace two rather expensive cooker hood bulbs for an Electrolux hood, but as we had only been using the hood for 5 or 6 weeks I rang Electrolux first and requested them free of charge. Although I spoke to several different staff in their customer services they would only agree to reduce the price of the bulbs to £16 for the pair. I purchased them but wasn't happy, as I felt that the bulbs must be very poor quality to only last 5 or 6 weeks. I therefore visited their internet site and gave the bulbs a poor review stating that they were poor value for money as they didn't last long at all, and that I felt they were not fit for purpose as they should last a reasonable length of time under the Sale of Goods Act. A couple of days later I received an email from Electrolux telling me that they had not published my review because it was not moderate. I was shocked that they could do this. Has anyone else ever had this happen to them? And are they actually allowed to do this if your review is honest and not abusive? I emailed back and asked this question but they ignored me.
  20. hello, i brought a fridge freezer from currys and i took out a warranty , unfortunately it stopped working however a replacement was sent be it 4 weeks after. I was told i could claim for food spoilt however currys say consequential loss is not covered in the agreement, is this true as i cant see anything in the agreement and the only reason why i am claiming is because currys member of staff informed me and others have recieved it. thanks
  21. I purchased a cordial from ASDA a few months ago which I am convinced made me Violently ill with projectile vomiting within 10 minutes of drinking it. I gave it back to ASDA and complained, along a letter requesting a copy of the test results I phoned ASDA today and verbally requested the lab results to which they replied that they tried to get a copy from the producer of the cordial, but was told they could not have it, and also that I cannot get the manufacturers address in order to contact them. Is this correct? If not, what can I do to get a copy of it. I feel that people are covering up a monumental cock up.
  22. Hi Jason, Maybe you could do the same for my daughter in that case, it concerns the Bletchley Store in Milton Keynes My daughter purchased a Samsung fridge freezer from BH last year, after about 5 months the fridge started freezing, it was sent back to Samsung for repair, after a few weeks it was unrepairable subsequently BH had to give her another fridge freezer which they delivered in January 2014 it was the same model, brand new so all good. as she finished paying for it is February of this year and now the same issue is happening and BH say it is nothing to do with them as she has finished paying for it, she will have to pay for the call out charge to Samsung and repairs that will need to be done, this is not correct as the sale of goods act 1979 says that all products should last a reasonable amount of time, 6 months for a Samsung FF is not a reasonable amount of time, and it is the retailer(BH) she had the contract with not the manufacturer! She is 35 weeks pregnant and can no way not afford to not have a working fridge. What is the best way forward as I do not want to get into a slanging match with them. Thanks in advance
  23. Hey, Can someone offer me some advise here, back in November we purchased 2 of the Google Nexus 7 tablet computers for the kids christmas presents. One of them has not gone faulty with a common issue where they stop charging and become unusable. We have contacted CPW to see what they can do under the warranty and they are basically saying that as they no long have a service agreement with Asus they can unable to offer me any support in regards to replacement or repair - I have to go directly to the manufacturer. The manufacturer are saying other wise and again CPW are having none of it - I have escalated this to the CEO's office at CPW however they are still sticking to the story of not being able to offer any help and my need to speak tot he manufacturer again. Is this right or am I being royally fobbed off. The tablet is 7 month old, undamaged and fully boxed. What can I do? Many Thanks
  24. Hi all, A few months ago my friend purchased a Sony as100v sports camera to bring on our summer holiday. These are similar to a Go-Pro and come with a waterproof case so the unit can be used to film underwater. Day 1 of using the camera in the water resulted in the waterproof case failing and water getting into the camera itself, causing obvious damage. We are familiar with these types of cameras as we already have an Sony HDRAS15 which is a slightly older model. The unit has been usedcorrectly, and at depths well within the limitation of the unit. We actually took the camera out of the case and submerged the unit in a few inches of water and, sure enough, it failed to remain water-tight. This product was purchased (by debit card – sadly!) from anon-line retailer called eGlobal. The product is shipped from Hong Kong so does not come with a manufactures warranty,but did come with the retailers own 6 month warranty. The warranty itself all seems a bit vague,but it does have a section specifically referring to waterproof cameras, etc… (fromthe site) Special Note for Waterproof Cameras/Casings/Bags Damages due to impact, exceeding recommended depths, etc. would void the warranty.Please be advised that the warranty offered is strictly for the purchased item only. eGlobaL will not be held liable for any defects or damage on any other item(s) used in conjunction with this product. Full conditions: http://www.eglobaldigitalstore.co.uk/warranty-policy.html My friend has provided proof or purchase, but has been advised by them that they will not replace or repair, as it is not covered. This seems contradictory…. I know he has some rights, but I am not entirely sure what the best course of action is to take. We would obviously prefer to avoid the small claims court if possible. Any advice on an approach would be massively appreciated. Thanks!
  25. I have a pair of "Studio" Beats by dre headphones. These have became faulty and are in need of a repair. However beats are objecting the repair due to these headphone being outwith the warranty. The headphones i had were replaced in july 2013 and i received a new pair. Would this be contestable as this is a new product - do the new headphones come with an extended warranty ? - The original warranty ran out in december 2013. Thanks
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