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  1. Hi all, i'm contacting you on behalf of my Sister who's got in to financial trouble with Brighthouse through no fault of her own and is now unable to pay them but doesn't want to hand back the items as they've paid a fair bit off of them! Now, they've been with them for about 6 years and I have all of the contracts available to me I'm hoping that the SAR shouldn't be needed and I can proceed with a claim on their behalf. I'm just wondering if anyone can point me in the right direction on what to write to them, what to put in the letter and where to send it? To be honest i'm annoyed as hell at Brighthouse as they've let my Sister get in to this situation without any regard to her being on benefits and issues with benefit caps, rent, the lot as just last year they allowed them to walk out of the store with around £70 p.w worth of debt including the OSC & DLC, all within a month or so of each other and 2 of the items on the same day! I'm hoping that with any refund of OSC & DLC that they get 'should' clear their outstanding debts with Brighthouse and also possibly give them a little cash to help them with rent issues they're having as well. My Sister did have a company called [removed] dealing with the case but they dropped them sometime last year after Brighthouse called them to say that they were a cowboy firm and would stitch them up - my Sister didn't carry on with the claim now because of financial difficulty i've decided to step in and help them as much as possible to claim back what's rightfully theirs because then my Sister knows that no matter what Brighthouse say i'm not going to stitch her up and am acting in their best interests. If someone could point me in the right direction towards what to do next or to point me towards any templates i'd appreciate it. I will also be applying for all their late fee's to be paid back to them also if this is possible although I feel that the amount they've paid on OSC & DLC is an extortionate amount for which they'd be happy enough with if returned to them. Just a little update, the agreements she has (there's 12 of them) for both OSC & DLC total £3729.70 and the DLC alone is nearly £2499! I've noticed though on 1 of their agreements for the TV that's been paid off fully that there is no mention of OSC or DLC whereas ALL other agreements do either mention both or at least DLC so we're at a loss as to why that is as the agreement was taken out in 2015 and they had other agreements before and after that date which had both OSC & DLC included in the breakdown! Considering it was a 47" smart 3D TV I find it very strange to say the least so it's very possible I might have to SAR them to get the relevant info. On the agreements which only have DLC mentioned there is no breakdown of the OSC i'm unable to work that out, does anyone have any idea on how to do this from the agreement totals or similar? I also can't get my head around how to apply the 8% interest to the claimed amount because agreements were taken out over a 6 year period so obviously some items will have 5 years @ 8%, some at 4 years @ 8% and so on I don't want to get that wrong when trying to claim against them and having them laugh at me for asking for too much in that regard! Any help would be appreciated as i'm going alone on this mission at the moment! Thanks - Another thing I noticed is that their interest rates are all over the place! I've seen 29.9%, 64.7% and more recently 99.9% APR rates, i'm guessing some of these are hidden 'service' charges and I have no idea how to break them down as there's nothing stated in regards to the extra services! Any ideas anyone?
  2. Rent-to-own company Brighthouse will close 30 of its stores and cut 350 jobs, shrinking its size by around a tenth. The closures around Britain are due to take place over the next two months, with Brighthouse's 3,000 workforce already informed. https://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/news/article-6673493/Rent-firm-Brighthouse-close-30-stores-cut-350-jobs.html?mrn_rm=rta
  3. Hello all, long time no post When me and the mrs first signed up to brighthouse the late payment charge was £5. We have missed the last couple of weeks and discovered that the late payment charge has gone from £5 to £12. We've had a lot of phone calls and even a visit from some bloke who said he was from brighthouse. What can i do about the "unfair" late payments etc please. Surely if we signed up for £5 late payments then thats what we should be paying - we'd be happy with that and not £12. Many thanks P
  4. Hi all Not sure if this is the right place to put this but I will try and explain my problem. I got a Laptop from BH about 4 Months ago and it has developed a fault, it keeps freezing and it wont let me factory reset it, keeps saying unable to reset and unable to diagnose any problems. We use it for my Partners business (DJ) and only have the software on it nothing else. We took it in to the Newcastle store today and I think it was the Manager we dealt with. she was very very off with us. She said (about 10 times) that because we didnt take out some Care thing they have to send it away for up to 10 days. We asked can we return it and get a replacement she very arroganty said No, because its all these new contracts now and we didn't take out this care thing they cant do anything. We then asked if we still have to pay for something we haven't got, and she said yes of course its the new contract and we didn't take out this care thing, thats all she kept repeating, he was smirking all the time too as if she was enjoying it. Now all I am after is some info regarding the Legalities of this, Can I ask for a replacement under the Sale of Goods Act and do their contracts trump UK and EU Law? I am prepared to go down the Legal route with this and the press to and give them some more bad publicity. All I want is for something that is 4 Months old to work. I know it's not their fault that it doesn't work but it's not mine either and I was under the impression that the onus is on the Retailer to sort it out. Oh she also said I done something to the Laptop which is why it doesn't work which is borderline slander, and I have a witness. I even asked if we could return it and then take out a new agreement for a different model, she took great delight in telling us no as we didnt take out this care, lol she must have said this a million times. Anyway thanks in advance for your help.
  5. Hello I was wondering if anyone could possibly weigh in and give advice First of all I take any and all responsibility for the stupidity of my youth and lending patterns it has taken a long time to admit that to myself! Back in 2012 I opened a brighthouse account, I was 20 and a new parent (my son was about 8months old) and what I took out was a washing machine and cooker as I was broke as a joke in a new city with no family or friends. I found as I kept going into store to pay they kept pushing items on me, now I was heavily medicated at this time due to mental health problems on top of post natal depression, yet they kept doing it with suff they knew I couldn’t afford but would love to have, games consoles, a laptop, a big tv, phones it got to the point that they FULLY KNOWING I WAS ON BENEFITS, started accepting my boyfriends wage slips as MY proof of income, his name was not affiliated to the account nor mine to his wage slips, but they did it anyway (I know I have partial blame in tbh but I feel they had a duty of care to see it was wrong and that it could land me in debt) by the time it got to 2014 I started paying via bank card and the payments had shot up to £94 a week, between Jan and April of 2012 I gave them over £1200! I have put in a complaint to them for the second time after the ‘lost’ the first complaint I made a month ago! I just feel like I needed to post my situation somewhere and ask if anyone else thinks they were in the wrong? Thanks guys
  6. Rent-to-own retailer BrightHouse has been told to pay £14.8m to 249,000 customers by the financial regulator, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). BrightHouse will compensate customers who had cancelled agreements after one downpayment but had not been refunded. It will also make payments to those who signed up to lending agreements that "may not have been affordable". The FCA said BrightHouse had not acted as a "responsible lender". http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-41732865
  7. HI, im new to this service so please bare with me. back in 2016 my partner signed upto brighthouse for a washer dryer combo, we paid £50 inital payment at the sign up and two payment of £30 a fornight there after. after a month had gone by and we still hadnt received the item in question we stopped paying. Shortly after this we had split and was going through courts for custody battle, so didn't have the time to chase this up In 2018 we got back together and decided to chase up the debt that brighthouse owes us, on febuary 22nd 2018 we spoke to a customer service agent who claimed to not be able to find my partner on their system. she then requested my details (in hindsight I wish id have never gave them) which I gave and was told they couldn't find me either which is no surprise. We waited until September of 2018 for a response, in which the woman who called and asked my partner for her personal information and ask for her permission to speak to me (which she gave) I was then told that the account was in my name not my partners (which should not be the case) the call lasted all of 2 mins from start to finish. after this call I rang in to discuss why the account was in my name and was told the exact opposite and that it was now in my partners name! I accused them of stealing my personal information and using it illegally and since then the account hasn't switched names again and it has stayed in my name they now claim not to have any information of my partners on their system ( despite having call recordings to prove this is a lie ) I have made multiple data access requests for all the call logs, a copy of the original agreement taken out in 2016 any and all information held in mine and my partners name all been ignored despite going about it legally and sending documents through e-mail (so I have a copy of all correspondence) and recorded delivery. The only aspect of which they addressed was the call recording and instead of giving me the full amount I requested I was given 3 from different points of my enquiry nothing more. I guess what im wanting to know is if there is anyone out there who has the same or similar experience with brighthouse if so have you any advice you could offer? oh I forgot to mention, according to brighthouse records I made 2 payments not 3 and the amounts don't come close to what I actually paid. they are stating I paid £23.10 and £10.78 which is BS as I never pay anything in pence I always pay up to the pound. Myself and my partner have both asked for her account information, and have been met with excuse after excuse and the claim that she doesn't have one despite being told otherwise on multiple occasions.
  8. Hi Hope someone can help as I'm confused! Bought a tv last November for 1246.01 at 69.9% at 16 pounds week for 156 weeks no insurance on it they say! so can someone tell me what I should be paying back?
  9. I wish I could turn the clock back before I decided to become one of their victims (sorry customers), lesson learned and hindsight is a wonderful thing. I am having serious issues with Brighthouse which hopefully you good folk on CAG can help or advise me?. Back in late October last year I took out a credit agreement for a mobile phone which at the time I could afford as I was working and weekly paid which meant Brighthouse was paid each Friday without fail, fast forward to February this year I was laid off without warning/notice - I went in to my local store and they agreed to give me time so that I could get myself sorted, I was told that I would not receive any further phone calls (in a day during the supposed grace period I received 10/12 calls from my local store as well as calls from their Watford office) last Monday I received a unannounced visit from one of their reps and a card was left asking me to contact my store. I went back to my local store to ask to speak to a manager and was told no manager is available and the member of staff made me feel intimidated, I left the store to keep my cool rather then lose my temper. I telephoned Brighthouse Customer Relations and I received a half hearted apology, I explained my situation to the agent and felt pressured and cornered in to a promise to pay the arears on my account which is over £90, I reluctantly agreed to this but I knew I had little to no hope of paying this, I was also told that telephone calls wlll stop but they could not guarantee that there will not be another visit by one their reps. This morning the rep turned up again and I informed him that I am dealing directly with their customer relations team and not with their doorstep agents and that I will be sending the handset back to their Watford office as I will also not be visiting the store again after the way I was treated, the agent offered to take the handset from me but but I stood my ground and told him again I will be returning the handset myself and at my own cost to their head office At this point I asked him to leave but he started asking me questions as to what issues I had experienced in store and he also started getting a tad aggressive, again I asked him to leave as I will not continue to speak to him - at this point he said 'you signed a agreement in the store so you need to deal with them directly, I'm giving you until Friday at which point we will telephone you again and you will receive further visits'. By this time I was getting more and more angry and decided to close the door, the agent returned to his van where he remained for at least 10 minutes despite being asked by me to leave. Now there is a twist to this, according to one of our neighbours this agent was allegedly watch taking a photo of our property with his phone prior to driving away, it also has come to light that the other agent who visited our property was spotted looking through our front windows, I was not at home at this time so I can't 100% verify this. I have sent a complaint e-mail to Brighthouse customer relations this morning but have not had a reply, however I have spoken to a very help full lady via live chat at the FCA who has recorded my complaint and given me a reference/case number as well as a e-mail address for their Director of Compliance. I now have sent their Compliance Director a Formal Complaint as well as a copy of my complaint to the Brighthouse CEO. Whilst I await a response (hopefully) from them should I just sit tight or is there any further action I could take?. Thanks in advance
  10. Hello, I am looking for some advice concerning Brighthouse and the extra charges they put on top, I think it is called DLC/OSC. Over the years I have purchased several items from them, the last being fully paid up in 2009. Although I have home insurance I was charged these additional fees on top of the goods price. I contacted them a couple of weeks ago asking for all the information they hold for all the purchases I have made, they told me that all customer records are destroyed after 6 years so I wouldn't be able to have them, but they said they could supply me with statements providing proof of purchase and ownership, I said yes and am now waiting for them to arrive. Do you think I am entitled to make a claim and will it be hindered in anyway that they cannot provide me with full statements showing all the extra DLC/OSC fees I was charged. Many thanks for any help you can offer me.
  11. hi im new on here i could do with some help regarding brighthouse my marridge broke down 2 years ago and im not proud to say i had to use brighthouse for a tv fridge and washing machine my weekly payments are £48.00 i took out the tv and washing machine in june 2016 and the fridge november 2016 i kept up with payments until september this year when my hours at work were cut by 50 hours pm i contacted my store but they were very rude and would not lower my payments as a result i am constantly in arrears when i phone to make payment there is always a extra 12.00 added today i had to pay 61.00 i have the osc and other insurance can i claim this back as i suffer with anxiety and the constant texts calls and visits every week are making me stressed thankyou.
  12. Firstly, I apologise for this post!! I am looking for a SAR template letter to send to Brighthouse. I had an account with them many years ago (no paperwork or account number), and would like them to send me any information as I want to know if I was mis-sold PPI. Can someone please direct me in the right direction. I have tried searching the CAG library withou much luck Many thanks T
  13. Disappointing experience dealing with Brighthouse (Shocking news i know). Ive had an account with them for years. Did the TV/Laptop etc. on it which are all paid off now. Took a mobile phone with them in April, desperate for money in May and sold the phone. I was completely unaware that this was going to result in such drama - nobody had told me i couldnt do this in store but obviously my fault for not reading the fine print. Had a text from the chap i sold it to on Gumtree saying he had tried to sell it on Music Magpie last week and they "red-flagged" it as having finance on it so were holding it and would only send it back to its rightful owner (not me OR him) Contacted Brighthouse, they did their standard "This is selling stolen goods and we are reporting you to the police" etc.etc. Contacted Music Magpie - No response. Phoned BH head office, then the store, then head office. I was pushed from one to the other with no resolution in sight. Unbelievably the irate man who I had sold the phone to seemed to have had more luck and set something up for MM to return the phone to BH. Ive seen an email from MM to him today saying they are sending it back to BH by courier. Called head office, they said talk to the store for an update, called the store and was told they would not be speaking to me any further about my account and to speak to head office. I have asked both if the phone being returned to Brighthouse meant my account could be closed and neither would give me an answer on this (bounced from one to another of course). Ive paid about 6 months out of 18 months of this off but happy to call it quits if thats possible. Has anyone had any experience of this and what the likely outcome is going to be? Surely they cannot keep the phone and continute to charge me andthey state on the website that you MAY be able to return goods with no further payments to make. Either way though, Brighthouse are no longer answering any of my questions - literally outright refusing and the store/HO playing me off one another, no response from MM either. Any help or advice would be appreciated. Cheers guys!
  14. A price cap to help consumers who use "rent-to-own" firms to buy goods is a possibility, the head of the City regulator has said. Andrew Bailey, the chief executive of the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), said a cap would be considered as part of its inquiry into high-cost credit. Up to 400,000 people use rent-to-own firms to buy household appliances, paying the money back over three years. After interest, they can end up paying three times the original price. It follows a call for a cap from Citizens Advice, which said restrictions imposed on payday lenders two years ago had been a success. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-38132843 FCA review “opportunity” to protect more high cost credit customers Rent to own services, logbook loans and guarantor loans should be included in the FCA’s payday loan cap - and new rules introduced to provide added protections for customers including full checks to make sure people can afford to pay back what they have borrowed says Citizens Advice. The Financial Conduct Authority has today launched a call for evidence on how the wider high cost credit market is working - including rent to own, guarantor and logbook loans - to find out how firms are treating their customers. It follows the regulator’s action to clean up the payday loan market, which included a cap on interest rates and fees introduced in January 2015. The national charity had published a new report today finding rent to own customers are getting trapped in debt due to problems such as high interest rates and additional fees, inadequate affordability checks and inflexible debt collection practices. Since the introduction of the cap on payday loan interest and fees in January 2015, Citizens Advice has helped people with 45% fewer payday loan problems. https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/about-us/how-citizens-advice-works/media/press-releases/fca-review-opportunity-to-protect-more-high-cost-credit-customers/
  15. Hi all, Hope all are well. I was looking for advice on brighthouse I took out a TV and a PS3 a few years ago it was stupid but I had just split from my ex wife so was already in debt and her and kids where obviously given most the stuff out house. was desperate with xmas coming up etc. I paid them every four weeks for years recently I have had some payment difficulties. I have asked them not to come to my door albeit on phone and to the guy who has come to the door numerous times, my gf was in bath today and they knocked for 10mins after telling them last week get an appointment. have come back today and another card is put through the door even though I asked them to not to come but send an appointment letter. have unplugged my house phone but plugged it in today and they have called me already on same day they came to house. I am actually only owe them 130 or something now and I could go in and pay my 4 weeks but I am sick fed up of how they talk to me. Advised me they can come to my door when ever they want, I advised them in store that I have right to stop them coming to door but they said they can do this whenever they like. If I asked them to show me where it says in there contract they can call me numerous times a day and come to my address without appointment but they say things like I am threatening etc or other lame excuses. I dont go in store anymore. have had enough over last few years dont want to not pay am not letting my rights get walked over by people that have no legal power over me whatsoever, got through last few years when some days I wanted to just give up, will be debt free in 6 months and this debt is part of my plan so I want to pay. would like some advice on how I can stand up for myself and show these guys laws are for everyone not a select few and start paying my remaining balance as I actually cant bring myself to go in there store. 130 must be about 5% of the original balance owed. Thanks
  16. Hi, I have a TV from brighthouse (a baird 48") The quality of sound is very poor, there is quite obviously a fault as as soon as you turn it up (Just a little bit) the back of the unit vibrates. The sound is like its playing through a tin can. ive phoned them today and they are coming to collect it, they have offered to repair etc but ive said no and i will sign the cancellation waiver form. Now, I took the contract out 20 days ago so im outside the '14 day cooling off' period to receive a refund. I have quoted the consumer rights act which states that the buyer is entitled to a refund within 6 months. The manager was not very clued up so has said they would phone me back tomorrow after she had done a bit of 'research' So when they phone i just need to know for sure that if the item is faulty i am entitled to a full refund within 6 months regardless of the '14 day period' Many Thanks
  17. I've been a customer for a year with BrightHouse and pay around £70 a week which I could afford at time since my daughter has now decided not to carry on with college I'm not getting tax credits so my money has gone down to £110 per week which now means I can't pay what I was paying before to them . I'm not prepared to hand my stuff over as I've paid a lot on them and want to pay what I owe at a cheaper payment until paid off. I don't have thelr insurance or dlc just this 5 star thing which seems to cost you more for the product and takes longer to pay. Do you think if I went into store and offered to pay £40 per week Until My circumstances change this will be accepted. I just want some arrangement in place to what I can afford to pay . I'm absolutely dreading the harassment from them as others seem to get. I suffer seriously high blood pressure which I'm on medication for and just couldn't cope with it. Appreciate all the advice I can get before I go into store tomorrow, many thanks.
  18. I am a customer of Brighthouse where I was paying £46 per week which were reduced down to £30 per week because of loss of tax credits/child benefit. I ran into problems paying one week due to a demand for my council tax before I ended up in court so I couldn't pay Brighthouse the full £30 so paid half to them. since then I've paid my £30 each week but still owe them that £15. I'd find it really difficult to pay that 15 on top of the £30 so due to me only getting £110 per week now which is to keep me, my partner and daughter. I suggested if they could please take even 50p from yellow money until the £15 is paid but they have refused. today I paid my bill and they said you owe £130. how I owe that I do not understand as I only was behind by £15. upon getting home I've noticed they haven't even paid my bill and put that £30 I pay each Saturday into the yellow money. They have been to my door twice this week and constantly txt me 2 and 3 times a day even though I contacted customer services to have them stopped of which they did for a week but again they have statrted coming to my phone. Please advise on what I can do next as this is really starting to affect my health and depression. I have a partner who is due to have an operation I'm worried about then I've got these hammering on my door.
  19. Agreement 1 – 05/05/2015 - £1.388 – defaulted at £972.00 – Weekly £49 Agreement 2 – 13/08/2015 - £2,458 – defaulted at £2131.00 – Weekly £60 Agreement 3 – 13/08/2015 - £450 – defaulted at £374 – Weekly £17 Agreement 4 – 01/09/2015 - £429 – defaulted at £357- Weekly £21 Litigation to be commenced against Brighthouse in relation to Accounts held. I was not stranger to the business upon taking the first agreement in May 2015. The first agreement runs smoothly after 3 months I took out further finance, this was available from 8 weeks and each time I visited store to pay I was prompted to purchase take out further agreement, whilst I accept it was ultimately my decision to take out the finance I argue that they have not lent responsibly, until agreement number 2 my weekly payment was £49, in August they agree to more than double this by granting further finance of £2908.00 taking my weekly payments from £49 to £126. Two weeks later when I needed an essential small product further finance of £429 was granted increasing the weekly payment up to £147.00. In the space of 18 days my finance commitments had increased by £98.00 from £49.00 to £147.00. Needless to say this soon became unmanageable and by the third week of September I was unable to make the weekly payment of £147.00, the proof of income from the first agreement was used for the further 3 agreements. This is where my world could have fallen apart if I was not aware of my rights:- Their contact centre phoned me up to 9 times a day, In-house collections The store staff came knocking in a white transit van The unauthorised bailiff refused to move out of my front garden until I proceeded to dial 999 on my mobile. The agent remained parked in his van outside my house for 45 minutes. I was charged £5.50 per an agreement for the privilege of the above, £22.00 extra. Penalty charge I have been charged this £22.00 every week since 20th September. 26th September – letter sent to Brighthouse regarding repayments, made reference to the amount of monthly payments were on average £600 a month which was 50% of my wages and requested they remove all interest from my accounts, remove and stop all charges and agree to a repayment plan on £60 per month. Brighthouse wrote to myself on the 2nd October and agreed to the above repayment of £60 per a month, they stated that as interest is front loaded there would be no further interest charges applied to the account. However in order to accept the above I needed to visit my local store at my earliest convenience. I further contacted Brighthouse requesting bank details to make the monthly payment I also raised question of the interest and further requested it was removed completely and agreement was made for the cash price of the goods. Even though in their own written correspondence on the 2nd October they agreed in principal to a repayment plan I continued to receive weekly letters and charges of £5.50 per a week applied. THE ACCOUNT WAS IN DISPUTE November came and went no correspondence whatsoever from Bright house December came, Equifax credit alerts, Log onto my credit file and low and behold Brighthouse have registered a default on all 4 accounts. Until today I have been in discussions with Brighthouse and I have still not been supplied with bank details!! Brighthouse have registered defaults on accounts that were clearly in dispute, this is a breach of the ICO guidelines on registering defaults with credit reference agencies. Brighthouse claim that as they had issued a response the account was not disputed. I was not contacted before these defaults were registered, Brighthouse claim they were asked not to call or visit me whilst I accept this the only letters received were £5.50 weekly charges, these letters breached their acceptance on the 2nd October as the charges should have been removed and should not have been applied continuously. I know that the insurance has not been removed and has still been charged despite the account defaulting, in their own contract they state the insurance is cancelled once a payment is late. I wish to commence a claim through the county courts for a judge to review this as I am not accepting these defaults for a period of 6 years. Payment has never been refused, Means to pay have never been provided. I will not visit the store of the agent/bailiff who trespassed on my property and refused to move. My questions are:- What section of the Consumer credit act would refer to responsible lending? Would the claim value be the total amount of the outstanding debt? I do not believe adequate affordability checks were conducted, where can I refer to research this further? Can any refer to a claim that has been successful regarding registering defaults on a disputed account? Section 43 http://www.experian.co.uk/www/pages/downloads/compliance/guidance_on_defaults.pdf “If we conclude that there is a genuine, reasonable and unresolved dispute between the borrower and lender, then we are likely to find that personal data have been processed unfairly if a default has been filed. Defaults filed in these circumstances may also be inadequate for the purpose of credit referencing in that they do not provide meaningful information about the creditworthiness of the customer.“
  20. Afternoon Folks, I am Michael, 24 years old, and I have just had some news I am to be expecting my first child. First of all I would like to say sorry for how stupid I was 2 years when I took products out with Brighthouse. At the time I had just got my own place, and I needed a TV, I then got two things I didn't need a PlayStation and a Phone. It all comes to £40 a week, which normally I can afford. But I am now moving in with my girlfriend, she knows I have a bill every week for £40, but she doesn't know its brighthouse, I am ashamed to tell her. But last week I informed her that the bill would start to go down. As I belived that next month my TV would be 104 weeks old and I would no longer have to pay for it. I pay £14 for it, 104 weeks means ive paid £1400, for a TV normally costing £400. very excessive! My store rudely advised my I actually had a full year left, I was a little shocked and also ****ed off, as it might not sound a lot £14 but I cant afford it.. Normally I would of been more reasonable but at the time of taking the product out I was almost sure the lady said 104 weeks, I remember discussing the amount it cost at the time, I really feel miss sold on this. But regardless they say they have my signature on the agreement. What is my position on this, has anyone had any experience of reducing payments or stop paying? I need to get these payments down to £15 a week for everything? I cant hand them in I have invested a lot of my money in these products? Thanks Michael
  21. I in november 2015 I took out a contract and got a "new" couch from Brighthouse, I have started getting letters through in my name with JNR at the end of it. My dad has the exact same name as me, I dont stay with him, I have my own house. Surely brighthouse have discussed my account with my dad and confirmed my details to him, Surely this is a breach of contract and breaking data protection. Does anyone have any advice on what I should do regarding this,
  22. Hi looking for some help got a Xbox from bright house and gave it as a prezzy now don't speak to this person so no chance of getting it back to give bright house it back hitting really hard times could I buy a replacement and give that back same specs ect or would they know I have paid over £600 for it already but have other things on account that I want to keep eg washing machine thanks
  23. Hi there, I bought a tumble dryer from Brighthouse on November 2014. I was made aware of the dryer recal exactly 12 months later (not by Brighthouse) and I registered it for a repair and have been drying clothes on the radiators since. I have two kids so this is not convenient to say the least. However I finally got a reply from Hotpoint saying at the earliest may for the modifications. So I contacted Brighthouse to see what they were willing to do as I didn't find this acceptable. I'm paying £7 a week for a dryer that is not fit for purpose, I'm aware that the status is that we can use these whilst supervised but I really don't feel this worth the risk of a fire. At the end of the day it's not worth the added risk to my family's likfe not to mention that some items cannot be replaced if there was a fire. Brighthouse offered a loan dryer as I paid for 5* service in with the price, and offered to deliver it the following week. I was more than happy with this. When the men came with the dryer it was tatty and dirty but once again it wasn't important however I noted that it was another Hotpoint, but the me assured me it wasn't one of the ones affected and off they went. I noticed that the sticker near the door had been removed and replaced the a Brighthouse sticker so I looked around the back and found a small one, so I entered the details online and find it too is one of the fire risk machines! At this point i defiantly was no longer laid back about the situation, after paying such a hefty price in the first place and all the new house fire stories. I contacted my local store who told me that they had no other dryer for me and that I could send my dryer back but I would lose out on all the money it had cost so far. The cheek! So I ended the call and contacted trading standards via citizens advice. Citizens advice were like a machine with the complicated info they were telling me at lightning speed, but I'm pretty sure it sounded like I could send my item back and be refunded due to the item not as described at point of purchase and because it's higher purchase? I contacted my local store who told me they would call me back and when they did they offered to give me little bit off a new contract (but not as a refund) and no where near what I had paid, so I refused and they gave me customer service number. When I called them I got a lady who told me it was Hotpoints issue and they were dealing with it and there was nothing they could do, no matter what angle I tied to reason with her I git the same response and that she would log it with a complaint. Trading standards contacted me back today (48 hrs) and said that they did the right thing in offering a loan product which I agreed but when I told her the rest of the story she said would refer it to the trading standards Brighthouse team and left it at that. I'm at my wits end with this. I'm sorry for the really long post but if there is anyone who can help I would appreciate it very much. Thank you in advance
  24. Hello, I'm just looking for a little advice on Brighthouse. I'm a customer with them but I'm continually receiving text messages to my phone even though I've asked them to stop in the store and last week to customer services as the store just kept saying they are automated and they can't do anything about it. I've been getting them since the start of the year and sometimes can be as many as 3 in a day. some say drop in store or its your best day to pay or its your due day to pay, its just getting a bit of a headache now and I'm so annoyed that they keep coming. customer services said they can stop them but it will take up to a week or so for them to stop. Are they allowed to harrass me by text messaging like this please.
  25. Just a few products to show how you are being ripped off by this company. If you saved the money you are paying them you would save thousands APPLE iPad Pro 32GB WiFi space grey ML0F2 Pixmania.com - £ 682.80 with Free delivery. Brighthouse - £963.27 cash price - £1,768.00 credit price Sony 65" Full HD Android Smart TV Currys - £1,249.00 + trade in and get another £100 off so £1,149.00 with Free delivery Brighthouse - £1,727.01 cash price - £3,432.00 credit price Xbox One FIFA 16 & Gears of War Ultimate Bundle Smyths - Xbox One 500GB FIFA 16 Bundle £279.99 + Gears of War: Ultimate £14.99 Total cash price £294.98 Brighthouse - £793.03 cash price - £1,657.50 credit price So you can see it makes sense to not buy from Brighthouse but save up the payments and get it for a massive saving for cash elsewhere. Don't be ripped off this Christmas, have another look at the above prices, show your family and tell them if they wait a while they can have a free holiday in Cornwall or they can have an xbox and a laptop or practically anything they fancy.
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