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  1. Hi I have been issued with a CCJ for an amount I owed a solicitor. The solicitor didn't complete the work and didn't do as they promised me when the property sale fell through I didn't receive a bill from them so just never thought about it. I live at an address that was unknown to the solicitor but used to live with a relative. The relative received a letter from the solicitor saying they wanted money. I said, fine, but send it back with my new address. I received a letter then at my new address which I have responded to via email, offering to pay a token amount each month until I am back on my feet financially. A CCJ has arrived at my previous address (post is seldom opened hence this problem with unseen letters). I might be moving back there but not sure yet, but if i do or don't I still want to avoid bailiffs at the door as I believe they can force their way in when doing CC enforcement?? Would anyone please be able to offer any advice in the event that the solicitor does not accept my offer - I only offered a few pound a month but happy to have review after a few months. thanks
  2. Rent-to-own retailer BrightHouse has been told to pay £14.8m to 249,000 customers by the financial regulator, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). BrightHouse will compensate customers who had cancelled agreements after one downpayment but had not been refunded. It will also make payments to those who signed up to lending agreements that "may not have been affordable". The FCA said BrightHouse had not acted as a "responsible lender". http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-41732865
  3. Apparently I'm a time waster... Well that's what BW Legal think anyway... Apparently asking for valid documents to prove an account isnt owing is wasting their time... Yep thats right - Sending of a CCA Request and i get this back...
  4. hi, my Dad passed away earlier this year, and the executors have been compiling a list of his gifts to me for inheritance tax. I have now had a letter from a different firm of solicitors stating that they have taken over and that there are a number of transactions which "require an explanation". I wrote to the original solicitors querying this, who passed on my email to the new solicitors. Their response was that the original firm had a right to take legal advice and to employ solicitors to act on their behalf in relation to possible claims that the estate may have. They want to see my bank statements back to 2011 (one account was closed down 2 years ago), and evidence (which I've got ) that he wanted to pay my rent Basically because I gave up trying to move away. Every time I tried to do anything, he would have a fall and be in hospital and i would have to stay with my mother. When I asked who was paying them, they said the fee would come from the estate, but could be borne by the defendants to that claim if the court ordered it. I feel as if I want to say, "Take me to Court then" as I have evidence for everything. I am not involving my solicitor in this because I have already wasted approx £8000 paying him. Money that my Dad gifted me to live off. They want a response by next week. My mother has alzheimers and I am moving her into a care home. I am finally leaving a town which I have been trying to leave for 4 years. Their care has taken over my life, and unless you've been in this situation, you have no idea what a nightmare it is. The Best Interest meeting held earlier this year agreed that she should be near me, I have been unable to work for over three years due to both my elderly parents' deteriorating health, and a psycho brother not helping at all. I have also spent all year trying to get a Care Provider contracted through the Council sacked. This involved a Safeguarding meeting, and a formal complaint with responses from the CQC, CEO, Head of Commission, etc and my MP is backing me. This is just one more thing thrown at me, and I wonder if anyone could suggest anything I can say to them without getting my solicitor involved. Do I need to respond? Do I have to present my bank statements? Will they send bailiffs to my door or will they take me to Court? I would rather go to Court. IMO, my response should be to ask more questions. I don't have time to chase bank statements, especially from closed accounts, and why do they want to know anyway if the gifts were in the nil bracket? You have to be so careful with solicitors as anything I say could be twisted. I will go to Citizens Advice on Monday, but wondered if anyone could help me now. I am in the middle of selling the apartment and moving miles away, plus I can't find a home for her until I've got a date. Thanks
  5. I wanted to keep this as subtle as possible so I won't put any terms in here that will trigger any alarm bells. Not sure how to go about this but here it goes! September 2016 I begin working (sorry, I mean, self-employed 'sub-contracting') as a courier for a firm who provided its services to a Fortune 500 company, 12th on the 2017 list to be precise, you know, the one recently famous for its dealings with shoddy courier companies? ....Now your getting the picture After a few months we heard said F500 company was taking "tips" from customers by default via the online checkout, these tips were suppose to be paid to drivers. We of course were never informed about this and never saw a dime. The reason why tips where offered by customers is, we were forced daily to carry up over hundreds of kilo's of shopping purchased to flats with no lifts. Mostly being boxes of water IN THE DOZENS! (like that wasn’t bad enough, all of the weight was put into paper bags. No handles, no trays or trolley's provided to carry them up. All done by hand.) The customers obviously did this on purpose, so they won't have to. And I’m guessing in exchange for their guilt, would tip us a few quid for the back killing pain we where left in. Now I, along with the rest of us working (sorry, ‘contracting’) for this firm where not aware this was happening until one day a driver brought it to our attention that other contracting firms are paying their drivers tips. When we queried this, our firm said that the F500 company did not provide them with any tips. After a few months, we started asking other companies drivers to show us their invoices, and they were all earning over £100 a week in tips alone! (50-70 hour weeks however) This became even more apparent when customers where asking us if we received our tips or not, for which we had to lie and say we did so they won’t get upset. Furious, over 20 drivers mounted pressure on our firm and demanded an explanation. When a few drivers were “dismissed” for doing this, we went and complained to managers at the F500 company directly. We got a straight up “you don’t work for us, you work for them, so deal with them. You are not our problem.” Essentially, the F500 company knew that this firm was taking the tips that was suppose to be for us, and pocketing it for themselves. This went on for almost a year. If the maths is correct, that is £100 x 100 drivers x 52 weeks = thats over HALF A MILLION !!! The point is the F500 company knew the tips would never arrive to the drivers yet took it by default from the customers at checkout. (the customer had to opt-out of paying manually.) This is deceptive and borderline fraud. They turned a blind eye for almost a year. After all the noise we began making, the F500 company knew they were in deep sh!t when the word got out, so they decided to cancel the contract with our firm, and within 24 hours we had all lost our jobs... just like that. Conveniently, our firm dissolved shortly after. Broke, with no income, and nothing else to do a few of us decided to file a Subject Access Request from said F500 company. We followed all procedures down to the letter and also paid the £10 for them to give us details of all the tips that was paid by customers, intended for us. However, even now, after 80 days, we have not heard anything back. The letters where sent recorded delivery to the compliance department, so we know they received them. Question is, where do we go from here? Do we even have a case?
  6. Dear All Almost two years ago received a claim from Restons for £2,500 but with no details. Filed defence requesting details of claim and made a CCA request. Cabot didn't come back until a week ago, with copies of some documents, containing terms and conditions, and copy of agreement, stating that they are now entitled to obtain Judgment. Have to see if it is genuine. I have noticed that they have not provided copy of Deed of assignment, I requested. Not sure if important? Also it appears that the authorisation of Cabot Financial has lapsed with the FCA, which is the name they've used on the Claim form. Does this mean that the claim is not valid and they have to reapply? Also, over half of the amount they are claiming consists of bank charges. Not sure if Default or Termination notices are relevant if they have bought any debts. Please help
  7. A firm selling call blocking devices has itself been fined for making unsolicited calls to those who have opted out of receiving them. Cold Call Eliminations, based in Chichester, made calls to the elderly, including cancer sufferers. One was said to have been left "badly shaken". They were registered on the Telephone Preference Service (TPS), so should have been exempt from such calls. The company, which has been fined £75,000, refused to comment. BBC Oops
  8. Hi, I am not sure which section to ask this but here goes. I applied to Part ex my caravan . I needed to borrow £34120. I hadn't heard if it had gone through I had received a letter from my existing finance company thanking me for request of settlement figure. So far so good however I called the Finance company and they put me through to the new business team, They informed me I had been accepted for the loan and the amount that had been requested was £56720 and they needed a bigger deposit. I informed them I did not need that much and that I only needed £34k . The dealership said they didn't know what happened and they would adjust the figures. I heard nothing again and called the new business team who agreed the figures had been adjusted and they had asked for £38k.Again too much. I again informed the dealership and they said it had been declined however when I informed them I had only just spoken to the finance company and it had been accepted they said again they would look at it. Bottom line is the company dealership asked for £22k more than I needed. They have said the finance company have declined the deal which is a lie. I have done all the chasing and they have not treated me fairly. Any advice would be appreciated I am getting no where with them
  9. Hello, My wife (unknown to me, though not through deception of any kind understand) opened a PPI refund case with a bank via Black Pearl PPI firm. The case was against our joint bank account. Note - My wife joined the account in 2003. She (alone) signed the Black pearl forms of consent, so they could go off and make a claim against the bank. Bank has agreed to a miss selling of PPI on a overdraft which started in 1999 (before wife was part of the account) to 2007. I am wondering if technically, wife legally doesn't need to pay Black Pearl their fee based on ... 1. I didn't sign a consent with her, for black pearl to investigate the account in question. 2. The PPI insurance started before my wife became part of the account. I cant for the life of my find Black pearls T&C's!, which I'm sure would answer my question, so hoping somebody with knowledge in this could advise please kindly. I'm happy to pay black pearl (with a grudge), but would rather not
  10. Surprise surprise http://www.bbc.com/news/business-35129788 But will it make any difference? No sign of it so far. I wonder what Kenneth Radley Davies Smadley Bradley Madley Mavies - their alleged in-house legal assistant and Npower's tame solicitors Wilkins Chapman will make of this. I wonder how many of Npower's victims have they frightened and bullied over the year simply in order to keep Npower's shameful dishonesty and incompetence from being revealed to the public. Of course, £26million is a drop in the ocean and no doubt their execs are all enjoying their bonuses and Christmas parties. Spare a thought for Npower victims? Not likely
  11. I have just found out my debt management firm is no longer trading saw this: RMR Financial Services Ltd, formerly trading as Compass Debt Counsellors, has stopped trading and no longer offers debt management services. The firm’s interim permission from the FCA, which firms must have if they wish to offer debt management services, lapsed on 8 March 2016. AARBS Ltd (insolvency practitioners) is holding a meeting of the firm’s creditors on 30 March 2016. RMR’s bank accounts have been frozen. This means that the firm will not be requesting direct debits from clients’ accounts and standing order payments will be rejected and returned to customers’ bank accounts. This is an evolving situation and during the transitional period we would expect creditors that are authorised by us to show forbearance. The company was holding around £500 of my money will i be able to claim it back what should i do first im clueless and extremely worried
  12. Npower, one of Britain's biggest energy suppliers, will outline plans this week to axe thousands of jobs ‎as its German owner attempts to revive the company's weak financial performance. Sky News has learned that Npower will tell staff in the coming days that approximately 2,500 roles at the company and its‎ partners are to be axed. Sources said the proposals were still being finalised, with some of Npower's directly employed workforce of 7,500 at risk and the remainder of the cuts taking place at internal suppliers elsewhere in the RWE group and at outsourcing partners. Including indirect employment, Npower's operations support about 11,500 jobs in the UK - meaning that its workforce is braced for a reduction of over 20%. The grim news will be delivered just days before competition regulators announce a series of measures aimed at making the UK's energy market more transparent. Npower, which is part of the German utility RWE, and rivals such as British Gas and SSE have announced a round of price cuts ‎in recent months, but have been criticised by ministers and consumer groups for failing to go further. The rapid decline in oil prices during the last year has prompted calls for much bigger cuts. Npower said last month that it would reduce gas prices for residential customers by just over 5% on 28 March, equating to a £32 annual bill cut for households using a standard domestic ‎tariff. Npower's plans to cut so many jobs will ignite concerns about its ability to improve a customer service record which is already judged to be among the worst in a tarnished industry. Insiders pointed, however, to the beginnings of a turnaround in its performance, with the number of complaints halving in 2015. Last year, RWE ousted Paul Massara, Npower's former boss, and installed‎ Paul Coffey, the British company's chief operating officer, in his place. The management changes followed a decline in Npower's customer base following a string of billing problems. In December, the company was ordered to pay a £26m settlement by the energy regulator, Ofgem, for "failing to treat customers fairly" - the second such fine it has had imposed on it. Npower now has roughly five million customers, making it the smallest of the "Big Six" suppliers. The company lost £48m in the nine months to the end of October, largely as a consequence of the billing system problems. The job cuts will be the latest piece of bad news affecting RWE in the UK, following last month's accident at the power station it owns in Didcot, Oxfordshire, which is thought to have left several people dead. The redundancies at Npower are unrelated to the Didcot tragedy. It is not only in Britain that RWE, Npower's German owner, has been experiencing challenges. It announced last month that it was scrapping its full-year dividend, blaming sliding earnings from its electricity generation business and the changing political sentiment towards nuclear power in its home market. The dividend move will save around €600m (£464m). RWE will announce annual results on Tuesday, and is expected to set out further details of its plans for Npower alongside them. Two days later, the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) will unveil its final proposals arising from a two-year inquiry into the energy sector. Npower declined to comment on Sunday. SKY
  13. Over 180,000 customers of credit card firm NewDay, will be refunded over £4 million after the firm admitted it unfairly charged customers. NewDay provides a mixture of store cards and credit cards for the likes of Debenhams, House of Fraser, Topshop and Topman, as well as credit cards for the likes of Aqua and Marbles, which are typically used by those with a poor credit score. About 3% of customers are due redress of £20 each on average after the company found that default fees and other charges triggered additional charges If you're due a refund you don't need to take any action, as New Day will be writing to you directly over the next two to three months. http://www.moneywise.co.uk/news/2016-03-24/provider-behind-debenhams-and-topshop-store-cards-to-refund-180000-customers
  14. Bailiffs from 'Can't Pay We'll Take It Away' throw car park firm out of Huddersfield site for not paying its bills A national car park firm has been dramatically evicted from its Huddersfield site by bailiffs seen on television’s ‘Can’t Pay We’ll Take It Away’ show. Euro Car Parks was abruptly turfed out of its Lord Street site and the entrance chained over. It has now been claimed that the huge international firm, notorious for giving shoppers parking tickets, has itself failed to pay its bills. The Examiner understands it has not paid the past three months rent on the site, which was purchased by a private landlord recently for more than £700,000. The Examiner has asked Euro Car Parks for a comment but it has so far not responded. This morning a new firm, Simple Intelligent Parking, was busy installing its equipment and signs at the popular town centre car park. A spokesman said the landlord had become tired of waiting for payment and had recruited bailiffs from DCBL Ltd, who feature on the Channel 5 TV show, Can’t Pay We’ll Take It Away, to come and reclaim the site. He said he had assisted in dealing with the confused and upset employees of Euro Car Parks and customers, whose cars were locked in. And he revealed plans to improve the car park with a new surface and better markings were underway. Link
  15. http://www.mirror.co.uk/money/lowcostholidayscom-collapse-what-you-can-8488525
  16. A claims company has become the first to be fined under new powers after making millions of "nuisance calls", the government has announced. The Hearing Clinic, based in Derby, has been fined £220,000 following hundreds of complaints about speculative calls regarding hearing loss claims. It was the first fine issued by the Claims Management Regulator. Many of those called by the business had subscribed to the Telephone Preference Service (TPS), indicating that they did not want to receive unsolicited calls. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-33788527
  17. Hi all, Yesterday a breakdown firm helped me with a flat tyre (the tyre iron failed, so I couldn't do it myself). They sorted it out, but unfortunately the driver did not return my wheel lock key, and I was in a rush so I forgot to ask before I drove off. Now I'm stuck with the space-saver for now. The breakdown firm say they've asked the driver, and that he definitely doesn't have my key. This happened on the M4, so I'm crossing my fingers that the thing is lying on the hard shoulder where it presumably fell off the wheel nut when I drove away, but if not I'm going to have to pay to have four wheel lock nuts drilled out, and a replacement set. Are the breakdown company to blame for not returning my key, or am I to blame for not asking for it back? It was done through my insurance, if that makes any difference. Thanks for any advice.
  18. Good morning everyone! I wonder if anyone could kindly give me someadvice for my next move: Barclaycard refused my wife PPI when she was hospitalised in 2011 saying she didn’t have a policy. In 2013 we found out she DID have PPI, so of course setabout claiming it back, and finding out why we weren’t given the opportunity toclaim. Barclaycard made it clear, that any payments would payoff the balance on the account (£8K) and that the account would be closed. During this time we negotiated a reduced monthly rate of paying the account, infact this was by continuous payment authority on a Debit Card, so the account was being paid. My wife was offered £11k initially, but we negotiated because of their many errors and got £15K. So they actually paid £7k to my wife after clearing the account. The PPI claim was ongoing from Dec 2012 to August 2013. in June 2013 without anyone being aware (even the PPI department), a different Barclaycard department sold the debt of £8k on the account to a DCA At the same time they put a default on my wife’s credit file? Then the DCA put a second default on my wife’s creditfile and Experian have told us it is impossible to have 2 defaults for the samedebt, but yet they are still there? We explained the situation to the DCA who refused to believe us, we told them the debt was cleared and the fault lay with Barclaycard. We explained this to Barclaycard who did the same and wouldn’t listen. We even had the final offer letter from Barclaycard that stated that the account would be Paid Off before we got the balance. And of course we have bank statements showing the Award minus Debt = balance going in to my wife’saccount. DCA (who have their own in house solicitors) have taken my wife to Court. We have counter claimed, only for a maximum £500 to keep down our costs. We figured we would deal with DCA then take Barclaycard to Court. But one of the questions I want to ask you guys on here is from what I have read, you can only claim for ACTUAL financial loss and not damages for reputation etc? Is that correct? And finally I am wondering if I can end this early: DCA (solicitors)have: 1. Failed to send in Allocation Questionnaire on time. 2. Failed to attend Court for Directions hearing when required to do so on May 5th 3. Failed to pay Court Fee ordered to be paid by June 4th 4. Failed to file Witness statements by June 9th. In the latter point (4) the Court office made a mistake in not informing them to file papers by the 9th June (they were told a later date), but if they had attended for directions on 5th the Judge gave me the paperwork to take away with me clearly stating filing date: Both the correct and incorrect paperwork did however both say they should pay hearing fee by the 4th June however. At the Directions hearing the judge said to me that “he would strike out the claim”, but that we need our counterclaim following through for costs, and more importantly to clear my wife’s credit file. He also stated that there was a danger that they would just claim again. Does anybody have any further comments to add or advice, because I think that for a DCA with their own solicitors they need teaching a lesson?
  19. please advise. After searching internet for a cheap legal company to do my divorce papers, i settled on legal &Co based in Wiltshire. I have already paid for a fixed fee divorce at a cost of £460 plus another £400 for doing a consent order. They have hardly started doing any work for me when i have been shouted this afternoon 11/714 at by the case manager (john) simply for requesting an acknowledgement email for receiving my docs posted to them two weeks ago. I find the man John hyper sensitive and rude and now blaming me for rudeness. He so far as went on to say that if i did not like it i could lump it and there would be no refund. After i threatened to report to law society he backtracked and changed his tone a little and then ask me to send further papers so he could move my case forward. I have since lost trust in this firm . i dont know what to do now as i have already paid close to £1000. I dont know whether to carry on or withdraw from them. please advise
  20. I applied to Littlewoods Catalogue via an application form way back in the 1990's. Although I have just a small debt of £160, this is now included in an IVA. The IVA has been enforced since June 2012; I've had no contact with Littlewoods since the IVA was granted. I wish to seek under I believe a section 75 request to see if there is any actual credit agreement with the catalogue company. The debt is still listed with Littlewoods and does not appear to have been sold on. Can anyone please provide me with template letters? Thank you.
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