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Found 21 results

  1. Hello all, This is a request for information on who will have to pay the rent on a LHA property. Me and the wife have rented this property for over 20 years now and have paid the rent on it for most that time, Due to my wifes disabilities she has the high rate motobility and standard car PIP. Because of this I am on carers allowance and also receive Income Support. The house is four bedrooms and we use 1 and our granddaughter uses 1 and her boyfriend uses another 1. So out of four bedrooms we use 3 and have a reduction in HB (14%) for the empty one. My granddaughter (18yrs old ) up-till recently was a full time student and has now moved on to a apprenticeship (wage approx £225 pw) Her boyfriend (18yrs old ) is also on an apprenticeship (wage approx £195pw) Neither of them have paid anything towards the rent or CT as that has always been the way we have done it for all our children. The LHA and the council are fully aware of the situation at the property as I keep them fully informed of any changes in circumstances within just a few days of the changes. So currently we have to pay 14% rent and a small proportion of the CT and there has been no communication concerning any change to what we pay regarding granddaughter moving into the apprenticeship. We also notified the appropriate gov depts about her change of circumstances and the Child Benefit and CTC we got for her has now stopped. Now there is another change in circumstances coming up next month and its this change that I need to get information about up front. The boyfriends apprenticeship is about to come to an end (early July) and he is moving onto a position within the educational establishment his apprenticeship was with. So he is going to be a full time employee earning a income that will be a lot higher than what he gets on the apprenticeship. SO, the question is Would he be liable to pay the rent and CT on this property even though his name is not on the tenancy agreement. Your thoughts on this matter would be appreciated. OH one more question. Would me going back into self employment make any difference to the above As I have been considering this for a while. (I'm 62 and would be working a minimum of 16 hours a week)
  2. Fascinatingly complex scenario when you make an effort. After being made unemployed in July I have been trying to do bits and bobs with casual work for three employers whilst I look after my ill mum and look for a more permanent position. I get a nice tax rebate with a pay packet of just one weeks work for one of the employers and therefore do not get any Universal Credit for October because the pay plus the rebate takes me over the threshold of income for that month because the DWP takes tax rebates as pay. Fair enough but they then go and tell my council that my Universal Credit claim has been cancelled so I have to go through all the rigmarole of sending pay slips, hours worked, bank balances and the like to the council re council tax benefit and the council interestingly "do not" class tax rebates as income or pay! Regardless having more than one employer on a casual basis is a nightmare with the council who don't seem to know how to handle it and I may well have full whack council tax one month and then have to reapply monthly depending on wage which is always low anyway! So I have now had to email UC to see if I need to reclaim because I might not earn anything from the three employers this month although another nice little confusion arrived in the form of a small pay check from one employer with yet another healthy tax rebate,,,, two in one month from different employers?!?!?! Transpires that rebate earlier this month may be an error but I won't find out until the end of the tax year when I might, or might not have to pay it back!!! Either work full time or not at all seems to be the easiest way to avoid mega confusion on all counts as three mini employers is a logistical nightmare!!
  3. Anglian Water pays £50,000 after water pollution incident READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/anglian-water-pays-50000-after-water-pollution-incident
  4. Rent-to-own retailer BrightHouse has been told to pay £14.8m to 249,000 customers by the financial regulator, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). BrightHouse will compensate customers who had cancelled agreements after one downpayment but had not been refunded. It will also make payments to those who signed up to lending agreements that "may not have been affordable". The FCA said BrightHouse had not acted as a "responsible lender". http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-41732865
  5. I bought a £500 graphics card from CCL 15 months ago, it broke, CCL said it has 3 year warranty, but after 12 months you return it to Gigabyte directly. I created an RMA with Gigabyte, they gave 3 options, Pay £15 for a company to deal with the return (at the time I thought this was just to collect the card from me and return it to Gigabyte, as I assumed Gigabyte would pay for the return), Send the card yourself or deliver it in person. I chose option to send it myself as I thought £15 was a lot for a 1 way delivery. I posted the card at the post office, £15.26, grrrr, hindsight! I got an email from Gigabyte telling me the card is repaired, I should arrange collection and let them know the details. At this point I thought, hang on a minute, you want me to pay for return!!! So I sent this email. They replied with this. So, where do I stand now? Who is liable for the return costs? CCL or Gigabyte?
  6. Care UK faces legal action unless it pays more than £3m in compensation READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/care-uk-faces-legal-action-unless-it-pays-more-than-3m-in-compensation
  7. So I raised a complaint regarding a Cap One Account i paid in full for back in 2014. They promised to update it to Satisfied and failed to do so. I kicked off with their Execs Team and they ended up paying £50 in compo and agreed to correct it. Just remember - DCAs are not FOOLPROOF and YOU CAN get your own back...
  8. Hi can anyone tell me who is responsible for the cost of returning a faulty item ?? I bought a watch from an ebay seller that arrived not working. The seller tried to resolve the problem by sending me a new battery but the new battery made no difference the watch is obviously faulty. I have raised a dispute with paypal who have messaged me today saying i am entitled to a refund once the watch is returned using a postal service that is online trackable. Paypal also say i am responsible for the postage costs. I thought the sale of goods act says the seller is responsible ?? Any advice much appreciated thanks. Steve.
  9. The countries expert on bailiff law; John Kruse has written in his latest Bulletin about the important subject of bailiff fees when debtors make payment to the creditor (i.e. Magistrate Court, local authority etc). This is a subject that has been discussed often on the forum and thankfully, with the regulations now having been in place for two years, most local authorities understand that if a direct payment is received from a debtor after the account has been forwarded to the enforcement agent, that the Compliance fee of £75 needs to be deducted at source and the balance apportioned on a pro rata basis in line with regulations. The position with Magistrate Court fines is very much simpler. If a debtor makes a direct payment to the court (either in person or on-line), after a warrant of control has been issued, all courts write to the debtor to advise that the entire payment has been forwarded to the enforcement agent so that they (the EA) can deduct their fees in line with legislation. A extract from John Kruse's excellent article is copied in the next post: PS: An detailed explanation of how direct payments are allocated and the pro rata distribution can be read here: http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?453047-Bailiff-enforcement-Setting-up-a-payment-arrangement-and-whether-you-can-pay-the-court-or-the-council-direct
  10. Just wanted to share this with you guys In November my parents wrote to Barclays instructing them that as from February this year they wanted to cancel 2 direct debits, for TalkTalk and Sky, as they were coming to live with us. They also went into the local branch and explained what they were doing. They are both 82 years old and believe in doing things 'properly' which means writing 'proper' letters. long story short - the bank cancelled DD's with immediate effect which meant both companies contacting them repeatedly to demand payments. (They have never missed a payment or been late etc) This caused them great distress, just 3 days before Christmas. They were so upset and stressed, my father is asthmatic and took to his bed. I fired an email off to the CEO at Barclays explaining their situation and this morning I had a Skype call from them to say that they had received £150 deposited straight into their account by way of an apology!! Result!! It DOES pay to complain! Now if this is an indicator to how the New Year will be then it's looking good eh!!
  11. Interesting article appeared on BBC news website in the Scotland section with regards to parking. Just wondering if instead of reaching a settlement and had actually gone through with the court hearing would the outcome have been different. http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-scotland-glasgow-west-35772704
  12. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3652449/Irate-father-pays-60-fine-taking-son-eight-school-Majorca-holiday-one-two-pence-pieces.html I thought this was amusing. The following is a video of the moment. http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/watch-priceless-moment-irate-dad-8246247
  13. Which Government organisations are responsible for paying the following to people? For example, if you are on JobSeekers Allowance, this comes from the Department of Work + Pensions... JSA = DWP Council Tax = ? Rent = ? Mortgage (Interest Only) = ? Service Charges (for leased flats) = ? Cheers, R
  14. Who pays to get rid of these vermin ? The landlord says I have to pay, and replace all damaged wiring etc. I didn't bring them into the building so surely it is risk the landlord should have managed? Does anyone have any experience of this problem?
  15. Hi, Just looking for some advice. We requested Lloyds pay an account at Barclays. The account that they have paid is in a completely different name to the one we advised. They have advised that they are not liable as the name apparently is only used as a reference. I can not see that this is correct. If you write a cheque and the name is wrong they will not accept it. Can anyone enlighten me, thanks.
  16. The house I had built in Whyalla South Australia did not have a water meter installed when I took possession. I had to organise an installation with SA Water and they have sent me bill for the meter. who is responsible for this account , myself, or should it have been supplied by the builder when he built the house?
  17. Sunday mirror payday loan company pays no tax name and shame
  18. Hi everyone, Hope you can shed some light on this one. Last July, my daughter thought it wise to leave the family home for a year to experience the student life. After seeing the error of her ways, she has now returned, towing with her a water bill for £1000...... I phoned Welsh Water, and they said the bill was correct. My daughter doesn't dispute she owes the money, its the others in the house that do. Five students signed the tenancy agreement back in July 2011. After a couple of months, two students left and were replaced by another two. They did not update the tenancy agreement to show the change. Basically, the new tenants reimbursed the bond to the two tenants who were leaving. From what I can gather, the water bill was never addressed monthly, it just built up. Fast forward to today. The tenancy comes to an end, all go their seperate ways. Except the water bill seems to have landed on my daughters doorstep. There are 3 names on the bill, cos Welsh Water can only get 3 on their billing???????? My daughter, and two others. And yes you guessed it, the other two on the bill are the tenants who left after two months. Now what I need to know is who is ultimately responsible for this bill? The bonds have been released by the letting agent into my daughters account. The debt has been passed to Moorcroft and are threatening more charges. I want to pay the bill out of the bonds and have done with it. After all, IT IS THEIR DEBT. However, the two tenants who are not on the tenancy agreement are denying responsibility for the bill and are demanding their bond be paid forthwith. Stating that should the bill be paid from their bonds, it would be classed as theft. Any thoughts regarding the legal position we find ourselves in. Your help in this matter is greatly appreciated. Vaz.
  19. Hi Guys, I have recently replaced the lead water supply pipe in my property as I was receiving poor water pressure. I only got 8l/s and apparently should be getting 12l/s. I applied to Portsmouth Water (my supplier) to do this and they said they will replace the water supply from the road (which I have to replace up to) to the mains supply in the middle of the road. They said they were doing this as it was also lead too, meaning I would then have a lead free supply. They sent me some paper work to fill in about how much water I use. From the calculations it said I need a 25mm supply pipe. I sent the forms off then received back an agreement with a note saying sign and return. I read the agreement which said I was agreeing to a water meter to be installed as it was a new supply. I do not agree with a water meter as I dont want one. Am I in my right as this is only a replacement supply and not a new supply? Now they are saying that I will only get a 20mm pipe unless I pay for the additional works digging the road up which they would be doing anyway. I have already replaced my supply to the edge of my property with 25mm pipe. Surely the supplier has a duty to supply my property with the connection I need? Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks, Dan
  20. My wife works as a home carer and needs a car for work. Her last one recently failed it's MOT and was going to cost too much to fix. We went to get a Fiesta last Saturday from a dealer we found via Auto Trader. They are an established second hand dealer, not someone selling outside their own home. It's an 02 Fiesta Mk4 which was only MOT'd the day before. She paid on a Visa Debit card, issued by her building society, bar £100 cash deposit when we first went to see it. She's only had it 6 days... Their own mechanic talked to us to say he had just replaced all the brake pads and given it a good going over for the MOT. He said it was a darned good car etc etc. He was also saying to take it back to them for MOT as they were reasonable for anything that needed fixing. We've brought it back home and she's run it for work a couple of days. We found that one wing mirror was faulty, the toggle thing didn't move it and there's a bit of something wedging it to hold it in place. The petrol cap didn't lock and the rear wiper was loose - all minor things we were getting our local garage to fix. She set off this afternoon, got about half a mile and the clutch went - foot to the floor. She managed to nurse it back home in first, round the block. She's very upset as she's had to call work and say she cannot do her calls. I've called the dealer, they say we need to take it back to them and it will cost (about...) £150 to fix ! That's on top of paying to get it there as it won't drive. It's about 25 miles by road. Estimate is about £70 to get it taken there. I've told them I'm not happy about that, we'll get a local garage to look at it and send them the bill. They say that the clutch isn't part of the MOT and they will not pay for the repair work. They're trying to make out we've probably ridden the clutch and made it fail - rubbish... We're having to pay for the car picking up and repairing, the local garage are ordering the parts and they will do it ASAP, they say Monday or Tuesday. As an independent garage I'm asking them to give us a report on the car, as though it was in for it's MOT. To be able to do her job, my wife is having to hire a car - which is going to cost her more of course. It's either that, or she does not get paid and could even lose her job. I'm happy to take this up with Trading Standards if needs be, my view is that if something goes wrong within such a short time then the dealer should accept some liability. But, I'm not 100% sure of myself, hence asking here. I'm also dropping an email to Trading Standards and will refer them back here, so they know I'm trying to get valuable CAG feedback too. If we have redress and the dealer refuses to pay then I'd go to the courts, but need to be sure of my ground before we got anywhere near that of course. I've read lots of similar stories which range from getting nowhere at all through to having the car fixed and billing the dealer for the full cost and the hire car, on the grounds that the vehicle should have been fit for purpose. Where do we stand?
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