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  1. bit long winded this one, sorry folks. I had been working for an outsourced company in a well known bank. Whilst in training I received strange emails from the trainer. This was following from a conversation in training were I asked a question. He explained (in answer to my question) it was in relation to couples who had a joint account and subsequently split. He said “say you and I were in a relationship”. Three days later I’ve seen he’s gone into my email and sent himself an email from my account/computer “that joint account we were talking about, do you fancy it? Can we get back together” (paraphrased, I have a copy) One of my colleagues saw this email and told me to take a copy to “protect yourself, that's really bizzare”. I replied to him saying “he’ll nah” thinking nip that right now! he’s then ran into the class in front of everyone and said “not up for it no” then left the class. From that moment on every single word that came out of my mouth he seemed to take offence to. Everything. Even just hello. The end result being I chose to just sit in silence in the corner, segregate myself from everyone else, keep myself to myself and not speak to anyone. I did speak to the manager about it and she told me “I get on with him so..” and that was that. Once he told off a member of staff for coming in hung over. Fair enough. However, the next day he’s come in hungover himself and stated “I’m hungover I can’t be (expletive) training you today”. On another occasion I had a difficult call and he grabbed a team leader, they then proceeded to stand watching, laughing at me. On another occasion during “coaching” he took my entire group out for a smoke I “wasn’t allowed until she asks me herself”. i stated "I'm not engaging in that power game, sorry" I was then left sat alone completely ostracised whilst they all went out for a smoke. It later came to me that during this he’d called me a “bitch” I then spoke to his manager who agreed I had a legitimate complaint “but she’s off today so” and that was the end of that. We’ve then gone onto the floor and continued training. We were told we would receive multiple one 2 one coaching. This happened once. When these coaching sessions had been booked onto our schedules we’d be left sitting around doing nothing for hours. the manager told us “the training we said were giving You’re not getting it , I don’t have time”. On the one occasion I did receive coaching I had a call fail for following incorrect procedure. I explained I remembered the call and put my hand up and did what the trainer told me to do. I still failed. This happened multiple times with different members of staff.The end result was hoards of new staff(and old seemingly) on the phones not knowing what their doing (and saying it). I witnessed several regulatory breaches at all levels of staff.. I am PTSD (undeclared, following on from being stalked for two years by a colleague, sexually assaulted and suicide attempts..) and found this exacerbated symptoms. I didn’t declare PTSD to the employer however i did state to trainers the lack of appropriate training was causing severe anxiety attacks. Nothing changed. During my time on the floor training it was agreed that mine would be extended for another week. I was entirely happy with this and expressed the fact that I was going to ask anyway. A few days later I’m told oh no that’s not happening now your going live Monday. I had zero input in this. Decisions are being made around my development with zero input from myself. I stated to them outright "I don’t know what I’m doing!!!" So I’m making my way to work Monday 24th December and had a panic attack in the street. I’ve not had panic attacks for 6 months. I just went home and txt the recruitment number “it’s not for me”. This was a clear resignation with immediate effect. Training group; Bullying was rife amongst this group. One in particular would talk about everyone when they were not around in a derogatory manner. According to this individual several members of staff are “sociopaths”. She would mock me to my face around my degree “shut up about it”. I suspect jealously because we did the same degree and I did better. This individual would relentlessly pick on someone in the group (who had an obvious mental disability of some sort, autism or something I wasn't rally sure). He’d speak in class and this individual would mutter “shut up” he’d sit next to us and she would intentionally and deliberately move away from him then stand around giving dirty looks. He picked up on it because he came and spoke to me he told me it was “making me sad”. I could give many many many many more examples of this persons behaviour. Another individual, the self confessed personality disordered individual(bpd). She started spreading rumours about me and a trainer. I was "into him" apparently, I wasn't. Rumours that were entirely baseless, again. She can deny deny deny but her “friend” told me And I heard her talking about it with my own ears. When I would sit next to the group she would intentionally move away and I’d hear her talking about me. On another occasion this individual was making £5 bets on “who would cry first” this is so nasty I have no words. One of the trainers said to a colleague “I come in here and play with my phones then I go home and play with my girlfriend..” hes 55 shes 19...bleughhhhhhhhh Another time this trainer was ‘helping’ me I got something correct myself and said ‘was I right,yeah?’ He said ‘had to happen sometime didn’t it..”. Bullying. This particular trainer got "barred" from being around trainees because of multiple complaints around his behaviour. Wages; During the 24/12/18 and 7/1/19 I received no communication whatsoever from the employer. I have then emailed on the 7th jan asking for confirmation of what my final wage will be. The response was; “Hi x, Your final pay will be 28th Jan due to your leave date. You will received payment on Monday 14th with any hours worked up till 6th Jan then on 28th you will received any remaining hours due and leaver Annual leave. Thanks x Executive – Compensation and Benefits” I have then received a payslip which just states states “zero”. no deductions nada, just blank. I’ve queried this stating, as per your own timescales I left on the 24th and therefore should receive 1 week outstanding wages and outstanding holiday pay on the 14th jan NOT the 28th as per your own email. At this point someone should have joined the dots that something had gone wrong, they didn’t. They then proceeded to IGNORE subsequent emails and failed to respond or amend my pay. I have then received emails a supposed HR senior: “Hi x, I requested the details from our team and they confirmed an AWOL letter – request to contact was sent to your address and email as attached both on 27th December. As they failed to hear from you it proceeded then to a disciplinary on 7th January again the invite dated 3rd January 2019 was sent to the address we have on file. This meeting went ahead in your absence and was held by x and x. An outcome letter was then sent to you via post which I am happy to hear an appeal should you wish to send through. Can you send me this evidence of your resignation so I can review ( I sent this twice one week prior fyi)? If not, can you confirm who you sent this to and to whom did you resign on the 24th? This resignation had not been cascaded to the team and thus your leave date being 7th Jan via dismissal due to AWOL. If you have evidence of sending your resignation then I can deal with the appropriate person as this has clearly caused a number of issues none more so than your final payment date being pushed back to the 28th January. Regarding names, that’s fine although this can limit our investigations which will be carried out by the training manager when on site in x next week. In regards to your pay & any outstanding monies owed by the company: Ø You will be paid firstly for hours worked from 23rd Dec – 6th Jan on 14th January 2019. Ø Your final pay will then be on the 28th Jan which as both x and x from our Payroll Dept. has advised will include any outstanding hours and unused AL." None of these communications were received by myself. I have then received a call from someone on the floor stating there has been a “GDPR breach”. In that all the wages are incorrect and members of staff have other people’s personal information contained in their own payslips. I was also told they were “wiping the system clean and in putting everyone’s data again. No one from x informed me of a data breach. I have then received copies of the email/letters x claim to have sent me. The email has gone to an address that isn’t mine. The letter has gone to a postcode that isn’t mine. The letters contained within are marked “private and confidential” and contain private personal HR information. This is causing distress. in that I have not left my home for days, I'm trying to secure accounts, I cant eat, I have not slept, days later I have not received a single response from the employer regarding the breach. I am losing my mind. I have been paid zero. Recently I noticed my mobile number has ben used to sign up for shortcode txts. i didn't do this. I DO NOT give my number out. ONLY for work. I believe the two are related. I pointed out this breach to x on the 11/1/19 they seemingly hadn't noticed, it is now 14/1/19 and I have received not one single response from them. I believe they have not noticed this breach, it was me! I have spoken with the ICO who tell me the breach (ive filled in the personal breach report form myself) hasn’t been reported (yet) I believe the 72 hour time limit is breached-the letter sent out was dated 27th December 18. So I have been unfairly dismissed based on data that wasn’t received and has breached my personal data! I also have not been paid a single penny today on my wages. Nothing. I am now unable to make rent and again exacerbates symptoms of PTSD. I also didn’t receive a copy of the contract, despite asking. what can I do here?
  2. I'm asking about holiday pay for my wife. She has a zero hours contract and today she has shown me her contract. The job was given to her by a friend. She was told the hourly rate was X amount (by the friend). The contract say the hourly rate is X amount (what she thought it was) but this also includes any holiday entitlement (12.07% of the hourly wage she is getting an hour). So if she has a week off she does not get paid anything for that week. She is working 40 hours a week and this oversight is costing her £5000 a year. She expects to be there for the best part of a year to complete a specific job. How does she resolve this? She wants this private company to offer her a permanent contract but i think if she raises questions she will not get this offer. She has been there for 14 weeks so far. I know "rolled up" contracts are illegal (according to the .gov.uk website). I look forward to any help.
  3. Hi, Can someone please advise on the following? Am i right in saying that holiday entitlement starts from the 1st of April each year to 1st of April following year? If you work 1 day per week - holiday entitlement is 5.6 days per year. have i got this right? So if someone works 1 hour each day, 5 days a week, how many hours or days holiday are they entitled for 1 year. Thanks
  4. I Phoned up to change the seats on the flight on Friday night, only to find out the hotel we'd booked into 16 months ago (and requested special assistance a few days later because they were not open when the holiday was booked) is not suitable for those with walking difficulties (nor is anywhere in cap salou apparently) I was open about my disability from the first call and that of my children but wasn't told about the resort or hotel (I'd asked for 14 nights all inclusive but left the resort open to Thomas Cook while explaning I have sever walking issues) I received a phone call back offering Furturaventura a week earlier but my wife has never flow before and is really panicked so a 4.5hr flight isn't an option, also our kids zone out with theme parks and that's how they escape, hence Salou being a good fit. I'm awaiting a call back as I then asked for a hire car to be provided to us for our stay, if Thomas Cook refuse this, there is nowhere else for us to go and we're really stuck, I can't walk more than 10 meters I use crutches and wheelchair etc, so where would I stand about getting a full refund without being deducted anything? We're under 60 days out now, not that a full refund would help with such a short amount of time left. Sorry I appreciate its long one but my head is in a spin we could only afford this holiday as a one off because of my health etc and now stand to lose everything.
  5. Good Morning, I recently finished a temporary contract at a local firm and when I inquired about my holiday pay, the agency turned around and said they don't owe me anything. They said that if I did another assignment and complete my 12 weeks, I would get it then but it was my understanding you build up holiday pay immediately? I have been on holiday since being on the assignment as well. I was there for 9 weeks at 37 hours per week. Surely you can't just automatically lose what you've built up? I would appreciate some advice here because I am not sure if this is right or not.
  6. its hopefully a quick query recently we have had a communication at work (large company merged recently) previously if we have worked a bank holiday (usually 10 hours) we have been paid time and a half for this and earnt time in leu - this has been 10 hours recently we noticed that the hours for this hadnt been added, after alot of chasing we were told that they were now added at the start of the holiday year. however we have only been granted 7.5 hours per bank holiday, their reasoning for has only just been given to us copied below --- To confirm a payroll week runs from Sunday to Saturday and the payroll team will process this accordingly, with this in mind, certain rota’s will either work three or four days per week. For the vast majority of our colleagues a full time working week is 37.5 hours per week, which equates to 1,950 hours over the year (37.5 hours per week x 52 weeks in a year) – regardless of shift pattern. This includes the MyTime rota, as additional hours worked are given in lieu time. The standard contract template is 5 over 7, so holiday entitlement is calculated as 7.5 hours x the contractual number of days entitlement for that colleague. --- this would be fine if we WORKED 7.5 hours a bank holiday however we work between 10 and 11 hours on a bank holiday, even worse they have based the hours over a 5/7 contract most of our workplace is on a 4on 4off rota, in my case im on flexible working and my current time is either 3 or 4 days in 7 we have asked for explanations but just keep being given the same details as above we have also been told that if we want the days the business is closed off (christmas day etc) then we have to book it off, on asking if that means we have to give the 7.5 hours back we have been told that no we have to use 10/11 hours of holiday time any advice?
  7. Hi all, New here and after some advice. I booked a package holiday through Olympic Holidays in April with flights operated by TUI. Our (2 of us) return flight (Corfu-Gatwick) was delayed due to a faulty aircraft having been sent back to Gatwick on it's way out to Corfu. This resulted in a 13 hour delay. Due to work commitments, we needed to be back home much earlier than this so unfortunately had to pay for new flights that were operated by Thomas Cook, plus €110 in baggage charges. The total came to around £400 after conversion (flights were £155 each). Before I start the long compensation process and so that I go about this in the correct way, I was looking for advice on: 1) Do I claim through Olympic or TUI? 2)Am I entitled to the standardised compensation package, or 3)Because I didn't take the scheduled flight, do TUI/Olympic have to pay me for the flights that I bought due to their delay, or: 4) Are they liable to pay for the flight that we didn't take due to the delay? I have a feeling Olympic/TUI will try passing me on like a hot potato so any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Jacob
  8. My partner has a llyods loan and has had 2 holiday payment breaks in the last year (contract stated 2 in 1 year) she is at the maximum but is finding it hard financially after having a baby. She ideally would like to put the loan on some kind of a hold until she goes back to work full time (around 6 months time) Is there anything that she can do? it would help massively as the loan repayments are around £400. If not she will just have to soilder on thanks guys
  9. Hi hope you can help, a week ago I paid a deposit of £370 towards an all inclusive holiday in Rhodes due to fly out 1st April. My boyfriend and I have split up and therefore won’t be wanting to go on the holiday together. Does anyone know where I stand in terms of payment of the rest of the holiday (due to be paid in full 25th March) or if I can get a refund of my deposit. Thanks
  10. If you are going on Holiday Abroad always check if you need any Immunisation/Medication beforehand for the areas you may be visiting. NHS Choices Travel Vaccinations: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/travel-vaccinations/ Travel Health Pro: https://travelhealthpro.org.uk/countries
  11. Large numbers of employers are it seems now in the habit of shortchanging their staff as a deliberate strategy to increase profits. At least 2 million workers a year in the UK are being cheated of pay they are owed. This estimate of the scale of wages theft comes from a new report from researchers at Middlesex University, which puts the value of the lost pay at over £3bn a year. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/nov/30/bosses-steal-from-low-paid-2-million-workers-cheated-wages HB
  12. Hi This is my first post so please forgive me if its in the wrong place or irrelevant !! I have had a holiday and reason for complaint as it was not what it said it was... there are two issues that i have summarised below. The holiday company, forest holidays, dont want to know about my complaint and say they will defend any court action, so i would like to ask what do people think ? do i have a reasonable chance of winning a case against them? Details of claim - Part one of claim – Noise and disruption 1. The defendant made the following statements on the forest holidays website – “Our cabins at Sherwood Forest are dotted among the tall pine trees, blending harmoniously into the forest landscape. Sherwood Forest has our widest range of cabins, and whichever you choose, you will be rewarded with peaceful woodland views” 2. The claimant booked a holiday on September 4th 2016 with The claimant being induced by this representation of a PEACEFUL holiday, to enter into a contract. The claimant would otherwise not have entered into the contract—that is that the representation played a real and substantial part in the claimant's decision to enter into the contract. 3. Unknown to the claimant but with full Knowledge to the defendant at the time of booking, the forest live concerts were to take place for the entire duration of the claimants booking. These concerts are to take place in the same forest, on the same land, within 500 metres of the forest holidays cabins. 4. The concerts are big open air events that attract some 9000 + visitors over the duration of the holiday booking. There was continued loud sound checks throughout the duration of the stay and extreme decibel levels of live music in the evenings continuing beyond 11.00pm. The defendant knew that the holiday would not be Peaceful as in the representation at the time of booking. 5. The defendants silence, at the time of booking in September 2016, while knowing these concerts where to go ahead during the entire holiday period, gives rise to an actionable misrepresentation. 6. The forest holidays cabins are in the forestry commission Sherwood forest grounds. The concerts also take place in the forestry commissions Sherwood forest grounds. For forest holidays to say that the concerts are outside their area or control is misleading and untrue. The concerts are approx. 500 yards from the holiday accommodation. Although forest holidays may have no direct control over the concert dates, subsequent noise and disruption they do have control over the fact that they could have informed the claimant of this event prior to making a booking 7. By way of example forest holidays promote bike hire at their Sherwood forest facilities. Bike hire at Sherwood pines is actually not on the forest holidays site as they claim in this instance but is on the same site of the Sherwood forest live concerts, some 500 yards away from the cabins. Yet for the purposes of this claim the defendant states that part of the forest site is not the same part of the forest holidays area 8. The defendant claims they did not need to make the claimant aware of these concerts as it is outside of their control as stated in the terms and conditions. 9. The claimant claims that the noise and disruption was foreseeable and is so not outside of the control as detailed in the terms and conditions – “We are not responsible for anything which adversely affects your holiday which occur due to events which are outside of our control (i.e. that we could not, even with due care, have foreseen or avoided). Such circumstances include (amongst others) war, civil unrest, industrial action, terrorist activity, natural disaster, fire, adverse weather conditions, foot and mouth disease. We will endeavour to manage any problems caused as a result of such an event but shall not be liable to you for any losses caused by such event”. 10. The defendant made the claimant aware of these concerts on 6th June 2017 through an email which the claimant read. 11. The claimant was unable to cancel the holiday and receive a refund as the terms and conditions state ‘If we receive less than 12 weeks’ notice but not less than 2 weeks’ notice, you will be liable to pay the total cost of the holiday” and the claimant would have forfeited the value of the holiday 12. The claimant claims that the defendant had full knowledge of these concerts but did not report this to the claimant until after such a time that the claimant would have paid for the holiday in full and would forfeit the cost of the holiday should the claimant decide to cancel. 13. The claimant went ahead with the holiday after assurance from the defendant that there would be little or no disruption. 14. The claimant made a complaint of continued noise and disruption to the forest lodge holiday staff at the time of the holiday, they stated there was nothing they could do about this and dismissed the claimants complaint 15. The claimant went onto make a formal complaint to forest holidays head office by way of letter detailing the complaint and asking for a refund of the holiday 16. The defendant’s customer service representative then telephoned the claimant to discuss the complaint and get more details, the forest holidays customer service advisor said there would be a management meeting on what they could do and how to resolve the complaint 17. The defendant then responded by way of email, denying any liability and dismissed the claimant’s complaint in full. 18. The claimant refers to the following terms and conditions of the contract – 11. Responsibilities when on location Noisy or disruptive behaviour, especially after 10pm, wilful damage to the Location or cabins or other behaviour considered by our staff to be inappropriate may result in us asking you or a member of your party to leave the Location immediately. No refunds or compensation will be given in these instances, and we reserve the right to claim compensation for damages or inconvenience caused. 15. Liability – Please read this section as it is important that you understand to what you are agreeing 
 We are responsible to you for: (a) any loss or damage that you suffer as and which is foreseeable result of our breach of these Terms or our failure to use reasonable skill and care; or (b) death or personal injury caused by our negligence; or © fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation; or (d) any other matter for which it would be illegal or unlawful for us to exclude or attempt to exclude our liability. To respect the enjoyment of others, we ask that noise levels are kept to a minimum after 10:00pm 17 Other Information - Any photographs, descriptions or advertising we issue, and any descriptions or illustrations contained in our promotional material or on the website, are issued or published solely to provide you with an approximate idea of our Locations and the services. All due care and diligence is exercised in the production of such information, and information concerning our cabins and their facilities has been compiled as accurately as possible by our own staff and has been checked at the time of going to press Part 2 of claim – Bike theft. 1. The claimant had two bicycles stolen from the cabins whilst on holiday and claims the defendant knew about, but did not highlight or inform the claimant of the continued problem of bike theft in the forest. 2. The claimant claims that the accommodation provided bike storage was used but was inadequate to secure the bikes considering the defendant’s knowledge of the high risk of bike theft in the forest 3. The defendant claims that they informed the claimant that they should keep bikes inside the cabin, in the kitchen area of the accommodation 4. The claimant claims that storing muddy bikes inside a luxury cabin kitchen area is not suitable or fit for purpose. 5. The claimant claims that by storing muddy bikes inside the cabin kitchen risks damaging the kitchen floors, risks safety to children in the accommodation and risks breaching the terms and conditions should the bikes cause any damage to the property to which the claimant would be liable 6. The claimant claims that the defendant knew about the risks associated with the current outside bike storage but has failed to upgrade these to secure outside storage. 7. By continuing to provide the current outside bike storage the claimant claims that the defendant is, by way of action, promoting this storage to be adequate and is to be used for bike storage 8. The defendant claims that they highlighted the risks of bike storage to the claimant by way of prior arrival email and upon check in 9. The claimant does not recall receiving or reading the above mentioned email and was not informed in anyway at the time of check in 10. The defendant claims that adequate warning signage is placed around the cabin and forest area 11. The claimant has since looked for these warning signs but has been unable to locate them, photos of main areas and bike storage do not show any warning signs 12. The claimant claims that the defendant has become liable for the loss of these bikes due to negligence, failure to disclose or display knowledge of foreseeable high risk of bike theft 13. The claimant claims that the defendant is liable for the loss due to failure to supply fit for purpose storage facilities outside the cabin accommodation 14. The claimant states that the defendants claim that bikes should be stored in the luxury accommodation kitchen is not a solution and is not stated in the terms and conditions of contract. It gives rise to significant risk and injury to children staying in the cabin. Any help would be appreciated Thanks
  13. Hello Can anyone please tell me if an employee that has worked for a company 7 hours a week for 1 year, is entitled to holiday pay? If the amount of work hours above does not meet the amount that is required for entitlement. Can anyone please tell me how many working hours a week someone has to work to qualify for holiday pay? Thanks
  14. We booked a holiday with a well known travel agent in our region with monarch and were due to go early November. As a relative works for this company we received a little more discount. When Monarch collapsed we were told that we would have to pay again and could not receive a refund. After a lot of angry words we changed our holiday to the same hotel flying with another company and from a different airport and paid the full amount again. We were told we would have to wait for the caa claim form to arrive and then make a claim as we received the extra discount and it was company policy that a refund couldn't be given to 'staff bookings' although this is not stated in the company handbook. I would not have minded paying the difference between the original cost and the new cost but having spoken to others and reading of others who had the simple task of changing or getting a refund, I would like to know my rights in this case. My contract is with the travel agent who are just not bothered. Unfortunately I paid for the holiday on a debit card and have been unable to get a charge back through my bank. Any advice will be appreciated as I can not see why I have to wait to receive my money back when others didn't.
  15. Hello Friends, I just booked a holiday yesterday but need to cancel it. The booking was done over phone and email. The dealer has charged nearly £500.00 more than if I book the hotels and flights separately. I feel like so cheated. At the moment I am trying to speak as nicely as possible so that the cancellation can be done with nominal charges. In the email it is mentioned that the ticket is non-refundable. Will this constitute as binding on me and is this a fair term? Thanks.
  16. Please can anyone help. My daughter has bi-polar and will often spend money on things she cannot afford. She booked a holiday to Las Vegas in December and all the money has come out of her account but she doesn't have enough money to actually go. Love Holidays say the contract is with 'their suppliers' and she can't get her money back (we didn't expect it all). Anyone had experience of this issue please.
  17. I am after some help with fighting TELETEXT Holidays. Basically I purchased a holiday and nothing was as advertised on their website, it cost us a great deal more money to provide the essentials whilst on the holiday and pretty much ruined our experience. I have sent in complaints and attached my emails and theirs in an attachment to this. They seem to have come to the end of the line with their compensation offers of a measly just under £200 for a £2000 holiday. If someone would be so kind as to read the emails to see my chances and then direct me on my first steps to court proceedings I would be truly grateful. I can donate to the page also. Regards Complaints to Teletext Emails.pdf
  18. Hi, I have a holiday booked for May 2017. Balance is due on Saturday.I have been watching the forums for Fuerteventura Caleta de Fuste beach works. These were due to be completed in October 2016. I have since discovered they are still on going. We booked the hotel back in April 2016 and were not ever notified of works to beach. However we chose the hotel as it is right on the beach. But are now disappointed as this will ruin our holiday. I do not want to change to another hotel. I am happy to change to another suitable date when works are finished. Or would just like my deposit back. Where so I stand with this I have checked Tcs but they have not notified me of change they just hand out leaflets on the bus. (written on forums) Is it classed as an event out of their control?
  19. Martin Lewis of MSE. Listening to the radio whilst in the car and Martin Lewis was being interviewed - he mentioned that if you even have one drink whilst on holiday, it could invalidate any insurance claim.. I did a googly when I got home and yep... he says it again HERE If you've had even ONE drink, it can invalidate any claim
  20. This may end up long winded, so I apologise in advance. I worked for a small domiciliary care company for exactly 6 months. I had found a 21 hour a week job with the local authority in one of their care homes and intended to work both jobs. With the 2nd job being for the local authority there is a lot of training to do and the care manager at the domiciliary company made it perfectly clear that she was not willing to work around the 2nd job. I had intensive training to do for the first 2 weeks in the new job so decided to resign from the domiciliary company with immediate effect, that is where the fun began. I received a text from the care manager telling me that the owner of the company had said that if I did not give a months notice then she could keep a weeks pay and I had to repay any holidays that I had taken that were over-paid. I spoke to ACAS and was told she could not keep wages for the hours I had worked and after a bit of email ping-pong she paid what was owed but then the holiday pay drama began. To begin with, she told me she had paid me 16 days holiday pay so I had been over paid 2 days, then she sent another email stating she has paid me 18 days resulting in an over payment of 4 days. Luckily I had worked for this lady before and have kept records! Here is where she states I have been overpaid 4 days. Thank you for your email. I have checked your records regarding your holiday pay. You took holidays on the following dates. August 2016 27th, 28th, October 2016 3rd, 4th, 6th, 7th, 10th, 11th and 12th. December 2016 16th,19th, 20th, January 2017 24th, 25th, 26th, 27th, 30th, 31st February 2017 2nd and 3rd. This equates to 20 days. As a full time employee you are entitled to 2.33 days per month. You worked for a total of 6 months therefore ecruing 14 days. You were not paid for all your annual leave in December but did receive £50.40 holiday pay which equates to 7 hours ie 1 shift. Therefore you took 2 days unpaid in December 2016. Therefore you have been paid for 18 days annual leave. This means you have been overpaid for 4 days annual leave. 4 days x 7 hours @£7.20 = £201.60. I was prepared to overlook this however if you would like me to pay you for the 7.5hrs +2.5hrs you state i owe you i will gladly do so , this equals £82.00 (hourly rate plus petrol) . I would then be grateful if you could refund to me the holiday pay that you owe me. However if you would like to leave the situation as it is please let me know. I have not been paid for any of the January 2017 leave as the pay date prior to me going on holiday was 24th Jan, so those dates would have been paid at the end of February. I have actually been paid 12 days holiday pay and she owes me 2 days. I have emailed her to the effect but have not had a response. My issue is, how much am I owed. In another email she has stated that holiday pay is based on the 2 previous weeks worked. I have looked at various sites and they all say holiday pay is based on the previous 12 weeks worked? In total, I have received £424.80 holiday pay and the hours I have worked are - Regarding the outstanding holiday pay and it being based on the 2 previous weeks, I have kept records of the hours I worked and are as follows - W/E 07/08/16 49.25 hours W/E 14/08/16 44.5 hours W/E 21/08/16 57.25 hours totalling 151 hours over 3 weeks. W/E 28/08/16 43 hours W/E 04/09/16 49.75 hours W/E 11/09/16 42.5 hours W/E 18/09/16 63.75 hours totalling 199 hours over 4 weeks. W/E 25/09/16 35.5 hours W/E 02/10/16 20.75 hours W/E 09/10/16 ON HOLIDAY W/E 16/10/16 38 hours W/E 23/10/16 39.25 hours totalling 133.5 hours over 5 weeks. W/E 30/10/16 67.5 hours W/E 06/11/16 41.5 hours W/E 13/11/16 54 hours W/E 20/11/16 37.5 hours totalling 200.5 hours over 4 weeks. W/E 27/11/16 52.75 hours W/E 04/12/16 33.5 hours W/E 11/12/16 46.75 hours W/E 18/12/16 21.25 hours totalling 154.25 hours over 4 weeks. W/E 25/12/16 32 hours W/E 01/12/16 26.25 hours W/E 08/01/16 44 hours W/E 15/01/16 27.75 hours W/E 22/01/16 48.5 hours totalling 178.5 hours over 5 weeks. Plus the final 10 hours I worked for you totals 1026.75 hours. I sent her the above breakdown last week, but foolishly didn't give her a timescale to reply. I intend to send another email tomorrow. I would really appreciate it if somebody could look over the figures and let me know roughly how much I should have been paid. If needs be I will take her to small claims over this. I was paid at a rate of £7.20 per hour and don't have any sort of contract with her. As stated, I have worked for her in the past and went back to her after 18 months in another job and there was no paper work done at all, not even a new CRB/DBS check. Thanks in advance for your help. Elaine (Mrs Huggy)
  21. got a friend popped around says he thinks hes being short changed has asked several times about his holiday pay rate and is being stone walled or constantly fobbed off. can someone please check his workings attached and point me to a suitable letter to give them a good poke to sort it please.. not my bag this. dx
  22. Could you please help. I got a quote from teletex holidays for a hotel advertised on their site as The Annabella Diamond &spa annexe. This is a 5 star hotel with amazing reviews and pictures of the hotel. In the description of the hotel, it tells you about the hotel, how many rooms and also indicates there is a separate annexe, (but does not elaborate). The teletex operative was very pushy for me to book and I told him to call back after 5 as I was working and I would be in the car. He called me back whilst I was driving, (I have hands free) and I decided to go ahead with the quote. He was on the phone ages pushing buttons and booking the holiday. I told him numerous times, I was driving and when he required payment I would pull over. He asked me to read the booking quote which I told him I could not AS I WAS IN THE CAR, I eventually got home and sat outside the house in the car finishing the booking, which was going on and on. He asked me to read the quote and I said I couldn’t as I was in the car, and he said he would read it out, as it had to be correct, When he got to the hotel part, he said the booking was with the Annabella park hotel but this was the same hotel, which he said numerous times. We completed the booking and I went in the house. When I got into the house I checked on the web and it became apparent that on teletex site they have two hotels on their site. The Annabella Diamond and spa annexe 5 star and the Annabella Park Hotel 4 star., I straight away called customer services but could not get through. I got hold of them the following morning and again they said it was the same hotel but we were in the annexe which is called a different name and we could use the facilities except for the main bar. I emailed and called and eventually spoke to an operative, who told me that although teletex are advertising these as different hotels, that infact they are the same hotel, with the annexe being called the Anabella park. He told me I had got what I was quoted for. I told him that I didn’t, when I asked for the quote I was looking at the pictures, of the Annabella Diamond Hotel &spa annexe and I was looking at the hotel description, facilities, pictures and reviews for this hotel a 5 star hotel. And now what I have actually got which was never said to me was an annexe of the Diamond with a different name and only 4 stars. Surely this is miss-selling. I told him I wanted my money back and he said you have booked non-refundable rooms. If you look at the teletex site, the pictures of the diamond and the park are the same, but on other sites they are different. He also kept waffling about them being the suppliers picture and not theirs, but at the end of the day, I booked with teletex, who are selling the holiday, and teletex who took my money. Could someone please clarify. Sorry its long. I have attached the hotel from their site.anna.pdf
  23. Please could someone enlighten me. If an employee works 4.5hrs a day twice a week, how many days holiday are they due. Thank you
  24. Hi, just returned from Calpe in Spain and we were burgled in our Holiday Villa which was booked through a UK company. On our last but one day we locked all doors, windows and shutters and went out for 45 minutes, returned and all was OK outside, unlocked and went in and after about an hour noticed an iPad, watch, some jewellery was missing, our mobile phones were out on the sofa still there and nothing else was missing, all inside locks were still locked. Phoned the rep, whist waiting spoke to the one neighbour who said same thing happened last summer to a dutch family who had 600 Euro and an expensive pair of trainers taken but their GoPro was not taken, they reported to the rep and police came etc, we did not have insurance and wondered where we stand in that SOMEONE USED A KEY to get in, we had one and the Owner, Cleaners, Maintenance Etc have access to one, also previous guests, people with a grievance may have copied a key ? This Villa company does have a few mentions with other villas nearby on TripAdviser with similar stories, we used the Safe but it was only big enough for my bum bag containing passports, money and car keys etc The Guardia Police came and we filled out a report, they did not appear to be surpised or concerned. So a previous burglary should they have put NEW LOCKS on ? Are the UK Rental Company liable for lack of security and compensate me ? Any Advice please on where to go with this ? Thanks Milocoon
  25. Hello there, my wife received a letter from ParkingEye Monday 22nd May dated 17th May 2017. This is regarding an outstanding parking charge amount due of £100 from Holiday Inn Guildford with the alleged offence occurring 5th April 2017. My main concern is that my wife did not receive a PCN beforehand. In the letter it states that 29 days have passed from the notice of parking but this is the first correspondence received. I still have the right to appeal but only if there are mitigating circumstances as the initial 28 days to appeal have passed. I would just like to know if I have a good case, and if ParkingEye are able to provide evidence they sent out the PCN if it has in fact been lost in the post? Also to add to this, my wife believes that this is a new charge and did not see any clear obvious signage, although she is used to the car park being free. Either one of us will go back to the site to see what signage is in place although the alleged date is over a month ago giving ParkingEye plenty of opportunity to change/add signage. The letter reads: “We are writing to inform you that the requirements of Schedule 4 of the Protection of Freedoms Act in respect of keeper liability have now been satisfied and as 29 days have passed from the date notice of the Parking Charge was given, ParkingEye now has the right to recover any unpaid part of the Parking Charge from you, the registered keeper. The amount now payable is £100.00. This payment is required within 14 days to avoid further action. If this letter is ignored, further action may include referring to a Credit Reference Agency to confirm the correct address, instruction of solicitors to secure immediate payment, referral to debt recovery or the issuing of court proceedings, all of which could incur further costs which may be added to the amount owed. To avoid further unnecessary costs or action, please pay the outstanding parking charge amount as stated above or make arrangements for the driver to pay, in accordance with the parking terms and conditions. Further information including how to pay, the right to appeal ect. Can be found on the reverse of this notice. Please be aware that on the 4th November 2015, the Supreme court dismissed the further appeal lodged in relation to the matter of ParkingEye v Beavis [2015] UKSC 67. The appeal concerned the value of ParkingEye’s Parking Charges and the Judgment, granted in ParkingEye’s favour, delivers a binding precedent in respect of the value of the Parking Charge. The Judgment can be found by visiting the news section of our website and the article: ‘Supreme Court uphold Court of Appeal Judgment’.” Any help would be much appreciated, many thanks.
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