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Found 4 results

  1. Primera Air Collapse has ceases operations The budget airline is registered in Denmark and therefore is not part of the UK Civil Aviation Authority's ATOL Protection scheme Primera Air: https://primeraair.com/about-us/corporate-news/ceases-operations/ Civil Aviation Authority: https://www.caa.co.uk/News/Further-advice-to-UK-consumers-impacted-by-Primera-Air-ceasing-operations/ BBC News: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-45719256
  2. Hi all, we were Future Energy customers, before they folded last year. Shortly before the collapse, they fitted our home with smart meters. Now I was never happy with the gas meter and how it didn't fit in the existing box, resulting in the lid being left unlocked and open (see photos). Now we have been moved over to a new supplier (Green Star Energy), I am wondering whether they are liable for rectifying the problem? If not, who is? Thanks,
  3. We booked a holiday with a well known travel agent in our region with monarch and were due to go early November. As a relative works for this company we received a little more discount. When Monarch collapsed we were told that we would have to pay again and could not receive a refund. After a lot of angry words we changed our holiday to the same hotel flying with another company and from a different airport and paid the full amount again. We were told we would have to wait for the caa claim form to arrive and then make a claim as we received the extra discount and it was company policy that a refund couldn't be given to 'staff bookings' although this is not stated in the company handbook. I would not have minded paying the difference between the original cost and the new cost but having spoken to others and reading of others who had the simple task of changing or getting a refund, I would like to know my rights in this case. My contract is with the travel agent who are just not bothered. Unfortunately I paid for the holiday on a debit card and have been unable to get a charge back through my bank. Any advice will be appreciated as I can not see why I have to wait to receive my money back when others didn't.
  4. http://www.crowdfundinsider.com/2016/01/80598-trustbuddy-bankruptcy-lenders-to-pay-25-on-recovered-claims/ I am a lender with TB. My money is invested in Finland. I have received several letters from the Swedish administrators. The latest appears to offer an agreement to buy the loans from a debt collection agency. I can't understand most of what they are saying because some of the docs are in Norwegian. I have tried writing to the administrators, but have not received any response to date. Anyone else in a similar position? Not sure what my options are....
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