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  1. I was a dual fuel energy customer of Future energy, joined them in August of 2016 I provided them with accurate usage figures for the previous twelve months and they set my monthly direct debit figure. Service wise it was poor from the outset their web site never functioned, just constant messages saying they were working on it and the service would be available soon. Unable to access bills on-line I was reliant on paper billing and in May 2017 even this stopped! I telephone Future on numerous occasions to express my concern that I was not receiving bills and that I was worried that my monthly payments may not be covering my usage, I was always reassured that if that was the case I would be informed of the need to increase my monthly direct debit. Fast forward to March 2018 when I receive a letter from Green Star Energy informing me that Future had gone bust and they had been appointed by OFGEM as my new supplier. I have now received a letter in the Future colour scheme with Future energy logos, but which is in fact from the administrators, they have meter readings for my electricity supply but apparently, they have no readings opening or closing for my gas supply. They have therefore estimated my gas usage and on that basis, I now owe them £700!! Questions Did Future Energy have any sort of duty of care towards me with regard to the management of my account providing regular bills and so keeping me informed that I was accruing a negative balance? After all its far easier to increase monthly payment by £30 or £40 than pull £700 out of the hat. If Future did have any duty of care as they have now gone out of business is there anything I can do? In any event can the administrators force me to pay an estimated bill? As always thanks in advance for any guidance or advice. Nosnibor
  2. Update on the future of DWP jobcentres READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/update-on-the-future-of-dwp-jobcentres
  3. Hi all, we were Future Energy customers, before they folded last year. Shortly before the collapse, they fitted our home with smart meters. Now I was never happy with the gas meter and how it didn't fit in the existing box, resulting in the lid being left unlocked and open (see photos). Now we have been moved over to a new supplier (Green Star Energy), I am wondering whether they are liable for rectifying the problem? If not, who is? Thanks,
  4. Free bus passes for older and disabled people protected for the future READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/free-bus-passes-for-older-and-disabled-people-protected-for-the-future
  5. Update on the future of DWP jobcentres READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/update-on-the-future-of-dwp-jobcentres
  6. I was talked into signing up with Future Comms (future-comms.co.uk) who cold-called me to change my mobile contract to them, via 02, rather than EE. I have a small business (only me!) and it's a business contract. True, the 4G network is better for my area. This company seemed to be a marketing set-up for various telecoms companies, so I assumed anything I signed would be with 02 and didn't think it might be a problem. They sent an email whilst I was on the phone to set up the direct debit mandate with my bank which I signed electronically. That was the first, of many, problems I found. Apparently THAT was my contract, binding me to 3 years and no 'cooling off' period, because I was a 'business' (meaning any consumer rights did not apply). When I subsequently asked in writing for a copy of my contract, that is what they sent - when I argued it was a DD mandate they insisted it was my contract! 2 days later they asked for my phone details to get it unlocked which I sent. 10 days later, EE closed my account, so I changed the SIM card to 02 that had come a few days before. No network! They had done nothing about unlocking it. Fortunately I was lucky with EE who managed to give me the right codes, rather than the usual 10 days to go through Samsung. By this time I was suspicious of their set-up and wanted to cancel. As I said earlier, I found myself trapped into a 3 year contract with no 14 day cooling off period (they don't offer that). Promises to deal with my complaints never happened, promised return calls neither....and on and on. Ofcom's rules apply to consumers and small businesses (under 10 employees), yet this shower don't acknowledge that. They just repeat and repeat that I am a business so it doesn't apply. To cancel the contract I have to pay the full 3 year's fees!! I would like to know if others have had similar experiences? Or does anyone know how I can maybe declare the 'contract' unenforceable? I have never before been locked into something without a clear written contract, with t&c's! And, yes, I have asked, and yes, I have been ignored.
  7. Elon Musk moving on with energy technology http://uk.businessinsider.com/why-im-buying-a-tesla-solar-roof-2017-2 http://uk.businessinsider.com/tesla-solar-roof-photos-features-2016-10 http://uk.businessinsider.com/elon-musk-says-tesla-to-offer-solar-roof-on-cars-2016-11
  8. With developments coming to light, I think it worthwhile that this get a thread on its own, initially at least focusing mainly on the realities of the UK's (LOL a misnomer for starters) nuclear industry rather possible options which probably should have been taken decades ago. Toshiba Westinghouse and parent Toshiba company Japanese owned part of our sold of Energy and nuclear future, which is Bancrupt and was anyway without an on time or on cost build to their name EDF French owned part of our sold off Energy and nuclear future which does not have and on time or on cost build to uts name, and with the UK taxpayer guaranteeing foreign owned EDF's cost and profits. Penn might pull this anyway if elected http://www.telegraph.co.uk/business/2017/04/10/marine-le-pen-could-pull-plug-hinkley-point-project-elected/ https://www.bloomberg.com/politics/articles/2017-04-10/le-pen-would-seek-to-pull-edf-out-of-u-k-s-hinkley-project China https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2016/sep/03/theresa-may-nuclear-row-xi-jinping-china-uk-relations-g20-summit South Korea https://www.ft.com/content/29643f00-1774-11e7-a53d-df09f373be87 Britain turns to South Korea to salvage Moorside nuclear project and with the UK's nuclear deterrent dependent on the US and the UK's nuclear fuel heavily dependent on the EU ..
  9. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-38164590 I probably would have ... But I hope I would have had the kokum to pull my hoody up...
  10. Theresa May has just finished delivering a speech setting out her vision for addressing mental health issues. Any cause for rejoicing or should we be concerned? Discuss. Health Secretary. Hunt. Delivering a speech later today on the same subject.
  11. Virtually all automakers (except for Tesla) are asking China to slow down electric car mandate. The auto industry is once again attempting to slow down the rollout of electric vehicles. Virtually all automakers, except for Tesla of course, have sent a letter to the Chinese government in an attempt to have them drastically weaken their zero-emission vehicle mandate. As we previously reported, China, the world’s biggest car market, has somewhat of an aggressive ZEV mandate that would force Automakers to have zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs) represent 8% of new car sales as soon as 2018 and quickly ramp up to 12% by 2020. Interesting comments. https://electrek.co/2017/07/13/automakers-but-tesla-china-slow-down-electric-car-mandate/ I have heard that many Taxi Companies are now using Electric Taxis but are there enough charge points available in Great Britain for this rapidly increasing market. Have you got one.What are your views. And who will try to resist this market.
  12. Business Tips-Have You Got Any For Newly Self Employed- Good morning old Tawnyowl here i hope you are enjoying your weekend. My brain does not seem to want to relax,full of ideas,some may think rubbish. The Entrepreneurs Of The Future. Can you offer them any advice from your own experience. Donate a little time to help others. Well i have tried all my life to make it big. Enjoyed the ride,the nearly man.But how do you class success. Are you happy to say i managed to bring my family up,provide for them,create a stable home.Worked hard all of my life. Time goes that fast in business before you know it if you have children they could be teenagers,grown up and gone. Then you wonder what the hell one day as you take stock one day. Entrepreneurs do not take much notice of hours worked it means nothing a target is there and you try to hunt it down in any way possible. Myself well it took me till i was 55 when i shot down London way to try my last shot bar ten to try,you never give up.6 years ago now,seems like yesterday. Tools in a case,train to Euston and only a few pounds. Ended up in Essex and walked the streets for days leafleting till i found work. Waiting in a alley very early the morning,catching commuters travelling to London to work giving out leaflets to them. Down there it is the same as anywhere 7 days a week. Pressure,you love it or hate it.Do not work do not eat. Finally on a break i came home and then it happened, a heart attack. In hospital as the Nurse was about to give me my jab i asked if i could finish my phone call. I was still organising jobs locally for a couple of workers to keep them going. Looking back i see the nurse now with needle and syringe waiting to take aim.A wonderful woman. It was nearly Christmas. Coming out of hospital,i realised when this job was finished i had to face the fact i was getting older. Gym usually 4,5 times a week then work was a normal day.Construction. I have made massive mistakes along the way so i am trying to give a few tips.Have you any. For those starting out full of enthusiasm.Like i say i hope what i am saying some may agree on. For those wondering,i had no money left so had to find how to make money from nothing. Surprising how people vanish from your life when things change.When you need help. But found a way and have just scraped by and about to employ a talented artist who should really be successful in his own right.Naturally talented but lost. There must be many out there. Money from nothing a new start.But the last one for sure,perhaps. So what would i do differently if i had my time again. Well i have only a few because as i say i never took time to take stock just ploughed on. But,lets have a go. 1-Most important is to have a stable home life,a partner who supports you.A strong base. 2-Try to find something that people return to you again and again. Example people buy milk,bread each day. Having a product that a customer only uses you once means you are forever having to find new customers. 3-Trying to do everything yourself. Usually means sooner or later you will burn out. Bring others to the table listen to them although your decision is the final one. What happens if you get ill,you could be finished. 4-Skills. You have a Skill that has been honed over years,a quality product that needs really skilled labour. Trouble could be brewing. You find yourself overwhelmed with work but when you go to find help there is no one skilled enough to employ. Those who are are already in demand. Expect to train someone but do not be surprised when you train them they go self employed themselves. Natural thing to do although the first time it may rile you a touch. But deep down you have helped someone.Some may stay as self employment does not suit everyone. Some like the stability of regular guaranteed income. 5- Try to find a market for when you get busy that unskilled labour would be easy to find. The job could be completed much easily .Nothing worse than turning work away.It stings a touch. And those pounds should be yours. 6-Learn how to be your own accountant it is not hard if you take your time. Keep tax returns etc upto date.There is a lot of advice,help on line nowadays. Even new apps so you can do things as they happen. Keep receipts safely,motor costs,everything you spend keep. Become used to doing this. Of course accountants are experts in saving you money if you earn enough. Register as self employed,get insurance. 7-And make a little time for yourself,your family,time goes fast. Ah well just thought i would start a thread. Any other advice from anyone please post away.There must be many Self Employed out there. Bye for now. Tawnyowl.
  13. Future changes to benefits This is a rolling timetable of expected changes to the benefits, tax credits and social care system please see below for the link... http://www.disabilityrightsuk.org/how-we-can-help/benefits-information/timetable-forthcoming-welfare-benefits-changes
  14. There was a BBC2 programme on last night, now available on i player, showing the BMW Mini production plant, where they have over 1000 robots involved in production. They also employ 4000 people as well, to do the tasks that robots cannot currently perform. The question is who will be the future consumers buying products made mostly by robots. With humans being made redundant by robots, there will come a time when there are insufficient people with enough money to buy the products. The companies investing in too much robot technology to replace humans will also reduce the size of the market they can sell to. Within 10 years there will be the AI technology that can replace many call centre and customer service type jobs. You will be able to talk to a computerised call centre agent, who will probably tell you that your complaint is outside of its parameters and was there anything else they could help you with.
  15. Hi, I've had a read through previous posts and was hoping for some advice on our current situation. We entered debt management plan in Jan 2013 (70k credit cards & bank loans). Never missed on mortgage payments (1 residential & 2 buy to let) and these are currently up to date. We have a couple of properties which have finally increased in value and are hoping to sell this summer and get back on track. Our DMP has always been up to date. We were wondering what our chances were of obtaining a mortgage in future once we come out of the plan. Both of us have good jobs and stable employment. Also - if we went for part/full settlement of our debts does this pose an increased risk? We were hoping that if we went for part/full settlement we would be able to save and get another residential mortgage in a year or two - not sure if mortgage company would look at us - any thoughts? Really appreciate any help and advice as this DMP is a weight round our necks that we really want to get rid of as soon as feasible (never paid a bill late until we entered into this but was unavoidable due to significant change in circumstances). Please be gentle as I am not overly familiar with protocol on forums. Thank you for reading
  16. Hi all, In the next few months I'm going to order a new car that I'll finance through Hire Purchase, arranged through the manufacturer (BMW). That decision is based on having discounted PCP as a viable option for me given the mileage I cover. My question is what pitfalls are out there to watch for when arranging HP, for example, is it possible for a manufacturer (or their credit partner if they do things that way) to write into their terms and conditions anything that would make VT impossible? Or, is is possible for some alternative form of finance to be sugar-coated as HP when in fact it's some form of loan? I have read a fair amount of material on HP and in fact I've VTd a car myself in the past, however this time round I plan on entering into the HP knowing full well that I intend to VT at 50% and given the value of the car I intend to buy, it's pretty important I don't run into any situations that would stop me from doing so. Please accept my apologies if this should be in the General section, I wasn't sure.
  17. Hi all, I have been trawling this site for a while hoping to find an answer to my issue, but nothing with the exact specifics and was looking for some advice. Over 6 years ago now, I was forced to leave my job (long story that is out of the scope of this query!), meaning I was no longer able to afford the lifestyle that I had bought into. Hence, credits cards, loan and car were the victims, and I unfortunately defaulted on all (5 debts in total, to the tune of approx. £20k). The job market being the way it was, I found no further work, and decided to try and enhance my future by returning to education. I informed all creditors that my income had vastly reduced to that of a student, and hence came to the agreement that I could make token payments of £1 to each individual one, and that was that. Since, I have not even attempted to apply for a single bit of credit, and lived with a basic bank account, which has served me well - one thing I have certainly learnt how to do is not to live up to the limit of my means!! since the defaults, I have moved house twice, and have lost track of the debt collection agencies that were involved (I believe the debts were sold on), although I have maintained the token payments as they were simply standing orders set to go out automatically. Hence, I have no idea of any communication that may have been made. This week, I checked my Equifax and Experian history out of interest to see if the old defaults had fallen off, and all looks good, the last two due to go by March. However, I have come to realise that despite this, the creditors may still decide to take enforcement action against me at any point, which is rather disconcerting; I have just begun my PhD, which is due to last for another 4 years, hence a total of 10ish years on a poor income!!! Of course, I have the full intention of settling this money when I finally graduate and get employment (prospects look quite good for future salaries in my field), so don't want/need advice on how to dodge, however, what I want is to break the hold of them being able to take action against me on their terms, as this hanging over my head is a bit worrying. What advice would you give? I have thought of two things, but not sure of there true implications: Cancel the token payments and hope that enough time passes for the limitations act to apply and then repay when I can? Or, make contact and offer lower full and final settlements (family may be able to help with lump sums)? Any other thoughts? Regards AM
  18. hi all, apologies in advance if posted in wrong place or incorrectly. I had a secure loan with future mortgages and that in turn was sold to engage credit which has been sold to Skye loans. Are they allowed to do this ? and is Skye loans a mortgage company? I cant find much info on them at all. Also I had PPI with Future and want to reclaim but not too sure how to or who to at the moment. Any assistance would be welcome. thanks Highjinks.
  19. i had a bad debt on a credit card from about 2002 that due to a real bad relationship split went unpaid. since being single i have never been more than 20p overdrawn since. i'm now in a position where i need to purchase a reliable car for work and dare not apply for credit. would it be possible to get car finance with this sort of credit history ? thanks in advance
  20. Hi everyone Firstly, a big thank you to the forum admins and moderators and all those who are offering such valuable time and advice to all of us in our times of need and often despair. Sincerely thank you. So my story.... I used to work for HBOS plc (Halifax) as an IT specialist. In July 2007 During my time at HBOS I became severely ill with encephalitis (similar to meningitis) which left me disabled and stuttered and completely inaudible amongst other symptoms. As a result In 2008 I was let go by HBOS after 8 months of SSP - due to my long term sickness. So the debt story... Whilst working at HBOS - I obviously had a Halifax account - Reward packaged account which i was signed up whilst working for HBOS. Unsecured loan 1 - From HBOS - £5000 (New Car) Unsecured Loan 2 - From HBOS - £7000 (Home Improvements) So today... I Am with massive thanks to the LORD ALMIGHTY - 90% recovered... after battling for years. I can walk unaided and my speech although stuttered is audible so I MAKE SENSE!!! WooooHooooo!!!! Last Year Doctors finally after much persuasion from me ... allowed me to go back to work. Yippeeee....!!!! I will be posting in all the relevant sections as to what occurred with the loans and the alleged debts I now owe and again would like to thank you all for your fantastic work. Thanks Everyone!!!
  21. Earlier this month there were some stories on SCOOP about Caterham cars (Formula One racing) after an huge amount of goods were seized and removed by The Sheriffs Office. Another report on the front page of SCOOP today 'appears' to be saying that Caterham's future in Formula One appears to be safe. From the report today it would seem that the Sheriffs Office may not be able to sell the goods seized (this would include the Caterham Formula One 'rig car' that is rumored to be worth a great deal of money..... http://www.theboltonnews.co.uk/sport/11548896.Caterham_not_under_threat/
  22. After banking scandal, the Co-op wants to sound out the public on the dividends and whether it should continue to make political donations. The Co-operative Group has launched a wide-ranging poll about its future, including whether it should keep making political donations of up to £1m. In what is thought to be the first survey of its kind, the group is also asking the public for its views on the dividend paid to its members and on what it can do to help local communities following a series of scandals inside its banking arm. Euan Sutherland, chief executive of the Co-op group since May, when the problems at the bank were uncovered, wants the survey to help restore the organisation's standing as the UK's biggest mutual. "In recent years, the Co-operative has lost touch with its customers and members and with the communities in which it operates," he warned. "We haven't been listening. As a new management team, we are focusing on reviewing the Co-operative, and the UK public will be vital to that process." Describing the survey as unprecedented, he added: "If we are to successfully serve the communities in which we operate, to become as relevant today as we were in the past, we need to hear directly from the communities and the people we serve. We have seen incredible loyalty from our customers, colleagues and members in recent months – and we want to reward loyalty." The survey closes on 24 March and the results will be announced at the annual general meeting in May, and published online. Have you say HERE
  23. In January 2011 i went to court after falling into arrears during a serious illness, a suspended repossession order was placed on my property after i had repaid 3/4 of the arrears prior to attending court and a payment plan was agreed via the courts. At the time Wragge and co were the legal reps for future mortgages. There were numerous issues regarding the handling of my case via the solicitors as payments went missing and months later were found in their holding account, I also questioned why my account balance never appeared to reduce also a number of medical evidence document had been sent and allegedly not received, although on one occasion I was informed the documentation had been received and applied to my account, two weeks later the documents miraculously were no where to be found. The mortgage company referred me to their representatives who in turn weren't interested. Due to stress I had a number of small strokes. With the assistance of family I continued to complain about the mishandling of my account, but still nothing changed. In April 2013 Wallers solicitors took over representation for future mortgages. In may 2013 my account was assessed and found that my account had been mishandled (incorrect charges,interest rates and missing payments) and just under £25,000 was removed from the balance of the account. After discovering this I requested details of the whole account and explanations as to why it had taken so long to be looked at .No real explanation was given. A few months later I was diagnosed with secondary cancer and had another stroke, the solicitor asked for updated medical evidence ,which was sent and allegedly not received. While in hospital Wallers instructed an outside agency to visit my house, at no time did they post a note to say they had visited and wished to meet with me, instead they spoke to my neighbours asking questions about my health and personal situation ,even discussing the possibility of my house being repossessed, surely this is a gross breach of confidentiality? In late October 2013 the solicitor requested yet another medical evidence form, the hospital sent one to the solicitor and one directly to the mortgage company. The mortgage company confirmed in writing that they had received the document ,this letter of confirmation was dated 29/11/13 also on the same date they sent a second letter informing me that my account was being transferred to another company, who would contact me after December 16 with details of payment etc. Today I received three letters from the solicitor, one was a form informing the court that wallers now represented the mortgage company and the other two informed me that wallers had applied to the court for a possession order and the court would notify my of the date and time of eviction. I was in hospital receiving chemotherapy at the time of receiving these letters, but now have discharged myself to enable me to try and deal with this mess. To say Its stressful is an understatement. The eviction could take place within days of christmas,I have a young son and an elderly mother who are already worried about my health. Im sorry for such a long winded explanation but I am at my wits end worrying about this. It seems so unfair that after I did everything they asked they do this. Surely if they can send someone to speak to my neighbours they can arrange for someone to visit me to discuss the account. I have sent emails to the solicitor and the mortgage company begging them to reconsider and discuss possible options. Am i being naive or is there a possible light at the end of the tunnel.
  24. Awarded future costs for one years worth , , , but then u might have a new job one month after being awarded that. do u get to keep it ?
  25. I've recently not been able to make the interest payments on my cc - due to personal circumstances (unforseen and largely unavoidable). I'd like to see if MBNA have a copy of the orignal loan agreement (it will be pre-2004). At the moment all I've had (for missing one payment) is a formal letter stating that if I default they will take action. Should I ask for a *copy* of the original loan agreement, or ask for the original? Or should I phrase this some other *legal* way? Hut123
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