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Found 14 results

  1. In view of two similar threads regarding right of forced entry for criminal fines, it might be good to clarify the situation where the front door of the debtor's residence is not immediately accessible: Flat block with secure entryphone system no trade button Postie has access code Flat block with secure entryphone system with trade button Secure OAP extra care facility with entryphone, Resident might have a speeding fine for their mobility scooter when plates were cloned or camera garbles the reg no of a speeding car (actually happened to a Flint Pensioner) Gated development with entryphone to street gates are 2 meters high and electrically operated by keypad and phone to residence Presumably unless they get in when someone lets them in or they ring flats at random hoping someone will let them in they cannot force entry to the external main door.
  2. Just wondered if anyone has went through the FSCS to try and get refunded ppi linked to a secured loan ? Im wanting to go after the broker,who comes up in the list of companies at the FSCS website under default. I have an application form thats been sitting around for a few months and it seems rather complicated . needing info like PPI policy number etc... The original loan provider is currently in administration and has been for several years . They also want loads of id, i dont currently have a passport, driving license or eu identity card ! Any one like to share any experience of the FSCS? The policy was not explained to me by the broker at all , i was self employed at the time and still am . The broker only spoke to my wife who was told we needed ppi to be accepted for the loan (even though its a single person policy i.e me and i was the only person working) The policy was paid as a lump sum by the lender and added to the loan. The policy only lasted 3 years apparently and in order to claim i would have had to declare the business dissolved and be signing on for job seekers allowance. Which wasnt going to happen so the policy was no use to me. Also the policy documents that we received were sent after the loan cooling off period had passed. (has no policy number or name on just a booklet of terms and conditions) This was 10 years ago and we still have 5 years more with this loan.. ...but are still paying the ppi every month plus interest all tied into the loan payment. Thanks
  3. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-suffolk-37385201 When you see that hackers have gained access to some systems you think would be the most secure on the planet, it makes you wonder. Your Bank ? Credit reference agencies ? National Health Service/Doctors records ? UK government records ? I have had conversations with IT contractors who develop systems for financial services companies and they all say thay you can only continually review security, closing any gaps where they are found. But they all say that it is impossible to offer 100% security, because hackers are constantly trying to identify ways to bypass security to access systems. It is how quick you detect it happening and to stop them getting into parts of the system that are highest risk to a company. I can see a day coming when people try to get money from Banks, try to make transactions and fail because Banks systems have been hacked, so no money is showing in accounts. When that happens, you can bet that many who do online Banking will feel insecure and want to return to visiting high street branches, if they are still open.
  4. A study by Checkmarx and AppSec Labs specifically looked at the security of hundreds of the most popular apps found in the respective platforms’ app stores, testing them for security risks and vulnerabilities. According to the report, 40 percent of the iOS apps tested were found to have vulnerabilities rated as “critical” or “high severity.” Android apps fared marginally better at 36 percent. Android isn't that far behind, but this is 'another' one in the eye for those that continually brag Apple are safer.
  5. I hope this is the right topic. I just used my bank card online. I'm terrible at remembering passwords and my account has recently changed to 3 boxes where you choose random letters/numbers rather than the whole password. I thought I'd got it right but I hadn't so it asked me to choose a new one. So lets get this straight, a thief finds my card. Decides to use it but doesn't know the secure code so is invited to reset it???? Really??? The only thing it asked as a security question that hadn't been included when I put my card details in for the purchase was the sort code. Which is printed on the card! So what kind of security is this? It's not new, this has happened before (like I said, I'm lousy with passwords) and I thought then that it was just wrong!
  6. I am dealing with my late sister's affairs at her request and no will was made. The estate is very nominal and she left her affairs small and tidy to sort out - however, unfortunately, time was against us when trying to get a few things in place. My sister had an account called One Bill whereby she paid a monthly amount over to STB who then paid nominated bills on her behalf. (Your possibly wondering why in this day and age but that was her choice) She had a lot to deal with medically. She also had a current account whereby she had a 'Top up' type credit card which she had to load before she spent on it. Now, on applying to get a bank statement showing the balance on the date of death STB say they have to send out a form for completion which then has to be signed and stamped by a solicitor (for authenticity) obviously, they will have had an original death certificate aswell. I have provided Passport/ driving license and utility bill as proof of id for both my sister and myself and it was I who reported the death. If Barclays Bank do not require a solicitor or additional forms or even sight of the death certificate, just the 'reg number' from top left corner of document, why would STB need all this additional evidence? They are causing delays unnecessarily and we need to access other services with the bank statement. It's not like I am asking for the funds because there's hardly anything in the accounts. Is there anything I can do to speed up the process or complain and sit on my hands?
  7. Hi - following our split, my ex stopped paying the mortgage and eventually handed the keys back to the bank. It was subsequently sold at a loss it seems (I can see on Zoopla that it sold for around £35k less than the mortgage value, in Oct '10). A letter from a debt collector found it's way to me a while back (via an old address) and it seems Welcome Finance are chasing c.£30k from me for a secured loan we took out with Freedom finance years ago. We paid the debt off in full - I remember feeling elated when we'd paid our final instalment! So how can they be chasing me for the debt? I assume it's because they still had some sort of hold on the deeds, but surely that shouldn't count anymore if we'd paid it in full? Needless to say I haven't been in touch with them but I'm obviously worried that this could really bite me...
  8. Earlier this month there were some stories on SCOOP about Caterham cars (Formula One racing) after an huge amount of goods were seized and removed by The Sheriffs Office. Another report on the front page of SCOOP today 'appears' to be saying that Caterham's future in Formula One appears to be safe. From the report today it would seem that the Sheriffs Office may not be able to sell the goods seized (this would include the Caterham Formula One 'rig car' that is rumored to be worth a great deal of money..... http://www.theboltonnews.co.uk/sport/11548896.Caterham_not_under_threat/
  9. Hi there, Looking for a little advise if possible please. We took out a loan many years ago 2004 roughly for 35000. We would like to sell our home and have a potential offer for the house we'd like to accept. However.. We thought we would be able to cover the costs with the sale as first plus said we only had 11300 (roughly) outstanding.. This took a while to even get as they kept sending us to Evershed and then evershed would say not us go to first plus.. Very annoying. . They said that it was minus interest but the total figure cam in today just say £29,689.07 which makes the interest near 20000 to settle early.. ?? There was no breakdown and figure cam from evershed and not first plus whom I ask for the settlement amount. Question does this seem ridiculously high? Can I go back to evershed and say please be sensible we all want our money and can we come to a better arrangement, Not got the contact to hand right now but can dig out if there is anything else you needed to help me out. Please help as I really want to clear and move out of current house for fresh start with my family.. There is money in the house, main problem I need that as deposit for new place...
  10. Hi all, I was wondering if you could help me. I split up with my partner a while back and I was living with her however, her tenancy ended up 20th so I had a homeless assessment done by the council almost two weeks ago and they allocated me a studio flat that is through a private landlord and is £148 per week, the council have said because this is not a normal private rent and because I'm on ESA the rent will be paid in full. I moved in yesterday and the place is freezing and thats an understatement even with two electric heaters on, i have health issues that mean i cant be cold, also the guy upstairs was banging around and making a lot of noise up until 3am, apparently the previous tenant complained about him. If I ever want to move out suddenly can I do so? A family member might be offering me somewhere to stay for a while as they were shocked by the place earlier today. Thanks.
  11. I have just recieved this e-mail from Secure Credit Management, and I'd like anyone's opion on this chapter; I have provided the information below which provides the specifics of where your information came from and how we have confirmed we are speaking to a genuine customer. London Police Financial Crime Unit - have already reviewed and investigated your case and deemed it is not fraud, they were subject to a protection order through the court to confirm these details. UK Banks — Were subject to a court order to provide details of matches where they have confirmed the following Name D.O.B match Address match If and when funds entered an account from an MCO Capital product, in your case Balance loan. Credit Reference Agency — reconfirmed the identity of customer to complete a third and rigorous check to make sure the details confirmed through the other sources were correct in reference to name, address, dob and voters roll information. In conclusion, we have confirmed from three separate sources, 2 through court order to provide and confirm details of genuine cases where the funds have been confirmed entering the bank account. In this case Secure Credit Management would request that you contact the office further, either via telephone or letter to arrange repayment of the outstanding balance. If you have any further queries please do not hesitate to contact us. I have not disputed the debt, I just wanted to know what company they were representing! However, i think they are not telling the truth!!!
  12. Hi fellow CAGgers, I got a parking invoice in the lovely town of Workington back on 6th August 2012. As usual I popped it away in a safe place and forgot about it. Today I get a nice letter from Secure Car Parks Limited asking me to pay it. I usually just ignore as I know the idiots will give up and go away after time. This letter though made me laugh at what lies they will go to to try and make people pay. As stated above the invoice was popped on my car in August of this year. The protection of freedom act came into play 1st October. They have stated in their letter that due to the protection of freedom act they have the right to recover the amount they think is owed (a stonking 60 quid) from the registered keeper. Legal action will then be commenced to recover all amounts due together with any associated cost incurred. I feel I can have some fun with this or hopefully land them in bother due to the fact they are stating acts that were in force in August. They also state the appeals process with POPLA which again I believe didn't come into play until 1st October either. Is there anything I can do? Ignoring this one seems less fun than stirring up some of the brown stuff Your thoughts and info would be fantastic on this. Cheers, Sploits
  13. I am a secure tenant (30+years) and live in fair rented HA accommodation. The rent officer visited my current home 9 years ago (as new build) and wants to visit again soon. What is (in plain language) the formula for setting fair rents? Is the service charge included in the setting of or is this on top of set fair rent? What is the maximum percentage my rent could increase by? Thank You
  14. Have you all seen this! http://www.rossendaleshighcourtenforcement.com/index.php/news/37/51/Rossendales-Secure-Prestigious-Government-Standard Rossendales Secure Prestigious Government Standard Rossendales has now secured the prestigious Customer Service Excellence (CSE) Government Standard! When it comes to Customer Service the Government is very clear, “They want services for all that are efficient, effective, excellent, equitable and empowering – with the citizen always and everywhere at the heart of service provision.” Rossendales has won significant Central Government Contracts recently e.g. HMRC,CMEC (Child Maintenance and Enforcement Commission) and The Student Loans Company . These Central Government contracts sit alongside our already, well established, Local Authority Client Base . It seemed appropriate therefore that we sought accreditation against a standard that is held in such high regard by Government. We are particularly pleased in having succeeded in our objective to be the first Bailiff Company to acquire this prestigious standard, thus reinforcing our intention to consolidate our position as market leader within the industry. We were required to evidence a range of criteria, including: consulting and involving customers setting and meeting the highest standards of service using resources to the maximum efficiency being innovative constantly looking to improve treating our staff and customers fairly. Within the assessment, applicants were allowed up to 11 ‘Partial non-conformances’ – Rossendales had none. Recipients normally reach ‘compliance’ status. Rossendales have been awarded ‘Compliance Plus’ status in recognition of our exceptional achievements in the following areas: Staff – Highly commended for their Professionalism and Attitude towards customers. Welfare – Dedicated department to help and signpost Vulnerable Customers and persons in severe financial difficulties. Innovation – In particular, the ‘Client Web’ which empowers Clients to securely view and update our case management system in real time and to track individual case progressions. Working Relationships - Providers, Partners and Communities Delivery – Body Worn Video Cameras for our field force to allow for greater visit transparency and accountability.. The CSE assessor concluded the inspection by stating: “It’s unusual for any company to achieve this award at the first assessment. This is an amazing achievement.” LL:???:
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