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  1. Commission applies to High Court to appoint an Official Receiver to charity -Thrift Urban Housing Limited READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/commission-applies-to-high-court-to-appoint-an-official-receiver-to-charity
  2. On 9.12.17 I parked on Lidl in Newcastle Under Lyme and left the car park for half an hour to find out what we needed for a community event and went back to do the shopping for it. Before I had opened the boot to get the shopping bags out the car park guy appeared, ended up getting really aggressive and slapped a ticket on my windscreen. I wrote to them on 13th December No reply but threatening letter in Feb which I responded to saying that I had written to them in December. The letter complained about the persons intimidating behaviour and offered to pay them £20, as that was all I could afford and that I felt that it was a fair offer for a fine for leaving the car park for 20 minutes. I wasn't over the allowed time and did shop in the store. As my dad is the registered keeper, and he was getting the threatening letters, I did advise that I was the driver and that they did not have permission to contact him again about this. I emailed the letter and sent it special delivery, which does show as delivered. I have also since emailed the letter again asking for a response and have sent copies by first class post since. I am sure this isn't the way I should have done this but I have done it now! I have not heard anything since but today have had a Claim Form from Gladstones Solicitors asking for £168.39 parking, £25 court fee and £50 legal costs. They have clearly had my correspondence as it has come to my address not my dad's this time. Any suggestions what my next step should be as I am not sure what to fill in on the form. Surely Euro Parking Services should have responded to the offer I made, even if they didn't agree to it before passing it to Gladstones? Thanks in advance for any help. Sarah
  3. Hi all, I am new to this site so please forgive me if I have posted in the wrong place. I have been fined £1200 by a magistrates court around 2 months ago. At the time I was not able to pay and was instructed by my solicitor to state that I could pay in instalments once I had an income to avoid a harsher punishment by the judge who was not in the best of moods on the day. I was advised by my solicitor and court staff to contact the collections department for fines to offer an amount I could pay monthly, every offer I ever made was refused for a payment plan but they kept telling me I could still make payments if I wished to do so. To this day, I genuinely have been unable to make any payments. Since becoming unemployed prior to this fine, I had to find a way to create an income. I set up a private limited company in August 2018 working from home selling goods online. I am the director of this company and 100% shareholder. My question is, now that I have started to receive letters from the court stating that further collection acticiry will take place, can bailiffs or court officers take control of assets/stock belonging to the private limited company which I am the director of? Any help would be appreciated as I am expecting a knock on the door any day now. Every week any money I make is being reinvested into existing and new stock, packaging, supplies etc. I am not yet paying myself a wage. I started this company with a surprise tax refund cheque and through selling my personal belongings as I needed to create a source of income as I was struggling to find work. This has paid off as my business is now getting somewhere so to speak. If I have missed any crucial information please forgive me and I will reply asap to any questions or requests for further information. I want to know whether what I have now finally built could be taken away by bailiffs / court collection officers!! Kind regards Hks91
  4. Hello CAG, I have received Letter Before Claim. Briefly will explain how does it happen. In 2017 23rd December me and my friend decided to do surprise for our fried who lives faraway, more then 140 miles from us. In car park (car par is allocated to block flats where lives our friend) we arrived in late evening around 10pm and park on visitor parking space. Due to late evening and Christmas hustle I did not saw any of Private land parking sign. In a next day 24/12 Christmas day our friend ( flat owner ) released that we need parking permit to stay in visitor parking. She was run out of permits and obviously on Christmas day she could not get any new ones. When I went down stairs to move my car I saw that I have already PCN. Now about LBC (Letter Before Claim ) This letter is from Vehicle Control Services LTD If I do not pay 160 £ they will commence legal proceeding against me without future notice. Principal Debt £160.00 Estimated Interest £7.43 Estimated Court Fees £25.00 Estimated Total £192.43 In the envelope they have enclosed a reply form giving me several options/tick boxes: I agree I owe the debt I owe some of the debt but not all of it I don't know whether I owe the debt I dispute the debt (I can explain why in a separate document) I will pay what I owe now I will pay but need time to pay I am getting or intend to get legal advice And then another section where I can request documents from them e.g. a copy of the written contract for the debt. As with everyone else on this site, I don't agree with the charge. Can anyone advise/help on what I should do next? Thanks, P.S. Below I add form that was recommended to fill in. 1 Date of the infringement – 24/12/2017 2 Date on the NTK – 03/01/2018 3 Date received – 05/01/2018 4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? – NO, they did not mention about it. 5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event – No photographic evidence has been provided. 6 Have you appealed? – No, I did not appeal Have you had a response? - N/A 7 Who is the parking company? – Vehicle control Services Limited 8. Where exactly – Car was parked at the postcode - S13 9DP, Sheffield (On PCN letter is Innovation, Sheffield, S13 9DR) For either option, does it say which appeals body they operate under. – They offer appeal through myparkingcharge.co.uk There are two official bodies, the BPA and the IAS. If you are unsure, please check HERE - Vehicle Control Services Ltd 02498820 IPC If you have received any other correspondence, please mention it here. – I have received 8 letters in total (all of them are in PDF file). Letter 1 – 2 from Vehicle Control Services Limited. Letter 3 – 5 from – Debt recovery plus ltd Letter 6 – 7 from Zenith collections Letter 8 from Vehicle Control Services Limited as a Letter before claim.
  5. Hi I've just received a 'Letter Of Claim' from Howard Cohen & Co. Solicitors stating their client as "HPH2 LTD (Ex Tesco Personal Finance PLC)" also referenced in the letter as "Hoist Portfolio Holding 2 Ltd" regarding it's 'intention to issue proceedings in the County Court'. It also says "Despite our client or it's agents, Robinson Way Limited..." I believe my first course of action is to issue a CCA Request to the debt collector / client? The problem is that I cant find a UK address for Hoist Portfolio Holding 2 LTD but have found a Jersey address. The UK arm appears to be Hoist Finance who in turn own Robinson Way. Which of these companies should I write to with the CCA request? It's in relation to an amount of c.£5,500 on a credit card agreement allegedly signed in April 2008 Thanks
  6. I currently have a CCJ against me that was entered into by default judgment in 2014. The initial court paperwork was sent to an old address but was passed onto me, I did submit a defense but it arrived a day late and was struck out and judgment was entered into by default. I was recovering from a serious illness that affected me both physically and mentally and didn't have the capacity to be able to deal with it at the time. The Timeline is as follows: 2010 Default on credit file 2014 CCJ Default Judgement 2016 Default was dropped from credit file but CCJ remains 2018 I sent letters to the claimant and solicitors asking for proof of claim Claimant: Arrow Global Limited Solicitor: Shoosmiths Particulars of Claim: 1. The claim is for the sum of 7545 in respect of monies owing by the defendant on a credit agreement held by the defendant with Sainsbury's Bank PLC under account number XXXXXXXX upon which the defendant failed to maintain payments. 2. A default notice was served upon the defendant and has not been complied with. 3. By virtue of a sale agreement between Sainsbury's Bank PLC and the claimant, the claim vested in the claimant who has a genuine commercial interest. The defendant has been notified of the assignment by letter. Contact drydensfairfax solicitorson : 0113 823 3850 In January 2018 I wrote to Arrow Global Limited at the address on the claim but my letters were returned undelivered. In February 2018 I wrote three letters to Shoomiths, I have proof of these letters being delivered. The first letter: A formal request for them to supply me with the credit agreement mentioned under the particulars of claim under sections 77-79 of the Consumer Credit Act 1974 The second letter: A subject data access request. The third letter: Request for documents mentioned in the statement of case under CPR 31.14 1. The Agreement 2. The deed of assignment 3. The notice of assignment 4. The default warning letter 5. The default notice I gave them two weeks to send me the above. I received a reply from Shoomiths a month later, they complied with the subject data access request and responded to my letters. In their response they stated the following: They confirmed that they have requested the following from there client Arrow Global Limited: 1. Statement of Account 2. Agreement 3. Notice Of Assignment 4. Terms and Conditions They stated that Arrow Global Limited has been assigned the debt pursuant to the Law of Property Act 1925, they stated I am not a party to the agreement and I am not entitled to a copy of the Deed of Assignment, They said that any other information I have requested to be disproportionate and that they do not agree with my timescales and will contact me again once they have received the documents. It's now 4 months later and they have not provided me with any documentary evidence to substantiate their claim. I am hoping to now write to the court stating that I have requested the evidence of the claim, I am yet to receive any and propose to set aside the claim on those grounds. Any advice on how best to proceed here welcome. If they are unable to prove their claim then surely there is no claim? I need some help and guidance on approaching this in the best possible way. Many Thanks
  7. Poundworld Retail Limited in administration: how to claim redundancy or register as a creditor READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/poundworld-retail-limited-in-administration-how-to-claim-redundancy-or-register-as-a-creditor
  8. Hi everyone, Please can anyone advise how I might make contact with this firm (which I think has been "taken over") and claim for mis-sold PPI, as I took out a £14,000 loan from them a good few years back and was told I had to pay for PPI or the loan would not be granted (they said they wanted to be sure they would be repaid, whatever happened to me and/or my circumstances). Also, I was self-employed so probably couldn't have claimed, anyway. But I have no paperwork, anymore. Thank you. Jib
  9. CAU Restaurants Limited: how to claim redundancy or register as a creditor READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/cau-restaurants-limited-how-to-claim-redundancy-or-register-as-a-creditor
  10. Really hope someone can give me some advice! Took car to garage explained front wipers only working on fast and had done some research online but not sure if problem was the wiper motor or switch? asked to diagnose problem for me. Garage called back next day to inform me they had checked the motor and switch and that the problem was actually the ecu. Advised it would need to be sent away to be fixed £175 and gave me an estimate of £300ish total including labour and car back within a week. Two weeks later after 3 phone calls for update but none given, they inform me that ecu is back and fitted but showed no faults when tested. Mechanic then proceeded to tell me i will need a new wiper motor as he has just looked at it and it was swimming in water!!! Now i understand things are sometimes difficult to identify but surely if he had tested wiper motor properly in the begining we would not have proceeded to even looking ecu??? am i wrong??? what do i do now and what is reasonable to pay? I need car fixed as use it a lot for work but dont trust them now. I only have £500 anymore and will have to scrap plus will lose job!!
  11. Hi, Please avoid this so called respected company that has a royal warrant from Queen Elizabeth II !!!!!! Their main activities are:- trading in stamps and other philatelic items, coins, medals and banknotes; auctioneering, valuing (for sale, auction, purchase, insurance and/or probate) the above; development and operation of collectibles websites, online trading and auctioneering; philatelic and collectibles publishing including catalogues, albums and magazines in hard copy and electronic media; retail and mail order; manufacturing of albums and accessories. They have many ring fenced limited companies trading around the global arena. Sadly the Guernsey subsidiary has gone into administration with debts exceeding £70 million. Consumers invested in a scheme that promised 75% of the market value of stamps, or 100% of original amount invested on sale. The poor people who invested will not get their money back as the other companies successfully trading are ring fenced. https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/stanley-gibbons-guernsey-subsidiary-goes-into-administration-glkdblgw5 Any ideas what can be done? If everybody took ownership of their portfolios, and tried to sell, this would have the worst outcome, as it would drive down the price of all the portfolios. Thank you. Brian
  12. What is the difference between Hoist Finance UK Holdings 2 Limited and Hoist Finance UK? I have already a repayment plan set up via Robinson Way but got letter of it transferring from Hoist Finance UK to Hoist Finance UK Holdings 2 Limited (I dont know the difference???)
  13. Grading under review for Westmoreland Supported Housing Limited READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/grading-under-review-for-westmoreland-supported-housing-limited
  14. Hello all, in January I parked my car in the car park I usually park in which for many years has been 3 hours free parking, unbeknown to me (until I received the parking charge letter) in mid December the time was changed from 3 hours to 1 hour. Where I enter the car park from the road there is the sign stating the terms and conditions but no 1 hour sign, they are dotted around the car park but when I leave the car park I leave via the same entrance and therefore don't see that they have changed the hours. There was and still is no sign anywhere stating that the hours you can park have recently changed which in my opinion is a little unfair I could in theory have checked the signs on Monday and seen 3 hours, parked again on Tuesday without looking and they could have changed it to 1 hour, a bit like entrapment in my opinion. I appealed to POPLA and they rejected my appeal and I have now received a letter from Civil Enforcement demanding payment stating if it isn't received in 28 days they will have no option but to start proceedings against me and will charge for costs, interest and fee's. Do I have a leg to stand on regarding there was no prior advice when entering the car park that the terms had been recently changed or do I just pay up? And just as an aside I now live in Saudi Arabia and would like to write to Civil enforcement requesting they write to me here as I have only seen these letters from pictures my wife has sent from the UK.
  15. Hi all Back in 2011 when I was in my late teens, struggling for cash and stupid I got a quick payday loan from mini credit for £200. From what I can remember the repayment date was set up a couple of days early, it bounced and they then began adding charges daily and with every payment attempt... I contacted them to try and pay the original amount, I think they wanted nearly double at this point so I panicked as I couldn't afford it and buried it. Years later, it is showing on my clearscore (equifax account) under Kapama Limited for £1033, under closed accounts last updated in 2016. For some reason, they have a shortened, incorrect version of my name which I never give and an incorrect address which I lived at as a child/teenager before moving out in late teens. I never gave them this address, god knows how they have it. I'm at a loss as what to do, 7 years later I have a full time job but with 2 children so adding another monthly bill would stretch things. Should I contact and ask for settlement? Ignore it and hope it drops off my credit file in a few years time? Be really cheeky and dispute it as they have the wrong address and name? I know the moral thing to do would be just ring up and pay it, however I can't afford to dump a grand on it, especially as I borrowed it when I was a moron at 18/19 in an already bad financial situation. Any advice welcome, Many thanks!
  16. Hi i am a director of a company and we have issued proceedings against a supplier. I have done all the pre court hearing paperwork and we have a trial date. However, I am confused as to whether I, as a director or as an employee (I take a wage from the business), can represent the company in court. CPR 39.6 says A company or other corporation may be represented at trial by an employee if – (a) the employee has been authorised by the company or corporation to appear at trial on its behalf; and (b) the court gives permission. Yet when I have researched case law I have found numerous Irish case law thats says I cant (McDonald -v-. McCaughey Developments Limited, Allied Irish Banks Plc - v- Aqua Fresh Fish Limited, Battle v. Irish Art Promotion Centre Ltd [1968] but the only thing I can find regarding the UK is Secretary of State for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform v UK Bankruptcy Ltd where Lord Hodge says A company as a legal person is not the same as a natural person. Where a person chooses to obtain the benefits of limited liability by trading through the medium of a registered company, he has also to accept the disadvantages to which separate legal personality gives rise. Thus as a general rule I see no incompatibility between Article 6 and the requirement that a company be represented in court not by a director but by a suitably qualified legal representative who has responsibilities to the court and who is subject to professional discipline. Any advice please. I have no problem engaging a solicitor and attending but its quite a straight forward case on our side.
  17. Just received a NTK from these chancers for allegedly Stopping in a Zone where stopping is prohibited. It was near Scun thorpe Football Club. I certainly didnt see any signs highlighting this. I have read numerous posts on here about ignoring however, I dont want any negative marks on my credit file. Any guidance would be appreciated.
  18. Had the following email from this outfit in my Spam earlier today pasted verbatim: Yawn
  19. Hi, I have joined here after reading an exceptional amount of valuable information regarding Blemain Finance (or Blemain Group) now operating as Together. About myself: I am a law graduate and helping a friend with his mortgage taken from Blemain. About the friend: From what I can see he has taken a total of 5 "charges" over his property from Blemain over the course of 2013 to the present. It started with £15,000 and now he owes 4 times this amount. That is not to say he did not exercise his own will, but so much about their operation is incredibly DODGY (for want of a better word/phrase), that it has made me upset to see a family friend potentially abused. He suffers from brain damage and this house is his only asset which I can foresee him losing if something is not done about the way Blemain/Together are operating... At some point he spoke to Phone-A-Loan who are an associated company of Blemain. It is unclear to me what their role was, but I hope to establish this position as quickly as possible. Enterprise Finance Limited always appear to have acted as the broker. They seem to take a fee each time he redeems his mortgage then opens a new account with Blemain (as stated this is his 5th loan/charge/mortgage. My question at this point is has anyone else dealt with Enterprise Finance Limited? If so did they provide options of lenders (ie alternatives to Bleamin) or did they simply tell you to go to Blemain for the loan? From my limited research I can not discover any connection between Enterprise and Blemain but I suspect there must be some link (even if it is beneficial ownership which would be fairly difficult to establish or prove). From the initial loan of £15,000, the charges which have accumulated as he has re-mortgaged amount to £15,000 and he has been extended a further £30,000 in credit. He, nor I, have yet requested the SAR, will do soon I am interested to see if there have been any hidden/undeclared charges to his account. In all this practice seems deeply unfair and I have a feeling it may well be considered more than "unfair" in the eyes of the law, At this stage I do not want to throw around accusations without evidence. I would really like to hear from others, and particularly those who might have dealt with Enterprise Finance Limited as the brokers. Thank you,
  20. I am just asking for clarity. If i have a 0 hours contract . How long can i go without being offered any work ?
  21. Hi, I received an email this afternoon from Robinson Way chasing a debt of around £4500. This debt fell off my credit report in June this year, and I think its statute barred, although I don't know if I ever made payments that have not been recorded and I have changed banks since so its not easy for me to check I think I understand the burden of proof is on them but I am unsure what my next move should be. On my credit report it stated 'owner gone away' before it fell off. Thanks in advance for any advice.
  22. I rang Paratus AMC Limited to ask what my mortgage repayment would be after the Bank of England Rate raise, I was not surprised to be told it had increased but was shocked when I was told Paratus AMC Limited had added Buildings Insurance Premium of nearly £50 a month to my mortgage repayments!! - which means I would be paying over £500 a year just for insurance, when the fact is I have my own buildings insurance and much lower. I asked why they had added Buildings Insurance Premium, I was told it was a legal requirement, but I've had my own Buildings Insurance in the past and never had this problem before! Now out of the blue, Paratus AMC Limited have added Buildings Insurance Premiumof close to £50 following the Bank of England Rate raise. I told them I have my own Buildings Insurance and I want the Buildings Insurance they have added to my mortgage to be cancelled, but they refused to do so, asking me to send in the insurance schedule, so they will check it and then decide if they want to cancel it or not. They also sent me a letter, detailing adding buildings insurance to my mortgage, again they should never have done this without asking for my permission and I don't need it because I have my own insurance. Paratus AMC Limited have added the Buildings Insurance illegally without my permission, they can't do this and I want it cancelled with ASAP. Please help me draft a strongly worded letter I can send to them, before my mortgage payment is due later this week. Do I really need to send them a copy of my insurance schedule or will a strongly worded letter be enough?
  23. I was wondering if anyone could comment on what normally happens when a limited company with one director and a secretary attempts to open a commercial lease. If it's a new company, I know from reading around on here that the director will need credit checked, but what about the secretary? Thanks.
  24. Lodhi finance limited was liquidated in september last year. However the director has previously done the same . He did this with rasul finance limited same address and bought out the debt ledgers via a business named Crawford Business Services . This was not a limited company but was one that had been set up as a transfer vehicle. Once Crawford businees was assigned the ledgers then Lodhi finance Limited bought this business out for £30000 and persued the unpaid bedts that had been mounting up at a rate of 39.9 % per annum. This meant a lot of people lost their homes etc. However it seems that the directors are the same and also the same time spans etc. This time the fsa have had the business shut down. However if there are people around who were mucked up by his [problem] or what ever you would call it. I would seriously urge them to make what he did previously well known.
  25. I purchase a car on 29th Sept 2016 from a garage in Surrey. The car is a "lemon" when I went on the companies house to see where to send my letter of complaint under the Consumer Credit Act 1985 I found that it was dissolved in Nov 2016. I downloaded the DS01 form and found that it had been signed and dated 22 August 2016. It means that the garage sold me a car when it should not have been trading under that name. Am I right ? They may have got away with me claiming my money back from their Limited Company but has the director been acting according to the Law ? If not , who should I notify so that he gets prosecuted ? Companies House ? The Inland Revenue ? Your valuable expert advice is appreciated . Many thanks !!
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