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  1. Thanks again dx, all sorted and will be posted in the morning. Just for clarity, is it only the N180 form I need to return
  2. Hi Andy Thanks for the reply. Having read through your post, its very complicated to say the least so some clarity or guidance would be appreciated. I would like to avoid a CCJ if possible although I understand it is probably inevitable now that this will happen. I tried to speak to one of Kearns solicitors a year ago to discuss negotiating a settlement but she was having none of it, hence it has gotten to this state. I moved address last year so can only assume that I havent received all correspondence they have posted. This all stemmed from HBos denying they received my request for a payment holiday during covid (October/Nov 2000) and were quick to sell the debt on to Asset Linked Capital
  3. Apologies, it is the N244 and the N180 forms It looks like I am goosed. Do you lads have any advice/guidance on how to deal with this. I wont be holding my breath on Kearns negotiating
  4. Yes Andy. It arrived last week but I was away for a few days. I moved house in the middle of last year as well some post is redirected which can delay things by a couple of days . I have informed the courts of my new address
  5. Thanks dx100uk, I am trying to scan documents on my phone but the message says total files are larger than 33MB and asking me to upload to onedrive and share a link. I am not the most technically gifted so is it ok to send smaller files Alternatively, I am happy to email to a private email if that helps
  6. Help required please. My original posts have been closed due to inactivity I have opened this one. I have received a letter from the courts N24 and N244 stating Asset Link Capital, after 7 months, have lifted the stay and the claim may continue and the N120 form must be returned to the courts by 7th March
  7. Cheers dx 100uk, I will try and scan everything up tomorrow. Surprisingly, in their letter they state they have sent everything then state that if I would like to settle the matter without the necessity of progressing to a court hearing. They invite me to sign and return an attached proforma with an offer of monthly payments that are affordable (they refused to do this previously) however, the proforma is an admission of guilt, admit the claim in full and me withdrawing my defence
  8. Well, after 2 months, Kearns has sent me a copy of the agreement, T&Cs, default notice although they do look like they have been doctored. I spoke to the Courts and they have stated they havent received anything from Kearns as yet although there was a backlog with their post. Unsure where to start would appreciate any assistance as where to start first
  9. Managed to speak to the Courts today (having waited an hour and 20 minutes on the phone) to be told that it is now stayed (22/05/2023) due to no response from Link/Kearns. No doubt they will be manufacturing new docs for them to use against me
  10. My defence was emailed. I have had login issues ever since despite me trying to login on multiple occasions. I asked Mcol if they could reset my password last month but the girl I spoke to stated she was unable to do so
  11. I am unable to check the Mcol site as I get an error message stating claim number or password is incorrect
  12. Hi Just to provide an update. I received a letter from Kearns a few days ago acknowledging receipts of my previous CCA and CPR 31.14 requests and stating they require time to acquire and compile papers from their client. They further confirm that a hold has been placed on the account and no default judgement shall be requested within 14 days of the date the disclosed documents are provided. As it happens, it has now passed the 33 days from request so would you suggest I contact the courts to see if the case has been set aside
  13. Still waiting for any info coming through from Link/Kearns however I have noticed on my credit file they have already added nearly £1700 onto the outstanding balance for their fees and interest. Is this the norm?
  14. For the last 3 or 4 days I have been unable to access Mcol. Is this a common issue? Can they reset or forward new login/password details
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