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  1. Hi everyone Hopefully I am in the right place but couldn't find a section to suit this .... I am really annoyed. My Hive heating set up is broken. After 3 or 4 calls to Hive including 2 resets of the system etc etc (an hour on the phone each time), they have conluded over the phone that my hardware is broken. Now for a start, no engineer has seen it to confirm something is broken - I don't think it is, I think it is on the blink due to an update they did of the system over Christmas. There is no signal between all three components at the same time. Initially the Hub was offline and would not go online and the thermostat lost signal with the receiver. I called Hive and after about 50 mins on the phone and much fiddling, she concluded that my Hub was broken and quoted me £40 for a new one. Fair nuff I thought but was reluctant to buy anew one so I didn't. 2 days later it all went wrong again and the thermostat/room controller would not connect to the receiver so no heating or hot water at all. On the phone to Hive they guided me through another reset of the system and she concluded that the Thermostat/controller was not working - odd eh? Oh and no I can't buy a new thermostat as they are factory paired so the whole kit for £250 plus installation (hard wiring) = £400. Great, not. After yet more fiddling (by now I know how to do almost as much as the call centre staff) and hey presto the thermostat now talks to the receiver but not the Hub. This means that I have only the temperature and ON/OFF functions but no schedule or timer. It is now costing me a fortune as it is all on either 24/7 or nothing. My question/issue is this: How long are they meant to last? I would say that 4.5 years for a cost of £250 is not long enough considering this came with my new boiler installation (from British Gas) and thats guaranteed for 10 yrs minimum. Should I or anyone be expecting to buy new controller for the heating every 5 years at £400? I see their guarantee is for 1 year only. They obviously don't really know why my system has failed and are grasping at straws, should they be telling consumers to shell out again for a new system when the fault is not actually properly diagnosed? How could I prove it has been caused by their update recently where many people I see online have complained about their system going down and losing signal afterwards. Of course Hive deny it's anything to do with them. I think all this needs exploring. If they are selling this product, people need to know that it will all be useless in 5 years and that maybe the system is designed to fail after a period of time. You cannot repair or replace parts of it, you can only get a whole new set up. Also I want to say that for the elderly, young children, ill people, I would definately not trust this system to deliver consistent heating/ hot water reliably, I have woken up with no heating or hot water in the freezing cold because it has dropped signal in the night, even before these recent problems. What are my rights here? These systems are starting to fail (the early ones) and for £400 initial cost, I never expected that after the 1 year warranty was up, I'd be on my own with non-working junk and a cold or boiling hot house 24/7 expecting to shell out again. I feel like I've been had. Help!
  2. Hello all, firstly, I want to thank anyone for their time and advice in helping me with this matter, it is truly appreciated. In 2013 I took out a mobile phone contract while at university. Due to a number of factors, I withdrew from my studies for two years, and moved from the UK. I had severe financial issues and neglected to make my phone payments during this time. I subsequently returned to university in the UK, and very regrettably, didn't think about the phone contract again. During the time I moved addresses numerous times. To make a long story short, a CCJ was issued to a previous address. I was renting a room from my friend at that address, but had moved out when it was issued. The CCJ never reached me, and only after checking my credit this week did I discover it had been issued (which was sometime in March of last year). I have done a lot of research on what to do, but it seems like although I never received the CCJ, I should have updated the creditor with details of my address changes. Being young and dumb, I didn't take the steps I should have and now I live to regret it. My question is thus: I have not paid the CCJ yet. What steps should I take? I have read about agreeing with the creditor to set aside the CCJ, but what are the steps involved in this? I have also read that the court will not necessarily agree to set it aside, even if the creditor consents to this. After many years of university, and overcoming a lot of personal obstacles, I hate to think that because of this CCJ, I will not be able to pursue the career I have studied all this time to go into (which is a career in the legal sector, which I will not be able to enter due to SRA checks). Again, I truly appreciate any help with this. I'm pretty overwhelmed, and pretty gutted to say the least.
  3. Having looked at partners credit file Lowell got A default ccj last year Paperwork sent to old address moved out just over 6 years ago. Forms filled for set aside hearing date end of this month. Lowell have e-mailed today We refer to the above matter and in particular your application to set the judgment aside which has been listed for hearing on ## november 2018. Upon consideration,our client is proposing to consent to the judgement been set aside and has instructed us to prepare the attached draft consent order for your consideration.we should be grateful if you could sign and return to us by e-mail if possible or post. Once we are in receipt of the signed draft consent order,we will also sign it on behalf of out client and forward this to the court requesting that the hearing vacated. Should the court approve the draft consent order we should be grateful ifbyou could provide a copy of your defence so we can take instructions. Once this ccj is removed if they send a new claim where would statue barred come into play Did the default ccj stop the clock and restart once removed? It was a shop direct account around 450 so not a big amount last payment would of been early 2012
  4. Hello, I was completing a credit check after being refused to get a specific type of finance and to my horror I found out I had been issued a CCJ on the 2/10/18. After ringing Northampton they informed me that the CCJ was issued over a parking ticket issued on the 30/01/17 by JD parking. correspondence to do with this had been sent to a previous address, and even when I was living at this address at the time of the alleged incident I never received any letters about receiving a parking ticket. Now the location that this occurred was at my friends flat where he has a parking permit that was in my car at the time. I have received the evidence from JD parking's solicitors and there are a few reasons why I think their evidence is not credible, firstly the photo of the windscreen is not a full photo and has clearly been taken to omit the parking permit from the photo, the timestamps on the photos have also clearly been manipulated and added after they were taken - the timestamps state it is 22:45 yet in the photo you can tell it is the middle of the day, not that the time makes a difference to being allow to park there it just shows they are not credible. (if anyone wishes to see the photos I am more than happy to share them). I am on the electoral role and I pay council tax and many other utility bills so I feel like they have not even tried to find me in my absence of a reply and just let it all happen. I know I need to fill out a N244 form but I need help to make sure I complete all the sections correctly and that I have a strong chance of being awarded with it being set aside My hopes is that I can get the money for the N244 for back from either JD parking or their solicitor and also having their claim thrown out for being absolutely false. After reading the guide on this site I should also contact JD parking and ask for their consent to set aside? this seems bizarre because they are surely going to say no? I am looking to be applying for a mortgage in the next few years and fear that this will seriously affect my chances of being successful, so thank you for all and any help. This is a template letter I am going to email to JD Parking to get their consent to set aside the default judgement. "Dear JD Parking, Reference: Claim xxxxxxxxx JD Parking v xxxxxxxx Your Reference: parking ticket ref from POC I have recently become aware of a County Court Judgment in Default obtained by yourselves/your client on 2nd October 2018 for an alleged private parking charge from 30/01/2014 for Vehicle Registration xxxx xxx. I am writing to request JD Parking/your client consent to set-aside the Judgement. I am currently drafting my formal application to the court to request the judgement be set-aside pursuant to CPR 13.3 for the following reasons; 1) According to your Particulars of Claim in the case the alleged incident took place on 30/01/2017. At this time, DVLA records would show that the vehicle xxxx xxx, was registered at my current address, with myself as the registered keeper. 2) I have never received any communication from JD Parking and was entirely unaware of any Private Parking Charge being made against my vehicle until finding the CCJ registered against me when checking my credit file, and obtaining copies of the original claim and judgement document from the court. 3) After reviewing the evidence received from your solicitor it is clear that I should not have been issued with a private parking charge, I had a permit to park where I did but that was blatantly omitted from the photo taken of my car parked in the bay. The time stamps have also been manipulated and added on after the photos were taken, there is no seconds displayed and the time stamps state it to be 22:45 which is clearly wrong as it is broad day light outside, this proves your evidence is not credible enough to have served me with this private parking charge. According to publicly available information my circumstances are far from being unique. The industry’s persistent failure to use correct and current addresses results is an unnecessary burden for individuals and the justice system across the country. This is a topical issue: I note that the Justice Minister The Rt Hon Sir Oliver Heald QC MP announced on the 23rd December 2016 a consultation and information campaign to help protect consumers from debt claims. The consultation will look at ways to; better protect consumers who are sent mail to inaccurate addresses and verify addresses again before a claim is sent. The Minister added that In the digital age, we must ensure companies pursuing unpaid debts make every reasonable effort to contact individuals, rather than simply relying on a letter to an old address. I therefore request you/your client consents to set-aside the judgement and provides me with all documentation / information relating to the original parking charge so that I may consider my position. Had I received the original charge it is likely it would have been settled immediately. You will be aware that this application without consent will cost a £255 court fee. As it is your/your clients failure to take reasonable care that any letters and the subsequent court claim were issued to the correct address I will be asking the court to order you/your client pay the costs of the application along with any further costs allowed by the court. I look forward to hearing from you/your client within 7 days after which time I shall be submitting my application to the courts. Yours sincerely xxxxxxxxxxxxx"
  5. Hi guys, Mid February I was issued with a CCJ after moving house and not receiving the court documents. I have spoken to Citizen's advice who have discussed with me the possibility of a set aside and have sent me the court forms to fill in. I know that I need to act promptly and get this sent off but was waiting to speak to the claimant. I spoke with the claimant's Solicitors and we came to an arrangement for me to pay all money owed and for them to consent to set aside. They were very nice about this after speaking to them and hearing the issues I'd been dealing with and why the debt wasn't originally paid. I have just received a document through the post from them but it is in fact a TOMLIN ORDER, although it does state it it that they wish for the CCJ to be set aside due to sending the forms to the wrong address. I am to sign to agree to the full payment and send back to the claimant. I have been looking up what a TO is, but all information seems to state that it is something used BEFORE a CCJ is issued so I'm just a little confused. If I send the signed TO back will the claimant and court then deal with it and I wait to hear from them? I think that's what it says on the document. Do I still need to send my own N forms to set aside to the courts as advised by citizens advice or does that not need to be done now the claimant is sending the TO themselves to the court? Also, I saw the below comment on another thread on this forum in which someone was able to get a set aside but only after initially being rejected. Is the following true and more likely to be set aside? "In hindsight and a better chance of having the consent order approved would have been to engage a solicitor to send it for you. The court can deal with consent orders as an administration process without involving a judge but that's only if both parties have legal rep." Very confused. Any help appreciated. Thank you
  6. Hey folks, I took a small business to court because I believe there's strong evidence that their work damaged my car. At the initial hearing the court hadn't issued the letter telling us we needed to exchange evidence, so we were dismissed with a date to exchange evidence by (within a month) and told to return another day on a date set by a letter that would be sent out. That hearing cost me nothing because I was in a two week holiday. I receive a letter with the new hearing date on after a few weeks. Some time goes by and that month deadline for evidence arrives. I receive an email from their solicitor (I'm acting for myself) to request a one week extension, which I grant. A week later, on the deadline, I receive an email copy of the evidence. Hearing date arrives and they're a no-show at court. Neither them nor their solicitor arrive. I'm taken into the room half hour late, during which I offer to call the other party to ask where they are - the judge tells me it's their own responsibility to be there. He decides not to take oral evidence but makes judgement based on both written statements. I win. Almost a month goes by when the letter arrives that I've won and how much I'm owed. Two days later I get an email from their solicitor - they never got the letter with the court date on it. They want me to set aside judgement, presumably so we can go to court again. Now, I have several issues with this. Firstly, I'm self employed so my business lost a full day of income at that second hearing. A third hearing will cost me another full day. I can't claim anything for it as there's no evidence I lose personally - my business does. Secondly, there was a week shy of three months gap between that first and second hearing. Surely any solicitor would enquire after a month of the first hearing when the second one is going to be? Why would you wait three whole months when the second hearing is obviously going to have taken place? I don't mind that they want to face me in court. I mind they didn't turn up in the first place. Another day in court means my business income loss would equate to 39% of my claim, which I feel is getting a bit excessive. So before I say no or yes - what should I do?
  7. Hi, I had a good number of credit card debts - the usual suspects: virgin, mbna, cap1 etc. They all dropped off my credit report a couple of years ago, so I now have what Halifax describe as an A1 rating I would like to remortgage. Should I be worried about a bank or building society that has one of my old credit card accounts in the business group using some sort of set-off mechanism to recover some of the monies I never paid. I'm thinking in particular about a deal I heard on the radio between Yorkshire (building society or bank - I can't remember) and Virgin. But am interested in the principes, too. Thank you.
  8. I currently have a CCJ against me that was entered into by default judgment in 2014. The initial court paperwork was sent to an old address but was passed onto me, I did submit a defense but it arrived a day late and was struck out and judgment was entered into by default. I was recovering from a serious illness that affected me both physically and mentally and didn't have the capacity to be able to deal with it at the time. The Timeline is as follows: 2010 Default on credit file 2014 CCJ Default Judgement 2016 Default was dropped from credit file but CCJ remains 2018 I sent letters to the claimant and solicitors asking for proof of claim Claimant: Arrow Global Limited Solicitor: Shoosmiths Particulars of Claim: 1. The claim is for the sum of 7545 in respect of monies owing by the defendant on a credit agreement held by the defendant with Sainsbury's Bank PLC under account number XXXXXXXX upon which the defendant failed to maintain payments. 2. A default notice was served upon the defendant and has not been complied with. 3. By virtue of a sale agreement between Sainsbury's Bank PLC and the claimant, the claim vested in the claimant who has a genuine commercial interest. The defendant has been notified of the assignment by letter. Contact drydensfairfax solicitorson : 0113 823 3850 In January 2018 I wrote to Arrow Global Limited at the address on the claim but my letters were returned undelivered. In February 2018 I wrote three letters to Shoomiths, I have proof of these letters being delivered. The first letter: A formal request for them to supply me with the credit agreement mentioned under the particulars of claim under sections 77-79 of the Consumer Credit Act 1974 The second letter: A subject data access request. The third letter: Request for documents mentioned in the statement of case under CPR 31.14 1. The Agreement 2. The deed of assignment 3. The notice of assignment 4. The default warning letter 5. The default notice I gave them two weeks to send me the above. I received a reply from Shoomiths a month later, they complied with the subject data access request and responded to my letters. In their response they stated the following: They confirmed that they have requested the following from there client Arrow Global Limited: 1. Statement of Account 2. Agreement 3. Notice Of Assignment 4. Terms and Conditions They stated that Arrow Global Limited has been assigned the debt pursuant to the Law of Property Act 1925, they stated I am not a party to the agreement and I am not entitled to a copy of the Deed of Assignment, They said that any other information I have requested to be disproportionate and that they do not agree with my timescales and will contact me again once they have received the documents. It's now 4 months later and they have not provided me with any documentary evidence to substantiate their claim. I am hoping to now write to the court stating that I have requested the evidence of the claim, I am yet to receive any and propose to set aside the claim on those grounds. Any advice on how best to proceed here welcome. If they are unable to prove their claim then surely there is no claim? I need some help and guidance on approaching this in the best possible way. Many Thanks
  9. Hi all, I'm hoping someone can please advise as to whether my logic is correct. Essentially I took out a Northern rock together mortgage over 10 years ago just before the recession, this included an unsecured loan of £30k. Shortly after I was out of work for a year and built up mortgage arrears on both the secured element and unsecured element of the loan. Despite 5 attempts of NRAM trying to repossess I managed to fight them off and eventually paid of the secured mortgage arrears however because I was prioritising the secured payments the unsecured loan arrears were not being paid and eventually NRAM applied for a CCJ. However at the time they did not default the unsecured loan account so it is still showing on my credit file with just many late payments. The CCJ dropped of my account about a year ago and during the 6 years prior NRAM didn't take and forceful action to recover the debt. My understanding is that prior to making an application for a CCJ to the courts they should have set my unsecured account to default and hence it should have also dropped of my account when the CCJ did and the unsecured debt should In theory now be written off. I did contact Experian and raised this issue, they replied stating that they contacted NRAM however NRAM stated they would not be making any amendments regarding this unsecured account on my credit file. I would really appreciate any advise on this matter and if my logic is incorrect. Many thanks in advance!!!
  10. Hi I'm a little frustrated to say the least.. ..I've just made a drop off in a street in Newcastle upon Tyne (1.00am) - I noticed when I entered the side road that it was 2 way traffic but had calming area at the entrance/exit for one vehicle only to pass. It had 2 huge black and white "Sharp Deviation" or "Chevron" road signs on two black poles around 15 feet from the junction. I am pretty sure as this road is a normal road with no tight deviations that the wrong sign has been installed. I would assume when a chevron sign has been used it is informing motorists of dangers to tight bends (?) I was unfortunately distracted and forgot the road tethered into a calming area with exit for one vehicle. I parked the vehicle on the right hand side of the road. From that position, I then reversed - checked mirrors etc and haven't noticed the black pole (which is a foot into the road) as the street has extremely poor lighting (it was 1am and the road is nearly in darkness). I've caused major damage to the side of my car with damage done to the side bumper and rear quarter panel before it gets to the wheel arch. I am annoyed with myself but I'm equally annoyed that I can't understand the mentality of why the council has placed a Sharp Deviation sign on 2 black poles with each pole causing an obstruction on the path (for wheelchairs) and the road. It's baffling and I've genuinely can't remember seeing another road with this type of signage. I would like to assume the correct sign which should have been placed is the road would be the mounted yellow plastic signage (yellow and white plastic bollards with a blue arrows). There is also no coloured road surface to inform drivers its a calming area. I would like to know if I have a case to take legal action against the council for damage done to my vehicle. I've obviously made the error by not checking everywhere before moving but feel I have not been helped by the poor decisions of the Council. I have attached the files but will try to also add the photos to this thread too. Hopefully I'm reading this correctly.... I've just searched to see if there is a minimum width which councils are required to abide to for clearance for wheelchairs (as the pole is also cemented into the path). I've found this: The British Government have set a recommended minimum width, to be enforced by local Authorities. What is the minimum width? Answer: "1800mm on access routes to buildings, from bus stops or car parks with a deregation down to 1200mm around existing obstructions -'Manual for Streets 2' CIHT 2010". I do not believe the clearance is 1200mm and will check this tomorrow. If the width is less than 1200mm is the signage illegal? Thank you in advance for any help C
  11. Hi I recently became aware I had a CCJ for an old capital one debt. The debt had been passed to Lowells some years ago so I presume it is they that applied for the judgement. Judgement Date: 04/06/2015 Amount: £1782.00 I am pretty sure the above debt was statute barred at the time this judgement was received. Reason for this is that I stopped paying this and another debt with Barclays at the same time. I received a CCJ for the Barclays debt in 2011 at least 2 years if not more after I stopped paying, it may have been longer I am not sure. My question is when would the statute bar time start? Is it the last payment date made to Capital One. I have already looked up the template for subject access request and intend to do this tomorrow. As I realise I will need evidence to show to a court. Any advice or pointers welcome Thanks
  12. Hello! This site has proven of great help. I am posting here on behalf of my nephew. to cut it short, nephew was supposedly parked in an Ibis hotel car park and was not a guest. Received a ticket from Civil Enforcement Limited . He ignored it because it was not his vehicle having repeatedly told them. As a result, they took nephew to court. He was able to set aside the judgment because the claim form didn't specify what the amount being claimed for was and also, it was not signed by a 'person", but by a company. I accompanied him to court and the judge set aside the judgment. Nephew received a letter following on from court hearing where it said: 1. The judgment against AU dated 27th Nov be and hereby set aside. 2. Claimant to file and serve a fully particulated Particulars of Claim by the 5th March 3. Defendant to file and serve a defence by the 19th March 4. Direction Questionnaires by the 9th April. Nephew spoke to court and they advised C's have not filed a particulars of claim. Question is - should nephew still file his defence? AND Can he counter claim for compensation? Many thanks, Jay
  13. National Living Wage workers set for £600 pay rise from 1 April READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/national-living-wage-workers-set-for-600-pay-rise-from-1-april
  14. Hello, I recently found out I had a CCJ when I received a notice from the bailiffs. The notice was sent to my current address but turned out that the CCJ was sent to an old address. I immediately contacted the county court where the order was given and a very helpful court clerk told me to what to do. I completed the required form to stay the high court action and requested hearing to set aside CCJ. I now have a court date in April for set aside hearing Background ------------- I had been in dispute with a previous employer from around early 2014 where they claimed they overpaid my salary after I left the company. I disagreed with them and asked them to prove this other than with an itemized list of payslip transactions that made very little sense. They later passed the debt collection to a firm of solicitors after a few months. I argued that the payment made to me was as a result of monies owed from share options and other schemes I was part of when I was employed and which had to be liquidated when I left. We have been going back and forth on the issue for over 2 years mainly by email communication. During that time I moved to a new address. On a number of occasions during the email exchange, I referred to the fact that I had changed address - not explicitly - but in statements like " I have just moved house and my papers are in the loft" etc. in July 2017, I got a letter through the post at my new address to check my address, I called back and left a message on VM saying Yes I had changed address. I didn't hear back and the next thing was the bailiffs notice I received in December for CCJ issued in September. My argument for set aside was that the claimant knew I had changed the address so had no excuse for sending the claim to the wrong address. The bailiff was able to get my new address. I also mentioned that I called them to notify them of change of address when I received a letter asking me about it. I also stated that we had been in dispute for several months and I believe that given the opportunity I would have successfully defended the claim. After I had put in the set-aside application, I requested a copy of the original claim. The claim stated that I was overpaid salary in February 2014. This is one of the arguments, I had with them. I had shown them a copy of the payslip for February which showed the payment from the employer of the sum total of £247. They stated I owed £2400 or thereabouts. In one of the correspondence, they had agreed that they made a mistake about the month and it was in fact April. THis is correct. I.e. Money was paid in April 2014, but I disputed what the payment was for. In the claim used to secure the CCJ, they have repeated February 2014 as the date overpayment took place. My question is whether to just stick with the fact that February 2014 was the date stated in the claim and I can easily prove with bank statement and payslip that they did not pay me the sum in February. Will the judge allow me to introduce evidence not mentioned previously? Since I was unaware that they were repeating the previous pay date of February, my defence put forward on the N226 was that we were in discussions and they had not proven that I owe them the money. I also offered to have the matter mediated by a body like ACAS to get the matter resolved. If successful, can I claim the cost of N226 and litigant in person? Many thanks for staying with me so far and look forward to your words of wisdom.
  15. posted on behalf of a friend after checking her credit file because she was turned down for credit. it showed she had a CCJ. and has applied to for courts for it to be set aside on the basis she knows nothing about it today she has received a letter off cabots solicitors confirming it was for a mobile phone and papers were sent to previous address. it states that the is no prospect of setting this aside and invites her to withdraw her action whats the next step https://www.photobox.co.uk/my/photo/full?photo_id=10030744201[/img]
  16. Hi All Received a letter from Mortimer Clarke today regarding a debt to Cabot Financial. Letter claims their client obtained a judgement against me on 04/02/2016. First paragraph says "Because you have failed to pay the judgement debt in accordance with the terms of the judgement our client is now entitled to take action to enforce the judgement order against you. Our client has instructed us to apply to the County Court for an Attachment to Earnings order to be made against you." Final paragraph says "If you do not contact us within 7 days , then our client has instructed us to apply for an Attachment of Earnings Order against you." Notes: 1. I have checked Trust Online for my current and previous 3 addresses and there are no ccjs registered against me. 2. I did not receive any correspondence threatening to take me to court, advising I was being taken to court or asking if I wished to defend and finally I did not receive a judgement. 3. The letter makes no mention which court they obtained the judgement from or any judgement reference number. 4. The debt is from 2007 and I believe it may well be statute barred now. Can anyone provide any thoughts or advice on how I should proceed at this point? kind regards
  17. A strain of influenza which hit Australia and affected 98,000 people, is set to come to Britain and could case our worst epidemic for fifty years. Will it or wont it.I am taking no chances how about you. The vulnerable groups include the over-65s, pregnant women, children from six to 24 months and those with long-term *illness such as *diabetes, heart disease and asthma. https://www.unilad.co.uk/health/deadly-flu-outbreak-in-uk-expected-to-kill-thousands/ Well i have not much time this morning to hang around. I am nipping off sharpish to the vets to have my Flu Injection. Adios must fly. Tawnyowl.
  18. My first time, so hope I am posting this in the right place? I've got a judgement set-aside against (hey!) Hoist Portfolio regarding an old Barclaycard debt (last payment made August 2011). Judgement was yesterday afternoon (6/11/2017) and now I have to launch a defence regarding BC mishandling of my original offer to settle in first quarter 2012. they ignored all communication from my solicitor and sold the 'debt' on to MKDP without telling us anything about it. Being that BC owed my nearly £8k in PPI at the time, (this was pointed out by my solicitor) and they went on to sell the whole thing on as a bundle, I said in court yesterday that I felt they had mis-sold the debt to the DCA. Once the PPI was deducted it brought balance down to just over £5k - is that how it works? I'm not sure. Has anyone got as far as this, and what is your experience? The Judge told me to get in touch with the CAB. If I keep using my local solicitor I'm going to be out of pocket very quickly, even though she's been the most useful person so far! By the way, Hoist Portfolio were asking for over £20k when my research suggests they probably only paid £120 for buy the debt off Robinson Way/MKDP/Barclaycard. Your thoughts and experience welcome - are CAB the right people to deal with this? Fanx!
  19. Greetings. Making a PPI claim on an old loan that was repaid in full. Wondering if I succeed, will the original creditor be allowed to use this to offset an outstanding (statute bared) debt (overdrawn current a/c and assume the original creditor still owns the debt). I noticed post #4 by dx100uk and specifically in bold: "if the original creditor still owns the debt then they can offset but not the 8% stat int part of any refund." in this thread: http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk...BC-credit-card I've seen on the FOS website: compensation for being deprived income etc.. http://www.financial-ombudsman.org.u...tment-loss.htm and various scenarios on PPI redress: http://www.financial-ombudsman.org.uk/publications/technical_notes/ppi/redress.html#_Where_the_consumer Does anyone have any further info or legal precedent about the 8% SI part of a PPI claim not being allowed to be used by a creditor to offset an existing debt and as such should go to the claimant ? Many thx
  20. Made an application to set aside a judgement for a CCJ from a company called MOTORTRADES.CO.UK. Received a letter from the court yesterday stating hearing had been set for July 28th 2017 at 3.40pm allowing 20mins for the hearing. I suffer heavily with anxiety so was wondering what to expect at the hearing, the company involved I have found out has since closed up shop so doubt there be any resistance to the set aside application. I have also found loads of complaints on this company online where they have conned people into setting up advertising and websites but not actually done as they had claimed. Loads of examples easily searched and printed off.
  21. Here's a good one. I send a letter of claim to the Defendant, a company, on the 5th of December 2016 which is ignored. I sent a follow up letter on the 31st of January which is ignored. I issue proceedings on the 27th of February which are deemed served on the 3rd of March. The Defendant files an acknowledgement of service saying they will file a defence within 28 days of service. They fail to file a defence. I apply for judgment on the 4th of May and judgment is issued on the 5th of May. Defendant pays judgment on the 22nd of May. Defendant writes to me on the 22nd of June saying that they want to overturn the judgment as they always intended to file a defence. Defendant says they will sue me for the judgment money unless i accept their offer of paying them back 75% of it and the entire thing is wrapped up in a Thomlinson Order. Incidentally, despite all this, the Defendant continues to do the wrongdoing I sued them for. What do people suggest I do?
  22. I am really encouraged after reading many posts on various debts. I had a Store card with Creation and I did have an arrangement to pay but they told me it was not enough and through Drydens got a CCJ. They told me that if I were to pay the full outstanding balance that they requested no court case. Somehow I managed to find the money nearly 2k and paid them. Yet somehow I got a CCJ. I did not go to the court or had a defence. That was in 2011 and it will be SB'd in May this year. I read it somewhere if I paid the full amount I should not have had the CCJ. Is this correct? My question is that if it is possible to remove this judgement because I was told that if I were to pay in full no court case? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
  23. Good evening, I am not sure if this is the right place to be asking for advice about this but I thought I would post a thread. I recently ordered a sofa set, I paid them via online banking, the first payment was the deposit and the second payment was the remaining money due, they are clearly not what I ordered. The sofas were delivered today and it was all a farce, as I live in a flat I had to pay an extra £20 for them to carry them up to my first floor flat which I already did, I had to argue with them for sometime before they rang up the company to get it confirmed. They pretty much took all the packaging off before bringing them up and then just dumped them in my tiny hall way when they should have brought them in to my living room first and then unpacked them. Now, heres the issue, when one of the couriers brought the cushions up I thought they were the right ones but after taking the last of the packaging off from the smallest sofa it turns out the sofa does not match the picture on their website, the colors do not match etc. (See images attached). I have spoken to the manager over the phone and over email and he insists the correct sofas have been delivered and that I shouldn't have signed the delivery receipt if something was wrong and that he's willing to accept a return at my cost of £89 I shouldn't have to pay £89 if the sofas are not what I purchased, no where on their website does it say if you want to return them, it will cost £89. On the receipt it says the couriers should have unboxed them in my living room not outside, it also states no price in the box where it says how much it would cost if the items needed returning. It's states nothing on their website regarding returns as well. Where do I stand legally with this as a consumer? (I can't add pictures)
  24. I am a homeowner who moved to Canada last year. I had a tenant at the property and set up temporary redirection which ended in a February 2017. I missed a January service charge / ground rent payment and within a week or so, my account was referred to solicitors. I became aware of this because I received a redirected mail from the solicitors. I immediately called the solicitors, informed them on the phone that I was now resident in Canada but would make immediate arragements to pay. I requested a breakdown of charges as well as the option to pay in instalments. They asked for my email address and sent me a breakdown 2 days or so later. I responded to the email requesting for a payment plan and fee waiver and they wrote back insisting that though no longer resident in the UK, I still owed them the full amount ( I never disputed this). I accepted to pay the full amount we negotiated by email - I proposed, first 7 monthly instalments which they rejected, and then 4 monthly instalments, but they insisted on either 3 monthly instalments or permission for them to approach my lender, for a fee. I insisted on my proposal as it was what I could afford. A few weeks after they rejected my payment plan and said they would 'now take legal action', a default ccj was entered against me. I found this out shortly after I returned to the UK in April. I applied for a set aside on the basis that I was not resident in the UK when the claim forms were sent and never received them and hence couldn't put in a defence. More importantly, the claimant was already aware that I was not resident in the UK at the time. The hearing was held between myself and the claimants solicitor, and the judge rejected the set aside request saying that while he could set it aside, he did not agree that I wasn't properly served, and as such he would not set it aside. Rather, he said he would allow instalmental payment - the same monthly amounts that the claimant had previously rejected.. Given that I had informed the claimant that I was no longer resident in the UK as required by law, and that knowing this, the claimant had the forms sent to an address that they knew I was not residing at, it does not appear that the judge gave this consideration the seriousness it deserved. I would like to know if there are any chances of successfully appealing this.
  25. Hi - asking for my sister who is a disabled adult (mental Health). She has received a judgment by default CCJ from Home Direct, she doesn't remember receiving the court pack, nor is it something I have seen when visiting - as she usually gets me to read through things for her. Now she owes the money, no doubt about that. And up to 2016 was making regular monthly payments to a DCA when the agency changed to the current one. She has tried twice to set up the plan again, only for them to not reply, and send a standard letter again a few months later. She phoned the new DCA after receiving the default judgment notice, and they were not sympathetic at all - went through an income and expenditure with her - and included her PIP payments (and those of her daughter who has ASD) as income. They wanted a massive £800 per month, the debt is £2400. So: 1 - Can they include PIP payments as income? 2 - Would she have grounds to set aside as she says she didn't get the court paperwork (although from the sticky thread it mentions you would have to show a defence to the claim as well for that?). 3 - Would setting aside mean they would be more likely to accept a reasonable payment plan anyway? Any help is very much appreciated - thanks
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