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  1. Hi All, I'm new to this forum but hope someone can help me out? I received a PCN through post yesterday from PCP enforcement agency (trading name of parkshield collection Ltd) Date of event (doesn't say offence)-30/08/2018 location - service/estate roads off anchor road,harbourside,Bristol,bs1 During period from: 22:20:55 to time of notice issue at:22:40:18 reason for issue- no valid permit Now the only problem with this notice is that I've never been to Bristol and the vehicle in question has been SORN off road for 2 years and is parked at my parents house except when it has MOT or my dad uses it for work (trade plates are then used) I have been on the agency's website to appeal but can't as I don't have notice issued obviously and there's no sign of any photographic evidence either. Not sure what to do next,write an appeal which I don't think is fair seeing as it's definitely not my fault. Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you.
  2. I took my car took to the garage to get the master cylinder replaced on the clutch and when I got phoned to say that may car was ready I was surprised to see the clutch pedal low down like near the floor. And when I went back in to speak to the service manager I got told that Vauxhall only wanted to replace the clutch pipe and elbow..i asked why wasn't the master cylinder not replaced as that's what I got told was wrong with the car..he says Vauxhall wanted to see how that worked first.. so I drove away from the garage as never says anything about if it was safe to drive..so anyways 10 mins when on motorway and when I tried to select a gear when slowing down I couldn't select another gear and having to keep lifting the pedal of the floor with my feet and whilst trying to engage a gear with great difficulty
  3. I’ve never needed a mobile phone except when travelling up north to see my mum who’s in a care home. Just before Christmas 2014 I got a mobile phone from EE so I could stay in touch with work, etc., while visiting my mum. When I set it up it was clear that it didn’t work. I tried all sorts of things and it still wouldn’t work. But I forgot about it for a few days. When I got back after Christmas I decided to phone EE and tell them that it didn’t work. The problem was that they said I didn’t pass the security questions; as a result I could not speak to anyone. Couldn’t report that my mobile didn’t work! The weeks went on and I made other calls to EE, but was told each time that I had failed the security questions. Meanwhile, of course, I was paying for this non-working phone every month by direct debit (or standing order, I forget which). This went on for month after month, and still I was paying for a service which didn’t work with no way of getting the issue resolved. It was such a small matter (as I never need to use my mobile except at Christmas when I am away with family) it was out of my mind for 99% of the time. Eventually I reasoned that I was going to be paying for this broken thing for years – and they were never going to listen to me because they would always say that I had failed the security questions. I took the only option which was then open to me. I cancelled the monthly payment to EE. Now things actually made sense, and at last I was not paying regularly for something that had never worked. At this point let me be clear about something. I could install apps on the phone and I could use it for playing solitaire and other stuff like that. But I could not do what you are expected to be able to do with a phone, i.e. communicate. EE themselves will be aware, as they would have access to such data, that: Number of phone call I made while in that contract = 0 Number of phone calls I received while in that contract = 0 Number of text messages I sent while in that contract = 0 Number of text messages I received while in that contract = 0 That is the level of service I was getting from my EE mobile phone. In the meantime I had paid over £650 for this nonsense. I phoned EE again. again I was told that I had not passed the security questions. But by this time I was aware that the operator at the other end was reading a large amount of text which had been written on my account, EE was obviously well aware of the issue. Also EE would have been aware of the 0 calls and 0 SMS aspect of my strange account. It’s just that they obviously didn’t give a monkey’s. I asked how I could resolve this. How could I prove my identity? I was told to go to my local EE store with some ID and I would be given a password which I could use in subsequent phone calls to the help centre. I did. I phoned EE with my new password and asked for my money back. I was put on hold for several minutes and then told that the account had been passed to the Collections department as it was in arrears (of course they would have been flagged as in arrears: the only way to stop being mugged every month was to cancel the monthly debit!). (Oh yes, and to add insult to injury, because of the misperception that I was in the wrong EE was allowed to put a black mark against my credit rating. I also had debt collectors writing to me. But I was able to explain to the debt collections agency what had happened and they just dropped the case against me immediately- no excuse with security questions there: I just TALKED to them and they LISTENED! It's what people do.) The person I spoke to in the Collections department acted exactly as Collections people behave and said that I could not have my money back. When I explained that consumer law was on my side he said that I had “failed data protection laws”. I reminded him that data protection laws were there to protect consumers, not corporations who sought to rip consumers off as EE was obviously very keen to do to me. I also said that I wanted EE to delete the black mark that they had put against my credit rating. Characteristically he said that he couldn’t do that either, again, because I had “failed data protection laws”. EE is yet another company who uses data protection laws to their own advantage; to clobber consumers with them! I wonder if anyone else has been treated in this way by EE or another supplier. I’m also wondering how to get my money back – and to clear up my credit rating – from such a bunch of intractable people.
  4. Hi all, Just received (through the post) a letter from Civil Enforcement Ltd. The letter states I was parked in a hospital car park at the beginning of June. Apparently, I failed to display a valid ticket. My issue is, on the day in question, I was in the works van approx. 200 miles from the hospital. My car, which I use on the weekend was parked up, at home, 100 miles from the listed hospital. There is no photos of my supposed car parked in the hospital car park. The letter isn't even on headed paper, only found out the company name from the address on the back!! Where do I stand with this? Can I appeal and ask for photographic evidence?? Thanks for any advice!!
  5. Hi all, Back in May, I ordered some fabric from an online store (Tissens) in France which never arrived - the tracking info said there was an issue with the address being incomplete. I contacted Tissens' customer support at the beginning of June and they responded saying they would investigate and asked me to confirm my delivery address. I did this and heard nothing back for a further 6 weeks. When I chased it up, they eventually responded to say the shipment had been returned to them, and that if I wanted it shipped out again I would need to pay 14.5EUR. I asked for them to confirm the delivery address on the shipment, as I had ordered from them before with no issues and my details were all saved on an account with them. A further week went by with no response, so I checked the invoice and found it had the correct address, meaning the problem was at their end. I finally lost my patience and wrote: He responded that day saying he would speak to his manager and get back to me. A week went by, so I chased up for a response. A further week went by, so I asked for a response again. A further week went by, so I have (today) chased up again to say I need a response by COB tomorrow or I will take things further. I just want them to post me the fabric I ordered, as they are the only company worldwide who supply it. I'm not sure whether I can still reverse the transaction, but if I do I'm nervous that I will be black-listed and never be able to place another order. What can I do?
  6. Hi all, I'm hoping someone can please advise as to whether my logic is correct. Essentially I took out a Northern rock together mortgage over 10 years ago just before the recession, this included an unsecured loan of £30k. Shortly after I was out of work for a year and built up mortgage arrears on both the secured element and unsecured element of the loan. Despite 5 attempts of NRAM trying to repossess I managed to fight them off and eventually paid of the secured mortgage arrears however because I was prioritising the secured payments the unsecured loan arrears were not being paid and eventually NRAM applied for a CCJ. However at the time they did not default the unsecured loan account so it is still showing on my credit file with just many late payments. The CCJ dropped of my account about a year ago and during the 6 years prior NRAM didn't take and forceful action to recover the debt. My understanding is that prior to making an application for a CCJ to the courts they should have set my unsecured account to default and hence it should have also dropped of my account when the CCJ did and the unsecured debt should In theory now be written off. I did contact Experian and raised this issue, they replied stating that they contacted NRAM however NRAM stated they would not be making any amendments regarding this unsecured account on my credit file. I would really appreciate any advise on this matter and if my logic is incorrect. Many thanks in advance!!!
  7. I sent 6 parcels, 5 arrived and one was missing. I went through several PM messages. They sent me after 30 days a comfirmation that the bag was lost and they would give me 34 pounds back . This does not cover even the bag price! i had at least 500 pounds in clothes more another 500 in medication . Well, the whole thing was worthed around 1,500 pounds. I did not take extra insurance ( it was the 1st time i was using a service like this, and the last one too). As they say in the small print they are not responsable for anything and DPD does not respond to my issue as its customer is Parcel Monkey and not me. I already sent a formal complain almost a month ago when i try to do an online mediation ( which was not possible as parcel monkey does not have a direct email). I came here to ask the opnion if i should enter in the small claim court not for the refund of my goods but for the lack of service performed and the lack of support and care of DPD and PArcel Monkey. Would any one be able to advise me ? If yes,what would be the fair amount for this claim. I am 2 months without my clothes and medicies Thanks
  8. The title sums it up in a nutshell. I pay monthly by standing order and have done so since moving into this house a year ago. I have received, over the last few months, two text messages and two letters asserting that my account is in arrears and that if I don't respond I will become liable for the whole years bill etc etc. My account is not in arrears. I have bank statements which show the sums being transferred to the council in question every month. I have emailed the head of revenue and benefits to tell him to check whatever error is causing this on his system and to point out how unacceptable it is to send people threatening letters in error. I attached copies of my bank statement showing the payments by way of proof. I can well imagine there are some people who would be intimidated or caused undue stress by the type of things they've sent. I copied in my councillor, who acknowledged the message. No response yet from the recipient. Today I have received a court summons for 23rd of May on account of my non-payment. Obviously I am not overly concerned, as I know I have paid and can prove I have paid. What I would like to know is how best to act now? I have let the councillor know what has happened and sought further advice from him . I am not against attending the court date if there is anything to be gained by that for me. The outcome I am seeking is an acknowledgment of the errors on the part of the council and a stop being put to the harassment via text message and letter which has now been going on for some months. Does anyone have some advice for how best to proceed?
  9. hi all i took a contract out in sep 2016, couldnt use it, called to send back but they said i'd had it over 2 weeks so no. i never paid anything and forgot about it as they didnt take my compliant serious. they in november 2017 i they put a default on my file. just wondering if i have any recourse to get it took off or anything? Thanks in advance
  10. Hi, Some advice needed. In the Autumn 2010 me and my partner moved in to a new flat. Sorted out council tax, water etc straight away but ran in to problems when trying to get our gas and electricity sorted. Having found out EDF was the supplier for the previous tenant I made several 5-10 calls to EDF during the first months of moving in. For some reason they had no supply registered to our address and could not set anything up. Even when supplying them with the electricity meter number they stated that that meter had been turned off for two years. No luck with providing them with my gas meter number either. I used the details from the previous tenant to try and set up so we could receive bills. But no luck, every time having to wait in queues and explain the situation at length to a new person. After a few months a paper from EDF was left in the letterbox saying that the meter was to be cut of, changed to a prepay meter, court order etc. It did not have the correct address and postcode. I used the reference number left on that letter and called edf again, believe I got redirected to different departments and finally got to talk to someone who understood the issue. He said they would investigate. He called back a few days later, perhaps a week and stated that he had an idea of what the issue was and that they would investigate. They would get back to me when it was sorted and to update me. I asked what the time frame would be, and he stated that likely after Christmas/new year. This was in 2010. From that point they have not been in contact. Have not received any bills or any contact or letter. come September 2017 I receive an automated phone call from a robot voice asking if the account holder for my address, stating my name, (although I have since changed my last name through marriage). It said to either confirm or deny by pressing a number. I denied I was that person. I did at the time not believe an automated phone call to be legitimate. Two weeks go by and I pop in to my ground floor neighbour which is a cafe as I am coming home and they said some electricity people had been around asking for a meter to one of the flats. The cafe has no access to the common entrance to the 2 flats. They did not leave any letter leaflet stating or anything. what would you recommend I do? To me I did my due diligence in 2010 and it was up to them to get back to me. I have never received a bill or had an opportunity to pay. Should I contact them or wait until they attempt to contact me properly by post, meter visit etc. The automated robot phone call is not a proper attempt to contact me. It could just be a robot call as far as I am concerned. The visit my neighbour told me about was just a coincidence that she relayed that information to me as I met her just as I came home and they were closing. What would you do in this situation? Am I correct in assuming they could only back-bill 12 months. Many thanks
  11. Hi guys, good morning I have a lease car and got a parking ticket which I promptly appealed, I never heard anything back from the council. It was only until the lease company send me an invoice for £295 that i realised something is wrong and i took this up with the council directly to find out why they never send me the rejection notice. The lease company have paid the council. They replied saying that rejection notice was sent back to them as "returned mail", this is impossible as I get all types of letters come through and even various from the same council. Aside to the obvious of me arguing that I never received the letter, what grounds of arguments do I have? I suspect the council will say they will not refund just on that account. Your advice is appreciated, Many thanks Mehdi
  12. Morning All, I have been battling with Lowell for a few days now I am looking for a bit of advice. I'm not at all clued up on legal jargon so I'm not sure what to do next. In a nutshell, I'm a teacher just starting to think about buying a house. I've always paid off any contracts that I have and cancelled them under the 30 day grace period respectfully. Upon looking at my credit rating I noticed that it was horrendously low (503) I checked through Noddle why this was the case and Lowell have been defaulting two supposed debts... I have emailed Lowell asking what the debts are for the email states: Account Number Original Client Original Client Reference Current Balance Initial Contact Date 25* Three Mobile 9* £20.08 29th April 2013 15* Orange 7* £65.11 30th December 2013 The former Three Mobile account was opened on the 2nd April 2008. The client last receive payment for this on the 1st April 2011 for £20.08. The number associated with this is 0* the tariff was Broadband 5Gb (18/24 months). The balance is made up entirely of airtime debt. The former Orange account was opened on the 28th April 2009. The client last receive payment for this on the 7th March 2012 for £31.96. The balance is made up entirely of airtime debt. As you can see from the dates I have cancelled the contracts well over the 24months (I held them both for almost 3 years!) So when I cancelled I rung up and told them. I'm assuming they continued to bill me for an extra month. I asked for evidence of the Notice of Assignment. He has just forwarded two letters, not letter headed I might add with some glaring mistakes... This is the Orange letter: Dear Mr McGirr We hereby give notice of the assignment of the debt due to us (trading as "Orange") from you in respect of the balance of £65.11 outstanding on your account. On «ClientClRegdate» your account was sold to Lowell Portfolio I Ltd. It is essential that all future payments, correspondence or queries regarding this account be directed to Lowell Portfolio I Ltd quoting reference 1*. Contact Address: Enterprise House 1 Apex View Leeds LS11 9BH You'll notice the "On > as part of the letter... The second letter that was linked to the three account had the wrong address, four doors down. What are my next steps? I want this removed for my credit rating ASAP. it's 2008 !!! Thanks in advance, S
  13. Help please? I have just received a letter from a solicitor representing NPower saying that I owe NPower nearly £2.5k from a property I lived in back in 2011. Apparently there is already a CCJ against me (which I had no idea about) and neither the solicitor nor NPower will discuss the situation with me. They are simply threatening court action/bailiffs. I never received the outstanding bills nor anything relating to the CCJ and I dispute the amount is actually owed as I lived in a tiny one bedroom flat for 11 months and paid £50 a month in payments... ..I was out most of the time at work and so there is NO way my electricity bill could have ever got that high. The CAB have not been very helpful as they have simply said to try and mediate with NPower (who won't mediate). I contacted a solicitor who said it wouldn't be worthwhile pursuing this as it would cost more in legal fees than the debt!! What can I do to both get the CCJ removed and also get the bills sorted out? Any help gratefully received.
  14. I've been on benefits due to health issues for quite a long time now, I was on Incap Ben until Oct 2013 when they moved me to ESA and that's been static since then. Not had any kind of increase in 4yrs. In 2014 I finally had a diagnosis of one of my health issues that had been ignored for years by doctors... Dismissing my issue as weight related when it was in fact a condition called Spinal Stenosis... which is 'made' worse by being overweight. This explained the shocking spasms in my lower back which could turn my legs to jelly and make me slump to the floor at any time and I couldn't walk more than 20-30yrds without getting one. Since then I have lost over 140lbs the condition has remained and not gone away as previous doctors claimed. I have also been diagnosed with osteoarthritis in my knees which is further impacting my. the small increase in the distance I could walk has been decreased again by limited movement and pain in my knees. I've also got early stages of the condition in both shoulders and struggle to lift my left arm above my shoulder but can rotate it, whilst my right shoulder doesn't rotate properly but my arm can be lifted above it. Back in either 2014 or 1015 I got the forms for PIP but never sent them in... to say it was a confusing mess of questions that repeat themselves over and over again and with reports that the vast majority of claims are simply dismissed anyway put me off ever sending it in. I'm not getting any better and losing over 10st hasn't had the kind of impact that I had hoped it would... I admit that my weight was out of control due to severe depression and 19 deaths of family and friends between 2008-2016... In short I was broken and whilst I'm still broken, my financial situation continues to deteriorate. I can just about cover the rent due to the fact I rent from family (all legal, proper tenancy agreement in place and council know everything) at a rate well below average (they're doing it to give me a safe place to live not to make a profit). I can just about cover utilities and household expenses, but there's not enough for anything else and although I do have a car it's 12yrs old and I limit how much it's used due to the cost of diesel, insurance and car tax. Without transport I would be housebound and unable to get out and about on my own... I can't even make it to the local corner shop which is about a 300-400yrd walk. On a very, very, very good day... I might make it to the corner shop, but would then struggle to get back carrying anything I bought. By the time I got back (after stopping repeatedly to sit and let the pain subside) it could virtually incapacitate me for hours and I'd be unable to go out again for a few days at least. When I am able to go out to do shopping (once every 2 weeks on average) I have to normally go with some one and require a trolley to hang onto to support myself. Even then after doing a small amount of shopping, we stop at the supermarket cafe for a rest and a drink before carrying on. I tend to load my shopping in small amounts into multiple sturdy bags with handles, so I'm not carrying heavy ones into the house. I can park on my drive so the boot of the car is no more than 6-8ft from the front door and it's an estate so a low tailgate means no bending to lift things up. I know I could do my shopping online but I actually look forward to doing mine as it gets me out of the house for an hour or two. The arthritis needs me to keep moving more not less, but I can't do that where I live due to the area, hills and so forth... it would be nice if I could drive down to the lakes nearby a couple of times a week and do a little walking there, as they have benches and rest points all around them... But parking isn't cheap. After reading so many threads on here about people applying for PIP and being refused... it's making me wonder if I should at all... I'm not asking for expecting a disabled badge or motability car... I desperately need a little extra help so I can perhaps pay for a little more fuel each month, or parking charges... an extra £20 a week would have a huge impact provided it wasn't taken away from my other benefits like ESA/LHA. If I get the forms... where can I get help to fill them in... a lot of it seems designed to confuse and deliberately make it as hard as possible to complete. I think doing it my own will only result in me not bothering like I did last time... which is what I now think is the main objective of the form.
  15. In January I returned my daughter's Christmas present to the shop to be exchanged. I booked using Parcel2go and they in turn used myHermes as the courier. T he parcel was lost. My problem is this...I dropped the parcel at a drop off shop. I returned to the shop and they looked on the CCTV for me and it clearly shows my parcel being collected by the myHermes courier. The parcel was never scanned in not once. Parcel2go claim that they they have no liability due to their t's & c's. My understanding is that if the t's and c's are unreasonable then they can be held liable? They have offered me a refund to the value of the insurance that I took out (which is less than the true value). I am claiming the full value of the goods that they lost - this is purely because I know that the courier never once scanned the item. Had they followed their own procedure and still lost the item I would have accepted the insurance money. Surely they can't just do what they want with people's parcels and never be accountable? Advice please, I have sent a letter before action and they haven't moved so next stop is court action. Thanks in advance for helpful comments
  16. Hello I'm a bit non-plussed on this one but I've had a letter from Barclaycard claiming they have sold on a debt from a card I've never had amounting to over 6k and now a letter from Robinson Way asking for payment. I've had this some years ago from BC and sent a letter to say it's not my account, they returned a large document of T&Cs as a reply??? Can anyone advise on how to deal with this ... send another letter? Wait for a summons? From what I read Robinson Way use some nasty tactics.
  17. Hello, Really need some help. Last Thursday I went outside to go to work and my car was clamped. Rang the bailiff and they have been chasing me at my old address for the last year. I moved address in November 2015 but didn't update my address with my lease company until January 2016. I never received any notification of the fines, if I did I would have paid them. Have got a few over the past year and always paid. There is two fines outstanding totalling £1104. The fines were all in December 2015 I have spoken to (TEC) and filed the statutory declaration and out of time declaration. I don't really know what to do from here or what happens as talking to the council is impossible and all the bailiff says is that the clamp stays on pending appeal. Is this correct? I really need my car for work and this is a nightmare. Can anyone give me some advice? Is there anything I can do to get the car de-clamped pending the appeal? Thanks
  18. Hi I need a bit of advice regarding trying to get £626.24 from Expedia for car hire which never turned up at the airport. I paid by credit card Halifax hoping this would ensure if anything went wrong - I should have know. After repeated emails and phone calls to Halifax/Lloyds they told me they couldn't claim our money back as the car was waiting for us at the airport (which it wasn't) - they just took Expedia's word for it - what can I do. Below is an email I sent to Halifax outling all the details/times/dates screen shots etc On the 24th May I paid Expedia £626.24 online using my Halifax credit card for 11 days car hire in Corfu from 14th July 2016 to 25 July 2016 with collection at 10pm at Corfu airport *see screenshot. On the 25th May I called Expedia to add a baby car seat to my reservation. I was informed by Expedia to call the Corfu office to arrange this, they gave me their number 0030 2109735000. The car hire company in Corfu added a car seat at an extra cost of £33.00 which I agreed to pay at the airport upon collection. The Corfu office then advised me I would also be charged £18 for a late pick up after 9pm. I told them this was not included in the original price when I booked online and there was nothing on the website to say this was an extra charge. The Corfu office advised me to contact Expedia. Expedia told me to pay the additional cost and email them the receipt and they would reimburse me (see email screenshot). This concerned me so I did some research and looked at Expedia's reviews on Trip advisor with regards to car hire in Corfu which only increased my concerns. I was so concerned that I called the Corfu office a week before we went on holiday to check that they had a 7-seater car with car seat and that they were aware we would be arriving at 9:45 local time. I was assured by the people in the Corfu office that they were aware of my requirements and everything would be fine. They also took mine & my wife's mobile contact numbers. Our flight from Manchester (Flight# LS951) on the 14th July 2016 was delayed before take-off by aprox 30mins. We arrived at Corfu airport at about 10pm local time. We left the departure lounge about 10:20pm local time passing all the car hire companies and holiday reps holding placards with company logos and the names of people they were expecting. I checked each one asking if they were waiting for Mr Ewing regardless of whether they had my name on the card or not. No-one was waiting for me. I left my wife and four children, the youngest only 18mths old, whilst I made inquiries with every single car hire, coach transfer and taxi desk inside and outside the airport to find the car hire company without any success. I called the car hire company at 10:50 local time and got voicemail *see phone screenshot. I called back one minute later (10:51) and this time a guy answered who took my name & number, said he would look into it & call me back. At about 11pm it was clear that everybody who'd arrived on that flight had left and there was just me and my family in a very small, empty airport with one departure exit. Me, my wife & 4 very tired & hungry children stood around the empty airport and waited for another half an hour for a phone call that never happened. At about 23:20, with no sign of any car we decided our only option was to get a taxi to our accommodation at a cost of 101 Euros. At 21.38 GMT (23.38 local time) *see phone screen shot, I received a call from the car hire company wanting to know where I was? I explained that as we had been waiting at the airport with no sign of any hire car for over an hour we'd got a taxi to our resort. The guy took our phone number and said he would call someone and to wait for a return call. The 1st phone call was to see what he could do. The second phone call was to tell us he would ask if he could get the car delivered to us next day at our resort. The 3rd phone call was to tell us to call the office tomorrow morning to see what they could do as nobody was available. The following day they called me at 8:35GMT/10:35 local time *see screen shot, for 14 minutes. The lady I spoke to preceded to argue with me insisting that the car had been available at the airport as arranged. She asked me if I thought they were lying which struck me as odd? The lady said that the car could not be delivered to Sidari and if not collected by 5pm the following day, at the airport, the car would be hired to someone else. As we desperately needed this car I said that I would try to organise transport back to the airport to collect the car myself. I also said that I would contact them beforehand if there was a problem getting there by 5pm as my wife has a disability and is unable to look after all 4 children alone. After trying many different avenues to get to the airport (the local bus service & travel back would have taken about 4/5hrs) I just couldn't do it without realistically taking my wife and four children back to the airport in a taxi at a cost of another 101 Euros. When I called the office they promptly reminded me that they couldn't deliver the car and the order would be cancelled. I asked about a refund of the £626.24 I had paid weeks in advance which they said was nothing to do with them and I would have to speak to Expedia. I called Expedia on Monday the 18th July *see screen shot, to log my complaint. They said they would look into the matter and call me within 24hrs to confirm the refund had been authorised. They didn't call back. At this time I had had enough of the whole disastrous situation that had so far cost me £626.24 plus 101 Euros, numerous international calls from my mobile at my expense as well as taking up the first 3 days of my holiday – we never did hire a car which made everything more difficult as we'd chosen a secluded location because we knew we'd have a car. The day after I arrived home, 26th July, I called Expedia *see screenshot, who told me the matter was still being looked into and that I would receive confirmation of a refund by email. I am still waiting to hear back from them. I want a full refund of £626.24 and if necessary will forfeit the extra costs incurred as mentioned above. Please find enclosed screen shots of all phone calls made, copies of emails and other relative correspondence received from the car hire company.
  19. Hello, Please can somebody help me. I am new to this forum and feeling rather desperate and anxious. I have received a 2nd (and final) debt recovery letter from Eos Solutions who are collecting a debt for EDF Energy for a supply address that I have never ever lived at. The supply dates for the supply address are from May 2014- May 2016. My address that I've lived in for over 10 years is very similar to the debt/ supply address except I live in a street, the debt supply address was in a block of flats. I called Edf Energy last week to explain the situation and also that the supply adress for which they are owed the debt from no longer exists. The block of flats went into demolition last summer, so it baffles me who they supplied energy to after the summer as there was no flat in existance. They seem very reluctant to help me; 1. I don't have a customer reference number to quote them (I've never been a customer of them), 2. The only way they can help me is if I give them my name and other details which I was not willing to do so. They have the necaessary information to find out who lived at their supply address and pass on the correct details to Eos Solutions but it seems that they don't care as long as they get their money back. So in short, I'm being chased for money for a supply address that I've never lived in nor ever been supplied energy by Edf. How do I tell Eos Solutions that the addressee and address do not match the supply address and that they need to stop hassling me for money? I do not owe anyone any money, never even owned a credit card in my life . Any help would be gratefully appreciated. I'm really scared that they will now come knocking on my door demanding money or removing things from my house. Should I call them or is it better to write to them? Thank you
  20. Hello fellow members - Last night looking at my credit report I found that a CCJ has been issued against me on 16th November 2016 from Northampton County Court (Information Source - Registry Trust Ltd) to pay approx. £300. This is issued to the address I lived between Aug 2014 and October 2015 as a lodger. Obviously not living there, I've not had any letters etc. from court. The only way I found out about this is last night looking at my credit score. I've never had any credit cards, phone contracts etc. which I took whilst being on that address. I can not think of anything which could result into a CCJ at all. How do I find out what is it all about? And should I try to investigate now and contact court ? I really want to do right thing and don't want stupid things like debt collectors coming to our new home we've literally bought. Do I have to go to a solicitor? I'm more concerned of this CCJ being my record and not the money solely. I've never done or intend to do anything wrong. My credit score has been badly affected and it might also affect my application for British Citizenship I guess which I am soon going to apply ! I couldn't sleep well last night and very stressed. Please can you help? Many thanks
  21. 1 Date of the infringement 20/04/2017 2 Date on the NTK [this must have been received within 14 days from the 'offence' date] No PCN/NTK received (no change of address or other reasoning for NTK not being received) 3 Date received Letter from ZZPS received 04/07/2017 4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? [y/n?] No PCN/NTK received 5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event? No PCN/NTK received (contacted ZZPS to inform them I was not aware of the infringement and wanted evidence to prove the allegation) 6 Have you appealed? {y/n?] post up you appeal] Not yet. I have contacted ZZPS to request they refer their claim back to their client and ask them to supply evidence Have you had a response? [Y/N?] post it up YES from ZZPS Good morning, Please be advised, we have been instructed by our client to pursue the outstanding balance. Our client confirms that this Parking Charge Notice has been issued correctly, all previous correspondence has been sent out and the correct procedure has been followed. We will not be referring this matter back to them. Upon reviewing our client's system, I can confirm that a Parking Charge Notice was sent, via post, on 22 May 2017, to the details provided to them by the DVLA. These are the same details we hold on our system. This site is private land. The landowner has employed our client to issue these Parking Charge Notices on their land. A motorist will be made aware of the terms and conditions of parking at the location by way of the signage located at the site. All of your client's signage is approved by the British Parking Association (BPA) and this site is audited regularly to ensure it complies with the BPA's Code of Practice. As advised above, we have been instructed by our client to pursue payment of the outstanding balance. Please arrange payment of this. I have placed the account on hold until 27 July 2017 to allow you time to make your payment, please refer to the reverse of our letters for payment methods available to you. In the absence of payment, the hold on this account will expire and the account will be left to progress accordingly, where further fees may be incurred. 7 Who is the parking company? One Parking Solution Ltd 8. Where exactly [carpark name and town] This information hasn't been provided although I have requested it. The information on the DCA letter states Plough Lane, London, sw19 8gt. This is a public highway to my knowledge and doesn't have parking spaces as it is a busy main road. The postcode and road name also don't match up when entered into google maps For either option, does it say which appeals body they operate under. No but the BPA logo is present in their letter If you have received any other correspondence, please mention it here Only correspondence received is from ZZPS posted above. I should probably also add that I have no recollection of this event ever happening and the letter from zzps states that the time of issue was 20:57 and checking my calendar against that time and date I was at work. I have checked my clock card with HR and they confirm I clocked in for work at 20:34 on that date. I should add that I work around the corner from the vague location given on the DCA letter.
  22. Hello everyone .. I need your advice on a peculiar situation I'm in now. Two weeks ago I received a notice of removal from a bailiff for a debt of £1030 owed to the City and County of Swansea. I went to the bailiff's office they said it's about 3 parking fines from last year. I don't own a car, a driving license and I don't even know how to drive. I went to the council they said there is a car registered in my name and my address. I went to DVLA and filed a complaint that I am not the owner of the car. DVLA said it will take three weeks to process. My guess is someone with the same name but different address is the owner of the car. Both the council and DVLA have a previous address for me which I know nothing about. I arrived in the UK one year ago to study and I have only one address which is a room in a house shared by other students. I filled a TE7:TE9 form and I stated that I am not the owner of the vehicle and I live only in one address. I attached my tenancy agreement, my visa with the entry date on it, my police registration certificate with my address that I registered as soon as I arrived. I also attached a letter from my landlord that this is my only address and that I don't own a car. The bailiff action is now on hold. I received a copy of the council's letter to TEC, the council rejected my application and they request the court to change the address on the warrant to my address claiming that I am the same person and I changed addresses. They ignored all the evidence that I submitted and argued that I didn't submit any evidence from DVLA. When I went to DVLA the first time they said the registration number doesn't exist in their database, and I stated this in the TE7:TE9 form. But when I went again I discovered that they have mistaken the number zero for a letter O and there is actually a car registered with my name. But this was too late to include in the TE7:TE9 form. The council states in the letter that "although it is apparent that I might have not received correspondence from them it's my responsibility to make sure I receive mail after a change of address". I am worried that TEC will also reject my application and approves the council's decision, should I seek a legal representation? Any advice will be appreciated ... Thank you
  23. i have a question i know someone who has never paid council tax he lives with his grandmother last 20 years rent free food free everything free he does not work and he has no respect for her. she is 89 . i would like to tell the council but i know he will just get her to paid it !! she has dementia, and does not no what she is doing. would the council hold him accountable for the recovery or his poor grandmother ?
  24. Hi, i wonder if anybody can give me some advice.. I have just gone through a credit reference check to rent a house, i have done this before without any issue and even had a mortgage approved so my finances are good (988 score on experian!) . I work full time and have always paid my bills, i have no overdraft or credit cards. The letting agent flagged up a CCJ on my account from 07/06/2013 which was filed by Npower for £2,185. I moved out of this property on 01/03/2012 after only living there for 12 months. I worked 12 hours a day, 6 days a week and for the last 3 months i barely spent anytime there as i met my current partner. During the first 6 months i was sent a bill for almost a £1000 from Npower for my electricity. I immediately rang Npower as this 1 bedroom under dwelling which i was barely in could not realistically cost that much for electricity. My mum paid less for a 4 bedroom house over a year. They agreed this seemed high and agreed to send out an engineer to look at the meter. It was agreed that the meter did have a problem and the engineer agreed also that the house could never use that much electricity with the amount of electrical items i had and that i was one person there with a very busy job. The outcome was that they were going to remove the meter and put in a pre-paid meter. a few days later they changed the meter, i recieved a pre-pay card. I rang Npower and as far as they were concerned the problem had been sorted i paid a more realistic bill of a couple of hundred pounds and I continued using the pre-paid meter which cost me £10-15 per week for the amount i was there and i continued with this for the remaining 9 months without any correspondence from npower. In 2012 i moved in with my partner and have done since. Now I have found out that Npower actually filed a CCJ for the amount of £2,185 for this address. I have no paperwork as i cleared out old paperwork after relocating to the south. I have never recieved a letter about a CCJ or any arrears. Can anyone give me advice? I am not prepared to pay this extortionate amount. Thanks
  25. My good friend is in a financial mess.. ..he owes thousands to a number of companies and the debts have been sold on several times. He is making small payments on each debt every month and has had the interest frozen but it is going to take him years to pay these off. He cannot go for an IVA or bankruptcy due to the nature of his employment. Any suggestions as to how we can agree an end date with these companies, with hopefully a proportion of the debts written off? He is very demoralised at the prospect of making these payments for the next 30 or 40 years, or until he dies.... He is a proud man and wants to pay what he can, and keep working but the only option I can see is for him to do an IVA or bankruptcy and lose his job and go on benefits which he does not want to do. Any ideas??
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