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  1. Please can you guys advise me what I can do. The Third party insurance making it very difficult and seem like they are looking for ways not to pay. If this is the case I will be liable for the costs, which would set me back in life. Background 1.I had a collision, and claimed for the damage to my car personal injury. (it was non-fault but the Third party claimed 50/50). The case went one. 2. Third Party gave me a cheque for half on non-prejudice basis. The day they sent this, My solicitor took the hire car back from me. 3. Cheques take some time to clear, However I saw a car I liked. I asked for a loan from my cousin, on the basis that I pay him back when the cheque clears. (he previously said no, as I had nothing to pay him back. A few months down the line my solicitor called me. They cant get a better offer than 50/50. Its his word against mine. I asked what will happen to the hire car fees. They said you will get half. The other half will be written off by the hire company. I agreed. I thought everything was done,. but 7 weeks later... Issues 1. Third party wants proof I brought a car (I give them insurance documents) 2. Third party checks my bank statements. They ask were is the transaction for the car. (The car was brought cash in hand, I gave them proof of the bank transactions of my cousin loaning me money, plus screen shots from his bank. And screen shot that he paid my insurance money. 3. Third party gets in touch again. Where is the cheque we gave you and why did you not borrow money earlier. (I sent a screen shot of the cheque in my bank and said no one wanted to give me a loan) but once the cheque was posted I had people willing to loan me money as I had means to pay them back. not heard anything back yet. Questions Why are they making it so hard? I just want this to over. My life has been put on hold. Because I am afraid of what may happen if they refuse to pay. I seen many posters around about the same situations, but never the final result. I just don't want to keep prolonging this. I have provided enough evidence to show the need for a hire car, plus they have my bank statements they know my financial situation. what more do you think they can ask?
  2. I will try and be as brief as possible with this. My partner hired a taxi from a local cab hire firm back in July 2017. He paid a deposit on taking the car. The original car had a lot of problems and kept getting taken into the garage for repairs. As it was licensed to another county, they could not provide another vehicle when repairs were being made and therefore could not work. Another time with this particular car, was told it was repaired, filled the tank £50 and then it broke down again (no recovery or breakdown service offered either, despite paying £200 per week!). They said they would get a replacement car, told it would be an Octavia - then given a Dacia Logan (may be fine for nipping around town) totally not cut out for taxi work! Still paying the same rent. As he got licenced locally, he asked for a locally licensed car (to avoid past issues). They dragged their heels with this and finally got given another Dacia in Jan 18 despite saying he didn't want another Dacia as it is majorly uncomfortable to work in. Finally managed to get our own car plated so returned the car to taxi hire firm. I emailed and checked account balance was zero and have email to confirm it was. Contract states a period of 6 weeks for return of initial deposit. Waited the six weeks, didn't get it, I called and was told no it was 8 weeks and would be paid on a certain date. Waited another two weeks, still nothing. Called again and told the woman who deals with it is on holiday. Chased again the following week to then get an email stating that as he did not keep the last car for 6 weeks that he would not be getting back his original deposit and also that he owed them about £150. This figure is not correct and is due to their errors when car was taken in for repair etc half way through the week when rent was paid in advance. I called CAB and they have told me to write letter to them with the argument that it was a continuation of the original contract as he had a car from them permanently from July 17 to Feb 18. I just wondered if anyone can help me out with some wording for the letter to them. I have heard that many other people have had trouble getting deposits back. The company are highly unprofessional imo. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  3. Hi, I am looking for some guidance. My partner who has a private hire cab stopped outside a restaurant and went in looking for a customer (not realising that it was in fact a loading bay). Came out to find a ticket on the car. The PCN states that the offence code is 02 'Parked or loading/unloading in a restricted street where waiting and loading/unloading restrictions are in force'. This is under s78 civil enforcement of parking contraventions under the traffic management act 2004. The time the contravention was observed was only 1 minute. I am just wondering if he has any grounds to appeal this. The time was 17:52. We will go past and look at the signage tomorrow but this is what is showing on google street view (realise this may have changed since).
  4. Hi, Having aggravation with a second hand car purchase (in another thread). Feeling a bit of financial pressure. Need to get to Stansted Airport so I thought I'd give a One-way for a £1 rental a go. No luck here either it seems. Booked and paid for a £1 one-way rental from Europcar. Online booking was a bit slow but seemed to go ok. Got a confirmation back and all looked fine. 48hrs before I'm due to pick up I get 2 emails saying don't forget to prepare for your rental and please remember your driving licence etc. 3p.m. today, (19hrs before) scheduled pick-up I get a call from an unknown number to my mobile. It's from the pick-up location for the car and the woman says, 'we don't have a car for you tomorrow, so we're cancelling your booking". I explain that with less than 24hrs notice I'm not impressed and can she please give me a written explanation as to why this is? She refuses and says, "I've told you twice we don't have a car for you". So, I call Customer Services which wastes more time. They say 'It's nothing to do with them and you need to speak with "reservations". Another call and more waste, and yep you guessed it, they say, 'nothing to do with us, you need to speak to the branch.' They do say that the branch should be sorting it out and organising another vehicle, but I'm not sure the call agent has got a full understanding of the problem. So out of interest, I go back to the online reservation and find that there's a vehicle available under the same scheme, with the same destination drop off, for the same dates, but from another not too distant branch. Call Customer Services - No use at all. Can't do anything about it. Verbal acknowledgement that it's not good Customer Service, but they can't do anything. So, I book the vehicle from the alternate location via the web site even though it will be more time consuming for me. Then I go back to the reservation system and there it now shows a vehicle available from the original location for return to Stansted. Just like the one that was cancelled a couple of hours earlier. (I have copied all of this information) Oh. In case anyone else is trying to use this system. It comes up with a "How can we Help You - Web Chat/we'll phone you back" dialog. - This goes to Barcelona and a very nice call agent who is absolutely no use as they can't do anything with these bookings. Question then please: The rental agreement - I believe it's only binding after you have signed at pick-up? , but does a contract exits before this and are they in breach of contract? Certainly their T&C says a whole lot about what the bailee can and can't and how if you don't show for your rental they can charge you £85. Which rather suggests they would like to impose a 'fine' for a customer breaching a contract or have I got that all wrong? Have help greatly appreciated.
  5. Hi guys, Google has brought me here as it appears a few of you have had similar issues to the one I'm having. Car crashed into back of mine while I was stopped at lights, guy accepted responsibility and his insurer contacted me to arrange repairs (Well, actually their repairer contacted me, I never once heard from the insurer as I recall) They also arranged a replacement vehicle for me which I assumed to be a courtesy car but in fact, as I now know, turned out to be a credit hire. I'm now getting solicitors letters because the insurer is now refusing to pay out for the car and I, like a few others here, have been asked to provide bank statements and credit card bills to aid recovery of the money. I'm confused how this is anything to do with me bearing in mind I had no involement in any of the arrangements and as far as I'm aware, sued the services approved by their insurer. P.S. I've spoken to my insurance who gave me a big "Not my problem"
  6. I recently rented a car via a 3rd party website. After the rental I found out I had been charged extra for damage and theft excess protection insurance by the 3rd party website on top of the quoted price. I don't need the extra insurance as I already have travel insurance on my credit card which includes this. Upon checking their website I see it is checked automatically but not included in the headline price. It's up to you to un check it and opt out. Unfortunately I missed this. I emailed them and asked for it to be cancelled but they refused on the grounds that the rental had already started. I booked the car 1.5 hours before pick up so there was no way I would have spotted this before I picked the car up as it didn't appear on my credit card statement until next day. I thought all these pre selected charges requiring an opt out had been banned now. Is it worth disputing the extra charge with my credit card company?
  7. I hired a van from Sixt Car Hire in Leeds in early June in order to move my belongings to a new house. I hired the van just for the day and used Sixt as the prices were competitive and they were located nearby. When I picked up the van I was shown around it and giving a considerably long list of pre-existing damages. It was clear the van had been in quite a few incidents before as there was considerable dents, scuffs, scratches etc. When I rent a car I usually take my own pictures of the car but stupidly didn’t in this case mostly due to the tight time schedule I had for being able to access the loading area near my flat (my fault). I used the van for the day without incident. When I returned the van, the office was closed and there was no one there to receive me or check the van. There was only a locked drop box for hire keys. The van could only be left in the car park which has no gate or fence, just open to the public. The next day I received an email from Sixt saying thank you for using them and my deposit was returned. A few weeks later I received an email saying there was damage to the van and that I was liable to pay £586 pounds in damages. They attached a form which had a box for me to state whether or not I believed I was responsible for the damages. I said that I wasn’t and that there were no incidents whilst the van was hired to me. About a month passed and I received an email from Sixt stating that they reviewed my response and decided I was responsible for the damages and that I had two weeks to pay them the money. In response I requested that they please send me time stamped photos of the damages before and after I hired the van and proof that the van wasn’t damaged after I left it in the drop off area. Sixt didn’t acknowledge my email and just responded that I had 14 days to pay the damages. I again replied requesting the data and attached the previous email I had sent to them and stated that I formally was disputing the claims. Sixt then responded with photos of the van which when I looked at the files had no time stamp on them. There is also no photo which shows the claimed damages as well as the van in the same photo. Only far away photos of the van I hired and then very close up photos of the damages where you can’t see any distinguishable details of the van. They also have not responded about how no one was there to receive and check the van when I dropped it off. Two days later I received an email from Sixt stating the following: Further to our previous letters regarding the above damage, we have still not received your payment for the claim. This account will now be passed to our external solicitors to commence recovery action against you unless you make a payment within 14 days. I have no idea what I can do to refute this, I didn’t damage the van and feel that I have no way of defending myself. I feel like if I don’t pay the damages the fees will just get larger. If anyone could please advise I would be very grateful. Steph
  8. Car hire sites to provide full costs upfront after CMA action READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/car-hire-sites-to-provide-full-costs-upfront-after-cma-action
  9. Just received a pcn for failiure to comply with a street sign from a London council. The date of the alledged offence was 17/10/17. and the date of the pcn is 12/12/17 is this outside of the timelimits for such service obviously they've got the details from the hire company many thanks in advance
  10. I was involved in a very minor collision whereby someone drove into the back of me. My car was booked in for repair at a local accident repair centre. The other Party's insurer arranged a hire car from Europcar for me to use whilst my car was in for repair. I was contacted by Europcar who gave me a time to meet its representative at the repair centre and told me I would need to sign for the car and provide Identification. On arrival at the agreed time, I was told by the receptionist that the representative from Europcar had already dropped the hire car off. I did not sign any agreement or show any identification. After 2 days my car was repaired and ready for collection. I contacted the other party's Insurance to ask what I should do about the hire car, they told me to leave the hire car at the repair centre and they would contact Europcar to off-hire the vehicle. A week later I received a phone call from Europcar asking me where I had left the vehicle. I explained as above and that was that. I have now received a letter saying there was damage to the car that I am liable for. I have responded via email saying that I dispute this on the basis that firstly I did not sign any terms and conditions and that secondly the vehicle was off-hired 7 days before it was actually collected from the repairs centre. Any other advice?
  11. Transport for London have turned down application by uber, they have 21 days to appeal.
  12. Hi, I rented car via Ryan Air for a holiday in Italy. Long and short is the Italian representative at the car hire firm wanted to charge me for an upgrade as they did not have the car I ordered and also would not accept my credit card as security for the hire as I did not know the PIN (they wanted to charge the upgrade cost). So the rental did not go ahead, they refused. I then rented car from another well known provider in the same area who happily used my card without the PIN to process a new rental After complaining to Ryan Air, they have sent me: "As you did not know the PIN, there is no refund due in this instance. However, we can appreciate that your placement fee for this booking was quite high and so I have now proposed a partial refund of £178.93 as a gesture of good will." This is £100 short of the fee I paid. My question is, is it worth pursuing via small claims court or accepting the above ?
  13. Hello, a CSH newbie here. Please can anyone offer me advice on how to progress this ... I've received a PCN (Parking Charge Notice) via Enterprise Rent-A-Car, informing me of an alleged offence committed at Calder Park, Wakefield, on 31st October 2018, whilst driving one of their hire cars. The contravention carried a £60 fine which Enterprise have automatically paid to VCS (Sheffield) and they've now passed the bill onto me together with a £25 Admin Fee. I was driving the car on company business and the resultant £85 has been taken directly from my salary. The thing is, I don't believe I've committed and offence but because of Enterprise's actions I feel that I have lost my right to appeal, please could you advise what I can do? I've written a polite letter to VCS to offer my version of events in an attempt to appeal the charge, but this was 3 weeks ago and I've had no reply. Thanks for any help. Stuart
  14. Dear CAG members, I hope someone here could help us with something urgent. We only have been given 7 days for this. We hired a SIXT car from London for 1 week. When my partner and I collected the vehicle the vehicle was very dirty. I said I didn't mind it, as I didn't want to wait for 30 minutes for the agent to clean it. However, my partner said that we should have them clean it, so we could see the damages that are already present. "Fair point..." the agent said, "...but remember you have paid a premium for zero excess, so it doesn't matter what damages are present already, as any new damage would not be charged to you anyway". We thought great, but let's get it cleaned anyway as it's for mother in law's 60th birthday road trip... After the car was cleaned we were handed the keys back at the booth, told were the agent left it and sent on our way without any further taking note of anything. I was given a receipt that had all the existing damages on there. When we got home to pick up our luggage I noticed a large 10cm scratch on the rear bumper that wasn't on the receipt I've been given. It definitely wasn't us as it looked like a cast concrete bollard got it, or something with similar texture, and we didn't come past any. Anyway, we didn't have time to go back to the hire place to make this known as we had mother waiting at the train station and thought it wouldn't matter anyway as we paid for zero excess. Now, when we returned the vehicle Saturday just gone, the agent (different one this time) asked where we parked, then went to check the vehicle, noted the additional scratch, came back to us and asked me to sign the scratch on his PDA to acknowledge it. I said, we paid for Zero excess, what am I signing here? Will I be charged? He said, no, no, you won't be charged, as you paid a premium, you just need to acknowledge it. So I signed and my partner and I left. Today I had an email from SIXT saying that they are making a claim for the damage and that the online form needs to be filled in and submitted within 7 days. Because I have been registered as the main driver (mother in law was the additional driver) I now have to deal with this insurance claim and I am now worried that once the claim is submitted by SIXT, the insurers will make this known on the whole insurers network, so that next time I am looking to renew my own van insurance I will be hit with a much higher premium. I feel like SIXT have been waiting for someone like us, who they can lure into thinking that any damage unrecorded won't matter, so that they can make a claim for damages later on at my cost. Can somebody please advise what I should do? I was thinking of just writing in the statement that I am not assuming liability for the damage as it was already there. Attached is a screen shot of the form.
  15. I had a non fault accident in July 2011. Stupidly i entered into a credit car hire agreement and should have done my homework first. eventually the other insurer admitted liability and thought everything was settled as i got a letter saying this. A few days ago i got a letter from a solicitor saying that payment for their services have not been paid (Car hire), and they will be raising court action within 14 days against other party. Also states that they will not seek payment from me as long as i co operate etc. ... Had this same letter in 2013. Have read on here about statute barred and see that in Scotland its 5 years. Im in Scotland but the company is in England. Any advice you could offer? I done all my worrying in 2011 after reading horror stories so no point me getting all stressed again. I'll go with the flow Thanks
  16. I took out a hire purchase agreement on a new car in 2009, in Scotland. Two years later in 2011, I ran into relationship issues and became homeless with no fixed abode. I lost track of life in general and became very lackadaisical with money. Circa Feb 2012 I received a call on my mobile from a man, whom never identified him self. I answered. He told me I had not been keeping up with payments and I should hand my car back. I said I'd check the bank and would report back. I never did get back to him. In 2016 after hearing nothing about the debt for 4 years, I started receiving numerous letters, almost daily, from Link Financial at my current address (don't know how they found me) telling me I owe them £12k. I didn't acknowledge the letters as I was under the assumption the debt would be "statute barred" within a few months. After the date that I believed the debt was time barred, they sent a letter telling me they would be passing it on to a law firm. Several months and nothing. Then a letter from this law firm appeared. Strongly worded. A breakdown of what it says is: - They are acting on behalf of Link. - The agreement is now terminated. - Their clients are the owners of the vehicle, they have been instructed to recover it along with a payment of £2200. - The balance after the fact will be £9.8k however the sale of the vehicle will reduce the outstanding balance. - Failure to pay and return the vehicle may result in court action being raised which may result in wage arrestment etc etc. Now is this them just using scare tactics and upping their game, or do I have a case to answer here. The facts from my end are: - The last payment I made to the original creditor was August 2011 - On my credit report, the default date of the account is October 2011. An entry made by Link Financial. - The car is not reported as stolen but does have a HPI marker. - No CCJ or court action has been raised before. - Approx 40% of the original agreement was paid, if it bares any relevance. After which I failed to keep up payments and the original creditor passed the debt on. Advice very much appreciated. Extremely worried as I don't know if these are scare tactics or I could now be facing serious trouble.
  17. I am currently in a similar situation and wondered if you can give me a bit of advice. https://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?472364-Advice-needed-Claims-management-company-court-case&p=5087639#post5087639 Like you i accepted a hire vehicle after a non fault accident and told auxillis/principia that i was not in a financial position to pay for a hire car myself upfront. I don't consider myself to be in a financial position despite savings accounts, as the savings are for a purpose and i didn't think that it was reasonable for me to go into my savings to foot the bill for a hire car, with no idea what the cost would be/when i would be reimbursed. Principia are still having issues claiming back the hire car charges from the defendants insurers and i am at the stage where i need to provide bank statements. If you don't mind me asking, how has it gone for you in terms of having savings in the bank? I can justify the reasons why i have sums of money in various bank accounts (saving for a wedding etc), but do they take this on board when you submit all of your financial details to them? Any advice is much appreciated as i am stressed the death!!
  18. Hey, I am trying to sort out my finances and the car is massive chunk. We took the loan out in Oct 2015 and has been paying £424 p/month of which just over £150 is being used to pay the capital - the rest is interest. When can I ask to return the car and where does the half way point hit ? is it once half the loan value has been paid (half the cars purchase price) or once have the total loan value (inc interest) has been paid? Many Thanks Scott
  19. Hi I own a small company with 3 employees only been running since April this year I had booked a holiday and 4 days before I went away one of my employees left without warning. I had no choice but to contact my local agency to employ a temp worker to cover the period I was away 10 days in all . It was quite a straightforward process with just a couple of forms to fill in and sign one of which was thier terms of business . All done over the telephone with the forms being emailed back etc . I queried the hourly rate whilst on the telephone as it wasn't written anywhere (I have never used an agency before ) and the administrator put me through to another lady whom I assume was the manager she told me that the hourly rate was £12.80 for a min of 8 hours a day and then after that it was time and a half. The ten days would include 2 saturdays and a bank holiday . The agency asked me to pay up front as apparently they take a line of credit to ensure that each worker is paid but thier credit company wouldn't lend agaginst my company as it had been newly formed . I thought this was a bit strange and said no I'm not prepared to pay upfront but would pay for the first three days after they had been completed and then the remaining 7 days a couple of days after they had been completed which they agreed to . Due to the nature of the work I insisted that I must have the same person for the duration of the contract which again they agreed to. The agency worker turned up as arranged and I went on holiday.... after the first three days I received an invoice from the agency as promised but to my horror they had charged the whole of sat as time and a half. I queried this by email as I was away and corresponded with the lady who had told me about the hourly rate. When I asked why the whole of sat was charged as overtime her written reponse was sorry I didn't mention it but this practice is common knowledge within the industry everybody pays sat and bank holidays as overtime otherwise they wouldn't get people to work.so I replied that she knew I was a new customer she knew I was having the worker over the weekend and bank holiday so why not mention in the telephone call that sat and bank holidays are classed as overtime ?? To which she apologised again for not telling me but she thought I was not new . Thier terms of business says hourly rate etc to be agreed in writing I have nothing from them in writing stating what the hourly rate would be just the verbal confirmation during the telephone call backed up by her email apologising for not telling me about the changes on sat and bank holiday . I'm away on holiday and am panicking that if I kick up about the invoice that she will pull the worker and leave me in the right brown stuff. So against my better judgement I pay it but send an email complaining I'm not happy .To which I get no response So 4 days later I get a phone call from the agency saying the original worker is leaving today but he is going to be replaced by another worker who will be doing the rest of the week (3 days remaining )....as you can imagine I kick off big time especially after I'd gone to all the effort of insisting that I needed the same worker for the 10'days apparently the worker had been contacted by another employer that he Temps for and wanted to go and work for them apparently the agency can't stop him from doing this which again I was not told about especially as I had lengthy conversations with the agency about this . So I eventually agree to having the replacement guy and then when I speak with the new guy on the telephone in the evening he tells me that he can only do the last two days as he has commitments on the last day which apparently the agency knew about !! That is the final straw so I have cancelled the work for the last day as don't want to use the agency again as too much grief . I will be getting the invoice for the last period of work soon so would like to know if I can deduct the rate increase that I paid originally whilst I was away from the new invoice ,and go down the line I wasn't told it's not written down anywhere etc and can I do anything about having to cancel the last working day and being mucked around etc with different staff etc this company are a joke and I will never use them again Any thoughts greatly appreciated !!
  20. Hi there guys, I booked a hire car through a 3rd party (indigo car hire) They used AVIS for the rental at Dublin airport and we agreed on taking out the extra CDW insurance meaning I didn't have to pay any excess or deposit. I was arriving at the airport on the last flight and the AVIS desk was closing at 11:30. I had to rush to make it there on time...I handed them my printed info from indigo car hire and she asked if I was taking out the CDW to which I replied "yes" She asked me to sign in 3 places...I made the payment and we had the key and we were on our way. On my return to the UK I checked my bank and I noticed the amount they had taken on my card was more than my original agreement. I queried this with AVIS and they stated that "personal accident insurance" and "windscreen insurance" had been added. I explained that I had not asked for this to be added and the person at the airport certainly didn't ask me if I wanted it added. AVIS stated...it doesn't matter...you signed the form so you have automatically agreed to it. And also...you cannot dispute a transaction once you have left the airport. Is there anything at all I can do? Do I have a leg to stand on? This was the first time I have ever rented a car and it has really put me off!! Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks a bunch!
  21. I have tenants that have refused to leave the property even after a court order has expired. They are playing the game to get a council house and wont leave my house until the bailiffs turn up to evict them. Since they are both working they should not get a council house and their drama is causing me so much expense and stress. I have to hire Bailiffs by Monday but I dont know which ones to choose. I still have to go back to court and pay more fees and am so sick of it. Does anyone know of a good bailiff company to hire for the Birmingham area?
  22. Hi I need a bit of advice regarding trying to get £626.24 from Expedia for car hire which never turned up at the airport. I paid by credit card Halifax hoping this would ensure if anything went wrong - I should have know. After repeated emails and phone calls to Halifax/Lloyds they told me they couldn't claim our money back as the car was waiting for us at the airport (which it wasn't) - they just took Expedia's word for it - what can I do. Below is an email I sent to Halifax outling all the details/times/dates screen shots etc On the 24th May I paid Expedia £626.24 online using my Halifax credit card for 11 days car hire in Corfu from 14th July 2016 to 25 July 2016 with collection at 10pm at Corfu airport *see screenshot. On the 25th May I called Expedia to add a baby car seat to my reservation. I was informed by Expedia to call the Corfu office to arrange this, they gave me their number 0030 2109735000. The car hire company in Corfu added a car seat at an extra cost of £33.00 which I agreed to pay at the airport upon collection. The Corfu office then advised me I would also be charged £18 for a late pick up after 9pm. I told them this was not included in the original price when I booked online and there was nothing on the website to say this was an extra charge. The Corfu office advised me to contact Expedia. Expedia told me to pay the additional cost and email them the receipt and they would reimburse me (see email screenshot). This concerned me so I did some research and looked at Expedia's reviews on Trip advisor with regards to car hire in Corfu which only increased my concerns. I was so concerned that I called the Corfu office a week before we went on holiday to check that they had a 7-seater car with car seat and that they were aware we would be arriving at 9:45 local time. I was assured by the people in the Corfu office that they were aware of my requirements and everything would be fine. They also took mine & my wife's mobile contact numbers. Our flight from Manchester (Flight# LS951) on the 14th July 2016 was delayed before take-off by aprox 30mins. We arrived at Corfu airport at about 10pm local time. We left the departure lounge about 10:20pm local time passing all the car hire companies and holiday reps holding placards with company logos and the names of people they were expecting. I checked each one asking if they were waiting for Mr Ewing regardless of whether they had my name on the card or not. No-one was waiting for me. I left my wife and four children, the youngest only 18mths old, whilst I made inquiries with every single car hire, coach transfer and taxi desk inside and outside the airport to find the car hire company without any success. I called the car hire company at 10:50 local time and got voicemail *see phone screenshot. I called back one minute later (10:51) and this time a guy answered who took my name & number, said he would look into it & call me back. At about 11pm it was clear that everybody who'd arrived on that flight had left and there was just me and my family in a very small, empty airport with one departure exit. Me, my wife & 4 very tired & hungry children stood around the empty airport and waited for another half an hour for a phone call that never happened. At about 23:20, with no sign of any car we decided our only option was to get a taxi to our accommodation at a cost of 101 Euros. At 21.38 GMT (23.38 local time) *see phone screen shot, I received a call from the car hire company wanting to know where I was? I explained that as we had been waiting at the airport with no sign of any hire car for over an hour we'd got a taxi to our resort. The guy took our phone number and said he would call someone and to wait for a return call. The 1st phone call was to see what he could do. The second phone call was to tell us he would ask if he could get the car delivered to us next day at our resort. The 3rd phone call was to tell us to call the office tomorrow morning to see what they could do as nobody was available. The following day they called me at 8:35GMT/10:35 local time *see screen shot, for 14 minutes. The lady I spoke to preceded to argue with me insisting that the car had been available at the airport as arranged. She asked me if I thought they were lying which struck me as odd? The lady said that the car could not be delivered to Sidari and if not collected by 5pm the following day, at the airport, the car would be hired to someone else. As we desperately needed this car I said that I would try to organise transport back to the airport to collect the car myself. I also said that I would contact them beforehand if there was a problem getting there by 5pm as my wife has a disability and is unable to look after all 4 children alone. After trying many different avenues to get to the airport (the local bus service & travel back would have taken about 4/5hrs) I just couldn't do it without realistically taking my wife and four children back to the airport in a taxi at a cost of another 101 Euros. When I called the office they promptly reminded me that they couldn't deliver the car and the order would be cancelled. I asked about a refund of the £626.24 I had paid weeks in advance which they said was nothing to do with them and I would have to speak to Expedia. I called Expedia on Monday the 18th July *see screen shot, to log my complaint. They said they would look into the matter and call me within 24hrs to confirm the refund had been authorised. They didn't call back. At this time I had had enough of the whole disastrous situation that had so far cost me £626.24 plus 101 Euros, numerous international calls from my mobile at my expense as well as taking up the first 3 days of my holiday – we never did hire a car which made everything more difficult as we'd chosen a secluded location because we knew we'd have a car. The day after I arrived home, 26th July, I called Expedia *see screenshot, who told me the matter was still being looked into and that I would receive confirmation of a refund by email. I am still waiting to hear back from them. I want a full refund of £626.24 and if necessary will forfeit the extra costs incurred as mentioned above. Please find enclosed screen shots of all phone calls made, copies of emails and other relative correspondence received from the car hire company.
  23. I hired a car to be collected from Geneva airport, I paid with a Visa Debit card and paid for full insurance, which cost me £200 in total. When I tried to collect the car they asked for a credit card in my name, I don't have a credit card , the paperwork I had printed stated 'Credit card Mastercard or Visa' I read that as Visa would be acceptable but I was wrong. I rang the company with no joy so told them on the phone and backed up with an email that I would not be collecting the car. They are refusing to give me any refund, I had to hire another car at the airport which cost me £400! Is there anything I can do?
  24. The story… 7 hours roadside, No hire car & Now a Bill to pay and NO Car! Tuesday 17th November 2015 Being the amazing boyfriend i am (cough cough) i agreed to give my girlfriend a llift to work for her first week at her new company. The company is 10miles away from home in Leeds which is a 30min drive or 1 hour by bus and train. (see i am an amazing example of a man haha) We were slightly early that morning so she asked if we could go to the shop to buy her lunch instead of on her lunch break. On the way to the shop near her work i stopped to fill up with petrol at an ASDA fill up station. On returning to the car it didn’t start and the steering wheel would not unlock.. I have some knowledge of cars and tried disconnecting the battery first but the cars lights still worked and the car locked. I checked the fuses to see if any had blown (its a Renault!) and waiting for 30min to see if anything changed, which it didn’t. I felt it must have been the starter motor or solenoid that had gone. Girlfriend stressing, she walked to work and i phoned the AA at 09:00am. The AA Technician arrived almost 2 HOURS after the phone call, the technician went over the car and did the same steps i did. I asked if he can’t repair the car can he tow me to my garage that is in the same road that i live in. The Technician suggest i not use my own Garage as the AA may not cover the repair and that i should take it to an AA approved garage where i had cover to the value of up to £500 in parts for repairs which i pay a Premium for each month on top of of my AA roadside assistance, National recovery and Onward travel which includes a Hire Car for 72 hours or Hotel. I told the driver ok if that is the best way. The Technician then phoned a Tow truck and assured me one would arrive at 12:00 mid day. (3 hours after i had broken down). He then phoned a Car Hire place and told me they would phone me to arrange a car. The Technician then left me with the broken car at the Petrol station. The car company Enterprise phoned me around 11:45am and told me that they had a car near the garage the AA suggested. I told them my phone was dying at this point and that the AA said they would be towing the car at 12 mid day to the garage and asked if they could collect me from there. They said yes and we agreed on a time of 12:30 to meet. I thien got a second call back saying the branch was transferring the car to a different branch now and they would pass the details on. I then went to the ASDA to buy a charger at the cost of £12 and charged my phone up at the petrol station where the car had broken down. The phone did not die at anytime of the day. I waited alone at the same petrol station until 13:30pm until a tow truck arrived over an hour and a half later, the car was still sitting at the petrol pump as it could not be moved due to the steering that was locked. The company was not THE AA, it was an outsourced company that was supposed to have arrived earlier but had some problems. He then looked at the car too and tried the same things the AA did to start it. It took a further 20 min to load the vehicle which was in a tricky spot to rescue. I was finally on my way to a mechanic in the Tow truck drivers car. This is now 5 hours on since the breakdown.. The drive to the Garage AA near Leeds airport was approx 30min away from where the car broke down and around 45 minutes from where we live. Once we got to the Garage the car was offloaded quickly and left outside the garage in their parking lot. The parking lot was not covered. I gave the garage my personal details and Keys. They said they would look at the car the next day. I asked the Garage what i was to do as a Hire car was supposed to be there. They said they didnt know anything and said i can wait there. I phoned Enterprise and they said that the company did not have any cars and they could not get hold of me for some strange reason. I then had to wait a further 2 hours at the garage for them to get a hire car for me before being picked up and the driven to Enterprise to sign the car forms before i could leave. Taking 7 hours for this ordeal! A day after the incident i got a call from AA about the service provided and i gave them 1 out of 5 stars for their lack of services. 2 days later on Thursday around 11am i got a phone call from the Garage saying that there had been some heavy rain over the last few days and there was not good news. They said that the cars main board computer board had got wet and BEFORE they could sort out what the issue was, they would have to fix this problem. I said we are covered by AA and they must be contacted for the claim. This was not why the car stopped at the Petrol station though.. How could we have driven 30 minutes from home to the Pudsey and the Petrol station and driven every day previously if there was water damage? The car had sat outside in heavy rain at the AA recommended garage for 2 days before it was even looked at. The car was not in my care when water got inside it! AA then called at 3pm the same day and said they would not cover the claim and had me on hold for 5 minutes on their claims department. The lady suggested that the car had been broken before we arrived at the petrol station, basically telling us we are liars! How on earth can this be if we drove there! There is CCTV at the Petrol station showing we broke down once we had stopped at the pump. We had no electrical fault at this time. Even the lights and immobiliser worked when we dropped the car at the garage with the tow truck otherwise the car would not have closed or opened. We then phoned the AA and lodged a complaint and told part of the story over the phone. We got a confirmation email and a week later nothing happened. We then phoned again once we had compiled our letter to Watch dog and the Financial board of conduct. We got an instant response within an hour saying that the the claim was still our fault that there was water damage. This cannot be our fault when the car was not in our care! Our car had a started problem at the most… The Garage then phoned and said we need to pay for them to take the car apart! £55 and have the car moved otherwise we will be charged £10 for parking per day! What a bloody cheek!!!! We didn’t even want to go to the stupid AA garage and now our car is broken even more and we have a bill for taking the car apart which is now in pieces probably sitting in the rain still being more damaged and have to pay for someone to Tow it even though we pay AA a monthly fee to do this! This is disgusting service and we are really heartbroken. We have so far to travel. I work in London on weekends and need the car which we now have to take the train every Saturday. My girlfriend has had to pay for 2 buses and 2 trains every day to work, we cant get shopping or Xmas presents unless we use public transport and the reason why we have a car is because we don’t want to take public transport, we have no sense of freedom. We are paying the AA still for services we are not getting and £85 insurance a MONTH and the car is sitting in their care still with nothing being done. We are so fed up! We are taking this further and we are contacting the financial-ombudsman, Watch dog and have created our own facebook page, posting on every website there is and posting this out to our 15 000 facebook members we have for our events we run. Is there anything else that you can recommend to help people stay away from joining the AA. Sorry for the bad spelling/grammer
  25. Hi from a CAG virgin. I have a company in liquidation after our largest client went bankrupt owing us £150k and want to include a van in the liquidation. The hire agreement says the 'hirer' is my company and therefor as far as I was led to believe a company hire agreement. They (Leaseplan UK) say this is a personal Hire Agreement which is regulated by the Consumer Credit Act 1974. Who could I send this to for confirmation. Local solicitors want £600 to read a 5 page document. There is about £7000 redemption on the vehicle or 2 years to pay £235/month. Love the site and hope to be active in it. i will certainly donate regards Ian
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