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Found 9 results

  1. Hi, I have a question regarding my credit file & 4 Lowell accounts which were closed as a "goodwill gesture" due to my ongoing mental health illness. Due to them constantly contacting me via telephone and threatening letters, I contacted them first email to request they stop contacting me via my telephone and also to try and setup some kind of affordable repayment plan to clear these accounts. I also explained my health circumstances and my very low income. They requested I complete a income/expenditure and some proof of my illness. I replied with my doctor's report and explained I will send a income / expenditure form once I have some advice from the National Debtline. One of the accounts was being administered by BWLegal who had issued a warrant of control which Lowell advised would be stopped and they would take over the account. A few weeks later, Lowell wrote to me to explain all accounts have been closed and no further action will be taken to collect any outstanding amounts. (Although they didn't inform the bailiff who turned up at my door and left a card, but having spoken to him he is now aware the debt has been cancelled, so all good) Should all these closed accounts (all equal around £1500 combined) be updated as "closed" on my credit file? Obviously I realise defaults / and the 1 CCJ remain on file for 6 years, but should the other accounts be listed as closed rather than as still active with there outstanding balance? (which they presently are) Lowell closed the accounts about 6 weeks ago, which did surprise me but obviously took a weight of my mind. Due my present circumstances I obviously won't be applying for any credit etc for some time, so I'm not too bothered about my credit file status but I like to make sure information on it is kept up to date nonetheless. Any advice appreciated, thanks
  2. Hi, I rented car via Ryan Air for a holiday in Italy. Long and short is the Italian representative at the car hire firm wanted to charge me for an upgrade as they did not have the car I ordered and also would not accept my credit card as security for the hire as I did not know the PIN (they wanted to charge the upgrade cost). So the rental did not go ahead, they refused. I then rented car from another well known provider in the same area who happily used my card without the PIN to process a new rental After complaining to Ryan Air, they have sent me: "As you did not know the PIN, there is no refund due in this instance. However, we can appreciate that your placement fee for this booking was quite high and so I have now proposed a partial refund of £178.93 as a gesture of good will." This is £100 short of the fee I paid. My question is, is it worth pursuing via small claims court or accepting the above ?
  3. Hey, I apologise if this does not belong in this particular sub forum! More than likely I can't do this, but if you've previously accepted a 'gesture of goodwill' payment to settle a complaint... can you actually turn around and say I no longer accept this as a settlement, return the payment to the creditor? Some of these payments made to me are now quite old, but I did accept a recent payment only a week or so ago... This was/is mainly connected to payday loan companies... as i've already raised the issue of unaffordable lending, continued borrowing etc and settled they won't investigate. I made a massive mistake accepting small 'gesture of goodwill' payments, and now the FOS will not investigate updated complaints because of this! It certainly is another lesson learned!
  4. Good Evening all, I was after some advice on if you think I could reclaim the late payment charges / over limit charges on an old credit card ? To cut a long story short I had a Halifax credit card running from 2002 - 2010 that I got into difficulty with, eventually running up an outstanding balance of £11,800 After many sleepless nights, countless number of letters back and forth, many requests for the singed original CCA, many threatening letters and a lot of advice from the CAG I eventually managed to get the debt written off, well not written off as such, Halifax made a gesture of goodwill payment of the full outstanding balance Yes that's right £11,800 paid by them as a "gesture of goodwill" This was all back in 2010 and I left it at that Anyway with all the PPI stuff going around I though I would check to see if the policy ever had PPI (via SAR) which it did not, but there are quite a lot of over limit charges and late payment charges so I have filled in the compound interest calculator and it amounts to over £6,500 Do you think it would be cheeky to request these charges back ?
  5. I am looking for advice regarding a gesture of good will from RBS . The original complaint was turned down twice by RBS their reason was non advised sale , it was a credit card . . However I referred the claim to the Financial Ombudsman who contacted me by phone and said that RBS were now willing to uphold my claim and would be in touch . 6 weeks later I have received a cheque for £800 as a gesture of goodwill. Can anyone advise whether I should accept this or try and get a fairer redress . I think the total due to me should be around £2000 by my calculation . Any advice would be appreciated . Thanks in advance
  6. After complaining for over a year to British Airways about numerous issues with my round the world ticket in business class in various destinations where I incurred a lot of phone charges, stress and anxiety, they offered me a gesture of goodwill, a free return 1st class ticket anywhere in the world with no expiry date. Unfortunately, I have lost the letter with this offer but I have exact dates of each correspondence with them and my correspondence sent to them with names of CEO and the person who made this offer to me. Now, they are denying an evidence of this whole issue and not willing to honour the gesture of goodwill. Please can anybody tell me where I stand legally? In advance, thanks for any help.
  7. Hi all, this is my first post and may be a bit long winded so please bear with me. I complained to RBS about PPI on the 21/04/13 on a Mint c/c that I took out in Dec 2003 and 8 wks later received a reply along these lines, You will be pleased to know I have finished my review into your concerns about your PPI. Your concerns are important to us. In the circumstances, as a goodwill gesture and without admission of liability the bank is prepared to make you the offer set out below. To cut a long story short they go on to offer me £888.62 broken down as follows... Refund of premiums paid between 13 Dec 03 and 13 Jan 09 £532.43 Compound interest on premiums based on unterest rate charged on c/c £93.61 Total £626.04 Gross interest @ FOS rate £328.23 Less tax at 20% £65.65 Net interest £262.58 Total offer £888.62. Now, I have only just paid off an outstanding balance of £105 which has been there since Jan 2009 (messy reasons, business going belly up, divorce etc) but not sure this is relevant! On receiving this offer I phoned RBS and asked for a breakdown as it was a bit confusing how they had calculated it and this week I received said breakdown which showed nothing but the premiums id paid each month, so after searching this site for relevant calculators I did my own calculation. Using the FOSCISheet v101 for the compound interest, at 18.9% APR it calculated it at £1757.88, lots more than the £93.61 RBS have offered. So today I phoned them again to point this out to them and a young lady told me I had 2 options if I didnt agree with their offer. 1/ Provide proof that I had paid more interest than they had offered, or 2/ Take it to the FSO. I asked how I could prove it and she told me to provide bank statements which would show the ammount of interest paid!!! When I pointed out that bank statements would only show the single ammount paid off against the card and wouldnt show interest, she just said take it to the FSO!!! Now my question is do I accept the offer of £888.62 or do I take it to the FSO based on the FSO spreadsheet calculation being so much higher than RBS offer? Any help and advice would be appreciated and again I apologise for the long post. Claygo
  8. It's quite a long story so I apologise now for that. Maybe it will help someone else out there though. I found that I had PPI on my account in 2006 and cancelled it. I didn't know I had it before that time as I was an idiot back then and didn't open my statements for years because I was scared of my balance. I just kept paying the minimum amount and kept my head buried in the sand. In 2006 a good friend told me some home truths about my debts and made me sort myself out. So I cancelled the PPI when I opened my statements and found it. then I went into an arrangement with Barclaycard where I would pay just 1% interest. This was then restored to normal interest in January this year as my balance is now £650 and I am no longer in difficulty. Anyway when all the PPI thing blew up the the media it struck a chord with me because I couldn't remember that I had applied for it or discussed it with anyone. So I wrote to Barclaycard asking for a copy of my original application. They sent me a copy of the form I signed in 1991 when I opened the account. There was no mention of PPI anywhere on it. I then filled in the PPI questionnaire and sent off my complaint in January last year. By the end of July last year I received a rejection letter from Barclaycard claiming that I had ticked the box on the postal application form. This did not concur with the copy that they had sent me. My Card was upgraded from a standard card to a Gold card some time around 1998 give or take a year. They asked me and at the time I thought it was a good idea so I accepted. I still have no recollection of PPI being discussed or applied for but I wonder if it was at this point that it was added. After the rejection I sent a complaint to the FOS in August last year. In November they called me and said that Barclaycard would make a goodwill offer of a full refund of all PPI payments plus 8% simple interest. I was very pleased with this outcome. In January this year I received a letter from the FOS confirming what they had said to me on the phone in November. Then I heard nothing until this morning (7th March) when the letter arrived from Barclaycard with the offer. Sadly two years ago my Girlfriend made me get rid of a load of stuff I was hoarding when we moved in together. This included shreading all the Barclaycard statements I had saved over the years. In hindsight a very bad move. I remember the last PPI payment I made in 2006 was around £25. My card was always maxed out and they kept increasing my limit. Sadly I cant prove anything now! Today's offer was as follows: Refund of PPI Payments: £1217.28 Refund of interest charged on premiums: £237.63 8% simple interest: £863.49 Total: £2318.40 I'm sure I'm due more than this but due to the big shred-fest I haven't a leg to stand on so I guess I should be grateful for that! Lessons learned: Keep your records because you never know! Open your statements and study them! Don't be afraid of your debts, free help is available, do it now! Read everything (even the small print) before you sign it!
  9. Hi all, Got an interesting one here. I bought a VW about 18months ago now. At the time of purchase I queried the service history as it looked like it hadnt been serviced within the manufacturers timescales. The dealer said that it had and I got him to confirm that to me in writing. I am now in a position where the car has developed a fault and it is just outside of its warranty. On speaking to VW UK they advise that they would not get involved in a goodwill repair because it missed its first service interval. Therefore I can only conclude that I have been mis-sold the vehicle and have solid evidence to prove this. My intention will be to write to the dealer asking for a) it to be repaired at their cost - but also the service history is now worthless and also VW would normally consider my vehicle for goodwill cover for another 2 years which they will now not do due to the service history issue. I was also therefore going to ask for a) free service for 2 years as service history is worthless and b) extended warranty to cover the 2 years that VW would consider goodwill for. The alternative option I would accept is a full refund. My question is a) is this the right approach and b) am I asking for enough/too much or what? Many thanks, JChaplin
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